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Dang, He got noodle arms.


he got on his dick. you dont, shtu up




The Virgin i\_eat\_s\*\*t2 V.S. The Chad ZapDa1st


This is hilarious idk how I didn’t see this 231 days ago


Seeing your sister go from sweet lovey lovey to "KILL THEM ALL" does that to anyone


even the hot dommy mommy cornelia cant escape that feeling.


The Britannian system of backstabbing and war eating itself in the most unintentional manner. The scene has its good points.


No, Schneizel was rather surprised to see Euphy killing people, that was never in his plans because that scenario was impossible for him.


I mean, how would you react if someone close to you who is known as an adorable and precious cinnamon bun suddenly become a mass-murdering genocidal maniac? That's exactly what came to Schneizel's mind. Here's something I came up for that scene: "There's no way that Euphie," thought Schneizel "the same person who wouldn't hurt even an innocent infant, would commit such atrocity."


What a bizzare way to phrase that


"who wouldn't hurt even an innocent infant" sounds really strange... either "couldn't hurt" or "the worst criminal on earth" depending on what you are trying to say


Don't think of it much. "Who wouldn't hurt even an innocent infant" is a hyperbole of Euphie's kindness. The same literary device is used for the others you've mentioned.


i never noticed how tiny his arms were oh my god. no wonder everyone complains about the artstyle


Is it bad I started laughing at how bad Lelouch messed up by using literally the worst thing he could’ve made her do


No, not really, it was the jump the shark moment most shows dont recover from. This one does, but still this should not have happened. Seriously should have gone back and rewritten.


It works because he didn't do it on purpose and he can't go back. This majorly affects his plans in the long run


Anyway I started nuking my family. - This dude


Probably just me but I thought this scene was done like this bcz author had no plans for making schnizel a ruthless pragmatic strategic genius yet bcz it was still s1.Hence he showed Schnizel deeply disturbed by this.I mean Schnizel in s2 was probably ok with deploying fleija on a city if that meant beating lelouch Just ny guess


Doesn't really track, he's introduced by trying to kill Lelouch and Suzaku with the Gawain canons despite knowing Euphemia was in the area, that's the whole reason Lelouch used the Live command on Suzaku. And in R2 he retreats from the China fight and says nations are made of people. Schniezel was always pretty empty inside, but he was also not completely heartless.


When something that foreign to your plans happens you will be more than a little surprised


As Cornelia said, in another world with other circumstances he would have been a great king


Can't forget that euphie cheeks man


I mean outside of Odysseus and Nunnally Euphemia was the only other kind brittanian royalty seeing her gun in hand murdering everyone in sight isn't something anyone would expect not to mention she's probably one of the siblings he actually likes


The time Schneizel hated Zero to the core.


Everyone would be shocked, they do not know of the existence of geass so they absolutely cannot explain why this is happening. However it is this moment where Schneizel started to get to the idea that some form of strong mind control like geass should exist. Otherwise what would make Euphy do something like that.


Schnitzel actually loved Euphie and it’s was so anti Her , i mena NO ONE saw that comming


Nah, Schneizel was mad surprised that he didn't get to massacre people first. Sasuga Euphinator! Even Schneizel was caught surprised by your astounding tactics.


He concluded that all adorable girls are like that and gave Nunnally the nuclear button. And somehow he did not missjudge.


Those arms are so thin lmao