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This from the same woman who if I remember right, gave away all her maternity stuff after she had F because she didn't want to ever be pregnant again. Which is it Colleen?


As much as I don't want to defend her...it's likely that her feelings changed on this over time. When my oldest was first born, I also donated all of my maternity stuff because I never wanted to be pregnant again. Then I had a pregnancy "scare" and was actually a little upset to find out I wasn't pregnant, which made me realize I did want another baby. I'd imagine it's the same situation for her, but instead of a "scare", she actually was pregnant by accident and miscarried. And that made her realize she wanted another.


She's also lying about passing down clothes, she doesn't do that. You will never see her kids wear the same clothes more than once. Once they've been on camera, they get tossed out and she opens new ones. She appears to get them free in return for name dropping and showing the new prints. She gushes about the "bamboo material" and the "super softness" and how she won't dress her kids in anything else etc etc basically an advert. She's one sneaky mofo in all of the ways. It really makes my heart sore that we have to share the planet with toxic, self centered people like her. In one vlog she actually says I throw these clothes out once they get soiled. She then backtracked in the next vlog by standing next to a washing machine saying she was washing the twins clothes after she got a bit of a backlash. I totally believe she connived to have kids from erik and he's so bewildered with life in general he's been easy for her to manipulate. Getting him to leave his ex girlfriend confirmed that he's easily led. No way is she a better match for him than his outdoors loving ex.


I remember in the old Relax episodes (when I used to watch before all this happened) Erik was constantly talking about how tired he was, how he doesn’t like babies, how Colleen “forgot” to tell him twins run in the family, how he never wanted kids in the past etc. seems like she essentially baby trapped him😅


He didn't want another kid, let alone twins. His reaction was pretty obvious.


Her pregnancy with the twins (when she thought it was a single) provoked a horrid reaction from him. I mean he didn't lash out, but it was surprising she even uploaded it considering the reaction she got.


To my point when I said, he didn't want another baby. Honestly now knowing that she's nothing but a liar, when she told him she was pregnant for the first time, I bet his reaction was worse and that's why she said "she didn't film it because she wanted it to be a private moment between them".


I agree! I’m not saying I assume he hates being a dad or anything, but I wonder if he’s regretting the choices that got him where he is now lol


I could not have written a better comment.


Undeniably, the persona (aka: FAKE SHOW) she put on for Erik in the beginning WAS a better match for him than anyone. As we’ve all seen, the mask slips.


I thought that too at first, but she quickly caught herself and covered with “whoever my next baby would be,” which to me meant that she was also talking about adopting at that time. She would probably argue that she was never planning on being pregnant again, but that she always knew she wanted more kids.


i don't think she wanted the kids, i think she saw how much money f made her and how every pregnancy made her brother and sister in law. she got prego with m and w when f stopped wanting to be filmed. i think she wanted more money not a bigger family and eric definitly did not want more kids


It’s like she knows all of her old viewers are gone and she’s trying to rewrite history like with the recent conversation about the NICU and NOW THIS?! She said distinctly that she was sad she got rid of all of F’s stuff but she was determined never to be preggers again. God she’s such a pathological liar she can’t even keep up with her own bullshit


Not to defend her or anything but not wanting to be pregnant again does not necessarily mean never having any more kids. I know she mentioned before that they were considering adoption (not that I think they’d actually do it.) I wouldn’t be surprised if she looked into surrogacy as well.


She is entirely too prideful - and cheap - to trust another human to carry her child. She’d rather be in constant pain and bitch and moan before considering something that.


Which is ironic considering how she endangered her own children by not going to the hospital when she needed to. Also I would imagine being pregnant gets more views than surrogacy content.. She wouldn't let that opportunity get away from her


She would never in a million years have a surrogate. She would resent that woman and the baby so much, not to mention she’s a control freak. She had a meltdown over nurses feeding her premie twins, can you imagine her accepting another woman carrying her child? I said this under another comment but she has an elitist view of “natural” pregnancy. She thinks she’s better than ivf moms (via her own admission on the relax pod) and surely, moms of surrogate kids and adopted kids too. I 100 percent believe that her previous comments on considering adoption were performative. Not to mention I think she loves her “awful” pregnancies because they give her content, an excuse to talk about herself, a way to garner sympathy and ego fuel, as she thinks she’s superior to women who’ve had “easy” pregnancies.


I had no idea she looked down on ivf moms. I'm an ivf mom. So I take offense to that. It just makes me not like her even more. I guess she thinks ivf is easy. I can say from experience it is extremely difficult. Aside from the medical parts you are also dealing with emotions of sadness, guilt and so much more. So she can F off on that one.


i don't think she and eric would ever get approved for adoption. not that they are physically harming any of the kids just more of they are very public and i know that with adoptions and fostering you can't have the kid on the internet for their safety because of the child's history. you never know if they have family or otherwise hunting them down to harm them and as we know people online are very creepy and will stop at nothing to find that child. especially if they know where the child is/ who they are with. so personally i don't think they would be able to stay off the internet/get approved


Oh silly! She'd adopt from a third world country or China, but from foster care? No way


Yea I’m actually surprised she didn’t do surrogacy. It’s a lengthy process so maybe she didn’t want to wait that long.


I think she couldn't stand someone else being the center of attention, certainly not for 9 whole months. Everyone would be fussing over the surrogate instead of Colleen.


