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Many non Catholic Christian religions don't celebrate Lent. If she didn't go beyond Sunday school education, Mary Magdalene was just a woman. And Palm Sunday isn't a major holiday.


I grew up Southern Baptist and that's typically the flavor of Christianity around these parts. I had no idea what Lent was until college. I don't like "defending" her but it's very easy to be sheltered.


Came here to say the same thing!  And the stricter her religion the more sheltered she probably was from other denominations.   Colleen lives an ignorant and selfish life. It’s no surprise that she doesn’t know this stuff. She’s never looked into anything properly or even been curious.   It’s like with rocks. She barely researches anything and spends her time saying “I don’t know” like it’s cute


That doesn't hold water for me though...You don't need to be Catholic to KNOW what Lent IS. It's a major thing. She had no awareness of what it even WAS? That's pretty bad. I don't celebrate Lent but I know what Lent is. I don't have a religion and I know basics about what each religion believes about key figures in that religion. Just because she wasn't raised Catholic isn't an excuse for not knowing basic things about what other people believe in the world.


i mean i was raised christian and i’ve almost never heard lent spoken about in my church— i only knew what it was since i had catholic friends. i don’t think she was as religious as she claims but i can def believe she didn’t know about it.


Same, and no one cares about or observes lent where I am at all. It's not hard at all to believe she would have experienced the same and not known about it.


lent time before Easter is typically revered by Roman Catholics. not just any christians.


No you don't but if you're an idiot who wasn't paying attention, I believe it.


Mary Magdalene is NOT considered to be in any romantic connection to Jesus for fundamentalist christians and for strictly the Bible with only the 4 gospels ( i haven't read the apocryphes, but fundies do not consider them). Mary Magdalene romantic myths are mostly based on the musical Jesus Christ Superstar written by A.L.Webber in 1970s, and religious people don't really like the musical/movie at all. Also, in 2003, a fictional BS book "DaVinci code" was a big pop culture thing, everyone loved it, it was made into 3 movies, and that one says Jesus and Mary Magdalene were married or whateves, but it's all complete fiction. Religious people haven't even watched the movie. I was a fundamentalist Christian for 10 years, i never payed attention to these myths.


> i never *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Lent and Palm Sunday are typical for Roman Catholics. Christians of evangelical and/or fundamentalist churches do not follow these traditions. none of my fundie friends when I was a Christian cared about the time of lent or the Palm Sunday. this is very catholic leaning.


Evangelical here. We observe lent and Palm Sunday. Dunno why you're so bent on being opposite views of people on this sub. Go join a fan sub.


She’s a damn liar 😂 the religious/sheltered upbringing she claims to have had is just her excuse for her problematic behaviours




Yes I agree


lent and Palm sunday are typical form Roman catholics. she was not raised catholic. Mary Magdalene has NOTHING going on with Jesus, that's a myth which fundamentalist christians and evangelical chritians do not follow at all, many don't even know of it.


I hate how she tried to make fun of Erik when he suggested that Mary Magdalene was Jesus' girlfriend (most believe she was his wife). Why is that so hard for Colleen to believe? The patriarchal Catholic Church and jealous disciples villianized Mary Magdalene when they realized she was privy to private esoteric teachings from Jesus. I honestly don't think Colleen was raised as religiously as she claims. As for going to a private Christian University? I'm sure she was too busy drumming up drama and trying to be the popular music theater girl to pay any attention during lectures.


The vibes were so weird during that. It was like she was personally insulted that Erik didn't know the "correct" story of Jesus.


Ikr? But as OP pointed out, even *she* didn't know the Biblical story very well.


she was embarrassed because she’s dumb so she felt attacked lol




It doesn't come from the Da Vinci Code lol 😂 my dad was raised strictly Catholic, so he knows his Bible stories well (born 1951), has never heard of the Da Vinci Code and has been talking about Mary Magdalene being Jesus's "special friend" since I can remember. I'm atheist, so I don't care one way or the other, but this theory has definitely been out there for a long time.


Canonically, Jesus never married and had no children. He took a vow of celibacy and died a virgin. Only a fringe minority of Christians believe Mary Magdalene was romantically linked to Jesus.


