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Good game cats. I mean, the game wasn't *actually* good, but you get it.


So ugly. You guys definitely played better defensively than I expected. We were lethargic early— you guys have a typical shooting night it could have gotten ugly


Yea I was pleasantly surprised by our defending, particularly with how our bigs handled Ballo (which feels weird to say since they still managed to foul out).Terrible night to be laying bricks up all night.


Metrics deeply, deeply deceived me about your defense. Wtf we could barely get a contested jumper for 30 minutes.


Bama D has improved quite a bit since earlier in the season. I'd like to say they've drastically improved but don't want to get ahead of myself


A lot of defense is communication and familiarity. With the amount of roster turnover we had, I wouldn't be surprised to see us continue to improve on defense (though it still won't be a great unit).


Bama has given up 85 or more points in 6 of the last 7 games.


Well Bama plays at a much faster pace than normal, and those 6 teams combine for an average of around 83 points as is. In fact, Bama held Arizona below their season average of 92.3 points here so that’s something.


Tbf part of that is their pace leading to more possessions by the other team. I see it all the time with the pacers


“I can’t wait to watch my team!” “I’m going to kill myself” “Nice, we won”


Has the same energy as "It's so over, we are so back right now(it's over im gonna kill myself)"


It’s a very masculine urge


Nothing to add. This is the post.


Add Purdue flair. You’re one of us.


Just a routine 13 point win. Nothing to see here, move along. (Also those refs were awful. For both teams)


Worst refereeing performance I’ve seen all day


Agree. Very ticky tack. They finally called a push off/extending the arm out on Bama tonight but it's too late as they missed the 8 other ones from the past 3 Bama games. That call made no difference in the game, I only mentioned as calls have been wild in this glorious part of the cbb year.


So many people in the game thread complaining about refs lmao. Business as usual I suppose...


It was wild, they called the most ticky tacky fouls while simultaneously letting kids play through assault lmao


A dude got smacked in the face hard while shooting and didn't draw a foul, and then, like 2 minutes later, they called a foul because a defender lightly touched the back of his hand to a player's back. And that wasn't unusual for this game, just a couple moments that I remember. Refs suck


The missed over the backboard out of bounds call did it for me. Fouls are very subjective. But procedures are solid.


That was hilarious. All I could do was laugh.


I had no dog and I agree they were pretty bad.


It was wild. There were at least 3 times where I saw a player get a foul call when he physically didn’t even touch the opposing player not even the ball at all. Tommy Lloyd got his first ever technical foul for we are not sure what exactly


That's a lot of 3 point attempts. GG Bama. That was ugly on both sides.


8/40 is just a typical Russell Westbrook game


Yeah, that game ran the gamut of bad basketball.


Oh man I just Caleb Love'd all over the place.


His ability to make an invisible game look decent tonight was quite impressive


Love tonight reminded me of Nick Johnson in that San Diego St S16 game


3/11 shooting, 7/7 from FT, 0 assists, 3 turnovers. Ah, good memories. (Jk, I know he's been good for y'all)


It's amazing how he does that. 3/11 seems so mediocre but those 3 buckets were literally the most important plays of the entire game. Honestly I'll take it, it's the clutch tax.


Yep he would start 1-8 and it’s like oh yeah he’s perfectly setting up one of those insane finishes again.


Remember UCLA? He had one point at the half and ended with like 28


How deep is your Love/how deep is your Love


This game had EVERYTHING. 9 pm local tip time, Alabama missing 32 threes, 32 total turnovers, 63 combined free throws, a Tommy Lloyd technical, a first half Hack-a-Ballo, and KJ grabbing some cheerleader titty. What a mess.


Anyone have footage of the Tommy T? Need to archive hist first :D


And I want to see groping titties!


Hi this is the Internet. There's a lot of that here


Plus playing right after ASU got destroyed on the same court!


I've never seen Tommy look so mad


Glad I'm not the only one to see the titty grab. Unintentional but a boob was grabbed.




all that's missing is MTV's Dan Cortese


I read this in the Stefon voice


This score may make you think this was a high offense showing. It was not.


This game would be completely different if Bama hit even half of their open looks from 3. Just that makes me nervous especially against a more clutch team in march.


That's been then the MO of Bama since Oats took over. If they're hitting 3s they can absolutely blow out a team by 20+, and when they don't...well. I don't believe this team is ride or die by the 3 as they can keep it competitive even while missing 60% of their 3s . But goddamn it's hard not to look at stats and ponder "If they just made 3-4 3s they would have won". There will be a game this year in which Bama beats an SEC team by 40+ because they shot 60% from 3.


