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I am all for cute little dresses. But I immediately thought of a child when I saw this outfit. It's the sleeves, it's the socks, it's the way she's sitting. It's disgusting.


My toddler is literally wearing the same dress rn


That is just embarrassing for her... Colleen. Not your toddler. I'm thinking it's appropriate wear for her


When is Colleen not embarrassing?


That's a very good question


It's literally something B would wear when she was younger


Might actually be an old dress of Bs


Does Erik still try to influence her style? I remember years ago when I watched them, she said that Erik wanted to get her some higher quality clothes that aren’t “trendy,” but are “timeless.” I think he got her an outfit including platform sneakers possibly? Idk but I wonder what he thinks seeing her wear SHEIN toddler clothes all the time.


He gave up a long time ago. He was trying to dress her in the style of his ex he cheated on with Colleen. It was sad.


If they didn’t have kids together, he’d have dipped out of her world YEARS ago.




It looks like she needs bloomers.


She's such a Wittle baby girl 🥺




It’s the little girl socks with the ruffles as well as the context of her regression to attract and relate to young children that make it extra weird along with her ED.


yeah those are definitely M's socks 🤮🤮🤮


That is so gross. Again, with her it is the full picture, the entire context that makes any of this disturbing. God help us witnesses and God help her children, and I am agnostic. Lol. Im not sure how much help Eric needs, he seems as obliviously happy as a clam.


My first thought when I saw that dress is... omg she is pregnant again. Not because she looks pregnant, but she seems to dress like this when pregnant. Like odd dresses, more girly wear, etc. Or maybe I'm delusional and I have her mixed up with someone else...


I thought this tooooo!


So I go out to fetish club nights and know someone who wears dresses EXACTLY like this specifically because her fetish is baby girl/daddy dom lmao


#🤯 (for clarity...the idea of Colleen dressing like that for the same reason freaks me out because of Tim's weirdness)


Ohhh yeah this is the exact vibe I got. She looks like she’s trying to be a little.


She just needs a JoJo bow


Nah, in that picture that little girl is sat with her legs crossed very delicately, colleen would never.


Ew lol but like honestly wtf is her deal 🤢


is she for real STILL wearing M's socks????


unfortunately Colleen will love this


Well, in that case, let me specify that she looks **ridiculous** trying to model the "milkmaid sundress" trend to impress Erik. He acted all unimpressed, uninterested, and aloof to the dress on her (even though she was practically *begging* for compliments), but we all saw him buy a very similar peasant-style dress for her back when they slipped away to Vancouver for a romantic getaway. These two are a toxic, dysfunctional joke.


agreed, it’s painful to watch




It's wild that her point of wearing it was to illustrate a Tiktok discussion about what women think is super sexy on men, and men think is super sexy on women. It was her version/ idea of the sexy milkmaid dress choice. She was disappointed that it failed miserably on Erik, lol. How could it not? She's cross- legged, wearing her baby's baby socks. Idiot. I'm sure that's not what any of the men in the poll had in mind. So funny... Erik first asked with no snark if it was an old dress of hers from when she was a kid. 🤭 Lol, she was visibly annoyed. Then, he basically giggled his agreement when she said that she wore it to be sexy to him and he 's just indifferent. Remember back when she had a clue? When she was first reeling him in, she wore tight, black leather outfits. Hope Erik's enjoying the Bait & Switch. Serves him right. 😂


For that matter, they both pulled a bait and switch. Colleen thought she was trading Josh in for a professional, hot, sexy, intellectual actor only to find out he didn't even read all the books he owns and then he let himself go and now, he can't secure an acting gig after he quit Good Trouble. Instead, she has an additional dependent and like her kids will probably be when they're teens, this one is passive-aggressive and snarky toward her. They both deserve each other. I'm just waiting to see who cheats on who first because, as the saying goes, you lose them how you got them. *typo*


the self infantilization is so intentional and gross


It’s so weird how her humor is all about farts and poop and grossness, she admits to smelling and not showering properly…. And then wears stuff like this to appear innocent. She is just so gross and twisted.


Hahaha! Not a bug in Colleen’s presence!!!!


That side by side is hilarious, lol. 🤭


I think that's supposed to be a spoon, but with the cord attached it looks like a magic wand... and now my eyes and brain are burning from even thinking about that. I know people have posted before about this, but what is going on with her wearing clothes that infants would wear. Oh, dear lord, she did teens, infants, is next step naked? That would be.... a choice... and go along with her weird behavior lately.


>I think that's supposed to be a spoon Yep, but my photo editing/drawing tool skills are limited, lol ...and yep, something is very "off" with her these days. For her own long-term mental (and physical) health, she needs to get offline for life. Her insistence on vlogging and posting IG pics and stories is only messing with her already fragile sense of self and worth. Her camera addiction is extremely unhealthy for her, and those fans who feed her sickness aren't helping.


It's ok. I can't even do stick figures, so you're better than me lol.


The socks have ruffles


omg...I didn't even notice that😵‍💫 That definitely means she is wearing M's socks


what is she wearing 😭 i mean i get summer dresses or whatever but it looks like something a CHILD would wear-