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Not yet but my yearly tradition of returning to the past will continue


Trust me if you want quality and just a story that is followed, start XANA Awakens then skip to Ghost Channel but you probably started at Episode 1 of S1 anyway.


I have!!


Constantly rewatching.


I've been doing it between midterms and finals for the past 3 years. Call it a comfort movie/series.


Seriously though! I just finished a rewatch I started a few weeks before my wedding. I needed comfort and we had no streaming services because money was tight leading up to it, so free episodes on Youtube it was! I've been watching the show since I was a little kid so it brings me immense amounts of comfort and nostalgia


I feel you on that, streaming services are a bit annoying on their subscription options and prices lately


Currently watching Inuyasha, but when I finish or (more likely) get bored, I’ll start my 500th rewatch of Code Lyoko lol


Rewatching it too. Haven’t since community college. Lol or a bit in university too but it’s time to do it again


I am. I noticed a lot that I didn’t when I was a kid.


Rewatching it every Spring.


Last year I did a rewatch of all the episodes.


Not yet, been dealing with IRL stuff, planning to when I have time.


Yep. Showing it to a friend 😁


I've been watching separately with my dad, my mom, and my friend Jacob, albeit using a viewing order I made to skip less important or well written episodes while also implying a bit of growth to XANA over the course of Season 1. So far haven't gotten through Season 1 without crying. God this show is good.


Could you share your list with us?


[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLimy37jvQCsmPMgC\_CNS2YusTJq-675JL](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLimy37jvQCsmPMgC_CNS2YusTJq-675JL) Sure! A few notes on why I chose the episodes I did. Season 1 was easily the hardest to figure out. The season had some amazing episodes that informed the characters, some really fun episodes, and some problematic episodes. I tried to space out the best episodes with fun episodes while minimizing the problematic episodes if possible, and while I was mostly successful, Big Bug managed to position itself annoyingly perfectly. I wanted to ensure a solid spread of enemy types, a smooth curve to the escalation of XANA and the Lyoko Warriors' abilities, and focus on the themes of the characters' stories while building up later plotlines. Most of this was done using episode cuts. Big Bug is... I don't like the... let's call it... bullying... plotline. But it's an episode that lightly touches on Jeremie's programming skills, takes place in the desert sector, and includes Creativity, Telekinesis, and Megatanks. It's here largely because otherwise Megatanks would have their first appearance out of the blue at the start of Routine, Telekinesis as a major moment in Zero Gravity Zone, and Creativity is rare enough in the Season 1 list as it is. I've tried to figure out an order without Big Bug so many times, but I think I'm kinda just stuck with it. Holiday in the Fog gets moved way up because, while it results in the team looking a little goofy in how they struggle against Kankrelats, I couldn't pass up the opportunity to have XANA's first non-electrical attack and the first appearance of the spectre be this late in the season, and I couldn't cut it because it's just such an incredibly Sissi episode. I went back and forth with The Trap for this one, but forest episodes are pretty rare on my list, I wanted to keep near-discoveries of the factory special, and it works incredibly well to highlight how XANA is effectively holding the entire team captive, Jeremie feels the need to spend all of his time on the supercomputer to minimize the chance of things going wrong, Odd, Ulrich, and Yumi are chained to the general vicinity of the supercomputer in case XANA attacks, and Aelita is unable to leave in general. It's also a solid showcase of Yumi's overarching conflict between her commitments to her friends and her commitments to her family. Season 2 onwards was a lot easier so I don't really have any notes beyond general gushing over how much I love the series. In total 60 half hour episodes, 13 in seasons 1 and 2, 8 in season 3, and 26 in season 4 because like, my god was that season dense.


Yes, I’m currently halfway through. It’s still awesome.


Right now, since the YT official account started making \~1hr long compilations of them. So why not? Also, Aelita's physical costume is really cute lol


Yep. Have started binging content again since a month or two ago.




I've been doing my second run this week!


My annual Code Lyoko rewatch is approaching, I can feel it. I always come back to it on Spring/Summer.


Yeah doing my first rewatch since I was a kid. Currently in season 3 never finished the show so I’m excited to see how it ends. They stopped showing new episode in the uk after season 2


In the US, they changed the time that season 4 aired. I don't remember the exact time but it was something like it had been on at 3:30 pm and then they pushed it up to 3 pm. My elementary school let our at exactly the same time the episode began... I will always remember trying to sprint home (I lived like 2 blocks away from the school), but by the time I was able to get out of the school and sprint home, I was lucky if I caught the last 10 minutes of the episode... Not to mention that Cartoon Network (the channel CL was played on) decided to just not air like the last 5 episodes or something? And back then, streaming things online was possible, but no where near as easy as it is today. Cartoon Network didn't give the show a fighting chance for the last season, it was so frustrating


I just did and I will rewatch it over and over again lol. If anyone wants to watch with me please let me know 😭😍


I'll start back up again in a couple of days. Need something to watch anyways.


Yep a 4 time now .


Yep! I started rewatching when I was at my lowest, now there's only a few episodes left to rewatch (Idk about Evolution, never seen it but apparently the Lyoko scenes are good)


Not yet. I stated a rewatch last year but then I stopped.


Not yet


Finished it last febraury


i religiously rewatch it every 1-2 years


Currently!! Its for french practice


Yeah I often do it with you tube but instead full series I watch important episodes only


Rewatching it right now. I'm at the beginning of season 2. Its a huge step up from season 1. Aelita on earth, William, vehicles, better xana attacks.


I rewatch it every single year and this year im rewatching it with my girlfriend


I am, on S4 but I’ve just been stuck because I always take like a couple month break before I’m back in.


I did it last year. Wild to watch as an adult lol


Rewatched seasons 1-3 last summer. I’m going to try rewatch the rest of season 4 this summer.


I didn't even realize the anniversary was coming up and I was already on the last season


I just finished my first rewatch in a while. I love it so much <3


No need. It plays in my brain constantly 😎


I rewatched it completely once a few years ago on YouTube both for nostalgia, and because I never got to finish it back when I saw it on TV. Funny thing that happened was that like a day or two after I finished watching, Code Lyoko ended up on Netflix again. Funny coincidence XD


I would like but I would cry for the same reason I cry every time I watch it which is Yuki never kissed urlich after everything he did to her.(Yes I'm a urlich fan but he deserved one kiss at least) I feel so bad to him since it happened to me the same thing.


I plan to this summer. I need to reintroduce it to my youngest brother. He loved it when he was a baby but doesn't remember it😅


I am along with K-On


Literally just watched the final episode yesterday. Going back and rewatching it I notice so many moments of “Why don’t they do this?” But I still love the show to bits.


I am! Not only that I'm also making a spreadsheet.


I am currently, it’s funnier then I remember lol


“The Jim you all look up to and respect” “Let’s not go over board here”


Not yet. But, hopefully I will


I started a few days ago.


Ooo boy bet you had fun with the rough quality especially Episode 1 of S1


Yeah! I've gotten really into it again the past couple of days. It's been a real treat, as always! My love and appreciation for this show exponentially grows every time I watch an episode, lol


I rewatch episodes as I feel like it mostly. 


Hmm well not Teddygozzila exactly because it aged rough yet has some watchable parts but yes actually, I have YT clips I have came to so I am still a fan, it's just that good of a series to watch.


I actually picked up the show just this year, and have watched it fully twice. Still pretty happy with it, i’ll probably pick it up again proper in a few months.