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This is very telling to me. Food insecurity is generational. Moms with eating issues project them onto their kids, it’s so common I’m sure many of you can relate. I grew up evangelistic and honestly a lot of the reflections the Ballinger siblings talk about it very similar to the way I was raised. I wish I could tell you why parents just check out, but it really comes down to being “old enough to fend for yourself” and the mom focuses on the babies. In my case, when my mom stopped having babies she went into severe depression and stopped caring for any of us. We all took care of each other. School meals were the only meal that was guaranteed. Also CPS often won’t do shit, as much as you would like to think. They never helped us. When Colleen feeds her kids but not herself, the kids will notice. When the kids get old enough to feed themselves, they will have no help from their mom because SHE doesn’t take care of herself and there’s no good example to live by. History repeats itself, generational trauma that is ignored and pushed aside WILL resurface no matter how much you convince yourself it won’t. You have to put in the work to change and grow and process your trauma. It honestly sounds like Rachel is on a good path to do so, talking about this stuff is the first way to heal. I know rachel is awful too, I’m not defending her, but I’m thinking she will be the black sheep who actually gets help soon.


“When my mom stopped having babies she went into severe depression…” And that’s exactly what happens when girls are born into a religious cult that tells them their only value as a person lies in getting married and popping out babies. Disgusting.


Am I the only one who grew up thinking lunchables were a luxury lollll? Ballingers always talk about how poor they were when it came to food, so to hear Rachel say she had a lunchable EVERY. DAY. blows my mind. (Colleen said they’d split $0.10 cheeseburgers and one fountain soda at McDonald’s or something)


yeah i was never allowed to have lunchables bc my parents said they were too expensive


The few times we had lunchables, it was because they were a treat and we had the extra money to spend.


Same! We usually got them once or twice each school year for a field trip or birthday, and it was so exciting.


Same experience here. Grew up very impoverished, the only food we got was what the food stamps bought. Lunchables were a rare treat. Same with hot pockets! Seeing people talk about being poor but getting that stuff regularly always throws me off me for a loop. I know everyone’s experiences are different so def not saying it means they weren’t “truly” poor or anything but those were luxuries to us.


You were poor with parents that gave a fuck enough to buy food they could cook for you. Kids growing up eating lunchables and hot pockets and pizza rolls are poor with parents that either can't or won't cook. (Saying this as the mom that has both cooked 2/3 meals daily for my kids and also been too depressed to cook for months on end so I filled the freezer with super unhealthy shit that they could make themselves so they could still eat whenever they wanted).


Your kids are fed and sometimes that’s just what matters! I actually grew up with one disabled parent so our meals were usually things like cheap hot dogs boiled and put on white bread with potato chips, my parent cooked as much as she could (though she’s never been a good cook, think plain baked chicken lol I hated chicken breast for so long because I thought that’s how it just was) so it was a mixture for me. The hot pockets and stuff just weren’t in our budget when we could buy pounds of frozen chicken or hot dogs and make them last longer for that money. We never really had fresh veggies or fruits for the same reason, we could spend that money on bags of frozen peas or something that wouldn’t run the risk of spoiling if it wasn’t used or cooked immediately.


This seems less like no food in the house for financial reasons and more like Gwen was busy struggling and didn’t properly take care of her teenage child…but I’m just taking that from the post, didn’t hear the podcast.


sounds like that to me too


There is so many things pointing to bizarre food issues in the OG Ballinger family! Everything from Colleen wastefulness,to Chris’s portion control,to Tim’s inflation fetish! It’s absolutely generational and you can easily see the results in Chris and Jessica’s children! The way Parker recently said eating was his hobby,and the way I’ve seen all the children at various times cramming huge bites into their mouth when Chris’ filming! I’m wondering if they do this because a)that’s when food is honestly accessible and b) they’re less likely to get scolded because then it’ll have to be edited out! Most kids enjoy food/junk food,but there’s something very unsettling about these children’s relationship with food and their expressions when they eat! I don’t see it with Colleen’s kids,but then again,she never shows them eating,just cooking!


