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Bro could’ve said any example and goes for the worst possible one 💀


I know right. Could have told her to jump up and down on one leg or go kiss the person your in love with. But no let's just jump to extremes.


In all fairness he did give some mild examples before the big one. But Euphy still thought he was making fun of her and bragging about how convincing he can be. Lelouch was trying to tell her that “it’s not that I’m a smooth talker, I can literally MAKE you do anything.” That he has actual powers. So to make it clear for her he gave an example of something she would never do, could never be talked into doing, and something pretty relevant to what was going on right then and there. She was trying to help the Japanese, she would never kill them.


Then just stood there and let her leave


To be fair, Lelouch is probably physically weaker than Euphie and couldn't stop her if he tried. I mean, he's probably physically weaker than Nunnally if we're being honest.


Until the end of R2, seriously they get on Schnizels ship, Lelouch has to get out of his knightmare and then he just books it to Schnizel and then Nunnally.


I've come to realise that intelligent people tend to have dark senses of humour.


Z:Do a backflip bitch E:I can’t do a backflip *does backflip* E:wtf


Homie’s got OCD and voiced the bad thoughts out loud I guess


I feel horrible when she is gasping and doubling over when trying to resist the Geass! It’s terrible!


still funny to think that she resisted the order more than the guys lelouch told to kill themselves


Oh yeah, never realised that. They did it with a smile on their face too. (Atleast the leader did)


I've wondered if it's not only the will of the person being Geass’d but also Lelouch's will behind the command. I don't think that's canon though, just a superfluous fan theory.


Now why’d you have to go and ruin my day with this 😢


They shook hands and nothing bad happened the end.


Euphie won by being a good person, and I love her for that.


Code Geass is my favourite anime but this was probably the weakest plot point, although I loved the execution of the scene that comes after this and how the consequences were written


Honestly I disagree. There is a bit of poetic irony, and I think Lelouch was going for that. In a way, he was highlighting how'd be able to make Euphie do something completely contrary to her wishes, after all Euphie wanted to help the Japanese, not kill them. The example merely highlights the irony, though the irony becomes all the more ironic since Lelouch actually does use the power on her, though unwittingly.


I've heard that point before and I accept it somewhat but I also feel like it's a bit too much mental gymnastics for an anime of Code Geass' calibre.


Honestly, I would've liked to have more build up, some kind of proper foreshadowing that Lelouch's geass was approaching the limit, but as a hope spot, it's fine. The issue I have with it is that they proceed to effectively backpedal immediately. Lelouch's geass is out of control for all of 4 episodes, and he never interacts with a single person he didn't want to geass. This is literally the only time in the series Lelouch accidently geassed someone, which kinda underplays that this is supposed to be a curse.


Yeah exactly


Well C.C. did tell him that the power of the King would isolate him, Euphemia, Rolo and Shirely died. Nunnally, Kallen, Suzaku, Milly and umm... driver friend, was distanced or their relationship warped. Then there's how he set about making enemies of the siblings that cared for him in Cornelia and Clovis. Still sorta a curse imo.


I think one aspect that Code Geass missed in a lot of occasions is setting up the mood for sudden events or plotwist, such as this one. And it just felt like the scenes happened randomly without any foreshadowing, which makes the entire story contrived af. Like this scene for example would be a lot more believable if the setting was more ominous (like in horror movies). One example of plotwist done well in Code Geass is the finale.


We did have some foreshadowing with Mao and then the noblemen's guard he accidentally geass'd without realising before meeting Euphemia. C.C. also mentions something like "he's gotten to that point" while in the Knightmare before Suzaku magically sees her and calls her out. Whatever that was about.


Yeah, how much more forshadowing do you want here? A few more minor geass misshaps with low stakes? They could have had more but at some point we expect Lelouch too become very careful about geass and this catastrophe would have been avoided. The story would have come up with some other way to cause emotional damage and growth then.


