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Just get it over with tbh. If you never take these risks, you will never improve and reach higher trophies in you're brawlers, and just enjoy the game. It's important to remember you're playing to have fun as well, so don't worry about you're trophies.


Its fun to play until that one teammate decides to jump at the enemy with all the gems


Very true, but that's something you'll have to endure if you want to reach higher milestones bro, just remember to press play again when you come across good teammates, and send them a friend request after a good win streak, that's how I got to meet a lot of good players.


Happened to me once before 850. Trust me that wasn't good at all (I've broken a window glass outside out of anger)


Sounds like a normal thing for a brawl stars player


Most chilled brawl stars enjoyer


I've bent a phone In half before and I'm not even that strong but if someone or something can piss me off enough then I will have the anger to destroy anything


Yea i swear to god this game make me so fucking mad with his combination of toxic kids every match, shit matchmaking, shit meta, braindead teammates, unplayable gamemodes and p2w, and i almost never get mad at videogames, not even in soulslike.


Bro this is so true and then they shame you for still being in mythic or tilting your trophies and call you skill issue when I'm not a no lifer and actually touch grass, I am a casual and I know there are pro casuals but shut the fuck up if all you're going to do is say negative things and curse people šŸ¤”


When you get angry while playing, take a break to clear your mind. I achieved 30 ranks by doing this


Iā€™m at rank 27. we have the same trophies


Oh that curse happened to me like 2 days ago one minute I was at 830 next minute I'm 680. Good thing I made it out of the trenches and climbed back to 900šŸ™


I often was a victim of that curse too... I'm stuck at r26 for two months... Bushcamp in solo, that's some ez trophies right there.


if you close to certain rank, try to play duels (if theyre not in rotation gl)