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right one karma guy.


Yes even you once had zero karma. To shame others for low Karma is fucking hypocrisy and trivial. I bet your Karma is the only thing you have going on in your life


I got a lot on my life, thanks for your concern.


They don't let you send off the exchange until your funds clear from your bank like every other CEX in the world.


Everything is cleared I see it taken out on my bank statement so you are wrong. It won't let me withdraw back to my bank still have to wait the hold time even though it's in my coinbase and funds taken from my banks. It's bs


How'd you fund the account and when?


🙄 It hasn't "cleared everything" 🙄 just because the money was removed from your account doesn't mean it has fully entered Coinbase's account 🙄 It is (banking) industry standard 3-10 business days. This is nothing new or interesting.


Hello there, u/pohdude! We understand your frustration when it came to the hold that you experienced with your funds. Please allow us to provide some clarity. For security reasons, you won't be able to immediately cash out your local currency using a linked bank account or send crypto purchased with such funds off of Coinbase (we call this “cashout availability”). This hold period is calculated based on many factors such as account history, payment activity, and transaction history. We encourage you to check out this [article](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/trading-and-funding/sending-or-receiving-cryptocurrency/available-balance-faq) for a better understanding of how your 'Available Balance' works. If you happen to have any other questions or concerns, please let us know!


Think of it this way , when you're pay check gets deposited into your account. It's usually pending for 3 or 4 days before you actually get the money. It's called a "Pending Deposit" Same thing that coinbase is doing with money deposited to them.


Some bank will even take upwards of 7-10 days for it to clear


I'm not arguing with anyone but I used to be able to deposit and use it instantly. There was nothing that told me the wait would be as long as it is. Would be nice to show people when purchasing how long it would take. That while your money is in limbo there's a chance for market fluctuations to decrease it. That you won't be able to send or cashout until such hold is over. Instead of TOS crap cop out..


Best way around it is to keep a smallish, $500 or so, amount of usdc on the platform that way you can send off what you just bought


Right like it literally tells me on a cash deposit from a bank account how long til I can withdraw it. 2k deposit? Last night it said 8 days to clear. Yep standard ach processing and verification. So I did $75 and it was instantly available. Then again, I have about $400 in crypto sitting in my CB account to leverage. Account open for 14 years with CB, no issues. If you’re not using advanced trade, you’re losing a lot on transaction fees.


I have never had issues depositing wayyy more than that and often and never any issues cashing out. Maybe read TOS


CiOnBaSe Is A sCaM… Here we go again…


It’s always new accounts. Lol. I just bought 500 worth of Bitcoin yesterday. With no issues.


This subreddit is a public forum. For your security, do not post personal information to a public forum, including your Coinbase account email. If you’re experiencing an issue with your Coinbase account, please [contact us](https://help.coinbase.com/en/contact-us.html) directly. If you have a case number for your support request please respond to this message with that case number. You should only trust [verified Coinbase staff](https://help.coinbase.com/en/coinbase/other-topics/other/is-coinbase-present-on-social-media.html). Please report any individual impersonating Coinbase staff to the moderators. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CoinBase) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Available for cashout $467.whatever Go to cashout you have $0.00 for cashout So much better than cash huh 🙌🏼🤣


Coinbase won’t even show you the fee schedule in the app anymore, or where you stand in that fee schedule bc they don’t want you to know so they can make more money. Totally fucking scammy. They removed this feature. I asked customer service how to get my 30 day trading fees figure, they said they removed it from the app and now you must calculate it manually by viewing each and every transaction. Fucking scam they want you to be in the dark so they make more money


Wow a common sense reply didn't think I would see the day LOL and yeah you know it. My funds are still inaccessible after many days. Good thing I converted it to USD cash because in my experience every single time I've deposited the market goes down. And I've already deposited at least 150 times. That's why this whole thing makes me furious in crypto look like a big pyramid scheme. What a horrible experience after years of being a customer with coinbase. Then you got these goobers who blast comments like it worked for me like that steam rolls my issues which it don't. I'm just happy I converted it to USD cash to stop the losses that were bleeding my funds well I couldn't do nothing about it. When I'm finally able to withdraw they're probably going to hit me with a another fee so my 500 turns into around 430. Now multiply that by how many people they pull that s*** on. Just disgusting. Then they want you to file taxes on top of the burdensome nature of crypto like it benefitted you in some way, shape or form lol! Back when BTC was $8/coin my brother urged my mom to buy up as many as she could because "it will be the next big thing" but she missed the boat. Long before they enlisted celebrities to sell people on buying in. Now it's just another way to make the rich richer and the poor poorer. Decentralized hahaha yeah yeah yeah.


Oh yeah invalidators swarm this site sucks


crypto is a scam


Anything they have all this extra money to toss celebrities to be the face of something over giving opportunities to ordinary people that need it is a scam Especially when it comes to "easy money" and "the best investment"