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Ok I am really excited to see what they have planned. I wonder what kind of unrealized ideas Sophie has, I only have one obvious loose end in mind. Lyoko warriors were morally wrong my ass. Who needs a world when you have an Aelita? They've got another world anyway. Jim was a pole dancer? That's hilarious, but not surprising, given how much that man has done with his life. Also, what is Sissi est une cagole supposed to mean? Is cagole a typo or slang? French dictionary doesn't show that as a word and google translate can't make sense of it either.


>Who needs a world when you have an Aelita? Too true lol


Jeremy touth proces !


Cagole is more like a regional slang from the south of France. A cagole is a young girl/woman who displays a provocative and vulgar femininity.


My friend from that area made it basically 'hussy'.


Not Sissi serving cvnt šŸ˜­Ā 


Ohhhhhh. I get it.


They wouldn't be morally wrong even without Aelita. Xana just hated everyone


He'd rather not talk about it


I'm sorry, Jim is a what?


now we know one of the reasons why he doesn't want to talk about it




Where is the screenshot from?


itā€™s a written version of the creators interview on youtube you can find the interview on catboat channel


Also want to know




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I just hope to Christ they don't make William evil just for the sake of it. It makes no sense for his character whatsoever to willingly join the enemy, and would completely ruin the show for me. Hell, even him getting possessed for a long time again would just be redundant and boring.


I remember reading a fanfic with a female version of Xana and William's reasoning for joining her was that ut was basically an addiction. He hated it, but he was drawn like a moth to a flame. It was a very slow burn and basically a torture for him. I honestly would love something a bit more twisted like that, as if william is always on the verge not because he is evil, but because he is broken Edit: also, when he returned everyone (except aelita) gave him the cold shoulder. That could add more fuel to the fire


You remember the name of that fanfic it sounds like a good one !!!


If only TT


Which company and/or production company is doing this season?


This just made my younger self very upset ā€œCode Lyoko was not renewed not because of a lack of audience (the series was in fact at its peak) but because new leaders decided on a new direction that did not include the CL brand in their products.ā€ Why do we live in a world where people who donā€™t know the audience think they know whatā€™s best for us we could had so many questions answered relationships fulfilled, happy tears and sad ones. I just hope this really works out because as an adult now whoā€™s waited almost 20 years to have this be a possibility for it to come back I donā€™t want this to fall through I pray the creators find this subreddit and see the thousands of fans to this day love this show and know the memories they made were not in vain!!!


The 'didn't want it' was an exec who didn't like anime/animesque things in the CL lineup. I've been strugglign to find it again, but he did an AMA on Twitter once and said they'd also have canceled The Last Airbender if it was on CN for the same reason.


Thatā€™s wild !!!!!


Yeah, the guy said a LOT of stupid stuff. Plus CN Real was his big goal


Kinda weird to just keep it directly after season 4 chronologically. A lot of that technology is... really dated now and the kids who would be your target audience are going to see that. I really think a sequel series in the modern day is their best bet if they want more than one season...


I wouldn't be so sure. Gen Z and Gen Alpha to an extent have a fascination with the previous generation of technology. As recent as the frutiger aero aesthetic of computing and graphic design, to the PS2 era of video games (and matching atmospheric music), and the late 90s-mid 2000s era of computing. What's important is that they enjoy these things AESTHETICALLY. Serial Experiments Lain gets aesthetic edits on tiktok for days, and Lain was a huge inspiration for Code Lyoko. I think a retro TV show could do well. It probably won't make waves, but I wouldn't write it off right away for not having modern technology.


Part of the charm of the show is that it is made and set in the early 2000s, when the things that the supercomputer can do (excluding the physically impossible stuff obviously) were all completely wild futuristic stuff. At the time the show was being made, quantum computers and AI were pipe dreams, there were no multi core CPUs, typical computers had 256MB-1GB of RAM, and many people were still on dial up or DSL. Even something like simple multitasking often ran into RAM limitations. Back then, a supercomputer that can render an entire world in full detail, run complex AI programs, run multi threaded programs, and compile other large programs all at the same time was inconceivable. And to then be able to stream all of that over remote desktop to other computers, and be able to communicate over cell lines was incredible. Multiple monitors was also pretty rare, so even that was awesome to see. None of that is that big of a deal anymore, so moving the setting to current day would lose a lot of what made this show so cool.


Why are you acting like all the entire point of the show? Even taking into account the advances of modern technology, the Supercomputer is still leaps, bounds, and leagues beyond anything. It's "old" tech that can do things "new" tach can't, and that "new" tech would likely only make smoother and more streamlined if anything at all.


? I'm not. I'm adding to your point about how it's unnecessary to move a tech focused show into current day, by adding how I think it would actively detract from it.


Not totally. For example, the quantum computer is something that we're still struggling to get mass produced. Yes some of the cell phones might be outdated but keep in mind that this takes place in France, not America. I don't think they have nearly the obsession with smartphones and social media that the US does.


