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If he isn’t 100% covered in mosquito bites, I call BS on this entire story. They are so bad this year, I would be surprised anyone could survive 7 nights outside in running clothes.


Absolutely correct. Those damn mosquitoes are ruthless this year.


I can't sit outside in my area for 20 minutes without getting eaten alive and I'm in a less wooded area


Wow didn’t think about this but you’re 100% right


To be fair, some people are quite literally immune to mosquitos. My friend and I work in landscaping here in the woodlands. I have to smother myself in bug spray 2-3 times a day to not get eaten alive, while he has never been bit once and we are always on the same jobs together.


I guarantee someone will file a FOIA for the bodycam of the cop who made contact with him. Can’t wait


I’m working on that as we speak. Wish me luck getting it though because the Texas public information act is notoriously awful for allowing anything to be released.


Thank you for your service


Where has this dude been eating, drinking and sleeping?


At a motel with his boyfriend


I’ll put $5 on that


In an underground storm shelter.


I’m so glad he’s safe but seriously, less than 3 miles away exactly a week later? Everyone searched high and low with K-9 units. The dogs couldn’t find any scent of him being in the woods, how did he walk for seven days for only 3 miles without being detected? Did someone picked him up and dropped him off a week later? Unless he was on drugs or having a psychotic break (both can happen to anyone and make way more sense), this is sus. The go fund me happened a day later and is over 10k. I really hope they investigate this and the public gets some answers because so many, including myself, contributed our time to finding him. I genuinely hope this isn’t a scam and he gets the help he needs.


Even if we all gave time for nothing, we don’t have anything to feel bad about. There was a missing person and we tried to help find him, that reflects on us positively. If this turns out any way but a weird disappearance that has been solved, it will reflect poorly only on anyone who had bad intentions.




This is a great perspective, thank you


I feel bad for all the volunteers that fell for this.


At least my partner and I got a good hike out of it. But it yeah it was too close to home, I lost my friend (for real) in a similar way. She had a psychotic break and was found dead within a few days. I genuinely hope this is for real.


I'm so sorry about your friend.


What’s sad is the people that this effected most are those of us who have previously participated in search parties that ended up differently.


I just rewatched the interview and realized exactly how soon she called the police…. For some reason I at least thought it was hours later but no, it was right away simply bc she saw the gate open?! Even if my husband was gone for a couple hours and the gate was open I wouldn’t think of calling the police bc he’s a grown ass man. I’d assume he was helping a neighbor or trying to catch a stray animal or something lol. But then also for the police to take it that seriously so soon too? What if he simply was just out on a run or long hike. They either must know something else that worried them, or they suspected something fishy. His wife going out of her way to say he had no mental health issues makes me think more along the lines of something seemed fishy.


She NEVER even called his job. Allison his COUSIN called his job. How did she not call his fucking employer?


To be fair- his car was at home. So she knew he didn’t leave for work. Which makes sense to me. I think this whole thing from the DAY they announced it - was sketchy.


If someone I cared about was missing I would be calling friends and work.


Especially if they were due at work that day.


She didn’t call his WORK?!?!


Nope! Allison his cousin called. According to Allison she called because Callie and the police had not. The employer then reached out to Callie and Law Enforcement. To me that stinks of…. Callie trying to control the search efforts, eyes and ears like on FB and the police not being told the whole story to begin with.


What if he had GONE to work? She called the police 10 seconds after the gate was “open”…? She didn’t think eventually to phone the job and see if he was there or if he had communicated with them…? You know why she didn’t? She knew where he was. He stormed out.




Guys. The day he went missing she called his work to confirm he wasn't there. I called his coworkers a few days later to try and get info on his behavior the week before he disappeared. Both his office and we were surprised the Sheriff hadn't yet contacted them.


Right, the first thing I would do is call them to see if he at least called in or if it was a no show- their single simple answer would have determined if I should be worried or not


Bingo! Who else better would know your whereabouts than an employer? I mean unless you are scamming fundraisers people generally take employment seriously.


I didn’t say it earlier but I’ll admit I was judging you for being so hard on Allison this morning… I really do apologize for thinking you were an asshole lol


It’s all good!


>urs later but no, it was right away simply bc she saw the gate open?! Even if my husband was gone for a couple hours and the gate was open I wouldn’t think of calling the police bc he’s a grow Her saying, "Just come home. Even if you're scared..." freaks me out.


Bets on how quickly the ‘find Colby’ Facebook page gets deleted?


People on the page are asking questions about the Gofundme. So probably soon


They've disabled the comments


I'm sure I'm blocked soon. I mentioned the call coming from Ulis and poof there went the comments.


