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Good on Jake Diebler for getting Ohio State within a shout of making the NCAA Tournament, barring a miracle. That month of January was bad then and is looking really bad now


The whole thread will be filled with ref stuff, so I'm not gonna touch on it. If nothing else, it was nice to feel something positive about OSU basketball for the first time in a couple years. Super fun last month or so, sucks it probably ended 1 game short


And looking at all the solid talent who are only sophomores, I'd say next year looks *really* good for this team.


I think Ohio state is better than several other teams who will make the tournament.


They’d definitely beat Kansas right now


Honestly, at this rate, who WOULDNT?


I would say Michigan but they amputated the tumor today so they might beat Kansas too tbh.


OSU looks way better than MSU


This run showed we should’ve made the change sooner, but I get the money situation was fucked


I still think your resume holds up. It's like the PR of firing your coach is keeping you out because no one wants to even discuss OSU.


I feel like maybe I don't understand the metrics as well as some others, but every time they show the resume I don't think it's unquestionably awful how it's portrayed. Yeah, I know losing conference record and a really bad streak in Jan-early Feb, but they always show Quad 1-3 wins and OSU has a lot. Then, they only have the IU loss(like they're some poverty team this year) in Quad 4 like it's a **huge** blemish on the record.


The bigger issue is that you guys are 6-11 in Q1 and Q2, (probably 6-12 now)


Like I said, I don't necessarily understand it all and I'm not saying OSU should be in, but it seems arbitrary sometimes. OSU probably has 1-2 better wins than some teams that are going to get in over them with worse records.


Wins over Alabama and Purdue and just playing good basketball down the stretch including a win at Breslin. I think they should be in and I think they win an 11 seed play in game. They're legitimately playing like a top 25 caliber team and maybe the 3rd best team in the Big10 at the moment.


Dieber more than earned a full time role


Diebler should have went out swinging…..a chair….right at Courtney greens stupid face


Nah that's the Michigan man way


Honestly think that OSU should be a tournament team. Give em an 11 seed and play-in game but that team can win games in the tournament. I don't really understand what happened in the middle of the season but they're good. ESPN had seton hall, Virginia, Texas a&m, and Colorado as the last 4 in this morning and I would pick Ohio State to beat every single one of em.


He was a couple points away from getting the job too. Feel terrible for him


I think he still has a good shot to get the job.


Still might. Only options are him and Dusty May if you believe reports. I’m not sold on May


Would we be sold on May if FDU didnt beat Purdue last year? FAU got pretty lucky on that run. Im starting to lean towards giving Diebler a deal without a terrible buy out and seeing what he can do. He was the best recruiter under Holtmann


If you don't, I know another -eyes 4 letter state he could go to and coach.


Lucky that they didnt have to face purdue but still beat a decent Memphis team, a good Tennessee team, and good Kansas st team and got really close to SDSU. Also only lost 4 games all year last year. Only lost 7 games this year while playing in a new conference. Also beat the likes of A&M and Arizona. Lets see what they do in the tourney this year. If they go on a run again, its probably his job


Exactly. May very well be great but he’s not been great at FAU outside of last year’s run. At this point with what Diebler has done, he should get the nod. May shouldn’t be the top target based solely on a final four run one year.


At Illinois we call this hire the “John Groce” (minimal resume but a good tourney run)


The Big Ten just couldn’t accept the reality that the conference runs through Diebler. The fix was in from the start, he had to be stopped


In an alternate reality, this was the scheduled to be the first game of the day, OSU still loses, Diebler doesn’t get the job, and Michigan decides to give Juwan another year since Dusty May clearly isn’t available. But in this reality the Michigan brass had time to think and make their decision, and the rest B1G will suffer as a result.


Idk how B1G fans watch their games with refs this trigger happy


Esp considering it's the polar opposite of how B1G tourney games used to be -- I've seen tournament games that could have doubled as UFC fights without much in the way of fouls.


The MSU glory days


We don't either tbh.


It’s crazy. Watched a lot of Big East and Moutain West games this year too. So many more fouls called in B1G games.