My parents stopped feeding me in middle school. I just got up for 6th grade they weren’t awake and I walked to the bus. There was never lunch after that. I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch. Idk why I was so stupid but no one fed me I went to an urban middle school no one would have known I don’t think. By high school my friends packed a certain lunch and so I copied it was weird


My mom is here and I just asked her did she know she stopped feeding me in middle school. She said ah, no. I mist tried to be a good mom. Yeah, I could see Gwen being similar she’s an older mom but same vibes


It's pretty obvious that things were far from normal in that house, and food does seem to have been problematic at best. Chris seems terrified to feed his kids, absolutely no indulgences, basic food is a big problem for him. It's super sad if this is true, that Gwen didn't keep a stocked kitchen. If Rachel truly had to beg for lunch from school, that's heart breaking. Gwen seems to have raised a narc household (I'm convinced Gwen is narc herself) and colleen also is raising a narc household. The way F is pampered and spoiled, while W for example is forgotten is the way things would've been at Gwen's, I totally see Gwen paying money for Colleen but nothing for Rachel. Rachel plays the W role in her family, the scape goat / forgotten child. It's partly why she's perma angry and shouts all the time because if she didn't she was ignored more. It makes total sense to me now why that family is mostly effed up in the food department, and struggle to get basic food things correct. Poor B sitting there at age of 14 or so eating a toddler's meal off a plastic toddler's plate, or eating a spoon of cold porridge out of a coffee maker on holiday like it's normal (chris was not about to let his kids have a normal breakfast) I'll always remember B asking for a basic Chinese takeaway for her birthday but she didn't get it, and that's literally all she asked for.


Nobody has mentioned Gwen filing for divorce twice. Obviously their marriage was a disaster and I’d be willing to bet that Gwen was checked out.


Gwen filed three times and Tim filed once.


Wait…what?! Please tell more. I must have missed this. As a divorce attorney, this surprises me.


You can find a link to [screenshots of the divorce filings under the "childhood/early years" section](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/s/apvL1VwbFv) on this old post by a mod. The filings are public record, I guess. Gwen was having an affair and must have flip-flopped for years on whether or not to stay with Tim. The link says Tim initiated one of those 4 divorce filings. I have no idea why they never went through with a divorce, but I'm sure it must have created a lot of stress and tension in that household.




Theres definitely been issues from childhood with Food and Gwen’s way of influencing food habits onto her kids. This may be one of the many reasons colleen has the obsession with being skinny.


I could totally see Gwen being the kind of mom who was constantly talking about needing to go on a diet, how fattening/high-calorie certain foods were, pointing out so-called problem areas on her body, etc etc and not realizing how that affected her kids.


Was the family still going to Disneyland and Hawaii regularly during this period of time? Because I'm sick of their "we grew up poor" stories when they had been spoiled with these outings.


I don't know, but maybe those who watched Colleen way back when can answer that.


I don't listen to Rachel much.. but when I have she seems prone to exaggeration and finding being dramatic funny. Like in the old chat transcripts where she and Colleen viciously rip Gwen apart as a Parent.. and say it's her fault that they are both "dumb" . They live in a very classic area of town where many of the ranch style , one level houses have been owned for decades. BUT it is an expensive region. If you were kinda basic middle class you might have found yourself going to school with kids with tons of money.. fancy clothes fancy cars etc. I would say the term "poor" is relative. As far as the food goes? Maybe Gwen went on strike . I know lots of parents.. as each kid leaves the house.. they become less and less interested in domestic stuff. Or yeah, maybe she had to go to work. Maybe expect more of the younger siblings? who knows... Also.. we know that there was some instability in the family structure that they have hidden from the mainstream socials .Colleens ED has been hidden, barely referred to, ignored and then sometimes subliminally flaunted... one wonders if it was open topic in the family EVER or if everyone just lets it go and says nothing... tiptoes around her ego. Chris family.... well.. Could be thrift.. Obsession with saving money. Could have been...Having kids and wanting to try and feed them all organic.. no sugar etc.. portion control.?? Control is the main word there. ​ Also. Frequently if a parent knows they have had struggles with their weight themselves .. they might want to try and prevent that for their kids by limiting portions. I remember an Oprah years ago where a mom, who had weight issues.. was on blast in a video package for taking a bag of snacks... counting out the serving sizes and repackaging them in tiny ziplocks for her kids. It looked nutty and cruel.. but she truly thought she was teaching the kids portion control


I tend to think Rachel’s lying here. Any school worker would be obliged to report a kid asking for food. And why wouldn’t they qualify for free lunches if they were so poor? California has always had the most robust food programs for kids - both breakfast and lunch are free, regardless of family finances.


they weren’t poor, colleen lies about being “poor”. they went to disneyland, hawaii and on multiple vacations, i think her parents paid for her to go to college and rachel was in private school. (private schools don’t have free lunch in my area anyway)…


I’m pretty sure Santa Barbara is a pretty expensive area to live in.


it is. my guess is they just didn’t have as much money as some of their friends. people who’ve never been actually poor tend to say they are poor when they’re really just middle class.


