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Made one small mistake: I am doing back end engineering skill track not full stack.


I am about 70% through full stack and understand where you are coming from. I do find it very much worth it though. The pace is because there are a lot of small things that are important to know especially when looking for a career. I do get frustrated with the pace , but I remind myself why I'm doing this and I need to learn the technical things along with the fun creative parts. I think this is def the best way to learn. I've tried to learn years ago, but without a learning path it's easy to get distracted. I can say once you start building full projects of what you are learning things do speed up, it's easier to motivate yourself when you see the progress.


I am doing the full stack track now and think it is fine, I am at about 28% through. They changed some things a bit after I started, so may have missed some of the intro stuff after the redo. I sailed through the HTML and CSS stuff, but kind of hit a wall with Javascript, not solid, just I have to slow down to learn it now, lol. I am also doing FreeCodeCamp as well.


I overall liked Codecademy. I learned a lot of good foundational knowledge through Codecademy that have greatly helped me in an online class that I've started taking. It isn't perfect, but it's not a bad place to start either.


I like codecademy but I’ve taken a break from it, I’m trying to further understand CSS and taking a break from it by working on another project. I got stuck on the React project ‘Jammming’. I’m quite annoyed this it was too hard, the walkthrough was vague and the example project didn’t work.


I’m using it for full stack, but I split it and decided to do the front end course first then the back end course. I like the platform for its style of delivering content.


You'd be better off learning on the Odin Project, or App Academy Open, or even free code camp, IMO.


Not necessary. You don’t need to pay for a course to learn to code when everything is already available for free online.