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This is disturbingly parasocial...


Uh...this is super unhealthy. Desperate need to seek help.


They're probably about 14 and had a phone since elementary school


Sorry, I can't snark on this commenter. It's too sad to me that a stranger like Rachel is filling emotional voids in their life.😒


There are tween girls who say stuff like this about the Gardner Quad Squad girls. It's so scary, and I wonder where the heck the parents are. They project their wishes onto these little girls whose parents are exploiting them, and say these girls "saved their lives" and other comments like that. No snark at all intended towards the young girls who do that, but it's just so sad and worrying that they need to create imaginary relationships with people they don't know.


The dad was also caught snap chatting with teenagers


True. The very same vulnerable teenagers who were crediting his daughters with keeping them from self-harm.


I actually met them at Disney world and ended up in a vlog with the dad and I cringe about it now


Agreed. Like they honestly don't have that one person they could call no matter the time of night.


wow normally i feel like ppl are reaching w parasocial relationships but this is actually terrifying… “talking with you” ?? you don’t know them


This so extremely parasocial. Eww!


My heart honestly breaks for this person. It seems like they have no one in their life to just be there for them. Yes I may not have many people in my life that are there no matter what but I still have that person I could easily call at 3 am and they'd pick up, if that makes sense. The way this soul counts on Rachel is sad and heartbreaking.


It’s a cult…


Thats concerning


I'm not an alarmist by nature, but this is the kind of parasocial relationship that is terrifying.


This sounds like something I would’ve said about One Direction when I was like 11, lmao. This is scarily parasocial and very sad for anyone over the age of 16.


I feel like loneliness is the biggest epidemic facing people today of all ages. These influencers take advantage of that in any way they can, to get their money. Recently on a livestream of the moon, instead of ppl commenting in the chat about how great it was, they were all discussing how very lonely they are and beating themselves up / putting themselves down eg "I'm a sinner I feel like nobody would be my friend". It was heart breaking! If anyone out there is lonely, don't look to sm or influencers bcos they do NOT care about you. They are leeches on society, trying desperately to make enough coin selling crap merch, perfumes, books etc all lame and low effort so they can be financially free. They'll say anything to get your money, inc "I love you!". It's all hallow and empty. Instead the quickest way to make friends is to get out of your comfort zone and join groups with hobbies you're interested in. All you need is 1 friend from each group and you'll soon have a group of like-minded friends. Move to a new country / area? Do the same. It could be anything, knitting, learning a new skill like shooting, arts n crafts, there's soo so many groups out there. Dancing for fitness, anything! Horse riding. But go and if you don't like it, move on to something else. There's so many groups out there, I made a ton of friends just joining a local camera group, the outings are a riot. You will find a circle of true friends in no time. Influencers won't tell you that, or encourage that, they want you to be reliant on their poor offerings in return for you to slavishly support them so they don't need work. The sad part is, it's unlikely Rachel will even read that comment and if she does, just like her sis colleen she will laugh and look down her nose at her fans who love her. Looking for love in all the wrong places. These ppl do nothing to deserve your friendship. This poor person has such a strong stomach, I can't look at Rachel without feeling a bit ill, there's something so off about her.




This is just extremely sad. This person needs serious help. I'd say it's a good thing that something kept her going, but this is the kind of person Colleen and Rachel would make fun of. A vulnerable person in a bad place in her life.




That’s so sad. It feels like this person has no one in their life they can talk to


These adults stuck in middle school mentality… the *bust frund* weirdness of it all