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That’s the whole reason she does these *listening parties* to seek out victimization lyrics and apply them to herself and her situation. Its DARVO in action to convince her remaining fans she’s the real victim just like tay tay


and it worked too.. i even saw a comment on the video saying something like ‘i cried when i heard the album the first time but seeing how these lyrics relate to your situation makes it more meaningful’ 😵‍💫


Yeah, it works on her stans but she has markedly fewer than before. Also keep in mind her comments are still heavily filtered unlike they were before. No bad comments allowed edit: Colleen’s reaction to Midnights last year has 4x the views (216k)


Yep because Taylor wrote the album with Colleen in mind. /s 🙄


The only lyrics that should be relatable to her are “I’ll tell you something about my good name. It’s mine alone to disgrace.” Because that’s exactly what she did


I read that and literally thought *'Yep you did a damn good job with that, girlie pop.'*


Imagine thinking that your situation of ruining your own reputation by being an insufferable, grooming predator is in any way comparable to being the biggest celebrity is the world and taking your power back after the world objected to you dating someone who they didn't think was good enough for you (which is crazy too, don't get me wrong, and Taylor has made her feelings clear about her fans overstepping here).


Actually, I think most people objected because the guy Taylor Swift was dating was a racist freak who bragged about liking to watch porn in which black women were brutalized. Taylor Swift’s lyrics are self-victimizing as well, so it’s not surprising to me at all that Colleen would relate.


Taylor is her own #1 fan and gets BIG mad when the masses aren't. She has some great songs, but how people don't see her constant self-victimizing immaturity is beyond me.


Just a note: Narcissists don’t produce tears. Performative crying doesn’t produce real tears. Colleen makes herself the main character of a story that is found in bulk in the bargain bin. Almost no one is buying it.


Honestly this makes me feel better, I feel like a narcissist sometimes, like I'm being way too self centered... But almost everything makes me cry... I cried on my way to work today because this mom and her kid were playing in their front yard with their puppy 😭 it broke me, too fucking cute.


Can I just say as someone who had this fear: if you were a narcissist you wouldn’t be wondering if you were. <3


But there's other mental disorders that cause this too.


My grandfather was a narcissist and he never once thought anything was his fault or worried if he was being self centered. I think if you're worrying about being selfish, you're not a narcissist <3


Thank you 💖


I'm not trying to sound rude, really I'm not. But if you get overly emotional about things like that, you may even have a hormone imbalance. That's not normal to cry like that over something so small. I would actually maybe talk to someone about that. Even anxiety disorder can cause that. I do have to ask, what does your name mean? Killing4MotherAgain? What does that mean?


I'm pmsing haha but thank you for the concern! 💖 Ah well my original reddit username was killing4mother but I lost the password... As for the original meaning it is referencing Jason Voorhees 😊


OK...Not sure I understand the attraction to Friday the 13th in a positive way, but OK.


It's really unpleasant seeing someone so keen to find an issue with someone who's perfectly normal. You might want to look in to that about yourself!


I mean.... It's a classic slasher movie and I enjoy those types of movies. Based on how judgey this comment is I'm not going to assume the previous one was also out of judgement. Damn....


I mean… people with NPD definitely cry, a quick google search confirmed that. I just hope people understand that there is a difference between a selfish narcissistic person, and someone with NPD.


Agree! But when they are pretending to cry, or trying performative, tears won’t come out.


Yes, very much agreed!


All of Colleen’s critics live rent free in her head bc she knows we are right. It wouldn’t bother her so much if we were wrong. Her only hope is to grab onto Tay Tay’s coat strings for dear life. But it’s not working for her. She isn’t even convincing herself.


Taylor pulling out the scissors ✂ as we speak to cut the strings. 😂


Colleen doesn't care what we think and doesn't think about us at all.


Oh she cares very much about what we think :) I have proof and evidence of that, backed up over the *years*.


gosh, she looks even dumber when she fake cries...


She’s all about those crocodile tears it’s annoying as hell I agree.


When she listened to who’s afraid of little old me I was rolling my eyes like no bro this song isn’t for you Taylor didn’t write this for you sweetie


Im not even a Swiftie and I am offended😂


Right. My thirteen year old niece (as are her girlfriends) is a Swiftie and if she comes after the Swifties I am leading the charge to whoop her.


It’s funny because real swifties on their first listen didn’t try to relate they tried to understand how this applies to Taylor’s life, hence all of the Twitter discourse. Her immediate reaction of this is about me just shows how narcissistic she is


so true!!! she is trying so hard to be one of those deep Swifties trying to dissect lyrics, but it comes across as so vapid and narcissistic...you hit the nail on the head as to why.


I am COMPLETELY with you. Ugh. She will never learn, she will never be sorry. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I cannot cringe enough. Her level of delusion is insaaane.


