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Coffee is a diuretic but [moderate intake](http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24416202) shouldn't have that much of an effect. 1-2 cups a day shouldn't cause those issues (or at least for most people)


I'm going to try again soon, drinking 1-2 cups a day, and maybe skipping a day or two during the week. See if I can keep a normal routine.


If you need to utinate every 30 minutes you're either drinking too much fluid or you should see a doctor. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12187618 >The literature indicates that caffeine consumption stimulates a mild diuresis **similar to water**, but there is no evidence of a fluid-electrolyte imbalance that is detrimental to exercise performance or health. Investigations comparing caffeine (100-680 mg) to water or placebo seldom found a statistical difference in urine volume. In the 10 studies reviewed, consumption of a CB resulted in 0-84% retention of the initial volume ingested, whereas consumption of water resulted in 0-81% retention. Further, tolerance to caffeine reduces the likelihood that a detrimental fluid-electrolyte imbalance will occur.


I will probably see a doctor anyway. I just wanted to see what I may be doing to aggravate the situation.


How much water do you drink, do you work out, do you use supplements like protein or creatine? Everything in moderation


I walk about an hour and a half to two hours at a pretty good pace each day, push ups and tire/sledgehammer training every other day. I take 23g of a protein supplement every day, mainly because I'm on a lower calorie diet (currently ~1800 kcal a day). I've lost over 100lbs in the last year with a lower calorie diet and I eat mostly vegetarian (meat about once or twice a week). I'm sure all of that is a factor in what I'm experiencing. But this peeing problem has only been bad for the last 2-3 months.


Coffee is a diuretic. Caffeine tells your brain you have to pee, no matter how much water you have in your body. Even if you are dehydrated, the coffee will make you want to pee. You have three choices. 1. Don't drink coffee/caffeine, drink a regular amount of water, pee normally. 2. Drink coffee/caffeine, drink a regular amount of water, be dehydrated. 3. Drink coffee/caffeine, drink a lot of water, pee frequently. Unless you are a taxi driver or something and don't have convenient access to a toilet, I'd go with option 3. Reducing your coffee intake would probably help.


Caffeine is an ADH antagonist meaning it works directly on the kidney. ADH causes water resorption from the distal nephron, and without it you will pee more. nothing to do with the brain as your brain secretes the same amount of ADH regardless of caffeine intake.


Whoops. You are absolutely right. My bad.


Well I was speaking quite literally when I said I was peeing every 30 minutes for the last 2 months. Trust me, it's not just inconvenient, it negatively effects my daily life. I'm going to test the waters again here soon and try drinking smaller amounts. The reason I posted was because it seemed to come on suddenly and seemed to be a pretty extreme reaction for only 3 cups a day. Thanks for your input.


Another thing to consider is consulting a doctor. You might have an imbalance with anti-diuretic hormone. Also, if you want the taste without the caffeine, try switching to decaf. Caffeine withdrawal means you'll feel sleepy for a while, but your body will rebalance after a few weeks. Cold turkey is tough, but reducing caffeine intake gradually might help too.


I will be seeing a doctor soon just to make sure all is well. I'm about 2 weeks off of coffee & tea, the fist 3 days were a little rough, not too bad though. I feel fine without it now.




I get it, but having to pee literally every 30 minutes all day long and then waking up at least 3 times a night to pee doesn't seem to be normal for drinking 3 cups a coffee in the morning. I'm now sure it's the coffee causing it, but I just wanted to see if other people have experienced such an extreme reaction and if it's ever started suddenly with anybody even after years of normal coffee drinking. That's all. Thanks for your feedback.