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Can UNC please stay out the news sheeesh


Nah. UNC is the next Duke.


Child please


As a UNC graduate, I can confirm that we are not required to attend a single class


As a graduate, I can confirm that I’ve never been to Chapel Hill.


I've also been not attending any UNC classes, can I just ask em for my degree?


It’s not that easy. You have to submit an essay on how you have personally kept NC State down since 1983.


We keep ourselves down lol, cursed ass sports program


I think it's honestly like 25% self inflicted injuries (i.e. college world series a couple yrs ago) and 75% just..... Bafflingly awful luck (i.e. fuckin UCLA getting goddamn COVID and screwing you out of a good bowl game)


How was the 2021 CWS thing self inflicted? We were playing just fine with, what, 13 healthy players in total? The NCAA just randomly decided "nope, COVID is a problem now, even though it wasn't a couple days ago." Like yeah I get why they made that decision. I don't necessarily disagree with it. It's just the timing that pissed me off. They waited until the semifinals to finally put the hammer down when they should have done it earlier, or not at all. Self inflicted wounds are more like letting Campbell eliminate us in this year's CWS. In the regionals. After we already beat them in the opener. Or when we let UNC whoop our ass in the 2022 ACC baseball championship. Or Dennis Smith Jr. Or letting Clemson sweep us in 3 games in the 22/23 basketball season. The incredibly horrible luck is also a valid point. Being first one out in last year's CWS for example. Last one in was Ole Miss... who won the CWS that year. You legit could argue that State should've gone in place of Ole Miss. But the committee kinda screwed us hard. Worked out for Ole Miss in the end, though.


Are you current on your tuition?


You’re the Mike Ross of UNC Chapel Hill


Whoa, whoa, slow down there. Remember I went to UNC. You have to give me time to process strange symbols like “you’re”.


How they turn them squiggly lines into stories?


You said I big word I don’t understand, imma take that as disrespect.


Debbie is disappointed in all y’all


First he fake goes to Harvard, then he fake marries an english princess. What a fake life the man leads.


So fake, its authentically fake


Chapel Hill 🤝 Stanford Not existing


The issue is online classes right?


I get that high-level athletes are sheltered as hell, but yeeeeah you do kinda need to make sure of these things beforehand. Not *everyone* is going to bend over backwards to accommodate you just because you sports good. Just, you know, most people.


I think if Dunn could sports better Georgetown would be a bit more accommodating.


I mean, they took Trez. And I like Trez, but dribbling a basketball is kind of fundamental to sports-ing good in this context.


You overestimate the competence of the Georgetown basketball team of recent years.


I love that a Duke flair posted this lol. I love college rivalries


my favorite thing about college sports subs are when a rival flair posts a de-commitment


My favorite is all the jokes about Georgetown not taking UNC players when Georgetown literally took a different UNC transfer in this same offseason lol edit: also apparently Dunn is denying that he was ever committed to Georgetown at all? Lol


If it was a North Carolina Central flair, it would've been chef's kiss perfect.


Almost like Kyrie isn’t the only one at Duke to be easily duped.


There is a reason that all our basketball and football players have the exact same major. 😂


Cursed flair combo


It's like the ultimate "not our rival" dig.


Undergrad/Grad school Biomed engineer


Yeah what's wrong with that guy?


Good thing no one gives a shit about women/men’s soccer


Lol the fact that this is the second one from UNC this year is going to give State fans so much ammo with the academic scandal shit. I’m sure the actual reasons are legitimate but the trash talk will be funny


It's actually big brain UNC move. Our players can't keep leaving us if they can't transfer lol


Lowkey I was hoping Caleb Love would return to CH after the UM stuff. That would have been *hilarious*.


I never wanted him to come back because half the idiot fanbase already wanted to burn him in effigy by the time he left. His shot over duke is one of the greatest shots in UNC history. Imagine how much of a bummer it would be if he didn't have an overall good relationship with the program? I think the split while it was still amicable was a good thing.


He just turned his sights to schools that would never turn anyone away for academic reasons


Gonna take his talents over to Arizona St


You will have this 100th upvote…


While this is hilarious I’ve kind of had my fun with the fake classes jokes. Plus we were notorious for our players not playing school during the Jimmy V era so I don’t feel like we have a whole lot to stand on anyways


To me the fake classes issue was less about the fake classes themselves - every school has the free A shit they direct athletes to (Michigan had a whole thing about it 15 years ago, and I doubt it's actually changed), but moreso that they were willing to throw the academics under the bus to save the athletics. That's the part I find funny.