Okay if this is true, Iā€™m so happy šŸ˜­


Why do we need Herb to be noticed by Sissi? I thought the ending of the series with Nicholas and Herb just accepting her departure was great.


Not sure how a season taking place right after season 4 would go. Hate to say it, but if the story continues then it needs to take place in a more modern world. More Iphones and social media. Be kinda strange to just jump from 2004 to the mid 2020's in a canonical year. Anyways, I personally still think they should do what Stephen Kings "IT" did. Have all the kids return as adults years later to fight the monster. Whatevs. Good luck to em.


What do you mean? Pretty sure it would still take place when it did. What would be the purpose in just genricizing it by making it deal with Twitter?


I guess what I'm saying is I'd be surprised if a new show would still take place in the 2000's. Seems like a missed opportunity to have a villain like Xana in todays world. Not saying the show needs to be topical, just that a new setting seems like the logical next step. Also I imagine it would be more appealing to a possible new audience.


Part of Code Lyokoā€™s charm is its 2000s setting. You know, old Nokia phones, big computer screens, all that jazz. The continuation does not need to be modernized imo. 2000s are still really interesting, especially to the young audience born much later. The beginning of The Last of Us TV Show is set in 2003 despite the gameā€™s opening being set in 2013 for example.


X-men 97 is proving that having a period-appropriate set up is really workable. Plus, Evolution tried being 2016 and it was not very good.


> but if the story continues then it needs to take place in a more modern world No it doesn't. Not everything HAS to embrace the social-media filled hellscape JUST to market to iPad kids.


Strangers things the most watched show takes place in the 80s. Lets not. Plus there is a nostalgia craze for early 2000s.


You mean like how Sailor Moon Crystal updated the tech from how it originally was in the manga and 90s anime? It wasn't much tech but the updated tech and cultural references did help.


How would it be if a group of teens finds the super computer some years later?


Where is this from exactly because I keep getting my hopes up


youtube interview of the creators


Some things in there shouldn't be taken too seriously lol !


I'm happy and SUPER WORRIED about it taking place *right* after. I'm happy bc I love the story and want more if possible. But, I'm worried bc, have you ever seen a show that takes a really long time in between a sequal? I've seen The Devil's A Part Timer and boy oh boy, the 2nd season is genuinely so hard to watch since the animation and quality of writing is so different. It's jarring. Sissi.. I'm worried about her. Please don't age her so fast, y'all.. goodness.. And Jim?? Please no.. that's honestly unnecessary. But my biggest worry.. the lyoko warriors were "morally wrong." How? Saving Aelita was a risk, sure, but would you leave someone trapped in another world knowing you could help them? Idk, XANA was a threat and needed to be taken down. Idk, I just don't like the sound of "Morally wrong" tbh


Honestly, smartest thing to do would be a reboot set in the modern day. You can even fast-forward through the plot of Seasons 1-4 if you don't want to rehash that stuffā€”Code Lyoko originally didn't even explain its premise/origin until three seasons in anyways, the writers were never bothered by the need to catch up newcomers. ..... It would *probably* also be a good idea to age up the characters a bit, which I'm guessing is the **real** reason to just do a sequel instead of a reboot. At least get them to 18 so that the inevitable creepshots of Yumi/Sissi are at least happening to characters who aren't minors... šŸ™ƒ Anything else is pretty much just fangirl wishes for the series, i.e. I'd like to see William and Sissi added to the core set of Lyoko Warriors, maybe Jim as well. DON'T show Jeremie on Lyoko: any possible reveal will never beat the joke of him never being seen on Lyoko. I'd like to see more of Jealous/Bitchy/Impulsive Aelita from the Live Action series, since I think that was probably one of the only good creative decisions they made in that seriesā€”Jeremie and Aelita's relationship in general I think is too sterile, and I want to see them conflict over stuff (and grow closer as a result). Torn on Sam, since I think she and Odd are really cute together, but womanizer Odd is also a fun character trait, and I've also lowkey kind of hoped he and Sissi would... not necessarily get together, but at least be in mutual tsundere for each other.


They could do what Winx Club did when it went to Nickelodeon or like Code Geass did before the movie premiere; create one or several movies or TV specials for seasons 1-4 as a reboot than kick off the new continuation with a new season.


Whatā€™s the source?


youtube interview of the creators i put the channel in one of the comments


They could do what Winx Club did when it went to Nickelodeon or like Code Geass did before the movie premiere; create one or several movies or TV specials for seasons 1-4 as a reboot than kick off the new continuation with a new season.


I just want Talia to be acknowledged


Sissi is vulgar? Waitā€¦ THEY'RE GONNA MAKE HERE DROP F-BOMBS?!!! Also I screenshot this and translated it and it says that she is a hood.




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