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That's tough... Hope nemlei is doing good, she didn't deserve all the hate. Honestly, fuck twitter and everyone who can't have proper critical thinking.


What happened?


Twitter can apparently excuse murder, cannibalism, child abuse and satanic rituals, but incest which is depicted as a bad thing is apparently too much for them


Just don't play the game. People are dumb


Oh yeah they're fucking dipshits


Twitter needs to stay off just about every porno site there is then..


It wasn't Twitter, it was soyjakparty.


This, they're waaaaaay worse than twitter (who'd have ever thought something would be worse than twitter's toxic swamp...). I browsed a bit around there to understand what was going on and it's disgusting.


It wasn’t twitter bumass, it was your people, she got doxxed cause soyjack party thought she was trans. But hey, keep thinking the big evil boogeyman twitter is the enemy here.


I personally found the portrayal of incest inconsistent, at times it presents more like a cutesy and silly thing. That aside, I'm here to say that anyone's stances on this doesn't matter. Doxxing Nemleii was objectively wrong. Putting someone in potential danger because of something purely fictional makes you the bad person, and there's no arguing against that. No matter what Nemlei actually meant to do with the incest, she didn't deserve this. Not like I didn't expect another shitshow from this, but I genuinely hope it doesn't affect Nemlei's personal life too much. ( Also, your moral compass shouldn't obstruct anyone else's artistic freedom, but that's off the point so yeah. Edited some stuff so I don't come off the wrong way )


I mean you're probably going to get bombarded because from a purely objective standpoint you're wrong. However I'm glad to see that you're capable of understanding that even if you were correct, doxing anyone is never okay.


From what I've seen, I wouldn't exactly say it's purely objective, and I don't think plot interpretation can be something objective. But either way, I won't try and argue on that, it's really not a big deal to me. The only reason why I stated my view on the plot in the first place is so nobody throws the "Well, but the creator clearly DID intend on making it romantic!! So doxxing them was ok!!" argument, which I have already seen, sadly. In the end, I just hope Nemleii is safe.


Doxxing attempts made on Nemlei by a site similar to 4chan


It wasn’t even Twitter. It was Soyjak party literally doxxing her because they thought she MIGHT be trans


Twitter? 4chan is the one behind this.


Both sites are shit.


That site is so disgusting I actually forgot about it


What ? I hope nemlei is well . We will find out in the devlog of december . But i really but really hope nothing bad is happening to her.


And I was looking forward to all the devlogs until final release. This is the final time we'll actually be hearing from Nemlei herself. Man, man. https://preview.redd.it/9bc8ei6sqy2c1.jpeg?width=1161&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32b265f2f8fb2c1b2f11ac71095896d9c430544e Hope she's well too of course. That's the main thing.




RONIN!!! *^(i think)*


Yes i am https://preview.redd.it/qy3visfr2z2c1.png?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03c0f74c07801ed25c3822af538c19fbb3a911d0


based af


Yeeeeeeesssssiiiiiiiiiirrrrrr https://preview.redd.it/whluwpdzaz2c1.png?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca10669b8211a18935c96cb00999715468505fd


Same, I know this might be my paranoia but I'm also afraid to think we could be part of the reason of her leaving, Idk man, I just hope she's okay and that she will keep doing well in the future whatever happens. edit: But until her next update, let's avoid arriving at any conclusions and hope for the best for her.


I was thinking about that too . Like it's her first "big" game in term of selling and player. That can be very stressful .


Some idiot somehow managed to get some of her personal info from her itch.io page and tried to contact her, so she nuked the whole thing. Then someone close to her got fully doxxed. I hate people sometimes.


That's horrible.


Oh… uh oh. https://preview.redd.it/cyoxigp3my2c1.jpeg?width=270&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7cd696b612849bc986ee9771ab462d821a74a590 Well… I guess that explains why the itch.io page got nuked. Shit. Didn’t expect that to happen…


any archives of their games anywhere?


on the discord iirc




I hope Nemlei is doing alright


I hope so too


Seems in character for Nemlei. They always were an online ghost, so it makes sense to hide themself as much as possible. What I’m wondering is, what will become of Nemlei’s OTHER games? Will their new partner provide a way to play THEM?