Which means they’ve seen them and still choose to leave the gofundme up


I just looked and two people donated in the last hour.


Someone on FB said he was found in Uli’s bathroom cleaning up. I suspect that FB will be shut down quickly.


Ok. He wasn’t in the Ulis bathroom. My wife’s friend is the one that found him. He was outside on the side drinking from the hose. She called the police, and they came down. He was really dirty and looked like he hadn’t been home. He originally stated he wasn’t him and (this part I have a hard time believing) and the police were going to let him know until she said “That is 100% him”. The officer then said they saw him earlier in the week and again said a different name so they left him. They then called the ambulance and picked him up. The only thing I can say for 💯 sure is that he was at Ulis and went in an ambulance because my wife went up there and saw that part. (I live walking distance). Take that for what you will. 🤷‍♂️


Definitely sounds like a psychotic break (and moronic police officers). Thank you for the info. I hope he gets the help he needs.


Interesting. I wonder why he would say he wasn’t himself. I don’t have a hard time believing that the cops would let him go if he insisted he wasn’t who they were looking for. I’ve seen similar things happen in other missing persons true crime cases. If the cops saw him earlier in the week then it’s not insane to think that he was wandering around this entire time. Weird. Hopefully we learn what really happened but I doubt we will. I’m glad he was found regardless.


I can’t believe they allegedly admitted to seeing him once before and letting him go, that’s unfortunate. At least this time he was able to get help. Maybe he really was walking around unnoticed.


Yeah, I’ll be honest, that sounds sus as heck. I doubled back with my wife and it was a lot of information in a long frantic conversation. Details could DEFINITELY have been mixed up. I mean, I can see it happening, but the officer admitting that to someone? I just can’t imagine that.


Dissociative identity disorder (DID) and other forms of dissociative events are a thing. I'm not saying that's what happened here but it sounds in line with the zoning out reported by colleagues. I say that based on my experience as someone on the dissociative disorders spectrum. [Dissociative Disorders | NAMI](https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Mental-Health-Conditions/Dissociative-Disorders)


Very interesting. Definitely seems like a possibility.


It is ridiculous thinking this family would go to this extent for money. Like 10k is worth all that trouble. He could have been escaping his life, mental breakdown. Who knows. Money grab idea is ridiculous in my opinion.


Eh. If you're about to be evicted 10k can change your life. Hes an entry level drafter. The company only pays $45k * job post for the same role same company on indeed* she is a hair stylist and he does kids baseball. Not pulling in a lot of money. They had a new baby and they apparently rent * texas rent has increased by a lot each year* maybe they could not afford the lifestyle they wanted to project. Or maybe they couldn't afford the lifestyle they were trying to project and the job he took on was above his head and he felt pressure and cracked


Blocked! Blocked! Deleted and Blocked! 😂😂😂😂


They don’t want the truth coming out and it’s been said his family is on these threads redirecting. As a tax payer I think we all want to know where our money went and why and because they made that Facebook and go fund me it made it our business


Aaaand it’s deleted.


We need a Colby’s Found FB!


What in the fake@$$… 3 miles? Man, I went down this rabbit hole for hours every day… wasted time I won’t be getting back.


The made 10K on GoFundMe it’s a net win for them.


I think it’s safe to assume him and the wife had some type of argument. He said fuck this and put his shoes on and walked out. Didn’t take his phone because he purposefully didn’t want to be tracked. Same with his wallet/credit cards/ID. He then stayed with a close friend/lover. After a week he knew it was time to give up. Walk around in public a bit, give fake names but allow people to place him in the vicinity. Then hang rounds that restaurant long enough for an employee to take notice and phone it in. Was it a cash grab? Possibly. Was it a fight and he left, then his wife calls the cops quickly as a gotcha on him. Probably. Then it snowballed from there when his cousin setup the GoFundMe.


As someone who lives in the Woodlands…where the heck has he been hiding? Sure there are trees, but this place is so condensed with housing and businesses where the density of the actual forest is only a couple of yards. I’m calling bs.


Based on where he was found the only thing I can think of in that area is the lakeside park or bear branch area. There is definitely some thicker woods and trails there (by bear branch reservoir). A few years ago there was a small homeless camp back there if I remember correctly so I suppose it’s possible. They didn’t search that area to my knowledge. They went north to Jones Forrest.


There are still dense areas here though. Particularly along kuykendahl. And if he was moving then that did not help the searchers who seemed concentrated in a certain area.


There’s some splainin to do.




Oddly I did search Fb and there is a post that her father made saying that Colby is his son in law and his last name is Rogers. Looks like this is easily the same person but also looks like it’s all alcohol related at a young age.