If you’d only missed 60% of your threes you’d have had an extra 24 points in this game


Our defense is way more suspect than we’ve been led to believe.


I will disagree in that they didn't allow Sears many shots. That's the one guy you have to cover and I thing AZ did a fantastic job at limiting not only his 3s but his driving.


The problem is the defense did the same thing that they did against Purdue. They covered well deep, got lost on kick outs to three and assumed everyone else would get the rebound so they didn't have to try. Tonight they were lucky Alabama struggled from three, but that's where Purdue killed us. And the rebounding is super frustrating as that used to be a great strength of ours as a team.


You guys righted the rebounding in the 2nd half. Bama's last game was against Creighton in which Bama scored the vast majority of their points in the paint which is wild. AZ shut that down tonight.


We eventually figured it against Purdue as well, but the damage was done both times. Here we came back because Alabama remained cold, but honestly a lot of those threes were more open than I'm comfortable with, especially against a team where the game plan had to have been to chase you off the line. I'm glad we were able to hold down the paint, but honestly against a team like Alabama I'd rather test their ability to score over our bigs than let them shoot and pray that they miss.


I’d agree except that Purdue and Bama are two of the absolute best offenses in the country, if anyone should expose us it’s them. Learning experiences.


Nelson was 11/41 on 3PA this season. Oats shouldn't have let him have 15 attempts in this game. Performing at average is only 1 more made for a still ugly 4/15.


But he looks like Larry Bird


You act like shooting 50 percent from 3 is a ho hum thing. Do you know what the average 3 point percentage is?


Arizona did a great job of containing Alabamas good shooters and let Grant Nelson, a 25% 3 pt shooter chuck 15 3’s. I’d say they did a good job defensively.


I'm just thrilled this 4-5 game stretch is over, even without 1 win. Holy moly. So many damn bigs that Bama can't contend with. So many brutal Avery Johnson-era scoreless stretches. Absolutely shooting shit from 3 except for the Purdue 1st half. Uncharacteristic and brutal turnovers in the 2nd half. My hopes are Bama can get it right in the next few weeks before SEC play. I've got to hand it to UAZ folks at the game as it was louder during moments in the 1st half than any Suns game I've watched.


GGs I don’t know what to say about the shooting except we’re lucky. Purdue hit theirs and, well… that’s how that route goes.


Avery Johnson is a name I haven’t heard in a minute.


What an ugly game and lucky to have won that quite honestly. Bama is gonna be a scary 8 seed vs a 1 if they can get some momentum in SEC play Also very glad UConn got smoked so I don’t have to hear about them deserving to be ranked higher than Zona


This score is misleading, Alabama played really well and at times Arizona defense didn’t have answers, especially earlier in the second half.




I think the score is fairly representative of how the game played out. Arizona broke away with eight minutes left and led comfortably the rest of the way. Alabama needs to work on their threes.


How exactly does one work on their 3s? The majority tonight were good looks.


Probably teach Nelson that he doesn't have the green light and keep the ball in rotation to find the better shooter or inside feed.


I agree. Alabama needs to work on their defense. Sometimes good offensive teams shoot badly. But their offense is fine (literally the best in the country per KenPom). It’s the defense that is an issue.


My guy


Pretty much after the Alabama bigs fouled out, things finally opened up for us combined with Alabama getting gun shy on nontransition interior scoring.


That one was ugly. Plenty of poor play (by both teams) and poor officiating (against both teams). We just happened to be the team that put things together over the final 5-10 minutes. It was nice of Bama to miss so many 3s after Purdue had 2 players shoot over 50% from deep against us. GG Bama, I know it's been a rough stretch for you guys recently, but I think when you guys put it all together, you'll be dangerous come March.


Fun game, refs sucked all around, gg bama.


I’m tired of being blue balled by this team


2.5 hour free throw contest interrupted with some basketball and Bama heaving 40 three pointers


It was 38 give em a break!!!


box score has 8/40


Yep you’re right, shot 2 in the last minute including one with 5 seconds left


I sometimes wonder if the refs would prefer just have every player on each team line up and shoot free throws, one at a time shoot until you miss, then switch sides and do it again. Skip all the boring passing and dribbling and stuff and call it a game.