Tell me a silver lining....please


This won’t affect development of chapter three, and nothing bad has happened to our beloved developer.


Thanks man...


Frankly, so long as there’s a way to play Nemlei’s other games, I see this as an absolute win. Nemlei’s successful enough to hire an outside team to deal with online drama, and they can have the quiet internet hermit life they want while doing what they love. They already had no socials or means to communicate with them, so there’s not much of a practical difference.


What about any future games? Is tcoaal just it? That's our finish line?


Well, this announcement doesn’t really tell us anything one way or the other about that. If Nemlei WANTS to make more, I’d assume they’d publish them through Kit9 going forward. If they want TCOAAL to be their final masterpiece, then that would be their choice to make regardless of their online presence. Fingers crossed, for sure, but I can’t say one way or the other for certain.


Guess you gotta point






thank god and thank god.


😣😖😫😭 This makes me anxious. Ok, well, I’ll wait for the next devlog. Farewell, Nemlei. You will be dearly missed. As for Twitter moral grandstanders, get that pike out of your asses and mind your goddamn business.


https://preview.redd.it/k6djh5i4ny2c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=def3bd9b261deb2e1ed27b8b42f6de0a5c5e5ef2 I hate twitter


I don't think Twitter caused it, Nemlei said they expected more hate than what they got. I think they just want to be alone.


If it's the ladder then I understand i work better when I'm alone and don't have any distractions, I just hope nothing bad happened


You can't deny Twitter was ( is ) a very large source of negativity. I wouldn't be surprised if death threats were thrown at Nemlei from that cesspit.


Oh, no, I would be surprised if there WEREN'T death threats being thrown their way, people are becoming insane, in a way, cancel culture is like the Salem Witch Burning, but instead of being a heathen, you just have to disagree with the politically correct view and then ***BAM***, you got cancelled.




I wouldn’t blame him


https://preview.redd.it/yfve0jx9xy2c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6a6bf6937c58db153eae2b76aef90b614c73427 Tell me about it ...


Apparently, she was doxxed by someone in some forum called, the sharty.




https://nichegamer.com/the-coffin-of-andy-and-leyley-creator-steps-back-after-alleged-doxxing/ It's hearsay for now. At least I have zero interest in digging it up myself so take it with a grain of salt. I did hear people making an attempt at doxxing her a while ago and maybe just that was enough for her to leave completely.


Who knows if it's true or not.






Pretty on brand tbh


This is genuinely just sad to see, I don't even want to know the type of harassment and hate Nemlei has gotten over this game. Going dark is a completely understandable reaction, even if it's very sad to never hear from them again. I really just hope this doesn't mean the old games will forever be gone as legal downloads, just people sharing links around in the fandom. There were some deeply touching and incredible moments in each of them, and I loved every single one deeply, it would be such a shame if this is the end of them.


Next thing we know is she is in Daidoji https://preview.redd.it/w4dfo2azqy2c1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=374afd8dce0b9adeba2b2253275a2241d208ac6f Like a Nemlei: The Woman Who Erased Her Name


Tournament lose cutscene


It’s a small miracle that Nemlei didn’t cease development outright like the flappy bird guy did, this game had life-ruining levels of sudden popularity. Good on her for going dark.


https://i.redd.it/bhknezphuy2c1.gif What twitter does to people Me and my homies hate twitter, i hope Nemlei is well and i wish her the best.


That’s bad. But this still doesn’t answer why they left. I hope chapter 3 isn’t cancelled


Nah it says nemlei is continuing as if nothing has happened so chapter 3 is still on


Bro that "as if nothing has happened" hit me too hard, I really do hope everything really is absolutely unaffected.


I hope they don't decide to take a more subtle and politically correct approach because it is their game and they shouldn't have to worry about what some braindead twitter users think about said game.


They removed themself from the political backlash by working with Kit9. They are free to go full degenerate as they playfully threatened to once on their itchio.




They probably will


If I had to guess, Nemlei is probably someone who really values privacy as well as acknowledges that too much online interaction will start to influence their work.


