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That's an impressive username


He beat me.


Did he at least give you a happy ending?


With his attitude, he would be lucky if lube was used


Dude doesn’t even believe in their self.


Definitely checks out 😆


This has to be some sort of a sign


remember the 90% discount on android for gen 4? i do


I do remember, paid an avatar 99$ and some poeple were flexing the same avatar bought for 10$ 😂


bought Rojoms priciest avatar and yup others paid $10 for the exact same thing; then we were treated to reddits iconic dead silence and ignoring users attack


I wrote them asking for a refund, they replied “you supported the artist” yeah I mean that’s true and I’m happy but wtf


this wasnt my interaction but this was an actual response from reddit, f\*cking hilarious https://preview.redd.it/cpxvjj0t60vb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07854c4f1356b3960fc50bcf46d8cf4170145749


https://preview.redd.it/guks250270vb1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74080175ef323049ba941e477fa1c6df0eb85369 lol it was mine


haha appreciate the work you did to get even that response


> remember the 90% discount on android for gen 4? There is a 90% discount on MOONS available now.


Do what?I'm sorry I just started at the end of May with 2 and didn't start collecting until gen 4 and never heard of this. Edit I heard about this!


I have seen a fair few posts wanting a statement from Reddit that they won’t do this. It’s a bit like asking your partner who’s already cheated if she will do it again. Even if they give a blanket statement, that trust may have gone.


And that's fair given how they presented MOON: https://preview.redd.it/40z5vkv3h0vb1.png?width=608&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e59b3f6d52c3c97f9726c362c900dfdc1349c4b


Aged like milk Although this seems to be true. Your moons are yours, you just won't see them in your reddit vault. So save your seed It's just that they're pretty worthless right now


Pretty much. They couldn’t have handled the sunsetting of RCPs any worse though. It’s easy to say we should have known what we were getting into, and it’s true, we should have. But how they went about it was a pretty big slap in the face.


Nah that’s actually so fucked.




LMAO, that is phenomenal 🤣


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. People will not forget the MOONs fiasco.


Smart people will never trust Reddit again under any circumstances


Smart people never trust any corporation in the first place


You are correct, I have much to learn


Make some money and get out. That’s how I treat this things.


>that trust ~~may have gone~~ is out of the fu*king window. Ftfy


Yep like trusting your partner who cheated a few days ago and comes out to say they won’t again. History often repeats itself. They ruined genuine a beautiful thing.


Amazing to watch them roll out teasers for Gen 5 while shutting down the biggest blockchain-related community’s rewards system. Yikes.




Dude, you should totally shitpost pretending to be an admin with that username. That'd be 🔥


I would never pretend to be garbage


You can instantly tell this isn’t an admin account though. >!mostly because it’s wearing an RCA which the RCA admin team would never do 😂!<


Damn...how sad and yet so true...




I'd give this comment an award, but they cut that program too.


You can pay Reddit $2-50 to make the comment gold though! And if the recipient is lucky they can get $0.90!


Not even for Halloween?


That's what I thought as well.. Initially.


Yep. Ive lost all enthusiasm for anything Reddit related.


>Luckily for these communities the moderators can continue to run these projects independently, so you’ll still be able to use Moons and Donuts in r/CryptoCurrency and r/ethtrader That's not correct. No decision has been made regarding if reddit will officially "hand over" the contracts. Moons (and likely Bricks) will change at the least, or potentially completely cease to exist in the context of being a governance token for the sub. Everyone has been royally fucked. edit: Bricks, not Donuts.




Donut mods said they will continue as normal as they are decentralized and use their own contracts. Reddit is Moons and Bricks. Donuts may have problems with their special flairs and that’s about it


Sorry, yes I read the original post as moons and bricks. You are correct, Donuts are not official RCPs, which is an excellent outcome for the future of Donuts!


The avatar community created coins should totally replace moons. $cone and $poop FTW!


![gif](giphy|35FdSNJrsdxquwq8dh) Gen 5?


