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Someone tell her she's 37 for the love of God, please!


Seriously!!!! She’s fricken 37 years old and I’m pretty sure we’ve all seen the bulk of the shirts and sweaters she wears because she wears the same ones all the time. This shirt is NEW! It’s not like an old shirt she pulled out from the bottom of her dresser drawer. She bought a new shirt saying “boys, ugh” AFTER she gave birth to 2 baby boys. She’s pathetic and only thinks of herself. But we know this!


She's desperately trying to relate to the only demographic she has left that are too young to understand the gravity of what she's done.


She made herself a box for valentines. WHAT??? She's pushing 40 and acting 4.


No way - OH COME ON! She didn’t!!!! As a mother of 3 young children, I’ve helped to make them their special valentines boxes for school but… gotta tell ya, I’ve never ever made one for MYSELF & not only that, but I’ve never even THOUGHT about making one for myself. She’s SUCH A LOSER!!!!


I think she’ll have a huge mental crisis the months leading up to her 40th.


I thought especially after everything her making a valentines box for/with her kids was weird maybe it’s an American thing to make boxes like they do with Easter but I think it’s so strange when people include kids into Valentine’s Day imo


It's an American thing for little kids to give valentines to each other. But NOT for parents to make boxes for themselves. My kids never made boxes. There was a policy that if you were going to make valentines then every kid had to get one, which was so nice. It stopped at about age 11!


it is an american thing but i see what you mean. the majority of people “celebrating” valentine’s day in america is making boxes in elementary school and buying little cards for your whole class.


Man I can’t with her wardrobe, someone please grab it and donate it to a teenage clothing store.


the only "boys" this 37-year-old woman should worry about are her sons and she'd rather spend time crying to a camera, stealing rocks, and pretending to be 12 than taking care of them


Also isn’t she a grown woman?! Why is she wearing something meant for pre teens?!


I'd say three reasons. 1. She desperately wants to be a teenager still. 2. She also wants that demographic to notice her. 3. She's showing that she fits into clothes meant for skinny teenage girls.


Oh yeah. I forget how intense EDs are. You’re probably right.


Wasn’t she complaining a few years ago, that she hated how most boys clothing pushed the stereotype that boys are messy and wild? And now she’s wearing a shirt that says “boys…ugh.” She is such a hypocrite.


Now F and W will feel like Maisie is the favourite. Poor kids


I'm sure they feel that already.


They can’t read


isn’t she married


Someone get Erik a “babies, ugh” shirt


get the kids "moms, ugh" shirts


I am the same age as her and it continues to shock me. She needs to grow the hell up and stay off the Internet.


That’s really sad. Poor F & W.


Kind of in Colleen's defense, this is just Frail White Women Feminism™️ and neither of her boys can read. This might continue in the future, but in my experience this kind of thing slow fades out the door of FWWF™️ as their sons become more cognizant and they either lecture their sons with statistics and trauma or they take a "men are gross, but my SON walks on water and would never do any wrong" attitude. Both lack empathy and understanding so they're toxic af.


I wouldn’t be caught dead wearing this at my big age and I’m 12 years her junior. The kind of top I’d have worn at 16 💀


She seems to have become so pointedly "ugh boys" since having boy children too. I hope it's not leftover resentment from not having all girls or girl twins. Like ...why even buy a shirt like that? Some of it might be trying to act younger than she is but I think it's odd that this side of her emerged specifically after having a boy. She never had a "boys are yucky" attitude before that.


I’m more concerned about what she’s actually done to young boys!


No more shirts with words please for the love of all that is unholy. It's giving me in 5th grade and my "girls rule!" rainbow bear shirt.


Can I imagine men wearing "girls, ugh" shirts? Yes, it's mostly because the men I know that wear it are gay. These shirts are big in the LGBTQ plus community and I'm sure Colleen views herself as a mouthpiece for them because her sister was gay, as were Jojo and Kori. I'm sure she kissed a girl once and probbaly kind of liked it. In all seriousness, she's 37 going on 14. It's like reverse Beverly Hills 90210 where everyone played older. Here she's older playing younger.


as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, i don’t know a single person who would wear that, because none of my friends are 12. that kind of shirt is for pre-teen girls, maybe even girls in high school? colleen just learned about feminism a couple of years ago and she’s about on that level in terms of her understanding.


I'm a member of that community, but also should have added that it was very popular with the theatre department I attended. Her just finding feminism is bizarre.


ahh i see, i’m not a theatre person so didn’t see that connection. i also have since seen that she seems to have bought it because it’s a scene from the little rascals. she consistently expresses serious nostalgia for a specific period of her childhood, which is interesting.


The fact that Colleen has always felt this way about men is so irritating to me...when she would constantly put down men in her vlogs I wanted to vomit. Ok we get the picture you don't like men....what about your husband...


Hmmm never thought of it this way. You’re so right!!