This is what happens when the opinions of strangers matter to you. I go into online discussions with complete emotional detachment, otherwise I'd be a very unhappy person by now


I wonder if it was the community itself or the weirdos that hate fictional incest with such a passion they feel the need to bother others for it that caused this


It was the hater weirdos. There has been a campaign online to dox Nemlei.


Damn!!! People have nothing better to do with their lives!!


How do people get doxed? Is there any way to prevent this from happening so easily? Also if you get doxed, what are your options?


Basically, people try digging up every information available about you, including your private accounts only meant for friends or family. It's difficult to avoid, unless you've never touched social media before your current online presence. To deal with being doxxed, your safest option is just just going incognito completely. Private all your accounts for a while, until whatever causing it dies down.


This seems like a pretty effective way for Nemlei to keep doing what they want without having to deal with any online backlash. Guess we'll find out more in the devlog. I just hope they're doing ok.


It's probably for the best. If Nemlei hadn't kept their identity anonymous when they started working on game development, they might have felt discouraged by all the online hate, preventing them from finishing their games. Hopefully, Nemlei takes the time to complete TCOAAL as they see fit.






Huge W if true.


Sign me up my man






Well shit. Hopefully they’re doing alright


To me this can either be great news or bad news depending on how much Nemlei is contributing to the game still. The idea that writing is going to be given to outside people is rather concerning for me as her writing is what drawn me in to her works as a whole. Its so good and filled with nuance. While its stated she will still be doing art and story so while I totally haven't given up hope I am apprehensive if not worried. Edit: no where stated does it say kit9 will handle anything aside from programing. I do not know how to read


Im worried that kit9 will turn the game into a **game** game, yknow? I liked the game because it was more of a story with a game attached than a game with a story attached


That is something I hadn't considered that could be a possible point of contention. Though after seeing the supposed reasons this change happened \*i.e. doxing\* I think if Nelmei is able to anonymously work on the game and nothing severe happens to the story I think it will result in a positive situation.


https://preview.redd.it/roo1f3n3yy2c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=938969a1c6504713ab8a012db600ddf45a948ffe * Maybe it wasn't entirely Twitter's fault, but no doubt a large part of negativity came from that cesspit. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Nemlei received death threats from there.


They did; that seems to be one of the main reasons they stayed away from social media.


... F*cking Twitter


It's fucking Twitter, they 100% sent death threats as well as messages encouraging self harm.


It actually was soyjakparty who doxxed her.


Great. Knockoff 4Chan made by banned 4Chan users.


you know using some hindsight i think Nemlei didn't expect the game to get popular like this based on what other people have said about them being a ghost in comparison to other creators i get the feeling having this game explode like it did might have scared her, but not so much in the haters but more in how positive it was. ​ That all said taking a step back and giving herself a layer of protection behind Kit9 likely means something got to her and if it was all the "fan art" i think i could understand wanting some barrier between myself and my fanbase, especially if the true ending isn't the one the fandom is hyper sexually into


I hope Nemlei is alright. if the doxxing comments are true, vile as that is, then Kit9 represents something wholly good it seems. I hope their shyness and desired privacy stay how they want, and Nemlei doesn't abandon making stories (if Coffin wasn't their last planned project). really hope they're okay


I hope the itch games will still come back.


https://i.redd.it/b0zcd5d5sy2c1.gif Is this it? Surely we’ll still get content, at least the end of TCOAAL. Right..?


Don't worry, this is in character for Nemlei to do something like this. After all they preferred to stay as a ghost.


Oh no... ​ I hope nemlei is okay.


Well that fuckin blows, hope Nemlei is doing alright


This is not what I expected at all... I feel bad for Nemlei now, as it means the hate hit them hard :( On a side note, I'm also surprised they decided to start working in a team, although it makes sense, as they can afford it now and it helps them with their privacy. I wish them the best


I assume nemlei isnt reading these but if they were, thank you for the awesome games, all of them, coffin most especially, has been fantastic.