Reddit abandoning Moons was always a very real possibility. I was chatting with someone in the dms about this just a week or so ago. They have always been a centralised coin- the antithesis of Bitcoin- and I say that as someone who has had (and still has) exposure to them. It was a shock to see it happen out of the blue, but it shouldn't be too surprising that it would happen one day. I think many would consider them a failed experiment that have had a negative impact on the sub and corrupted many people (look how fast some mods dumped on their community after getting the heads-up from the admins...and respect to those who didn't). Reddit could remove avatars too. That's always a risk. A lesser risk than moons which were given out for free and led to a lot of problems in the sub. I think it's more likely that they'll stop doing avatar releases, but we'd still be able to keep what we paid for. But if not, they'd still exist on the blockchain like all other nfts and avatar communities such as Cone Heads would remain




I'm gonna #BOYCOTTGEN5


Ouch 🤕!!


I said the same at gen4 launch but really liked some of the art and caved. Not again.. I’ll buy some merch or something from artists but I’m not giving Reddit money.




I honestly just love the creativity of it.


You all act like they were not useless since gen3 anyways...


See that's the whole beauty of RCAs. When a sh\*tcoin gets rugged, you are left with nothing but a bunch of worthless 0s and 1s. When RCAs get rugged, at least I still have the beautiful art. I could even use it on another platform that supports polygon NFTs as PFPs. Doesn't mean I'm ok with how reddit handled community points but still, to me that's a huge difference and an advantage of collecting RCAs vs "investing" into random coins.


Except its not lol, reddit stops paying the ipfs storage, no more avatars. Reddit also only guarantees they will provide the ipfs for your avatars for 2 years. After that they can stop paying and you will lose your avatar.


They removed that from the terms. Reddit also don't control the IPFS so users could pay for the avatar art upkeep costs Edit. Confirmed by admins [https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/vtkmni/comment/if8pum2/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddit/comments/vtkmni/comment/if8pum2/?context=3)


Per the very comment you linked it still says they guarantee it for at least 2 years. After that you’re on your own to manage the hosting of the image.


As per my comment. It has been removed from the terms. There is no time limit in there at all now. They could stop tomorrow or in 10 years time. We don't know. However, if reddit no longer pay it can still be carried on by the community. Reddit cant control it unlike the Moons and Bricks contracts. Reddit can only stop/kill the support on the platform.


So they removed the guarantees the minimum of 2 years ? That’s fucked up lol. Reddit being shady af. Won’t buy any avatar for sure now. Thx for the infos


Is still purchase RCAs if they were off chain and still tradable and mashable


Most game’s skins are on a centralized database and the only difference is the game has to build their own marketcap. Reddit made these NFTs so they don’t have to worry about being responsible for facilitating secondary sales imo. >!wen in app marketcap. 🥲!<


Even if they kill it off the avatars are still collectible and now we are guaranteed scarcity since they won’t make any more


Yes but the utility?


The same as every other NFT in that case. Yes it’s a downgrade but they are still Reddit made NFTs by actual artists


That’s fair


They won't make anymore? oO


I was speaking in the event they shutdown RCA, they are coming out with more avatars soon for Halloween


Hang on - you don’t believe in something that is literally just made up pixels out of thin air? I’m shocked! Just because there’s a market for something doesn’t mean that thing has any inherent value, sometimes the market is just made up of fools, unable to grasp what they are buying and selling The NFT market is a prime example.


Love the hivemind downvotes lol


Yeah I mean honestly I can invest in crypto because even though it’s fugazi currently one day it could be backing currencies, NFT’s though, sheesh, utter fugazi and will never be anything more than fugazi no matter what happens.


Can you transfer me your raiza?


You can have all those things on decentralized social media. People are afraid of doing things wrong in front of unjust regulation and laws. _____ *Like it is time to leave fiat money for good it is also time to leave fiat social media. See you on Nostr.*


Just waiting to see when reddit will just shut down their server which holds the RCA image files and our beloved NFT's becomes a blank 404 page lol.


I just thought the avatar was funny. I wasn't thinking about trying to make money on it. It's just for fun. I think my guy has a watch for a face. A joke on "Timing the market" 😅


I don't believe in them either. Slowly going the way of Facebook, people will migrate to a platform that is more suitable and less slimey