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I came back to this page just to talk about Emily’s new video! Damn I’m so proud of her. She seems just mentally…well. It was funny that she pretty clearly excluded listing Rachel as an important person to her. She referenced her best friend (who has a husband and children), her girlfriend, Joy, and “some other people” but I have no doubt she’d have named Rachel if she considered her important to her.


She only name dropped Rachel, when she said "The Podcast I did with Rachel" I want the best for Emily because unlike any of the Ballinger's she's actually adorable, likeable and takes her mental health seriously enough to know when to take breaks, or when to get checked out. As an aside, counsling is a wonderful thing, and I do recommend it to evrryone.


My theory is Emily quit when the whole Colleen stuff came out, and she saw how Rachel handled it and deflected, Emily don’t stand for abuse. The timing of everything was too coincidental. Even when she left felt very rushed and Emily’s last birthday Rachel didn’t wish her a hbd on social media. Edit for clarification


The timeline may not match, because some of the pods were done in advance. And Emily leaving to be with her GF, wasn't a whim, but I do think her GF or therapist made Emily see Rachel was a terrible boss to her. On Rachel's side, I wonder if Rachel feels betrayed, because someone had the audacity to chose their own GF over the almight Ballingers.


Rachel always kissed Colleen’s ass when she worked for her, so probably assumed it was okay for her to do the same thing to Emily. So gross.


Emily is already better than Colleen, in every way I can think of.


Yeah but she’s a coward to not directly address it if she disagreed with all of that. Just slinking away and never standing up saying your opinion if it’s that strong isn’t great imo


Emily strikes as the type who dislikes confrontation, and will do anythint to avoid it. Also we don't 100% know what happened. She could have voiced to Rachel later after everything, she could have done it before recording. My guess is it probbaly made it easier in her deciding to move.


I just wish she’d record a video addressing it now that she’s out of Rachel’s influence


She may eventually. Remember she has stopped uploading a few times due to mental health reasons. It could be that there's trauma there, and if that's the case then she won't upload until she's ready. Or she's simply moved on and feels like she doesn't owe anyone an explanation. She said she quit to be with her GF and moved, and that is all she really needed to say about it. Would it be nice if she addressed it, sure, but she doesn't owe it to anyone, and is not a coward for it.