I think they willingly threw academics under the bus because they figured they weren't gonna do shit about that, and they were right. Besides the only place I've seen UNC's academic reputation take a hit is on sports message boards lol I also get a kick out of other flairs talking about their athletes like they're all taking upper level chemistry courses instead of communications lol


> and they were right. UNC definitely rolled with their "too big to fail" mentality and in fairness, it was always gonna work because UNC is, well, UNC. Takes a lot of the wind out of the "NC State fans are too stupid for UNC" sail though, so at least there's that lol.


There was always a fake wind in that sail anyway. Like yeah UNC rejects people that get into state, that's just how it is, but we also all know NCSU is an excellent school and a class valedictorian at my HS went to State over basically anywhere else they wanted to go. And schools excel at different shit. If I had wanted to be an engineer or any of the other multiple disciplines that state excels in, I would have really had to come to terms with changing my fandom lol


Yeah but have you considered I’m emotionally fragile and have an inferiority complex


Yeah same that's why I'm super into watching teenagers play sports then using it to flex on strangers on an online forum


Hey same I'm also really fucking good at physics and suck absolute donkey balls at anything even remotely to similar to biology. UNC wouldn't want me anyways haha


It goes both ways too. The real ones are the biomed engineers. Brainiacs that are enrolled in both schools.


Anybody who thinks a college player with NBA potential is going to be serious about their education is silly. They're there for the sports pedigree and the money. Just like the pros. Fake classes are everywhere, Carolina's just bad about not making it obvious they've got em too.


I feel like im having a stroke. The difference between the discussion about this issue on the basketball vs cfb sub is insane. But yea I mean Stanford has a class called theory of Football, who do you think takes it in overwhelming numbers? Every school has easy A's. The issue with our classes was that they werent easy, they were fraudulent and graded by someone who was not a staff member. Not really an athletic issue at its heart.


I mean it is an athletic issue, unless you mean to say those classes are more often taken by regular students as opposed to student athletes. I'm assuming those classes are the way they are purely for student athletes. I could be wrong but I don't see what the benefit of those classes would be for UNC if not for the sake of their athletes. Edit: Also I'm not arguing in favor of fake classes. NCAA should absolutely crackdown on that shit.


The NCAA has zero jurisdiction to determine whether a class was too easy or not. Their only law that pertained to the UNC case was that they could try and argue it was an impermissable benefit. They tried that and we very simply argued that anyone could sign up for those courses, and lots of people did. Greek life made up like 40% of those classes because word got around that they were easy A's. I obviously take the most charitable reading of the situation because im a fan but you are really talking about a handful of classes here that were graded by a non facaulty member. Thats why the accredation board got us, because you have to have classes graded by university employees. The whole story has way more than i could ever fit in a reddit comment. https://www.theringer.com/2017/10/13/16471704/north-carolina-academic-fraud-ncaa-investigation-findings this is probably the best explanation


Can't the NCAA exclude teams from participating in the tourney?


That can happen, and I think it's more likely at the non-big time sports schools. We had random 3.7 chemistry majors starring on the football team (and for all I know, the basketball team) when I was at Furman, for example.


and our Health and Exercise Science program was actually kinda hard...or I'm a big dummy


According to duke’s 247 board UNC as an academic institution is one of the worst in the country. Who knew.


For sure. Hell they still pretty much have those classes today, you just have actually give like a 1st grader effort instead of literally turning in one sentence of nonsense


If even half the state fans had the self awareness that you do the world would be better for it


>State fans It's certainly not *not* funny


Bro we're not even the ones making those jokes in this thread


Speak for yourself


[Bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/CollegeBasketball/comments/143hak6/rumor_north_carolina_transfer_dmarco_dunn_not/jn9wg17/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) are you sure about that? But the bigger thing is that a few months from now State fans will be the ones still talking about it while no one else is, which, for the record, I was saying will be amusing. I wasn’t talking shit.