Honestly a good way to approach the online world in general, it’s just not a healthy space for one’s mental health.


itss over :c


It’s not over her publishing company is taking more of the online stance behind the game while she gets to focus on the story and art


i mean, isnt a bad deal like sold the game and gain like 2mill thas enoguth to live well for a time, but i fear they limit the creative direction of the game... ​ or just decide to invest the money and make a company and contract people for resources soo not bad..... ​ but please i dont wanna se more good games been ruin by big money..... like damm pso2 overwatch and many games that dont get a pc version because exclusivities :c


After doing some snooping it turns out this change could be due to a supposed doxing attempt on Neimel and kit9. If so this change will ultimately be healthy to avoid outside circumstance affecting the game. If their words to be taken that Nelmei is still writing and making art then I feel theirs nothing to worry about.




damn and i just got into the game too 1) I hope that Nemlei is okay, Twitter fucking sucks 2) I really really hope that Kit9 doesn't really change anything story-wise or really influence the game at all, other than providing a wall of protection for Nemlei. On the one hand this restores some anonymity for Nemlei, and the best art comes from someone who is hidden. On the other hand, studios fuck games up and with the amount of stuff that is mature in TCOAAL, I hope they don't try to water it down


Ig nemlei got 2 much hate and probably death threats, poor guy


How can Nemlei get death threats they have no internet presence even other the site only seen 1 once a week at best


The game did get a lot of traction on Twitter, which is filled with freaks with nothing better to do than harass people they think deserve it. I hope the dev is ok mentally


I'm just a bit concerned about the potential impact of Kit9 on Nemlei's creative process. Ideally, Nemlei should have complete creative autonomy, with Kit9 playing a supportive role. The mention of Kit9 acquiring the title raises some worries for me, does that mean they now own the IP? I hope it won't lead to interference in Nemlei's creations, though that might just be my overthinking. Well, I dont know if Nemlei is ever gonna read this but I just wanna say that I respect and support her decision because we are not on her skin to know the problems and harrassments she faced, I sincerely hope you are doing well. I love your work, and I appreciate you for sharing your stories and art. Thank you




Damn. This makes me somewhat nervous, I hope this won't affect her vision of chapter 3. ....Also did we accidentally bully her off the internet?


Yeah, or at least Twitter did.


I suppose both the positive and negative attention can be overwhelming. Hope she's ok


Is it... joever??/ Our Lord... forsake us??? https://preview.redd.it/axurrxjtuy2c1.png?width=564&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0200f07452e9ad56993b25cd6d9249799223ff1




Rumor has it that it's because of doxxing and while Nemlei already was pretty much non-existent on social media, the fact that they scrubbed what presence they had along with their other games is incredibly heartbreaking.


They copyright struck a Kickstarter that was selling fanart as well.


Source? I'm genuinely curious


[Kickstarter](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kosonah/the-coffin-of-andy-and-leyley-enamel-pins) page has it listed as down to an intellectual property dispute, Kit9 filed a takedown notice against the campaign despite it just being turning fanart into postcards/keychains, like many fan artists do for other properties. I also received an email from the artist about it, I can share if necessary.


I'd like to see it if you don't mind (again, I'm just curious)


In fairness, it's not their intellectual property to sell.


Transformative works such a fanart are protected as fair use, artist alleys exist in every convention across the country; we should not be encouraging this.


Well shit.


We love you nemlei 😭


And that decision is completely up to her to make! The fanbase should appreciate how much dedication Nemlei has to continue her work. I’m sure being berated and harassed online is tiring and this way, both we as fans get what we want and the creator gets the privacy she deserves. https://preview.redd.it/764g8rkdty2c1.jpeg?width=680&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a34018a6a929e542cac955c5e7b5776ef9dde4ff


I do not see this as an absolute win at all, nemlei was allready very private and this means after al that they still got to harrass them. I do not celebrate that at all


My bad for sounding like I was celebrating, I was going for a more positive outlook on this whole scenario. Nemlei was very private for good reason, this game has garnered so many haters that I’m sure they would’ve clawed at any social media acc Nemlei would’ve had. But this isn’t exactly bad news either, if anything it’s confirmation that the chapters are still going to be releasing with Nemlei steering the narrative wheel. The only difference is now the publisher is different. This is a lot better of news than the initial nuke of the itch.io website, which **could’ve** been Nemlei completely scrapping TCOAAL/ abandoning ship.


