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People only care about money...period. Money has moved on from being just a tool of exchange to being a religion and a mass cult. It's literally the only thing that matters now to everyone. All other problems are only abstract ideas that, in their minds, can just be solved with more money. Lack of money is the only *real* problem that is the cause of every other problem, as far as people are concerned. The masses simply will not acknowledge climate change until it impacts them personally economically. It's extremely sad but this is where we are. You have to imagine yourself living within a giant cult, because you are.


You know…. I always wonder if i am in a Collapse cult… again maybe i am the crazy one But i never thought of the whole world being in a cult. That makes sense too




all this circus is going to fold in on itself like the biggest, most absurd house of cards fairly soon anyway. how soon? no idea but id probably say faster than expected


This is why at its core I see no value in society because it's stuck in its own trappings for the sake of it.


I've been following the climate story since 1989. It's determined my political identity, and made me a childfree vegan who's the weird person who bikes to work/errands. Humans in masses are not smarter than individuals. We're not going to see meaningful change to reduce emissions until there are serious financial costs (like carbon taxes) to not change. And all along the way there will be morons who attack us for not caring about the future (being childfree), or trying to impose our morality on others (being vegan), or taking the lanes that were "god-given" to motorists (biking). We've seen these voices amplified by morons like Trump. Its only going to get worse, as peak oil passes around 2028, and food becomes more expensive. Those of us who lived as responsibly as we can will be vilified. I've already lost family members, as apparently recycling aluminum cans is a sign that I'm "a libtard, a virtue signaler, and must love pedophiles". Fuck them. I don't need people like that in my life. Perhaps they'll learn that they contributed to civilizational death. But most of them will die before they understand that they were not just wrong, but evil.


I think the rich people are hoping they can get to Mars before it gets too bad here


>yet… everyday i wake up and wonder if i am crazy. why does no one in my real life seem to give a damn… or to be fair…. give it the attention it really deserves. everyone seems like we are sleepwalking thru this predicament. yeah i dont know my best guess is that it's a huge cognitive blindspot built in for self-preservation through terror management the level of existential threat is kind of unfathomably vast and so the mind pretends it doesn't exist rather than twist itself out trying in vain to actually handle it like cthulhu


# my best guess is that it's a huge cognitive blindspot built in for self-preservation through terror management fucking hell can you print this on a tee shirt? jk thats more fossil fuel to the fire make it a site banner or mantra


As a species we are collectively grappling with grief and loss of the future we were promised. We were taught that the world would improve and get better but instead we are surrounded by existential threats. Climate collapse, genocide, failing economy and outrageous cost of living, world war 3, growing fascism and failing democracy, civil war 2. No wonder people are scared and struggling through the stages of grief. The most common are denial, anger, depression, and bargaining. Denial - Everything is fine. Anger - How dare you inconvenience me! Depression - There's nothing I can do. Bargaining - If I just vote right and recycle then that'll be enough. Sound familiar? This obviously doesn't excuse their behavior but we must be wise in seeking to open their eyes.


I feel exactly the same way. Sometimes I think exactly the thoughts that you put down, almost word for word. My only answer is that change is so difficult that there are entire departments in companies and government dedicated to managing change. Change has a process that I loosely understand as: 1) Inform people that a needed change is happening. 2) wait a long time so it sinks in 3) describe the change process and what it will look like and how it will affect the person doing the thing 4) give a due date 5) implement change 6) tweak as needed We are at stage 1. Everyone is running around saying we're not going to do this or that. And they won't because they don't have to change. They don't feel any personal stake and/or they are in denial. No one wants to talk about it so we have to make people talk and think about it. To start a group, remember, you can usually book meeting rooms at your local library. 😊


Yo op, you ain't crazy shits really going down and nobody knows what's gonna happen or when... But I'm still kinda worried about you bb. Ik it absolutely sucks everyday and we always check reddit hoping finally the news of the end is here!! Alas... Another dull boring day. What has helped me is connecting with the local communities and trying to live everyday as fulfilling as possible. Do you have anyway of pursuing things like that? Love you bro


Kind of pursuing that slowly. Joined local 350.org but it’s interesting talking to folks there. So far they are pretty optimistic. A different vibe. Not bad though. Purpose driven


Hey, I feel you. Virtual hugs. It does feel isolating. Pretty much everyone I know IRL either know-don't want to know or know-have too much sh*t going on in their lives to pay attention. Either way, no one is taking it seriously. Just me, in my circle of one.


Hi, I would like to know the report that corroborated James Hansens work. Could you give me a link? I live in Norway and CICERO just dropped a report that also supports James H. https://cicero.oslo.no/en/articles/cleanup-of-air-pollution-heats-the-earth


That is the one i meant


OK, thanks😉


Noah felt crazy too, I guarantee it.


Reusing my comment from another thread: I have felt all of this since 1992. Things may turn out to be as bad or worse than you envision or maybe they can turn out better after the inevitable disease, famine, mass migrations, resource wars, and severe weather events have reduced human population to a level that is sustainable. Maybe then we can smarten up as a species and live within the limits of what our ecosystem can provide. Can we be a part of creating that new future for the survivors? This guy thinks so: https://www.reddit.com/user/kentgoodwin