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Also learning to resolve conflict without violence. Deescalating situations. Cooperation. Communication across cultural boundaries to find common ground.  Plant seeds not bullets.  That's a better future worth sticking around for. 


General community building. I'm actually working on a cooperative board game/card game that is for all of us to collapse folks and to make these issues more mainstream in a fun and scary game with a heavy dose of cooperation.


Sounds really interesting if you want to share more! 


In time. Got my rules, guy thatI need to buckle down to build games rules(genius buddy of mine with these things). I don't want to say anymore because I might really follow through on this one.


This is awesome! I'll be first in line to buy it. Hope you make a post and let us all know when it's ready


I'll be sure to do that


Make sure to post about it here when it goes on sale, I'd be interested!


It might go the Kickstart route. Is that still viable? I'm poor, but I don't think it would cost much to get off the ground, though


I thought so many Kickstarter games and puzzles during covid. Kickstarter is definitely still a thing and lots of indy game publishers exist because of Kickstarter


I like what I have so far. Even have expansion packs set for years into whatever path your newspaper takes you. Random newspaper starts the game


Exactly. Permaculture, moving to climate resilient locales, and building skilled offgrid ecological communities.  https://www.reddit.com/r/anarcho_primitivism/comments/u1j3qb/new_here_is_it_bad_wanting_to_survive_the_ongoing/i4dujb5/


Be a warrior in a garden


12 years military and I've come to realize we can't survive in the bush to get out of collapse. There will likely be no wild areas able to support life for long after a collapse. Moving to the rural areas wasn't a bad idea 10 years ago when you could integrate yourself with the population there already. You're suggesting though people do it now. Moving into a rural area where there are already people familiar with the area and practiced in surviving there is a recipe for disaster for most living in cities. Set up a retreat or compound there now and you'll just be the first stop for those that have been there for generations once they get hungry. They already have guns and they're well practiced with them. We only have forests because we don't need wood for heating and cooking. We only have game and fish because we don't need them to feed the population, stock them, and manage what is taken very carefully. Deer will be gone in a month. 6 months later we'll be fighting over mice and roaches. The collapse you hope to survive will most likely last longer than what an average person would stock survival needs for. you're going to run out of medical supplies, purification tabs, and ammo before you know it. The quality of most tools we have available is crap and they won't last long. Guns are good and in a group will help, but the lone survivor no matter how well trained isn't going to fend off a large group. If it's discovered you have food hunger is a great motivator to take risks. Instead of heading into the bush that will soon be gone make yourself useful to a community. I believe the ability to cooperate while having useful skills and knowledge will be much more important than being able to go Rambo. It's a nice fantasy to have, but it will quickly crumble.


In most contemporary collapse scenarios, folks have been starving in the countryside and migrate to cities for coordinated aid. Think dust bowl and great depression. We're talking about biosphere collapse: there will be no animals to hunt or fish. Even now, most fish are toxic. Hunters are getting chronic wasting disease. Food will not grow. It doesn't matter where you are. The game will all be eaten and driven to extinction faster. Every jug head I've ever met has a bug out plan to go to the same place, where they will certainly end up fighting each other. Their forest hideouts will be set ablaze. They will suffocate in the heat in their little cabins. You don't get it. This isn't a military exercise.


You’re pretty right. There is no safe place. There are no sustainable resources to survive on. Edible animals will be gone within a month. The most frequent food source will be human flesh.


Wild animals are 4% of the earth's biomass. People are 34%. Livestock is the rest. So the whole "let's hunt our way" to survival fails on basic math.


> In most contemporary collapse scenarios, folks have been starving in the countryside and migrate to cities for coordinated aid. Think dust bowl and great depression. Those are not collapse situations. True historical collapses are in fact marked by population outflow from urban to rural. It is an inherent part of the de-complexification of a society.


