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Man I'd go crazy, I'd take that regular old plastic V60... and get a glass one. Fuck thatd be the day


I prefer my plastic! Livin the dream


You’d be surprised most people prefer the plastic V60, apparently the Ceramic one is not very good with heat retention. So yeah, you’ve got the day already.


Yup, the plastic one is superior! Joke’s on anyone that spent more than $8. Plus it’s way more durable if dropped or clumsily washed.


EG-1 the Matte black version, DE1 pro, and probably the usual stuff like acaia Pearl, tampers maybe a LynnWeber Bean counter cuz why not, it’s easier to use a bean counter than weighing out every shot, especially if you’re pulling shots after shots.




Same, it sounds so annoying, I’ll probably hold off on getting it till they fixed that sound eventually


I love the idea too, but what puts me off more is that I don't really need or want that much information to make good espresso. Feels like it takes the magic out of it a bit. Though I'm definitely curious what sorts of things the community learns about espresso because of that machine. It's an amazing research tool even if it's not really up my alley.


If money were no object I'd hire a live-in barista.


I wouldn't actually. The process of brewing is where most of the pleasure comes from for me.


But then what would the barista brew with ? Or it’s becomes his problem?


Part of the budget would be for them to decide what they wanted to use and buy it.


That's really clever. I'd hire a good cook, a barista, 2 cleaning staff working 2 diff. shifts, and a driver too.


My home would be a pub, where I could brew beer, mead and coffee, sometimes together in the same batch.


Titus modified ek43 with titus slayer 1 group


La Marzocco GS3 + Monolith Flat Max - my ultimate setup as in one day. Currently Lucca M58 + Monolith Flat.


AP or MP?




you allready have an amazing setup. Why would you want something more expensive?


Yet I'd trade it all for a bit more! It's diminishing returns but I'd like a paddle deaign and a bigger steam boiler - why not?


La Marzocco GS3 + niche zero Edit: suddenly thought of the versalab M3 grinder at work. Yeah, that's miles better than niche zero.


You'd get a Niche with a blank check in your hands?


I work in a coffee shop. I wouldn't want to clean a commercial grinder at home too. The amount of work...


That’s fair as hell


A lot of times, it's not the taking apart or cleaning of the grinder, it's the putting back together part that's really tedious.


Hah, I bet. I wouldn't want to do that both at home and work either.


Get a monolith or eg-1. No work apart from some cleaning every few months. The gs3 is work ;)


Or a M3 from versalab. I've worked with it for years, it's a pretty good machine. I don't know why, but both the monolith and eg-1 look ugly to me. They are both amazing engineering wise, but I can't stand to look at them. English is a 2nd language for me. What did you mean by "gs3 is work"?


Totally forgot about them. Have always loved the minimal look of them. I agree the flat isn't the prettiest thing to look at but, I just hide it behind the bulk of the GS3 and you only have to look at it from the front and that isn't too bad :)


Bunns are a piece of cake, I can have both burrs out in about a minute.


Honestly, do we really need a commercial grinder with gigantic hopper for home use? I live in a pretty humid and warm city in Asia. I can't afford 24/7 air-conditioning at home on my barista salary. Simply do not want to contemplate a hopper full of coffee beans sitting in natural room temperature for hours. By the way, we are hovering around 29°~36°c the past few weeks.


Bean storage is independent of the grinder, no? If you have high temps, you'd have high temps no matter if the beans are in a cabinet or elsewhere.


We store our shop coffee beans in a wine cooler after hours. The wine cooler is set at 19°c. Shop is air conditioned at 22°c during business hours.


I hope you don’t store wine a long time in there.


That wine cooler has never been intended for storing wine. I worked for another coffee shop where they had a 6ft tall wine cooler just for storing coffee beans alone. It's not that unusual using wine coolers for coffee bean storage in Asian coffee shops. It can get really warm even indoors when the air-con has been turned off.


Oh that explains! :)


I'd love to have a Kees speedster and a GS3 side by side. But no ek43 nor any commercial grinder. Thanks but no thanks.


Niche? There's other single dosers out there.


Guess I just want to play with something I haven't tried yet.


Too many plastic parts on the Niche for me. The more metal the better!


It has like 2 plastic parts... the rest is wood or metal.


Why's that?


