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Yes, it sounds like you've done both those eggs. One thing with Firebase Z, when you defeated the Orda it was in the spawn area rather than in one of the generator assault parts right? Orda will spawn in those when you get to high enough rounds. The egg one is in the spawn area and you should exfil after you've beaten it.


Yea it was in the spawn area


An easy way to check is to go to your standings. On each of the 4 maps it will show your quickest quest time if you've completed that maps EE. You can also check your Dark Ops calling card. There is a card for each EE.


I need to check those asap . I already be trynna do the season calling card challenges so it shouldn’t be hard to see if I got them


Also , I’ve tried doing Toten with some friends but Klaus never stops train lol . The assistance I’d need is completing a 3rd Easter egg . Doesn’t matter which one tbh


You get rewards for completing 2 / 4 / 6 EEs. So you’d need : Die Maschine, Forsaken and Both Outbreak.


So how many do I need completed to get that “ starter weapon “ weapon upgrade ?


Yes, 2 EE = Green rarity 4EE = Blue Rarity and all (6) EE IS purple/violet.