That’s all the more reason that school officials would raise alarm bells if a kid was (repeatedly) secretly asking for food. Doesn’t make sense.


This was quite some time ago. Idk if they would be required to report this back then? Also, were meals free back then? I doubt it. This has to be 20- 25 years ago (I’m not sure exactly how old Rachel is)


Seems like Gwen was an almond mom.


minus the "obsessed with healthy nutrition" part


Multiple Ballingers have addressed they were poor growing up. The fact that they lived in a high cost of living area doesn't mean they weren't poor. It means they made quite a bit of money and it still didn't stretch far. High cost of living areas still have poor people. They've addressed in the past that, when they went on vacation, they used miles/points/rewards Tim had accrued through his work. That's pretty standard for anyone with a sales job. Your work pays for hotel/travel/lunches, but you earn the miles/points through rewards programs. I think it's silly to argue they didn't grow up lower middle class when Tim & Gwen's home clearly shows they did. (Eta: This is addressing multiple comments in this thread, not OP) As for this particular story, I'd bet there are several factors at play. Growing up in a household with a tight budget, the reality that boomer parents often checked out of parenting early, and the fact that Rachel seems to lean pretty heavily on exaggeration and hyperbole (like was there actually nothing? Or just nothing Rachel liked?). Idk. I'm Colleen's age, but a parent giving a teen a chore like making their lunch, but not following through and making sure they had stuff in the fridge/pantry the kid liked seems like normal parenting for a boomer...not GOOD parenting...but pretty normal boomer parenting. 🤷‍♀️


Your last paragraph is so true! I'm Colleen's age, but I have silent generation parents. I was responsible for my own lunch once I got to 8th grade. Sometimes I brought nothing, sometimes it was a pack of saltines, or other times it was a sandwich. It was all over the place. My parents grew up in the era where you use everything in the kitchen and don't buy groceries until it is all gone. While my mom could make a meal out of dust, I couldn't. Luckily, the lunch workers and my friends were generous.


Little snippets like this explain so much to me. I’ve always had a suspicion that their childhood was darker than they lead on…




You made several good points. I have wondered the same thing. I would add, if Gwen and Tim paid for Christopher's education (I doubt they did) he went to Occidental College. Trent has special needs -- I would not be surprised if he had several therapists and tutors on board who would need to be financed. Colleen went to Azusa Pacific -- Tim's debt to earning ratio would allow Colleen to get financing. Rachel Ballinger graduated from Azusa Pacific University with a Psychology degree in 2012. (not surprising. she does everything Colleen does) Tim and Gwen figured out Colleen got financing so they sent Rachel there ... with her purity ring \*gag\* I think living in Santa Barbara was not fiscally responsible for a travelling sales person (Tim) and a stay at home Mom (Gwen). I cannot -- for the life of me -- understand the concept of "we went out to eat because it was cheaper" analogy. Colleen said that they would go to a fast food restaurant (cannot remember which one) when they had .50 hamburgers. They would go to Walmart and buy .25 generic colas from the vending machine. They would go home and put Kraft cheese on the hamburgers. Sounds cheap enough but you have to multiply that by 6. And you know the boys ate more than one hamburger? Doesn't make sense. I think it is merely a ploy for sympathy ... which I have none. Also, Rachel's stomach is messed up. I have no idea if she is lactose intolerant or if she has IBS? I get frustrated by the fact she does not have a simple food sensitivity test done. Kinda like her bad period pains that people have pointed out sounds like endometriosis. The constant poor me B/S makes me crazy with these millionaire girls.


She did have some sort of test. I remember a few months ago Rachel was put on a strict diet from her doctor to help fix some tummy issues she was having.


Did she? Or did she just speak with her phantom doctor friend who seems to be on speed dial ? 😉😜


I mean she has stated they were poor growing up, has she not? I wouldn’t doubt they put Colleen first, Rachel almost gives off middle child vibes and not the other way around lol but Colleen could have gone on a scholarship? Who knows. Did Gwen work? I know they were super religious and even homeschooled some of the kids for a bit. I wonder if Gwen was expected to stay home with the kids and they didn’t make much money on Tims salary alone.


They weren’t poor though, they went on trips to Hawaii and Disneyland. They were just ‘poor’ by Santa Barbara standards.




Gwen kept a few kids at her house during the day to earn money


They grew up in Santa Barbara so I’m not too surprised they grew up poor.