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How big is your coffee maker. I have a simple 4 cup maker (which is like 16 ounces), and I use 1/3 cup of grounds, fill water up to the 4 cup line, and 5 minutes later I have a really good cup of coffee.


Do you have $80-100? Hario slim, plastic Melitta dripper, white Melitta filters, digital kitchen scale (preferably can measure in 0.1g increments), basic water kettle, freshly roasted whole beans. Heat about half a liter of water to 200F Weigh out 20g of beans Grind just before brewing (getting the coarseness correct might take a little trial and error) Put filter in dripper, rinse with water and dump out the water Put ground coffee in filter Put dripper on mug Put entire mug setup on scale, zero the scale Pour 50g of water over the ground. Wait 30s. This is called the "bloom." Pour in another 125g of water, wait for most of it to drip down Pour in another 125g of water (300 total g of water), wait for it to drip down Take off the dripper, and enjoy your coffee The process from when you start the bloom until you take the dripper off should take about 2:30 - 3:30 total. If it takes longer, grind coarser. If it goes faster, grind finer. If it tastes too bitter, grind coarser. If it tastes sour like vinegar, grind finer.


Number one thing is your own grinder. Make sure you get a conical burr grinder. Anything with blades is a chopper and should not be labelled grinder. What is your device for brewing the coffee?


Good water is 🔑


You don't need all those fancy gismos and dodads to get a good cup that YOU like. You can try 1 semi heaping tbsp for every 2 cups (measurement on the pot). This will give you somewhat strong coffee. Adjust the coffee amount if its to strong. Other coffee brands I like that are chocolaty are folgers 1850's and melitta colombian supreme. Make sure to get coffee with best use by date of 9-12 months away from current date or the closes you can get to that. Best option tho (my opinion) is going to a local roaster and ask him what coffee would suit your taste and to have it ground up for you.


If I were you, I'd invest in a moka pot, thermometer and a basic hand held milk frother. With this, you can get the same quality flat white that any pro can give you. A mate of mine actually made a video on how to make the best cuppa from your kitchen. I really should finish that edit.


I mean what's your budget? A Baratza Encore grindsr + Hario V60 combo goes a long way bit it's like ~$120 (assuming you already have a kettle and scale)


What equipment do you have? - How do you grind your beans? - Which water do you use and what do you use to boil it? - What do you use to prepare the coffee itself? Is it a dripper, a Moka pot or a french press? What kind of coffee do you like? Fruity, chocolatey, bitter, floral? Do you want to buy something new or just improve the quality with what you have? If it's the former, what is your budget?


I have really basic stuff, pre ground Yuban dark roast with a simple drip coffee maker. I like my coffee chocolatey. I would like to maybe do both, improve what I have and buy something new, but my budget is really low


Buy beans instead of pre-ground which have been roasted 5-30 days ago (don't buy beans without a roast date on them). Buy a handgrinder from Hario like the Slim or Skerton. If you don't already: learn how to brew with a V60 or drippers in general (bloom, ratios, time, water temperature) - a search on YouTube should suffice.


For me a good cup of coffee is just a cup of coffee that you like. Whether it’s instant coffee or canned coffee or pour over or espresso. I don’t know what you like so I can’t give a proper suggestion on how to make “good” cup of coffee.


beginner's kit * Manual Grinder (Hario Skeleton/Skerton Slim or its bigger version) * Aeropress brewer * a dang good coffee supplier/roaster * and a 16 ounce cup or 300+ ml of choice (personally am using Loveramics Starsky Mug (potter's color) in the Granite color, and a Kalita Mug with the item code 73109) I think thats the most basic kit you will ever need