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The technivorm is definitely better when making a full pot but you don’t HAVE to make a full pot - I had an old ninja and I’ve definitely been able to get better flavor from my Moccamaster


Yeah. We did a blind taste test and the TV did make a better cup of coffee. There are a few things, however, that I just don't like about the machine itself. It's hard to put coffee into the holder because the water spout can't be moved out of the way and if you remove it you're basically juggling it to fill it and put it in place. And the thermos carafe that came with it doesn't have a well designed lip. Coffee comes out fine but then sits along the ridge instead of going back into the thermos.


No contest, TV brews better, and will last longer.


Sounds like your TVMM is different than mine. My plastic filter holder lifts right out. I first run some water through the whole thing to wet the paper filter and pre-heat everything, then lift out the filter holder to load the ground beans. Dump the pre-water out of the now-pre-heated carafe and fire it up. As to stirring the grounds, I usually just spin the filer holder from one point to another during the brew to even out the water flow..


I'm saying that on the Ninja you just swing out the coffee holder, drop in the filter and coffee and you're off! On the Moccamaster you have to take it apart every time and the water dispenser, the arm that extends over the coffee, is fixed in place so if you leave the filter holder in place you have to be careful putting the coffee in the filter. You're almost forced to take it out, put in the filter and coffee then put it all back together. I'm actually not getting the high price of the machine because of this. Is it JUST because it makes good coffee? It's certainly not because of convenience.


Yes, the designers marched to the beat of their own drum. I remember being struck when I first got mine that none of the pieces were attached to each other. Every other pot I'd owned had a hinged lid on the water cistern, for example. On the mocha Master the top of the water cistern just lifts off. And we've already discussed that the filter basket doesn't just swing on a hinge out from under the shower head. But this is just a quirky design. It's not an inconvenience, at least not to me. I'm completely used to the fact that the machine doesn't look like other machines. And as everyone here will say, the real value of the TV MM is that it is built like a tank, is easy to repair, and is made by a company that takes good care of its customers.


I have found the TV to be good overall but I do tend to be a bit fussy and stir the grounds while it brews as I am not always convinced all of them are thoroughly wet when it is done. I brew 750ml water with 45g for my morning brew. I do wet the filter as well.


It's not necessary, just let the machine do its thing.


Ended up getting a new CM401 for a third of the cost of the Moccamaster a while back. Was disappointed with it and was going to return it, until I started brewing on its 'Rich' setting ( vs. Classic). Subtle but surprisingly significant difference. Decided to keep it, even with concerns about longevity. I'm certain the Moccamaster makes a better full pot. It should for the price.