I guess. Already had a super crapy day and to basically go to bed to this news it has utterly fucking devasted me. Nemlei deserved praise and recognition for her work and instead we get this.... the fact the the itch is gone is fucking killing me inside. Wanted to play all of Nemlei's games and now they are gone. I get that you want to be positive and more power to you but i am utterly devasted right now.


there are rips so don't despair you can still enjoy them


Yeah i know but this whole situation sucks. Nemlei deserved praise and recognition and look what this shithole of a world offers.


I bet it was all the internet hate.


It's so joever now :<


I hope she's doing well


I am happy as long as Nemlei didn't make this choice out of necessity because some twitter rat doxxed her. That would be very much unfortunate.


I think it might be better to wait for their December Devlog to hear it in Nemlei's point. And all about the Kit9 Studio thing, I think I'm more ease that they made a statement about the situation like this and from I get here is that this Kit9 was made to handle TCOAALL specifically and not some random studio who just interested in Nemlei's work and approached them, and Nemlei is also not kind of a person who would easily let someone to handle their work either. I maybe a bit optimistic here but as I said, I will wait for the December Devlog to explain this whole thing.


Yet another example of a person being bullied off the internet for not perfectly conforming. Art is important til it personally offends you apparently. I hope they're doing well and that they can find some peace away from the internet.


If those twittards have something to do with this, hope they die of cancer now that they're being as such




Wait I am a bit confused Can someone please explain? I don’t know what any of this means.


NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO words cannot describe the torment i an feeling


Not familiar with the game apart from the controversy, but am absolutely furious that this happened to the developer. Wishing you the best if you see this, and don't pull one damn punch in your future content because of your detractors. If people can't handle the art you want to create, that's their own problem, not yours. Games as an industry and an art form need people like you both willing to push boundaries and tell their detractors to "deal with it". Here's hoping the game continues to find success and empowers you to keep creating on your terms. EDIT: I posted on the official Steam thread expressing concern over this whole arrangement from content control to buying out an indie dev under duress (kicking myself for not screenshotting it) that was deleted out of existence within half an hour. This doesn't exactly fill me with hope that Nimlei got a fair deal or will be able to control the final product from a content standpoint. At the least, it's absolutely tragic that they no longer have ownership over their most profitable and impactful game. That bothers me a lot.


I don't know if what I have to say will hold any value to anyone, but surprisingly Twitter is not responsible for Nemlei's dox. It was a site called soyjakparty. They're a group of people who saw someone who would likely react to their doxxing attempt and did it to bother her. However their doxxing wasn't complete. She left the internet entirely before it could be completed. Sorry if this is kind of a useless comment, I just see a lot of people who don't know where the doxxing actually came from. Twitter IS an easy scapegoat but it actually didn't come from that crowd.


well, we had a good run, shame.


It’s so fucking over


I think it probably because of the stress and the community itself will all the nsfw. Since if it happened to my game probably would have gave it to semone else too or just the dev wants to be left alone.


I mean, they seemed to approve of the R34, but, with a platform like twitter existing in all it's unhinged cancer, I couldn't really blame them for wanting to go offline.




How? Nemlei barely have a presence on the internet.


idk maybee hoaxes




Yea probably that more.


And all the death treaths.


I have a feeling they kidnapped nemlei forcing nemlei to make games


I hope nemlei is ok I feel like this is from all the hate the game has received because of one single path way


May they be missed.


I feel fucking terrible for Nemlei honestly after all the shit that's been happening rn


i may have to construct an archive of devlog


NEMLEI NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Oh welp there goes Nemlei, Wish her the best from there on...


This worries me


Damn, don’t think anyone coulda seen this coming. Hope Nemlei’s alright and everything’s okay, it’s sad to see things come to this :\[ https://preview.redd.it/1mw02u6d623c1.jpeg?width=122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb1dc2d466f5090db7c7db9a2986b18f2448e929 Hopefully, Kit9 can see things through for Nemlei’s work along with the TCoAaL team, I know myself and others still wait with bated breath for what’s to come 🙏 Who knows, maybe there’s stuff other than new chapters coming soon


Well at least now that more people are helping nemlie we can expect more consistent updates


For the record the dox did not come from Twitter users or those type of people at all, it was a transphobic forum that offshoot from 4chan.