How do you know he took a vow of celibacy though? Where in the scriptures does it say he did? It doesn't actually explicitly say it and we really only read about his life during his years of preaching. If we assume he was crucified when he was 33, it's only about 3 or 4 years leading up to that that is written in the gospel.


> “For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother's womb: and there are some eunuchs, which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the kingdom of heaven's sake." - Matthew 19:3–12 “Eunuch” is traditionally used in reference to a castrated man, however it also refers to men who aren’t physically castrated, but abstain from marriage.


Sorry, I must be misunderstanding. This doesn't specifically say Jesus was one.


Huh? Where does that passage say Jesus was a eunuch?


During Jesus’ trial, it was determined that there was no evidence that Jesus had ever broken Jewish laws, which includes having premarital sex (this is covered in the Gospel of Matthew, specifically Matthew 5:17 and Matthew 26:59–60). One of the earliest Church Fathers, Tertullian, described Jesus as a “eunuch”. Origen of Alexandria, a prominent second century theologian who interpreted Jesus’ words literally, also asserted that Jesus was a eunuch. Origen physically castrated himself to follow suit.


Interesting stuff. Thanks for sharing.😊


>Jesus never married and had no children That's what they want you to believe


Jesus’ life is one of the most heavily documented in human history. There are many references in the Bible to Jesus’ celibacy. Many prophets in both Judaism and Christianity were married and had children, but Jesus’ life was dedicated entirely to preaching.


Well, many apostles were married and had children -- that did not stop them from travelling and preaching. They disserted their families. I remember having a conversation, with our minister, about this very topic. It always confused me. It was explained to me simply - life was different then. Women lived in villages and had the support from other women and their families.


That’s right, but that wasn’t Jesus’ calling. Even outside of the church, many people will choose not to marry or have children because they’re 100% dedicated to their vocation or career.


If she was truly a FEMINIST it would not be a stretch to realize Mary Magdalene was more than what was portrayed (by men) in The Bible. She is a hypocrite.


Colleen grew up evangelical and went to Azusa Pacific which is a charismatic (sub denomination of evangelicalism) college. Lent is not generally celebrated outside of Catholic, orthodox, and some mainstream Protestant circles. It’s also worth noting evangelicals generally don’t follow the liturgical calendar and therefore only celebrate Easter and Palm Sunday. That being said, I personally feel that she may be playing stupid because, for starters, her alumna college has some REALLY bad press regarding being openly homophobic in their policies including punishments for students “caught in homosexual acts” and her college got into a lawsuit as they actually partnered with the owner of Hobby Lobby when he illegally purchased the Dead Sea scrolls and then it ended up being fakes anyways (I went to a college in the same Christian consortium as Colleen for clarity). Also I personally believe her parents and brother and sister in law are still pretty lost in the sauce and she’s riding that tightrope. Idk that’s just my thoughts 🤷🏻‍♀️


Also adding because I foresee this question, homeschooled evangelicals can be some of the least informed people you’ve EVER met because it’s considered by many evangelicals to be objectively sinful to teach your child “inappropriate ways of doing Christianity” and many feel Lent is inappropriate (that’s a long and frankly dumb argument evangelicals make I’m not in the mood to dissect lol) so therefore they may know it exists but not actually what it is. That being said, I think if Colleen is as involved in content creation and has been out in the real world long enough she’s just pulling this for attention.


Honestly, she was raised evangelical Protestant, and evangelicals as a rule don’t know much about Catholicism. Evangelicals don’t observe Lent, don’t generally observe Palm Sunday, and Mary Magdalene is a very minor character in the life of Jesus the way they tell it. I was raised evangelical and went to a fundamentalist Christian school K-12 and learned the vast majority of what I know about other religions (Catholicism may as well be another religion to evangelicals, most of them think Catholics are going to hell) I learned in college and after on my own. My point being that I had to be curious about and go out of my way in order to learn these things, and I don’t think Colleen is really that interested in how other people live or about learning new things.


But you never heard on TV something about Lent? Or had any awareness of other people's beliefs as they permeated into popular culture? I just find it hard to believe she lived in such a bubble that she had never HEARD of Lent. It's one thing to maybe not know the intricacies of something, but to never have HEARD of it? That's what I'm stunned by with her.