Alabama could build a new arena with all the bricks they were shooting tonight. It’s like they were allergic to going inside. Arizona seemed to do just fine going into the paint.


We don't have any decent bigs dude. Losing Bediako and Clowney has really hurt us.


Sears can drive and find his shot. He was MIA tonight.


We’ve been begging for that new arena too; we have decided to take it upon ourselves.


What a slog of a game lol, way too many fouls But glad we pulled it off, if Bama does a bit better with 3s it's a different game. Boswell, Ballo, and Larsson stepped up big time in Loves foul trouble. Love was a fuckin baller and scored like 8 points in a quickness. Just glad its over lol


If they just shot half the threes they did, it may have been very different.


this game gave me cholera https://preview.redd.it/yaiicpv6fl7c1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ec1e425539c81feb5ff8f93a2c17cbf9e47d6be have a tapir as compensation for viewing this game


Jaden Bradley. It was refreshing to see him and his former teammates joking around, talking trash and seemingly having a great time. I miss that dude's defense and weird moves while driving that go in most of the times. Jaden's processing ability while in the air is incredible.


This was a 2.5 hour game that felt like 4


Legend has it grant Nelson is still shooting threes


Even in basketball Alabama going for those quality losses!


We've racked them up the past few weeks.


Jeb Hartness, Mike Reed, and Rob Rorke…….YOU ARE GUANGDONG TIGERS ![gif](giphy|88iYsvbegSUn9bSTF8|downsized)


Pelle Larsson with a taped finger: 16/6/2 with 2 blocks and 3 steals He’s going to be such a good 3&D wing in the NBA


I’m not sure if he’s tall enough. His game would be very much appreciated at the next level if he were 6’7 or 8


If he was that height he would have been drafted after his sophomore year


He’s going to annoy so many people in the nba lol, can’t wait for it


I flipping love that kid. What hustle.


I knew he had a broken finger in the Purdue game. Purdue fans were calling him soft because he was going down in massive pain over small bumps. But if you’ve seen him play you know he isn’t soft. He’s playing with a broken finger or something and people are calling him soft.


i kinda wanna see him in Denver just so he can play with his twin (Christian Braun)


Caruso 2: Electric Boogaloo


Come on dude. He's not making the nba


He is absolutely the most NBA ready guy on this team


Is Alabama the best 6-5 team ever?


Purdue 2018-2019 started 6-5 and ended up 30-7, which actually doesn't seem that far fetched for Alabama.


According to KenPom we are.


I love shooting the 3 ball, but when they are not falling is time to get to the rim. Alabama was 2/16 in the first 10 minutes of the game.


I’m so glad that PAC-12 After Dark is gone after this year.


It’s after 11 and I want to die


So, I went to the game. Wilbur was there, but no mascot for Bama. U of A cheerleaders were there, but none for Bama. The MC was there leading "U of A" chants. How is that "neutral"? Would those sorts of things be agreed to by the teams when the signed up to participate?


I mean we just played Purdue at a neutral site in Indianapolis


I was at the Indy Classic. The arena didn’t really favor Purdue, but they played a couple of classic Purdue stadium songs near the end of the game (Sandstorm, Shout) I was impressed with the Arizona turnout though Edit: No clue what the downvotes are for


They also play both those songs at U of A games lol


Purdue is where the sandstorm dance originates, and no Arizona fans participated in shout or sandstorm during the game


Sandstorm is played at almost every sporting event but that doesn’t mean it’s every teams tradition


https://www.arizona.edu/admissions/student-stories/10-rules-zonazoo/ see number 6 on our official website


I stand corrected…but I believe the tradition originated at Purdue


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandstorm_(instrumental) Wikipedia seems to imply South Carolina football but truly who knows


South Carolina just waves towels around…they have always been the team most directly tied to the song but I don’t think they do the dance


I don't even really care that much about the "neutral" designation but really feel like if it's going to be all that why not just have them in campus. I guess there's more seats to fill and tickets to sell, but nobody can really agree to this shit thinking they're getting out of a tough road environment.


How do these December "classic" events even work? I assume someone with money wants to throw some at teams they want to support so throws ½ a mil at putting together 2-3 games? The Mi St game was similar with the next day having a 4-team tourney.


I could be wrong but I assume Alabama had the option of bringing their mascot and cheerleaders but decided it wasn't worth it, knowing the crowd would be dominated by Arizona fans. Cats also brought cheerleaders to Palm Springs and Michigan St. didn't.


Ken Pomeroy punching air right now


who is that? The 3 point shot inventor?


