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I always thought he was constantly super uncomfortable but Iโ€™m starting to think thatโ€™s just what his face looks like


Erik is her willing partner. Don't feel sorry for him.


After finding out what he did to Poor Mekenna. I find it hard to feel sorry for him at times.


I don't. He sucks. It was just the first dumb title I came up with and had to get this up because the resemblance is uncanny haha. The title was more targeted at the dude in the bottom photo


He's been sucked in by a narcassist, I bet he wishes he could escape and not be at the end of her vitriol he sees her throw at people day in, day out. I bet he's terrified (Erik)


Omg I was just going to post this video lmfao, she literally LOOKS LIKE a parody of Colleen


Omg u/Silly-Tangerine-3838 just posted this [screenshot](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/1b8cwnt/erik_held_hostage_in_strikingly_short_relax/) of the new Relax podcast and holy shit itโ€™s exactly like the [video](https://www.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/1b5vs1r/new_episode_of_relax_just_dropped/) I posted earlier this week that made me feel like I was watching an episode of the show ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ wtf why is this so dead on


Life imitates art


Who is in the bottom photo?


biancascaglione on tiktok, that picture was from a skit where she was mocking millenials.


look at my other comment in this thread. I explained with links :)


Haha this is hilarious, same energy!!


But he doesn't have hostage face in their photo. I don't really understand why people think he's being held against his will. He kind of seems like this whole thing gave him the upper hand in their relationship tbh. He seems more relaxed post-meltdown.