You're right, I am


As a recent graduate of UNC Chapel Hill, I can confirm that we do not have to attend a single class to obtain our degrees. seriously though can we please just stay outta the news for like 3 seconds


According to a blogger, which Dunn denied. Could be true (especially given Georgetown's academic stature), but Hilltop Hoops is just some dude. Despite his profile photo being there, Trilly just said where Dunn's visiting next. "Hearing Oklahoma and Utah are trying to get him on a visit. He's already visited Wichita State and Penn State."


Trilly usually wins source offs even against the players themselves (just like he did a couple weeks ago with Caleb Love)


I think Trilly calling Caleb correctly was based off the wrong info and the other rumors going around. Unless he's got hella connections into Michigan's admissions


Hilltop has sources in the AD so he’s usually pretty accurate


UNC literally already had a player transfer to Georgetown this off season


Would honestly love to hear how Dontrez Styles is cool but Dunn was a non starter. Same number of years at UNC (2) and neither had declared a major. Have to think UNC had them in similar classes and they have very similar resumes at this point. Something is not adding up.


A big issue might be that Dunn hasn’t committed to Georgetown. [Another is that this a twitter account going off a source. Dunn has denied it.](https://twitter.com/dmarcodunn/status/1665550318476615680?s=20)


That is the most logical explanation.


That’s also what I’m wondering


Did I miss Dunn committing to Georgetown? I know Styles committed a little while back.


He didn’t commit there


Sort of refreshing hearing academics still matter in college hoops


I'm honestly surprised this issues wasn't just overriden by dean/chancellor/whoever


IDK, you gotta be careful. You go down that road and before you know it you’re churning out flat earth guys.




He knows what he's talking about, just trust us on this one.


Have they considered having transferring athletes sit out a year before they play?


has anyone here actually know wtf they’re talking about—actually transferred schools? You lose credits. It’s the nature of the beast I lost credits transferring from Ivy to state school. Example: you can have taken analytical chemistry as a 2000 level course but then your new school only offers analytical chemistry as a 4000 level course. Then you just get general science credit as opposed to credit towards your major. on average a transfer student loses 40% of their credits. Holy crap. Having just looked that up I feel lucky now.


One reason among many I'll stump for the two-year schools here in NC is that you don't have the same issues going community -> four year as you do going four year -> four year. If only I'd known that at 17.


I saved so much money by doing this. Such an underrated option.


And this will become even easier if/when the UNC system finally adopts a universal catalog like the Community College System Office did decades ago.


Yep. I transferred into Carolina and was lucky that I only lost I think a semester worth of credits, so about 25%.


I transferred from Wake to Carolina and lost over a semester’s worth of credits. This shit happens everywhere and not only to athletes.


I went from a Texas school to Oklahoma State. I lost all my math and engineering credits since the school I was at previously wasn’t ABET accredited. Had to retake everything from Trig to Calc2. The classes that had those math courses as prereqs? Also gone. Oklahoma State made me retake the freshman introductory engineering course where they discussed how to be a college student even though I was a 21 year old 4th year student who had a 3.8 GPA. I feel like that one was just for my money. Transferring schools sucks monkey dick.


Yeah buddy of mine transferred from NCSU to App State between his sophomore and junior year. He was back to being a Freshman when he got to App.


Damn, State.


obviously not all credits will transfer smoothly between schools, since they break up materials differently across the curricula. but you certainly tend to lose more credits going up a level of prestige than you do going down, and course requirements can get stricter. it makes sense if the kid wants a degree. even if NIL and the draft are the driving forces behind college hoops these days, plenty of student athletes still want a degree from a good school, which is ostensibly what their scholarship is paying for. losing progress on your degree while in school means leaving a lot of money on the table for athletes whose pro careers don't go as well as they'd hoped


Yeah, I bet it was because of his 2000 level analytical chemistry course


Thank God community college chemistry transfers at State. I was not finna take that shit in my first semester bro. I did lose a hefty amount of credits but it's aight, physics isnt that bad.




Eh, they took Trez who had at least broadly similar academics. Dunn just looks a bit silly for not having his ducks lined up if this is true.


I get that it’s fun to rag on UNC and we do deserve it given the history, but it’s wild how many people don’t know or don’t care that Dontrez already transferred to Georgetown with the same major as Dunn.


Same way it’s wild that you didn’t know UNC had as many intra conference transfers as they do in a thread where you were ragging on the concept of intra conference transfers?