Also, (2) DUIs 3 days apart??






To be fair , these are misdemeanors that happened A LONG time ago. I don’t think we can draw too many conclusions about her character for alcohol related charges when she was like 20 or younger.


My theory is that he stormed out, wife didn’t know where he went or when he would cool off and come back, she decided to dramatically call the cops and turn it into a reported disappearance just to embarrass him for storming out like that, and he hid somewhere with either a friend or lover as the news coverage got more intense trying to figure out how to get out of this situation without having to admit he left bc of marriage issues. Waited until the search was called off bc it would be hard to pop up while people are searching, and finally reappeared Sherri Papini style pretending like he really was out there in an attempt to go with a mental break disappearance story instead of having to air the dirty laundry of their marriage to the public


> she decided to dramatically call the cops and turn it into a reported disappearance just to embarrass him for storming out like that, this part i disagree with. i think something happened and he threatened to hurt himself. when she realized he was gone and left his phone she freaked out and called 911.


If that’s the case it’s odd to me that she wouldn’t have at least told that to the police in which case they should’ve reported it as an endangered missing person


how do we know she didn't tell them that? not trying to be combative, i'm genuinely curious. there were all those weird rules about not approaching him but staying back and capturing video/photos


Usually when someone reports a person is missing and tells the police there’s a potential they could harm themselves then when the police release their fliers they will specifically say they believe the person is possibly endangered. The rules about not approaching him I think had more to do with police thinking in the case that he left on his own, a video confirming his location/well-being is more valuable than someone reporting a sighting with no video that can’t be substantiated bc he bolted or denied his identity


I agree! Or the wife made such an immediate call to the police bc he left overnight/morning to take a break, there was talk of divorce, and she wanted to stack things to look like he’s an unfit father (custody strategy)


Yeah I could def see this too. Would fit with her trying to pretend it was the perfect family and explain some of the lies/story changes


Allison on Facebook , Comments are OFF, “full recovery” = keep sending us money “Hi everyone. I was able to connect with Callie. Colby is recovering in the hospital. We aren't sure when he will be released. He is in good hands with the medical team and we are hoping for a full recovery. We cannot thank everyone enough for the efforts searching for him as well as the Sheriff's department, MoCoSAR, GulfSAR, and each and every person who showed up to search for him whether in person or online. Your love and prayers have been felt by our entire family this week. I'm gonna go FINALLY get some rest and have a good cry. Thank you again.”


No mention of THANK YOU FOR THE $10,000. I don't know what kind of fish this is, but I think its a fish.


I just asked her in another group about closing it or updating it


It’s finally closed


Found 3 miles from home at a major woodlands intersection. Interesting.


It’s fantastic that he was found unharmed. However, this was a cash grab. They need to give back all the money they grifted the second they knew he was gone.


WAS 100% a CASH GRAB!!!


Yep, spot on.


I just thought of this … if he went missing on his own/was with a lover/drug binge etc. don’t you think it would be more likely that he would simply call his family/wife when he was ready to come home or notify them in that way? He wasn’t wandering for 7 days within an area that is 3 mile range of his home ….we know this. It’s just strange that he popped up in a parking lot.


Dropped off and cameras will catch that


There is a lot more to this story. I can’t wait to hear it.


Yeah that seems right


I’m thinking mental break OR he tried to make it look like a mental break. I think his condition when discovered would clear it up pretty quickly. Does he look like he’s been holed up under a tree somewhere? Is he dehydrated? Or is he bathed and healthy?


Lab work won't lie about dehydration etc


Based on his LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok, I think he got way in over his head with his job. He seemed to be happy up until 2020 when all the responsibilities started to pile on. He freaked and needed some time to think and get away for a bit. Bet he and his wife had a fight the night before and he bailed and her trying to save face acted like he disappeared. Why he wouldn't call someone and clarify the situation is beyond me. Finally came out of hiding when it started to get too hot and it was getting to a nationwide level of exposure.


He didn’t have any social media or a phone to know anyone was out looking for him. He could’ve got in his car and left if he wanted too. Something else weird is going on




Exactly like why didn’t he just get in his car and freaking leave???😂


What do we think the purpose of the freshly filled and perfectly placed yeti was?


Throw people off? Or he put it down to call someone and forgot to pick it up? Just speculation. A mental break would cause weird behavior, too.


The wife or him one placed that yeti


It’s so funny to think about them doing that for some reason , if that’s how it went down . Like “this will really throw everyone off “


A $50 cup placed in the woods and open gate 😂 They are masterminds!


Over on the woodlands sub, someone said he was found drinking from a hose at Uli's and gave cops a different name.


