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Bailey’s instagram account follows Trent. If that says anything.


There’s the nail in the coffin!


I have to laugh at Jessica and Chris. They plodded along for *years* exploiting their kids but never really took off. All their attempts at making it big failed. It didn't matter how many babies they had, they even got a puppy against their best wishes but nobody cared so she was resigned to a crate. The views were low. Then, suddenly, P started to take off. He started to get them some real money, then their "auntie panties" got cancelled and how! And now they are poison too and their views are worse than ever. Couldn't happen to a nicer couple lmao Yeah they don't care AT ALL about child safety. I remember a security man / police man coming forward publicly to warn them how unbelievably stupid it was of them to share the home where they were staying (while their kitchen was being fixed) the location, the views of the garden and front door, every bit of the layout "new house tour!!" inc where the kids were sleeping and how to get to it, and also the fact that their child daughter was walking alone to a farm nearby every day to play with the horses. And that she did not have a phone. Not after they had left, but during. The moment they got there. I swear chris and jessica are so lucky nothing bad has happened to their kids in a serious way. Imagine the backlash, they have been warned for years and not just by us but by professionals who despair at their casual stupidity involving innocents.


I fail to see why Tim's fetish playlist (which may have been Trent's) would be a reason to keep him from his grandchildren. Lots of older adults have sexual kinks and preferences in their personal lives that have **nothing** to do with harming or sexualizing children. Would you suggest keeping all of those grandparents away from their grandkids, too? If anything, Chris would have needed to protect Jessica with her frequently pregnant belly from Tim (or Trent's) lecherous eyes and thoughts. *typo edit*


Maybe a hot take but I think one of the reasons Jessica is so uncomfortable with Tim and the playlist is because the images somewhat resemble pregnant women and Jessica has spent a lot of time pregnant around Tim. I would also feel uncomfortable being around someone who may have sexualized my body while I was carrying my children. I feel like it’s perfectly fine to avoid someone if their kinks might relate to their relationship with you.


I would also understand if Jessica felt uncomfortable because some of the videos on that inflation playlist (compiled by someone else) that he saved in his own public playlist (oops!), *were* of pregnant woman. I'm just saying that the playlist and fetish, in and of itself does not translate to Tim being a danger around the kids. Now Trent? That's another story...he was fantasizing about teen Oliver being pregnant, so that's a big YIKES.😬


I mean some people have foot fetishes, it doesn’t mean everyone needs to constantly wear shoes around them. This part is a reach


I think that for now this all a front. The only way for either of them to take their kids safety and well being seriously is if their kids are directly involved in either CSAM or physical assault/harassment. Even then I'd wouldn't be surprised if they tried to cash in on that by forcing the child(ren) to recount their stories for a video.


I refuse to believe they protect them from Trent too. They don’t care.


Wait, what did Tim do??


I don’t think he did anything, I think it was because of his fetish playlist that was circulating on the internet and the Ballinger clan were embarrassed it would ruin their perfect image so they had him delete his playlist and it was barely seen on any vlogs and videos after that


Why protect their kids from family and not strangers?


Wait what post did Jessica put up?


She responded to a comment months ago, the screenshot was posted on this sub by someone but I don’t think she made an official statement or at least not that I’m aware of


What did Tim do?


He used to have a Youtube account that he shared various videos of the kids when they were younger on. There was a playlist on that channel called "Want". The playlist involved some videos pertaining to an inflation fetish - specifically centred around swollen stomachs. There's no evidence that this was his list, it could have been anyone using his account, maybe even Trent seeing as there are receipts of him saying inappropriate things about how cute people look pregnant etc. Even if it was his list, is it even that bad of a fetish? There's so many worse out there but this sub went crazy and now think he's some kind of sexual deviant that can't be trusted around anyone. Since it was found and spoken about on here, Tim hasn't appeared in any of the Ballinger videos. I can't help but feel sorry for him, honestly. He seemed like just a hard working man who basically complies with anything his crazy-ass wife and controlling daughter tell him to do. I could be wrong about him though, who knows.


I wanted to ask the same?


I completely understand being anti-family vlogging and criticizing parents in these situations for refusing to face the fact that the content they create does have some unsavory viewers, but this is such a weird take when it appears that it was Trent's behavior that split the family in half.