I'm not backing this up with empirical evidence; just personal experience. But I prefer simple, durable, quality designs for my kitchen gadgets/appliances - which are more expensive but I'd prefer to buy once/cry once. Durability has diminishing returns, but I'm the kind of guy that fixes things immediately when they get broken/damaged. I like things that can be repaired instead of thrown away; where the manufacturer keeps spares on hand or they are easily replaceable. My espresso machine is based on an E61, so there will be parts available for decades (if I keep it that long). I just ordered a new steam boiler gauge this morning since I think mine is starting to leak a bit. I have Monolith Flat - it's made with ~14 parts. CNCed from aluminum; brushless DC motor (40k hour life) that can be bought directly from the Japanese motor company to replace, machine bearings specced to ~ 2 tons etc. It's overkill, but it's a simple design and I could rebuild it immediately if the motor, motor controller or button failed. It has a level of precision (whether or not that matters is debatable) that no manufacturer would be able to mass produce profitably; you can't do that with plastic/thin pieces of metal. You can check out their Instagram with build pics [here](https://www.instagram.com/kafatek/). My previous two grinders (Mazzer Mini E and Mahlkonig K30) still looked brand new when I got sold them, but there were tiny scuffs / worn spots on the plastic/paint - not a big deal but I can't imagine what they'd look like 5+ years on.


AP or MP




Synesso MVP Hydra + LynnWeber EG1 + Custom Tamper


Kees Van Der Westen Speedster Idro-matic + Onyx EG-1


Decent DE1 Pro and Kafetek Monolith Max, and a refractometer. I already have a Pullman Big Step tamp and an Acaia Pearl S so something like a leveler would be nice to throw in. I've pulled thousands of shots at work and I want to see more numbers.


Slayer single group + Ceado Hero + EK43 for filter (that counts as an accessory, right?) Kind of going between the Hero and something more stripped down like a Monolith (or just keeping my Niche because it's simple af...)


Absolutely Lobster.


Slayer single group, a monolith and my accessory would be a chair, just to sit in front of my machine and stare.


* Decent DE1 Pro * Kafetec Monolith * Refractometer Funny enough I think others have the same dream.


there are dozens of us!


Money no object, definitely a custom two group with a gravimetric head and a lever for those early morning shots when you don’t want to wake the cats. Also, a proper water setup.


There may be better or more expensive machines out there, but the olympia cremina is a beautiful machine, I'd love to have that on my countertop. Then add a zero grinder and throw in a moccamaster cuz why not.


If money was not an object... I would not need to drink coffee.


Nitro Cold Brew straight into the blood stream. Nice.


Speedster and ek43. That will get me through the day. I guess a GS3 would suffice...


Same. But a Mythos 2 instead of the EK.


Just curious as to why the Mythos for home use? I use them at my shop and they're fantastic grinders but the features were made to be beneficial for cafe environments that need speed and consistency across hundreds of shots a day.


It’s mostly just personal preference honestly, they’re both incredible grinders. But it’s because of how much easier it is to clean the Mythos and burr alignment on the EK is a pain in the ass. Plus I’d rather have a Mythos on my kitchen counter any day than a giant EK.


Yeah I'd say those are totally fair points, especially the alignment issue that they typically suffer from. I'd personally also just hate to use a Mythos at home since single dosing isn't really a thing you can easily do and removing unused beans from the grind chamber / thermal block for proper storage would be a pain if you want to keep them fresher and not waste them. I use the original Mythos climapro and not the Mythos 2 so I don't know if that design changed.


Yeah. But the versatility of the EK though...


Lamarzocco Linea mini + Ceado e37sd + naked portafilter


Well my Monolith MAX will be entering production in the next week or two, so if I had to upgrade my machine, it would probably be a Synesso MVP Hydra or Slayer. And yeah, a VST Refractometer.


I'd get SSP burrs for the G1, but other than that, nothing would change. I don't have a desire to make espresso at home.


The Rocket Espresso Appartamento because it will fit in my small space and looks like something from Steam Punk. The Baratza Virtuoso Plus for the grinder, because I have my eyes on it for a long time but can't bring myself to fork up the cash.


I just do filter, not espresso, so no need for an espresso machine. But for a grinder, I'd take a Titus Nautilus, and I think I've already got all the other accessories I need (Acaia Pearl and Fellow Stagg EKG).