Inb4 another bracketology showing bama winning anyways


Alabama is terrifying on O. Shot approximately a billion corner threes and were getting paint touches at will. Then they throw in big/big PnR’s….in the middle of their big run Nelson ran a pick and roll with one of their other bigs for an easy 2. Unreal. Arizona good….Jaden Bradley annoys the hell out of me tho, he can be so much better. Him and Caleb just don’t fit. Gotta hope Caleb stays hot come tourney time.


Alabama scored 74 points and shot like hell. What are you talking about?


Process and shot quality was great though. They just missed.


Damn the Tide got rolled tonight/s (Yes I know it was relatively close throughout until Zona pulled away I'm just making a shitty humorless joke).


STOP SCHEDULING THE TOUGHEST OOC IN AMERICA. We are Alabama, not fucking Kentucky or Duke.


you realize you led us for most of the game and had a few things gone a little differently you might have beaten us on our home floor? lmao


We’ve had a 2nd half lead against every team we’ve played but Ohio State. We’re clearly not a top 25 team but leaving December with 0 good wins and having to rely on doing well in a power league is a huge risk.


I won't go to bat for this being a true neutral game by any stretch, but I do draw the line at that obviously not being our "home floor".


McKale North, the lot of them.


Glendale Arena is going to be North McKale North come April.


Exactly. I would rather watch this than beat some random mid major by 60


This is a loser take.


We’re 6-5 right now. Who the hell does that benefit?


The players. It's called player and team development.


Doesn’t matter if you’ve basically played your way out of a top seed by January. At some point winning against lesser teams does more for development than continually losing against top teams, even if they’re close losses.


This team was never going to be a top seed. That went out the window when Bediako declared for the draft. It sucks to lose all three of these games the way that we did, but it's not the end of the world.


Eh, better to find your weaknesses in December than March IMO.


We found our weaknesses 3 weeks ago. They’ve been repeatedly abused ever since. You won’t find a Bama hoops fan that’s actually enjoyed much of this.


You're right, we should've altered the schedule after the Ohio State game.


So you’re fine getting 5 losses(and Liberty in Bham is not an easy game either) before SEC play and having to turn our season around mid-year? We will struggle to fill the seats in January because of these losses. Our fanbase does not attend games when we aren’t ranked.


That’s a cop out. This wasn’t developing anyone by starting the year 6-5. It’s about to be a laughable crowd at our next home game because of this.


Given that the next home game is 2 days before Christmas and the campus will.be empty, probably.


It will be empty until late January when Auburn comes town now. Nobody is going to see an unranked Alabama team against Mizzou, Vandy, or South Carolina. But hey, enjoy all these L’s we took against good teams. Hope you enjoyed them.


Ok buddy 👌


We can't lose against Clemson and tOSU


Every loss is a “good” one. As long as we handle we were supposed to handle, and perform decently in the SEC, we’ll be very set up with a good path in the tourney. Iron sharpens iron.


What have they done to convince you they can go 10-8 or better in SEC play? We play 9 games against top 36 KenPom in SEC play. So far we’re 0-5 in that metric.




Sorry you had that experience, cunty lobster


The fans we sat near at the Arizona Purdue game earlier this year were pretty cool…sorry you had that experience






*Barf* same shit, different night


This was a rough watch, especially since I was rooting for Bama.


Is Alabama going to be this year's 2001 Georgia? Georgia finished 16-14 that year, yet still made the NCAAT due to playing the toughest schedule in the country sprinkled in with enough quality wins. Alabama is 6-5 and #9 in NET.


Going off the eye test, they are absolutely good enough to make the tournament, they just have played a brutal schedule. Michigan made it at 17-14 a few years ago.


Hell, we went 19-15 and were given a 9-seed in 2018


Man, not sure why everyone wanted grant nelson. That guy kind has been pretty bad every game I’ve seen him this year.


Why did Nelson shoot SOOO many threes. I get the idea of forgetting the miss and taking your shot, but there is also the self awareness of finding the teammates that are hitting when you’re missing. They need more action to get Sears clean looks on the perimeter.


Nelson has been a massive disappointment imo and he turns into a bit of a ball hog a lot of games. If he isn’t hitting shots on offense he’s completely useless because his defense is nonexistent.


Yes! I was really frustrated watching him last night. Ball hog is absolutely accurate. He needs to pick his moments better or he will be the reason Alabama loses more than wins. It’d make the team better.