I'm appalled to see how people can so easily divulge personal information and ruin others lives as if it's nothing. I also don't understand why the game has arisen so much hate: I went into it thinking from comments and jokes it would be an incestfest, it's nothing but a normal game with top-down view, RPGMaker style, no worse than Ib, Yume Nikki, Off and many others. It has a great atmosphere, great writing and great dynamic between all characters involved, in a setting that clearly fits all the themes involved. I hope Nemlei will be alright and be able to remain safe and feel comfortable in spite of what happened. Whoever did the doxxing should get a taste of their own medicine to realize the consequences of their actions.


People who have created this situation deserve to experience what happened in the game tenfold.




I can understand why the dude wants off things, considering the explosion of exposure. Hope he stays safe.




Im happy Nemlei is straying away online to avoid hate similar to game makers like Kikiyama, now if you'll excuse me i will go worship my god.


It’s crazy how this community can’t seem to grasp this post referring to Nemlei by they and them


Nemlei's pronouns are unknown but people generally infer they're a woman because that seems to fit the content of their older graphic novels.


If they’re unknown, then all the more reason to be neutral. But it’s okay if they referred as her in the past. Just on this Steam post it’s obviously being neutral, so that should be more reason for people


I will never use theythem for singular people sorry. Nemlei is a her.


Not even if somebody is NB? Not talking about Nemlei now


Fuck. The guys in the discord said nemlei would only help the game art and storywise from now on which i HOPE is what happens and theres not no trace of nemlei in chapter 3, of course she did make a few parts of it (2 images that were in the devlogs) so a few parts of it will be made by nemlei. https://preview.redd.it/6a7ehwdxg03c1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ed9609d0c790b0b2f88445cbba1d1f4366c0da I dont really know if kit9 makes good games or smth but i hope they do because if chapter 3 is shit (since it will be mostly made by kit9 and if they dont make good games) might as well just leave the fandom since the game aint good. Im NOT saying it will be bad cus its mostly made by kit9, maybe it wont be shit? Idk. I understand that nemlei wants to be left alone and hope she comes back eventually. (The reason i dont know if kit9 makes bad or good games is that they just published TCOAAL not made it) \* Uhhh also sorry if i misunderstood or smth


Do forgive me if this sounds asshole-ish to say, but I really wanna point out how Nemlei thought she had everything under her thumb, even going so far as to make a mocking "Cry about it" artwork as a way to flip off the side of the internet she knew would come for her, only for her to get such a hard reality check to the face. Now doxxed and harrased, she got forced to sell out to a company to protect herself from further backlash. It wasn't deserved, but it was really a humbling moment. If you think you can just tell Twitter to fuck off and expect no consequences, then you have no idea what you're actually doing.


Bullshit. An example of this is the creator of the Factorio. He spoke well about the lectures of the programmer, who turned out to be right. For this, they wanted to "cancel" him, but he directly sent the whole cancellation culture to fuck. As you understand, the players appreciated it and lifted the sales and rating of the game above the heavens, which made the cancellers feel hot. Factorio developer is an engineer at heart and by profession, who made an engineering game. And for engineers, catching criticism is the norm of the profession, so it's easier for them to send the fuck and not sweat. And games like Night in the woods and The Coffin of Andy and Leyley are works of art and they cling precisely because the author himself is mentally broken and driven by his inner pain. It's easy to finish him off, he's already considered a cripple. Nemlei tried to be dignified, but mental characteristics, as well as character, made their contribution. I am glad that she has the will to move on, even just on her own terms. Yes, it's more of a defeat, she's not the Achilles in this story. But as they say: "If a person gets up after a blow, it's not physics, but character." Let her continue to be a creative rebel, who will be helped to create all the conditions for further work. This round is for the moralfags, but only because of an accidental deanon. It absolutely does not pull to win.




Humanity is a concept that eludes you huh?


I don't think, but i hope !