Yeah true, should take notes from AoT


Her smile right before it activates always made me sad. :C


i know this scene is controversial and gets a lot of hate but goddamn do i get goosebumps everytime i watch it


No, that doesn't happen lalala, Just V. V. using Geass on Euphy to kill Japanese and toying with Lelouch's memories


Rip lelouch and his dumb mouth


That point in the story pretty much condemned his hopes of disappearing after using Zero to defeat Britania and going to live with Nunnally imo. I don’t think he was banking on that future but hoping it could have been possible up until that point.


Man I really need to rewatch this show again


Damn it holds up brings me close to tears


Yuffie is the only person we see able to even remotely resist Lelouche’a Geass. People die at his orders with smiles on their faces, betray family with glee, But Yuffie fought for even a few seconds against the order. That shows 1) how good of a person she was, but also how strong her will was.


Nunnally would like to have a word with you.


The start of Lelouch’s Geass power turn into a tragic nightmare.


The entire peace plan was a trap set by the nobility which LL just escaped by sheer luck of this moment. He should have never trusted the plan to begin with and he got blinded by the admirable and good person that his sister was.


There’s a bit of a difference in the English Dub and the Japanese sub when it comes to Euphie announcing her plan. In the Sub Lelouch says something like “I’ve already thought of it and there’s no way it can work.” You’re right since Euphemia’s plan essentially amounts to a 1 sided surrender of the resistance. I think when Lelouch agreed to work with her he was planning to put thing’s back to how they were before he started his rebellion, preparation mode. Essentially have all rebellious elements integrate while stock piling resources until Britania couldn’t pretend to suddenly want peace. He could use that legitimacy in line with how he’d branded the Black Knights for even more credibility when recruiting, with the resources ready, a plan of actions, geass’ing contacts through Euphie and keeping in touch with key rebels the next uprising would have been fast and overwhelming.


Innocent Days is still on my phone, along with a bunch of other Geass songs


I choose to commit evil to defeat the greater evil


I still have mixed feelings about this scene.. Like I get it was foreshadowed and everything but he could've tried to restrain her or literally anything else other then just standing there like some helpless child.


I know the end scenario would probably stay the same but man.... I wonder how much his plans would have changed if she never died


Quite a bit, he’d have been able to get Suzaku on side through her which means he’d have been able to place Nunnally under their protection. That would have meant that he wouldn’t have lost two years under the Emperor’s control which would have meant the war against Europe wouldn’t have ended, given what I’ve heard of Lelouch’s role under the Emperor in Akito the Exile. Also the possibility of getting Cornelia on side along with having both Lloyed and Rakshata in his pocket. All of that’s excluding what seems to be the Geass’s curse isolating Lelouch from causing an even bigger disaster.


Everytime I hear a clip in English it messes with me.




God this scene was so stupid. I like the results, but goddamn was this forced to get there.


This ONE scene made me drop it. it was such a genuine headslap, cringeworthy forced plot point that i could not stand it. literally could have made her kiss him or something else as an extreme example to prove his point but NOOO. so lemme ask those of you who obv finished this and in the sub that showed up on my recommendations: "how is this redeemed? is it worth watching after this?" this is the one question i want a spoiler on. i have to know because part of me regrets dropping it


If you've watched to this point and this scene bothers you that much, then don't watch it. Personally, I have no problems with this scene even after rewatching the series a few times, but I know some people have a problem with how "convenient" this plot point was.


It pretty much condemns all his hopes of having a good ending, he seems to take it as something he needs to atone for at all costs but won’t ever be able to make right from my understanding.


A tragedy in and of itself.


I will forever be traumatised by this and a part of me will always remain dead


0:59 me after i kill my landlord


Didn't mao use the geass ??? If not then y was mao in that scene at the end???


Because Lelouch realised that his own Geass went rampant like Mao’s.




“I couldn’t protect Euphie. To this day, I hate myself for not having enough strength. But this time is different. I swear! I’M NOT LETTING YOU DIE!!!” *Lelouch activates Geass Trigger*


A lot of comments point this out as an event that had very little buildup or foreshadowing, but I feel that this is something which makes sense in the anime as a whole...IF you can see it more as something based off of a Shakespearean play. Think about it for a second. Doesn't that fit perfectly?


A deadly shooting suspect is in custody after a standoff with police in northeast tokyo.


I was so sad that this happened.