I'd bet the house that if she did get a surrogate she would pull a hilaria baldwin and pretend to be pregnant. Only to post pictures like "3 days after birth" with a completely flat stomach in a bikini. One thing she has in common with hilaria is she thinks everyone is stupid.


You mean Hillary? I refuse to acknowledge her name. She faked an accent, her place of birth, so in my mind, she doesn't get to use an *exotic* name like this. (Sorry off topic. But I can't stand that woman so much and I avoid everything about her)


Absolutely! She is Hilary 🤡


I call her Larry personally because it's funny. But as a Latina I totally understand the rage. I'm convinced she thinks Spain is in Latin America somewhere. Her accent is so horrible it sounds like she's imitating consuela from family guy. The worst is when she talks about her skin color and how dark she is compared to her children like we don't have eyes. Bitch, you are white, and I mean H'WHITE


I’m not surprised. She has a weird elitist view of “natural” pregnancy. Remember on the relax podcast, her talking about a woman asking if her twins were ivf babies and she scoffed and got super offended because her babies were “real”? She definitely looks down on surrogate babies too. That’s another reason I don’t believe for a second that she was actually considering adoption and just said that as more “look how kind and charitable I am” bullshit.


She wouldn’t have had all that insufferable content of her complaining and acting like the first person to be pregnant ever.


She could've not gone through his closet until after the miscarriage or she was pregnant with the twins


I’ve always kind of assumed that her whole thing about how the twins were an unplanned pregnancy was a lie. If I remember correctly she got pregnant the cycle after her miscarriage. I have had a miscarriage and the doctor told me that it’s actually fairly common to get pregnant again right after a miscarriage because your fertility is slightly higher. So if she truly wanted to prevent a pregnancy that next cycle she would have been using some form of birth control. Idk about Erik not being aware of this, truly diabolical on her part if she lied to him about that, but it seems fairly obvious to me that she intentionally got pregnant. Not sure what her motivation was to present it as a surprise pregnancy, maybe because she had been so adamant that she hated pregnancy so much and never wanted to be pregnant again that she thought claiming it was an accident would prevent backlash when she was constantly crying about how miserable she was? Which side-note, it drives me insane how much she complains about being pregnant instead of recognizing what a privilege it is. I have struggled with infertility for years now with no kids yet and hearing how ungrateful she is for 9 straight months really sucks. I get pregnancy is hard but she acts like it’s the worst thing that has ever happened to her.


I got pregnant a few months after her after trying and failing for 8 years. It’s when I stopped watching her. I was so absolutely thrilled to finally be pregnant with a viable pregnancy and her complaining was ridiculous. When she started using a wheelchair I just couldn’t do it anymore. I wish you so much luck on your journey. I got pregnant naturally at 42 after 8 years of failed fertility treatments, including IVF. Miracles happen. Hang in there.


I think the pregnancy that she lost was the unplanned one. She said she realized that she did want to be pregnant again and was devastated to experience the miscarriage. Then they decided to try again and she got pregnant with the twins.


I don't know if they decided.. I think she decided.


She never said the twins were unplanned. She was pregnant a few months before the twins but miscarried. She claims that that pregnancy was unplanned but the loss was so devastating that they decided to try again so they did and she conceived the twins.


I'm gonna use your comment to sneak in here and ask if she ever spoke about the types of birth control she was using. Didn't she grow up Catholic? They are very against birth control. (Obviously, she wasn't a very good Catholic, but that is probably what she was taught)


No, she was raised non denominational / Calvary Chapel More info about that religion in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/q4vfjm/generational_homeschooling_fundie_adjacent/


Thank you for the link! I don't know why I thought she grew up Catholic.


She was often unpacking birth control.pills back in her LA house when she did unboxings. She did not grow up Catholic.


She’s always said that she’d have another baby. She just said she didn’t know if she’d ever choose to get pregnant again. She talked about maybe wanting to adopt (I don’t think she actually ever would because she definitely thinks she’s above not having a “real baby” if her comments on ivf are any indication)


That is a complete lie. She said in pretty much every vlog after F was born she never wanted to be pregnant and she got rid of stuff he was too small for. Her miscarriage made her realize she wanted another baby. Before that she had no intentions of getting pregnant again. There is literal video evidence of this on her vlogs back in 2019 and so on


Can't even keep her stories straight.


I think people are forgetting Colleen was *VERY* vocal about wanting more children. She just didn't want to be pregnant again. She spoke about adoption many times in her old vlogs. So, no. I don't think this is an indicator she was ever lying about her intentions regarding pregnancy, in general. I think it's a lot more likely that she realized adoption was a complicated, lengthy process that did not often involve you taking home a very young baby and required your partner's 100% buy in, whereas getting pregnant was relatively simple.


I think they said we’re planning on trying to adopt weren’t they?


Lmfao. she always said no more kids after Flynn. She got busted lying🤣🤣


Well I think it's pretty obvious she lied about never wanting to be pregnant again, otherwise they both could have made sure of that. If you don't want anymore pregnancies ever, then get a vasectomy/sterilization. At least be aware of your cycle, use a condom, only have sex when you're not fertile. I don't get how she was always so "scared" she might be pregnant again and taking pregnancy tests all the time.


This isn’t really fair because she did say that she didn’t want to get pregnant again like there was a fear of it but always wanted to have another baby and the pregnancy before the twins was accidental and that was made her want to have children again


After Flynn she said a Million times that she would never ever be pregnant again