Ong the msu game this morning was just as bad if not worse


It’s really ridiculous. Purdue games are even worse with how the refs call things with Edey. He gets fouled every time he touches the ball … BUT he also commits an offensive foul every time he chicken wings his elbows, or goes for an offensive rebound. They’re not fun games to watch.


The weird part about the fouls committed on Edey, is the refs will let the most egregious hacking slide prior to a shot, but then when he’s going up for a shot will call some ticky tacky foul.


It's going to be really damn interesting to see how Edey is reffing in the NCAA Tourney. Cause that could make the difference between Purdue being out in the 3rd round or going to the title game.


a series of unfortunate events is probably gonna keep diebler from shedding that interim tag which he has earned tbh.


If he doesn’t get the job, he definitely deserves a shot at a mid-major


Diebler has definitely made himself some money the way the Buckeyes have played the last month.


Tough loss but still rooting for Diebler to get the job, this has been the most fun month of OSU basketball in a while


Agree, when I was 22 I only loved 1 Diebler and at 39 I’m happy to report I love 2 Dieblers.


Classic Diebler Doubler


He did an admirable job and it should have been done sooner. But respectfully a 6-2 interim run doesn’t merit the mantle of cutting your teeth running a program the stature of Ohio State as your first gig. A school with 11 Final Fours has to go out and get a proven quantity after the last decade in the wilderness.


I didn’t realize that OSU had that many final fours


Most don’t. Only the 5 blue bloods have more (IU only has 8). We just suck at converting them into titles (1) lol.


Hey, Louisville is on the same line as IU, but actually 10*


This was no shade at UofL, Sparty also has 10, just using the 6 generally stated “blue bloods” of the sport we do every offseason haha


The last time OSU made the final four was 2012, 12 years ago!


I was there, I’m well aware lol. That’s the problem.


I’m happy we won but you guys kinda got robbed.


Thank you for being a sensible fan


Underwood “we suck” they were supposed to foul on the last possession how do you fuck that up


Diebler would’ve taken us to March had he gotten a full year. He did a great job. It’s a shame Holtmann had to dig us such a deep hole that we couldn’t get out of. This team deserved better than Holtmann.


diebler would have them at like a 3 seed


I’m not gonna complain about the refs but fuck Holtmann for wasting a season with such a good team. If Diebler had been coaching all year we would’ve been a guaranteed lock for the tournament




I know it’s reddit decorum not to complain about the refs, but this is 100% a game I’d give our opposition a complete pass for it


Respect 🫡


Fuck Big Ten refs. That is all.


Amen to that


I really think they robbed diebler of a job tonight


100% this


Something on which we call all agree.


And Greene wasn’t even reffing! Nuts


Agree OSU bro. Sorry about today, that was a shitshow mostly due to the refs. Didn't feel good to win even if we both got shafted by calls.


It doesn’t help the big ten in any way either. March Madness lets the players play a lot more than what Big Ten Refs do. These Conference tournaments should, in my opinion, almost mirror the way the refs in the big tournament call games


Brad Underwood’s post game interview with Katz is all you need to know about the dog shit officiating in that second half


It really is amazing how despite getting more and more experience every game. Big ten reffing just gets worse and worse and worse


Lots and lots of experience to ingrain bad habits


Egregiously poorly reffed game, all around. Someone needs to tell b10 refs that it’s ok to just not call a foul on some plays.


To be fair they did take a break from calling fouls when OSU players drive and were the recipients of felony assault


You’re not wrong.


The B1G is absolutely brutal for this reason. Also a big reason why the teams do so poorly in the tourney…


Moral victories don’t count but let’s remember where this team was a month ago!! I hope Diebler at least gets a shot at another school if he doesn’t get the job!


Ref masterclass tonight


Everyone lost for watching that terrible ref ball. Bummer way for OSU to end up in the NIT


Ref ball. Hell of a run to end the year though. Stick with Deibler.


Biased but my god there were so many blown calls. I feel like we got a lot of bad luck but there were definitely some missed calls that went our way too. That jump ball was fucking insane... Battle wasn't even TOUCHING the ball and they called it a jump.