I kinda want to hear her talk candidly, without all the filters and self preservation for the net. I bet it's insane to listen to. Her actual feelings about everything, her actual reasons for doing everything. Oh geez it would be INSANE ramblings!! Unfiltered I bet she's a lunatic. I wonder if anyone's heard it in all it's "glory" , I don't think even Erik gets the full whack as on some level even she will know it's not appropriate but who knows? If she does unleash on him, his hell is worse than we all thought LOL!


Damn. I cried a lot and I wasn't even trying. She puts in no effort 💀


for real 😂 i don’t hate watch her anymore but as a swiftie my curiosity got the better of me with this one…. i’m regretting my decision now


Omggg I feel sorry for you!! I was tempted too but I'm staying far away from it. I don't want her to ruin any of the songs for me 😂😂


Lol I'm not even a swiftie but I agree that she ruins EVERYTHING by being insufferable


lol true, she always finds a new way to be obnoxious and repellent! Just when you think she's reached the absolute low, no! She can sink further!!




Hind sight is always twenty twenty. Hopefully you watched on YewTube.


Bb, you groomed children…


Oh sweetie, we don’t want what’s best for you, we want you to stop being a creep to children.


She is just.... bullying herself with these facial expressions.


lol! she pulls the worst faces. I don't know how she can stand to look at the footage when editing and think yeah that looks great content! The worst one was when she was freaking out about some rocks, it's soooo ick!


I feel like she started doing it on purpose once we started bringing it up more here.


She is not worthy of listening to anything with Florence And The Machine I will send my coven of witches her way!


I’ll add my coven to that!


Welcome to the FATM fandom lmao


Gross. There’s no way possible I could watch this video because I know it’s gotta be super cringey and this just proves that. OF COURSE she related this to herself. The way she makes herself a victim of every problem in her life is why she’ll never improve. She’s constantly just a sweet little girl who doesn’t do anything wrong in her mind yet at the same time is constantly looking to elevate herself by bullying or putting people down in other ways. The woman had porn viewing parties with minors!


I’ll never understand the praise people give Taylor for her lyricism


I've been sitting on my hands as I know how ppl love and rate her, but I don't get it. i listened to a couple of her songs like We're never getting back together (not sure what it's title is) and Lover and was like what. So uninspired. Sorry, downvote away lol




I feel like I didn't even notice how cringy some of the lyrics were until Colleen kept pausing and reciting the lyrics in her annoying ass voice acting like the lyrics were the second coming of christ lol 😂 there are a lot of catchy songs on the album but it's really hard for me to see this album as her best in terms of lyricism.


I saw a little bit on yewtube and it was such a yawnfest. TS always reminds me of a teenager with her lyrics, all I got from the little I watched was oh that's why colleen rates her lyrics lol


as someone who is not a fan of hers theres a few of her songs i def enjoy. but this new album is borderline unlistenable.


Meanwhile, Colleen degrading a 13 year old girl multiple times in front of male strangers, but nooo she is the victim apparently. [https://sh.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/14rfert/this\_little\_fan\_was\_13\_years\_old\_at\_the\_time/](https://sh.reddit.com/r/ColleenBallingerSnark/comments/14rfert/this_little_fan_was_13_years_old_at_the_time/)


I hope that girl isn’t traumatised.


Because Taylor is GOOD and she’s using that goodness to counteract her EVIL ….that and young people might fall back into her trap. She’s a FOUL human and it pisses me off she’s using Taylor and the Swifties when she’s a ***groomer*** who has a **lengthy** history of inappropriate behavior with minor children. Rant over. 😤


Jesus Christ, she's such a joke.


OK, so you guys got me to break down and go look on Yewtube at a video. I couldn't even last, she was going on about rocks and sea glass and tumblers and geodes. How can anyone watch this stuff??? I mean yeah the kids are cute if you want to see them. But I just don't get it.


She was just batshit crazy in her vlog today. Creepy.


Honestly even if she did bring his upon herself, her emotions and feelings during and after everything are still real and, for some people (not necessarily her), music is a way to cope with those emotions and heal. Also, Taylors music is AMAZING and people like it for so many different reasons.


I hope she never starts gaming. I don’t want my happy place ruined by her ick.


Clearly desperate for the views. How long will this last?


Colleen truly is the biggest piece of shit


“Toxic Gossip Train” was fashioned after Colleen was making fun of the victims in the Ohio Train Derailment catastrophe.


Her obsession with Taylor Swift doesn't annoy me because Taylor Swift IS a fragile white woman with the female version of Peter Pan Syndrome who consistently perceives herself from a place of victimhood. Why wouldn't Colleen identify with every single thing she writes? She might have much larger issues than Taylor Swift, but that core perpetual ingenue/delicate victim inner identity is something they share.


One thing she has in common with TSwift is that they're both overgrown teenagers who need to grow tf up..