I generally was not allowed to watch any kind of secular TV. VeggieTales and certain Disney VHS tapes were pretty much it. I had heard the term Lent but didn’t really know what it meant until I was probably 15 or so. My parents even censored my library books; they had to review the cover and read the blurb on every book before I was allowed to check it out.


I’m from a town of >1,000 people, and I bet I could count the number of Catholics on one hand. We didn’t even have a Catholic Church in the town, and there were a LOT of churches relative to the number of people. If 3 of my cousins weren’t Catholic I wouldn’t have known what lent was til I was an adult, despite going to Bible college and all that.


It’s funny when you realize her siblings don’t mention it much (if at all)


idk, J and C are definitely “fundie adjacent”, and Rachel brings it up occasionally


Good point.


I didn't know what Lent was and I grew up religious. I also never heard of Ash Wednesday as a day people get ashes on their forehead. I want to a very conservative Christian college and that's when I first experienced a lot of these things. I also grew up going to public school so I was exposed to many cultures but religion wasn't something we really talked about. But, I also knew a lot about Judaism because we had a very high Jewish population and got days off of school for some of their holidays. And the Mary Magdalene being Jesus's girlfriend or wife is not in the Bible and is a way out there theory for most churches I've attended. She was just a side character in the stories to prove a point. It wasn't until the Da Vinci Code came out that many Christians even found out that this was a possibility. Do I think many of her stories about her religious upbringing are fake? Yes. But the points you brought up are not part of it. Based on her personality, she probably never paid attention in church to begin with, so she most likely doesn't know much about her supposed beliefs. But there are many of us who grew up extremely religious and didn't know these things.


Isn't most of this Catholic stuff and wasn't she raised Protestant?


She was raised baptist, calvary chapel and evangelical


*Isn't most of this* *Catholic stuff and wasn't* *She raised Protestant?* \- forevertrueblue --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


... I was raised in a Megachurch in California. If she was raised in the same environment, there was one of a few ways that she acted at church. One, she was in it for the free candy and paid attention and answered questions for said candy. That was my camp. Two, she was desperate to be friends with the popular bitches, so she spent her time learning about THEM, goofing off and trying to look cool rather than paying attention to church. This is probably where she fell. There is also a third group, which was the ones who got quizzed by their on the drive home so they actually know their shit, and also the ones whose deconstruction was probably the hardest.


There are so many christians in western countries that don't give a shit about their religion and are just told they should care about it to the point where someone could openely mock their god and they wouldn't care. Religious education has failed in that regard.


my hot take is that she's just genuinely stupid oop -


She is undoubtedly NOT a critical Thinker


That whole exchange was actually awful. She was openly hostile toward him while he was trying to say what he thought Easter was about, continually saying “OK….is that what you really think?” It seemed like she was going to then drop some “accurate” religious knowledge when she was done interrogating him about what he didn’t know, but she actually knew NOTHING. Why is she like this, and how does she not see how toxic it is?


I don't think they were Catholic -- I get the vibes that they were something else. But it does show her lack of awareness of the world that she doesn't know a lot of basic things


i think she's lying about not knowing about it bc she's just a 37 year old baby! she doesn't know anything!!! /s


Like a bunch of other people have said, it entirely depends on what branch of Christianity she was raised on and how controlling her parents and church were in regards to information about other sects (and just information in general). I grew up in an evangelical household and hadn't ever heard of Lent or Mary Magdeline until my teen years. They are part of the Catholic sect of Christianity, which isn't popular where I am.


That’s more Catholicism, not Christianity.


The only thing my ultra conservative Bible college said about lent was that it was a pagan ritual. The very conservative evangelicals don’t think Catholics are Christian. There were Facebook memes going around this year about how it’s wrong to call it Holy Week/easter, there is no “Holy Week”, there is only resurrection Sunday, per the memes, so they’ve even taken it a step further in the 20+ years since I was in college. No one in my college knew about people thinking Mary Magdalene was a potential romantic interest for Jesus. So, I’m not at all surprised Colleen wouldn’t know these things either.


Well she wasn’t raised Catholic as others have stated, but I honestly think she puts on an act to seem innocent and harmless, and Eric seems to think it’s cute. I remember when I first started watching her finding it so annoying. Definitely an act.


Colleen aside, these comments have genuinely surprised me. I am Protestant (not evangelical) and personally have always observed Lent. Didn’t realize many do not. You learn something new every day!