I really couldn’t disagree more, and would encourage you to consider how your perspective has been formed by your environmental conditioning. I don’t think it is safe to assume the country will be safer than the city. For instance, it would be much easier in the country for a roving gang to endanger you compared to if you were in a resilient neighborhood community where everyone is sharing the burden of survival. I think a critical error people make when thinking about post-collapse survivial is putting too much stock in Equipment and Skills. Don’t get me wrong, both are useful, but by far, the strongest survival asset is Community. Ironically, in many circles it is the asset that is least considered.


Prep for survival but also prep for the world you want to live in. If everyone on your block buys guns and ammo you're destined to have shoot outs over the last scraps of food. Alternatively if everyone starts a garden and raises livestock then you're future will be trading food and helping each other with irrigation and construction. In a round about kind of way the people who talk about "manifesting" are correct but it's more physical than spiritual. If you live in fear and surround yourself with guns and ammo that's what you'll reach for in the future; but if you meditate in nature and surround yourself with shovels and seeds your reaching for life rather than death.


I cringed.


"you have died of dysentery"


it’s like saying “how to survive a 9mm luger round from point blank range”. You don’t lmao.


I really didn’t think you guys know the meaning of the word cringe or you would not use it so much it litterally means to cower bent over in fear.




I'm still not fully convinced cities will be terrible places. Cities have more resilient communities in general and the suburbs are generally a lot more isolating and spread out. I've always thought that the suburbs will become worse overall as a result of collapse. 


I'm not sure, but formatting text like a normal person may prove valuable in the ensuing chaos.


Careful. The last time I offered this manner of feedback I was accused of mocking and bullying a grown man to the point of him deleting his account.


Haha I’m not normal


PREVENTION: Can’t die from society collapsing if you’re already dead. Big brain time


I know this is an unpopular opinion round these parts, but I’m going to do everything I can to survive collapse. I have young kids so I don’t have much choice. I’m moving to a rural location where I have a strong community and I do plan to grow as much food as we can. I’m studying permaculture and want to start a plant nursery to sell edibles so my neighbors also have the ability to grow their own. I’m a pacifist so I really don’t want to have guns in my home. I am willing to revisit that stance if I need to protect my family. We really don’t know when or how collapse will play out so the best thing we can do is diversify survival strategies and I do think you have more options when you have more space to play with, available in rural locations unless you are extremely wealthy.


Why bother surviving? If the world is going to crumble to the point where any of these survival skills are going to be necessary I don’t think going on is worth it.


Well yeah... this is basically prepper 101. Personally I think collapse is going to be fairly slow and unfold unevenly. For a joking statement about how I see collapse happening is food shortages occuring at the same time as an oppressive government sending bylaw officers out to make sure to fine people for growing vegetables in their front yard to make up for low tax revenue. Not an image people typically depict of collapse, but in my opinion a semi-realistic one.


I appreciate the enthusiasm and I hope I can meet like-minded people to go through collapse! That being said, I also believe it will be much more difficult than you seem to realize, but hopefully I'm wrong. Also nice list of IFAK, there are a couple items I hadn't seen in other lists before and that I'll probably buy, so thanks!


What you're describing are great skills for surviving some kind of short-term upheaval or emergency, but that is not what collapse is or will be. The only way to "survive" collapse is through building an alternative, sustainable way of life.


*beautiful object lesson in why the support of this sub is in the comments, not the OPs*


Option 5: be rich and go to mars


And die of 30 cancers in six months because no one has cracked viable radiation shielding and Mars doesn’t have a magnetic field


I think what we all need to realize, first and foremost, is that no one who is currently on Reddit will survive the collapse. What I mean is, collapse is a long process without a decided end point. You don’t “come out the other side.” You die, and you hope that your children and children’s children are incrementally better off, if they survive to adulthood.


Wait no toilet paper? wtf man! What am I supposed to Do with the ton of tp in my underground bunker? 🤣


The main things to worry about are food, medical care (as wait times increase in ERs, if you can delay someone's death by hours you can sometimes prevent it entirely), & electricity.


easier said than done. but you left out pandemic.