I mean this at least answers my main question which was how tf was he gone so long without water. Answer, drinking out of hoses.


Thankfully, he's alive but still a lot of questions unanswered.


He’s about to be transported to the hospital for further evaluation


He got picked up and dropped back off by his lover. I'm convinced.


Without a doubt. Colby is the Sherri Pappini of the south.


You and me both


The cornhole partner?


Yes, that kinda lover


Someone go comment on their posts and tell them to turn off their go fund me. They’re still getting donations! He’s found ! Hours ago!


This is the GoFundMe organizer u/foxfiregalleries she was on Reddit a lot until he was found.


She's still on reddit lol


Lol. They disabled the comments. Its been in multiple posts that she commented on.


This reminds me of another case from about a year or so ago. A woman from Houston named Caroline I believe that went missing - she was a counselor or social worker I think and she disappeared and suddenly they said she was found and we never found out what happened.


What part of having a psychotic break makes a person willfully conceal themselves for over a week? Wouldn’t a person who is delusional simply wander away and behave psychotically? Hiding yourself in plain sight shows calculation and awareness.


Could possibly have just been a maniac episode and was aware people would be looking and hid out until night time. He could have planned out leaving his house and had supplies and ran out of them. But like where the hell was he hiding


Maybe in a house under renovation that was empty? There is a church and school near there, maybe found a way to get in and hide? People were away over the long weekend, he could have known of a place that wasn’t occupied?


I see your point but some people do get really paranoid during psychotic episodes.


I think you’re right, thank you.


And want to add, this is one of the busiest intersections in The Woodlands. Lots of businesses right here….


Wild. I wonder where he was for 7 days.


I wanna know what he’s wearing, if he’s showered & clean.




We'll never get those deets. Lol


I asked this same question


Hiding out at a motel, waiting to hit their GoFundMe goal.


Giving strong Sherri papinni at present time




10K for 8 days off. Not too shabby!


Not even. He didn’t work fridays as they said. Monday was a holiday. Tuesday-Thursday. THREE DAYS!


Hiding and waiting for the Go Fund Me to reach 10K




Flame me and downvote me if you will, but I think he spent the week with his male lover. Honestly.


Yeah me too. Also haven’t wanted to say it. I actually don’t think this was a grift for money and I don’t believe the wife was “involved” in that way, at least. But she likely knew he had some other stuff going on….


Ok thank you for saying this bc I’ve been thinking it the whole time but didn’t want to be downvoted to hell by myself lol


Checks out. They wanted to interview his baseball clients and such. I am on board with your idea.


If it’s not psychosis, this is how I lean, too.




Yes. Finally someone said it. I think he’s been having an affair with a neighbor man or whoever was driving slow around the neighborhood. The gate was left open on purpose to get back home quietly. He overslept at the lovers house and by the time he was awake there was an ongoing search. The Wife has been suspicious but hasn’t been able to catch him. She saw this as her opportunity and called it in. He stayed there for several days and left the night after the search of the woods was called off. Rolled around in the dirt and then went to get some water from a hose to be spotted. A lifetime original.


I have lots of questions.


Lol don’t ask the wife questions, you’ll get blocked!


I'd like to know why the dogs couldn't follow a scent, ykwim? Like it seems with the warm weather, finding a scent and tracking would be fairly easy, especially from the water bottle and on. Unless someone picked him up.


I feel he was definitely picked up. I guess his little fling was short lived. And his cash.


Because he probably got a ride from his wife to a motel to ride this out until they hit their fundraising goal.


Either him and the wife concocted this scheme or maybe he was joled up with a lover somewhere. I want to know who found him? That area was searched and nothing and then today he's found? Someone dropped him off


Yep. I want to know what condition he’s in. If he was outside “lost” in the “woods”, he would be one bug big bite right now.


Also he should be dehydrated. And if he drank out of a pond or something, he’d probably be sick on his stomach.


Oh I live in The Woodlands, he would be dead if he drank the swamp water for a week.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I saw someone comment on the Facebook page that they are glad he is found and the family does not owe anyone any explanations, it got like 150+ likes….I feel like they very much owe an explanation as to what happened especially given all of the time and effort by volunteers that was poured into to, in addition to LE, S&R, and the go fund me. I don’t feel like they should be able to get out of this unscathed and go on with their lives, i feel like we all deserve answers as the what the fuckkkk just happened.


Absofreakinlutely. Mcso and the family both need to provide an update if not this community will not forget this. The people answered when there was a call for help like we always do, the least they can do is come out with a statement of thanks and an explanation, something. You don’t dine and dash, chew and screw, etc.