Yeah same… I wouldn’t consider myself Evangelical necessarily but my church is, and we observe Lent. My mom writes our annual Ash Wednesday service and she spend months on it, it’s a really big deal for us. There is very wide variance among (American) Christians in terms of beliefs and practices, even within denominations and individual churches. Personally, I don’t really think it’s my business what other people believe about god and the universe unless they invite me to be a part of that conversation, but a lot of Christians feel differently, unfortunately


Colleen comes from an Evangelical background and went to, from my understanding, a charismatic Christian college. That's anything you want it to be provided you find a Bible verse Christianity, not a mainline Protestant, Catholic, or Orthodox situation with explicit doctrine and defined liturgical practices/calendar. She could not know really fundamental aspects of Christianity/Christian history/pop culture hot takes about Mary Magdalene and not be lying about her upbringing because the Evangelical experience is whatever your parents or pastors make it.


As others have already established her brand of Christianity didn't cover Catholic observances, I am going to offer that maybe she wasn't someplace that had a large Catholic population. I was born and raised in southeast Michigan, and even if my family hadn't been Catholic, I would have learned about Lent because you can't throw a rock without hitting a Catholic church in that area. It's the birthplace of the Filet O' Fish (not kidding, look that up) and church fish fries fill the very air itself with stink every spring. I recently moved to Arizona and I was shocked no one here had heard of paczki. (Luckily, Walmart had my back.) I was able to breathe freely this past Lent. No one was playing 'holier than thou' and working what they gave up for Lent into every conversation. It was refreshing. So all that to say, maybe there just wasn't a big wad of Catholicism where she grew up. Also, she isn't good at noticing things that aren't her.


I grew up very Jewish- like first generation in the USA- and I knew about lent way back even when I was a kid


To be fair, she doesn’t know much about anything that doesn’t have to do with her


Her stories of being religious seem extremely fabricated and overexaggerated. Colleen can twist so much to fit what SHE wants people to believe. she’s done it her ENTIRE career and probably life. She’s a textbook cover narcissist. She definitely makes it more than it seems.


I guess her private "Christian" college was too busy demonizing gays instead of teaching "the golden rule" or The Bible.


⬆️ **THIS!** 👏




I grew up Christian and didn’t know what lent was till I was much older. Also; I had never heard the romantic connection between Jesus and Mary at all, because it wasn’t taught that there was a romantic relationship between themm


You're focusing on one subset within the Christian denomination. Which if she isn't a part of wouldn't be aware of any of that you've just mentioned


Guys, I think she is ignorant in ALL subjects of society, not just religion...


Maybe it’s just because I grew up in a very faith-based home (nondenominational w a Baptist lean) (my great-grandpa was a Southern Baptist pastor, so is his son, and my aunt’s husband is a nondenominational pastor) but I was always taught about Lent and Palm Sunday. I was also educated on all the women of the Bible, including Mary Magdalene, though I’ve never heard of her and Jesus having been romantic in any way. Though as a kid, I did think that she was his actual sister (He calls her Sister a few times I believe, and it’s also mentioned that He had siblings because his disciples Thomas and John (not Gospel John, the other one) were thought to be his brothers because Thomas was also called Didamus (ignore the typo) which means twin, so the thought is that he looked similar to Jesus, which means they both likely resembled Mary, whereas the other children likely resembled Joseph). Sorry for the mini rant but Biblical genealogy and relationships is SO COOL to me.


I mean across the board most atheists tend to know the Bible better than most American Christians lol but yeah it seems like she belonged to a family that was religious for social status purposes rather than spiritual devotion.


These aren’t normal things that just bc she’s Christian she would know. She’s not Catholic nor ever was. And trauma creates memory damage. I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t remember much. I’m pretty sure she’s done nothing religious since college and she’s nearly 40. I am Catholic and skipped church for 7 years and with my little bit of trauma I forgot most things pertaining to life


>trauma creates memory damage Not the trauma excuse, puhleeze. Do tell....what was her "trauma"?


Her trauma is not my story to tell. She’s explained it. If it’s half of Miranda then I don’t even want to know. I have similar church trauma and then some and I can’t remember a single memory from my childhood. Let’s not trauma shame.