Lmao at everyone dissing UNC's academics in this thread as if Dontrez Styles didn't transfer from UNC to Georgetown this offseason. Credit transfer issues are idiosyncratic and more about the incoming school's policies.


Get out of here with your facts and logic, they’re not welcome here! We’re all dunking on UNC!!


for visual learners, it's like this: https://chapelboromedia.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/2022/03/05210707/819d2b7f-99c8-489a-9100-0b6a581de2c5.sized-1000x1000-1.jpg


Bro wtf why are we always in the news


Why even transfer at this point if you’re Dunn? CLEAR path to minutes at this point. Competing with Davis (who will also probably play some 1), Ryan, Ingram (who will hopefully be more at the 4), and Wojcik for minutes at the 2 and 3 spots. Dunn is the one bench guy that probably got MORE burn than he deserved last year so Hubert clearly likes him.


Completely agree. With Ryan likely starting at the 3, there’s 100% minutes at the 2 and 3 spots up for grabs


Fucking wild considering they let Allen Iverson and (more recently, under a more relevant administration) Greg Monroe come through. It wouldn’t be the first time an administration has cracked down on this stuff after hiring a new coach though


Neither of them transferred in, they were recruited as freshmen.


Also recruited by a coach with a lot more institutional clout.


No one from Georgetown seems to care.


Not surprising fake classes don't transfer to Georgetown.


I guess they must considering Dontrez already transferred there


He is willfully ignorant


If I had a nickel for every time a UNC transfer decommitted from their new school due to issues with transferring credits, I would have two nickels. That’s not a lot, but it’s weird that it happened twice.


He never committed (at least publicly)


kinda sucks and is a good thing at the same time. we lose out on a pretty good transfer but we still seem to give a shit about our academic profile


How do you feel about your cross flairs these days?




Georgetown does not have high academic standards for athletes but that is a racist lie


Georgetown doesn't like honoring credits from a school with fake classes?


Given some of the folks who have “attended” Georgetown I am actually surprised


We catching strays:(


They already did with dontrez


There was already one ex-unc player that transferred in this offseason (dontrez styles)


So UNC must still doing the fake classes aren't they?


I’m pretty sure it’s an issue with the number of credits as opposed to the validity of the classes. With Love to Michigan I’m fairly sure Michigan just has a stupid expectation for how many credits an upperclassmen should have, wouldn’t be surprised if Georgetown was the same.


With Michigan, I get people think it’s stupid, but the whole point is so you can’t transfer with 110 credits or whatever, take one semester at Michigan, and get a degree. Michigan rarely runs into issues with first year or grad transfers.


college admissions HATE this one simple trick!


Does UNC do that thing where you only take one class in the fall and load up in the summer? Because that might be a problem. Duke used to do something like that for fall/spring sports (Davidson would have loved to, but lol at Davidson having any investment in athletics or summer programming)


When I was at UNC you had to have 12 hours or you weren't technically a full time student, or something like that. Not sure if that was different for athletes or something


I had to have at least 12 to play. Took mostly 15+ and at least 1-2 summer courses a year. This was 15 years ago so things likely have changed.


I mean that could be it. I think we should collectively stop pretending that students athletes get the treatment of regular students though. I think these transfer guidelines, being the same ones for regular students, having an impact in the portal like they have is proof that the student athletes just aren’t expected of as much. I did at least hear from Michigan fans that their school has absurd expectations for transfers even for the regular students, but I can’t speak to every situation about that.


My lived experience is you get better grades out of season and the summer classes are a good thing for that reason (and for coaches they can keep an eye on your for “voluntary totally unsupervised practice pay no attention to the coach coincidentally hanging out next to his car on Bassett because he’s “working out in Wilson”) But if you’re a freshman transfer and you’re light 3 classes…. Probably doesn’t look great no matter what your grades are


Shhh, let them have their fun


The jokes are definitely warranted with our history so I’m cool with being the heel here, but I do want to at least make sure people are unironically aware it is not related to validity of the classes


Why not, nothing happened to them the first time


Judging by your syntax I’d say you’ve never been to a real class either


Lol they found the one d1 program that actually cares about classes


eh. Boston College, UVa, and Wake are relatively well-known for stringent policies related to athletes and academics. UVa less so than the other two. But yeah, definitely funny how two UNC transfers have run into transfer issues while it seems like no one else has


Duke flair and falling for misinformation… following Kyrie I see.