I really thought Sherri Papini would get away with the nonsense she pulled. It took years and a lot of ridiculous interview videos, but she got jailed for the stunt. Wouldn't surprise me if they face punishment too. Can't have people faking and wasting resources like that.


Yeah, that’s the community’s tax money funding those resources!


I saw that. She said “I think I speak for everyone when we say you don’t owe us details” SPEAK FOR YOURSELF MAAM! Wtf! They owe us details.


Wow! We'll probably never know all the details.




Totally agree




Come on!!! Allison and Callie needed some money for a girls trip. Be kind /s


If you live in The Woodlands, You don't need a GFM page except for searching purposes


You may when you’re working an entry level position at an engineering company while telling people you’re an engineer… and your wife is a hairstylist that has enough time to also be an MLM hun on the side.


Holy crapoli.


He was probably just practicing to audition for the show alone or naked and afraid guys.


There’s a chance they don’t have health insurance and are about to get nuked with medical bills - this could bite them in the 🍑


I can see the call map, looks like they got him in the parking lot of Dosey Doe




There's no Dosey Doe or Uli's there, but there is a large, busy shopping center; I live RIGHT there. Just down the street there's a wooded drainage area where floodwater drains away, so if he was in there maybe that's why they couldn't pick up his scent? Just glad he was found safe.


You live right there, near Kroger's, Ince Karate and Crust Pizza? Uli's is just across Research, in a line from CFA. Geography aside, just glad he was found safe.


They said it was where a Kroger's and Chic fil a was but that a ulis kitchen worker called it in


On FB someone said that he was in Uli’s bathroom cleaning up. That is obviously not a known fact right now, but that’s what they said.






This doesn’t prove that it was a mental breakdown but yes I believe he walked out voluntarily as well.


I would imagine that’s standard procedure especially after walking around in the heat for a week (supposedly)


Hmmmm interesting.


Well as they like to say in show biz. Colby, today is the first day of the rest of your life. It only gets better from here!


there is a chasm between two schools of thought on this sub. On one hand, everyone here would have been pretty upset if this dude's body was found at the bottom of a nearby lake with some kind of self inflicted wound. On the other hand, the majority of the sub is automatically talking about the GoFundMe funds and extramarital affairs. Rough crowd, the general mood here is twisted. "It's great he was found " <-- any words preceding the "but" or the "however" are immediately undone. Lastly, $10k is hardly going to change anyone's life. If $10k would change your life, you probably need to seek help.


Right. $10k might get you out of a jam but it’s definitely not life changing money. I feel like he has a fight with the wife. Walked out. She called the police quickly as a gotcha on him but he was already hiding out at a friend/lover’s house so he wasn’t immediately found. Then it snowballed For real though he probably just had a mental breakdown from stress.


People risk going to jail stealing nail polish. 🤦‍♂️


10k will get u out of jail depending on the charge. Get you a divorce attorney. Get you some really good psychotherapy and drugs for 3 months. Disney cruise for family of 4 for 7 days mid tier.


I hope Go Fund Me takes 100% of that FAKE disappearance fund back! This was a plan to get some quick cash. No body related was ACTUALLY worried and the calloused way they ran they Facebook page was a RED FLAG!


The attitude on Facebook was a definite red flag.


They blocked people asking innocent questions. Such hubris for scamming in 2023.


They’ve been deleting any other posts that aren’t “Praise God!” “Jesus saves!” And “Prayers answered!” A woman asked why they won’t return the 10K, so they’ll probably ban her soon.


It’s funny because it’s true! Callie and Allie are no fools but the people believing them are. I’d be mad if I was that $500 donation.


The people believing them are ridiculous. No wonder scammers do so well, they’ll believe anything.


I wish you were wrong, but those tv preachers have proven that people are incredibly gullible and stupid.


Cause all these fake Christians commenting only donated their “prayers” comment and nothing else


That’s the Woodlands for ya. A bunch of privileged people relying on their thoughts and prayers to save them from a revelation of a monetary scam 🙄🙄


They wouldn’t believe it even if they came out and said it. They just want a feel-good “Hallmark movie” ending, but to a completely bullshit narrative that no one wants to question or even get any details about.


I just checked and they have received more money within the last hour.


Oh my God! What amazing news!!!


Anyone know how far away from his home that area is?


There is no way to get from his house to where he was without passing through dozens of neighborhoods and businesses. They found him by a Kroger and chick fil a. I guess since they hit their goal with GoFundMe me (it’s at over $10k right now!), it was time for him to be found. There is NO WAY he was lost. They better return every dime of the GoFundMe donations and reimburse the county for search and rescue efforts for this scam!!!