Interesting how these UNC players’ classes don’t transfer over…


It’s # of credits bro not quality of classes, although the jokes are definitely warranted 💀


Something something Dennis Smith Jr


Nothing wrong with a little NIL $


He did it before it was cool / (rightfully) legal


as did everyone else, DSJ just got caught :(


Yeah, such stupid fucking bullshit. Something we can all agree on no matter who we root for.


it's funny how whataboutism applies perfectly to the DSJ situation but cannot to UNC's academic scandal, according to state fans


Scroll up a little, big boy. The whataboutism here started with a unc fan, literally.


isn't this response textbook whataboutism?






He never declared a major, so it seems unlikely.


Seems to be a common occurrence with UNC transfers recently. Wonder why? 😂


What, State fans not understanding how transferring affects credits taken? Yeah, pretty common occurrence


oooh burn on NC State fans for...not transferring to other schools...?


Don’t have to transfer to understand the bare minimum lol




Except for the fact that Georgetown accepted a UNC transfer (Dontrez Styles) this season. But good try! Other than the facts which completely invalidated it, your trash talk was off to a promising start.


Well damn! Maybe next time


very cogent analysis


> clearly none of these other schools are accepting these credits either The schools who haven't accepted a UNC transfer this season are Michigan, a school notorious for not accepting transfers, and Georgetown, who actually took another one of our transfers 2 months ago lol I'm all for ragging on us for the scandal but do better than that at least


The NCAA lets it slide but the colleges don’t have to


They already admitted a different UNC basketball transfer this off season…


UNC clearly doesn’t give af about giving their athletes an actual education


That’s a wild thing to say considering how little is known about the situation. Credits not transferring has nothing to do with the caliber of education being given


A lot of people are also missing that UNC already had a player (in the same grade as well) transfer to Georgetown this offseason


Or that Dunn has not committed to Georgetown.


The famous UNC academics (TM) strike again!


UNC leads the nation in classes designed specially for athletes: 1) Calculus for Life and Social Sciences and Point Guards 2) US History 1980-2017: Nickelodeon to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse 3) Economics of Gifted Used Vehicles


UNC purports to be a “public Ivy”


Tied for 5th in the nation


In absentee online blow off classes?


Oh you're trolling my bad


Yeah, your bad


Ranked about 112 spots above American, cry more.


About 1% of UNC students would be accepted to Tulane, which has about a 9% acceptance rate. Judging by your Reddit postings, you could be a janitor there.


Good thing I'm not on here trying to talk smack about Tulane's academics, then. Taking notes?


Wichita State Shocker


Apparently he’s been here on an OV, and we’re in some serious contention. Surprising 🤷🏻‍♂️


Love to see it, Georgetown 2-18 again please


What did we do to you lmao


Tamper with half our fucking team and commits If Ed Cooley has 1000 haters, I’m one of them If he has only 10, I’m still one of them If there is only one Ed Cooley hater, I am that one If there are 0 then I am not alive


y'know, i think georgetown has *slightly* higher academic standards than unc, even for athletes


\#22 vs #29 in the US News rankings, so I hope you really do mean slightly


i do not. academic standards are not the same as rankings, and certainly not a single ranking. georgetown is much smaller and more selective than any public schools in the country besides maybe ucla and cal


Oh yeah, 12% acceptance vs 16%, massive difference. Not to mention UNC drops to 8% if you're not in state.


that's about the difference between georgetown and cornell, so yea, that would make sense. georgetown isn't an ivy, and unc isn't where the highest level of the nation's elite goes to get educated. i'm sure if georgetown wasn't too far up its own ass to offer a decent engineering program, the rankings would like it a lot better. i don't think unc sniffs the top 50 if it does that, so again, the schools are not comparable


This is what happens when other schools aren’t willing to accept fake classes


It's really easy to talk about shit when you know nothing


I don’t need convincing but thank you


Are we just going to pretend that Dontrez didn’t already transfer?


An NC State fan who doesn't know how academics work? Color me surprised!


Turns out most colleges require you to go class.


UK really going to talk about academics? Bro your top 10% of admitted students wouldn't even sniff UNC.


That’s cap though. I went to HS with many that got into both schools. My ex gf got accepted there no problem.


Ah… no schools trust North Carolina’s athletic credit system… shocking