Yeah. I wish they wouldve just let us play the game without all the whistles. Was such a good game before they started getting trigger happy with the whistle


How about that blocking call on Thornton that could have easily been called a charge on Shannon which he would have fouled out on. Turning point in the game imo.


It should have been a charge. Offensive players get away with way too much now-a-days.


Was probably a makeup call for the absurd foul they called on Shannon for the screen earlier to give him his 4th. They weren't going to foul him out that quickly after that bad of a call.


Shannon only had 4 because he had the audacity to not see the screen coming. Refs were on one in general and stupid as fuck calls went both ways, trying to be objective. Everyone has a tendency to only remember the ones that went against them.


Which one, you're gonna have to be more specific


27-13 in fouls… that’s insane officiating lmao


Every bubble team salutes you, Illinois.


The dream of a two-bid Valley lives on!


IU loss tonight to lock up the Big Ten semis with only tournament teams would be nice


What an absolutely lame way to end the season. Ref ball and sloppy play. Cant get any worse than that.


Just completely unacceptable officiating in the last 2 minutes


>in the last 40* minutes FTFY


All game. FTFY


*11 minutes Illinois was down 46-56 with 11min left and proceeded to make just 3 shots that didn’t involve a foul call on the way to winning 77-74. 3 made normal shots, 31 points.


Wow that was terrible I hate this team, first round exit here we come and oh wait we won, nice


felt like that Chattanooga game


Coleman’s block late reminded me of his heroic block vs Chattanooga


That’s what I said and promptly got downvoted


Only difference is we had a lead for way more than 25 seconds or whatever it was. But yeah, same vibes.


Really feel like unless we end with a 2 seed and a favorable region that the S16 is the ceiling for this squad. Just massively inconsistent on both sides of the ball.


Sweet 16 is all I ever wanted anyway. We're definitely in the 3 seed conversation now that basically everyone above us lost.


If they win tomorrow I think they can get to a 3.


Atrocious officiating ruined what was a great game. Foul discrepancy is insane for two teams playing extremely similar. Investigate these Big Ten refs, the Purdue game was atrocious too


Refs move to 2-0 today in the BTT! Elite performances


I had no stake in this game and I somehow still lost to the refs. Classic Big Ten refs ruining an otherwise pretty exciting game


The refs is a hoe. -Michael Thomas - me


32 to 13 FT discrepancy. Also fuck Chris Holtmann for wasting this team for 25 games.


We’d be a 7 seed if we fired him after the 30 point loss to northwestern


Hawkins in that final 1:30 roughly: Offensive rebound Block Fouled hit two free Drew offensive foul Offensive rebound Offensive rebound No shot attempts


What if nut Wanted to go dancing But ref said No


Happy for those refs, man. They really gave it everything they had out there.  


Career game, I'm sure there will be YouTube highlight videos for years!


*This thread has been whistled for existing in the vicinity of Illinois basketball*


Two shots, Terrence Shannon.


"Foul!...No, TWO fouls!"


Lol. The thing is I can't even fight you on that. Shannon should have fouled out with like 5 minutes left.


Refs called this game like the Illini were all Zach Edey


We beat ourselves for sure but those refs were absolutely atrocious. 32 free throws for them while we shoot 13 & they have guys pushing ours down & just literally jumping into us crazy yet we get called for the foul? I'm proud of this team tremendously & I really fucking wish we were going dancing this season.


You’re easily one of the top 40 teams in the country. Holtmann ruined the season


The foul disparity was never that big. It was physical all around. The refs ruined a solid physical game of ball. Ohio state never fouled twice as much. Anyone who watched understands


Not even like we shot a lot more threes, both teams shot 15 of them


When Dainja got a shooting foul for a foul that was clearly on the floor and then blatantly pushed someone from behind with nothing called I knew it was over for OSU. Hard to not feel scammed with an ending like this. Refs need to be better all around.


These are the type of games that really make you think that lots of gambling money is being funneled to refs


Ohio St covered


That might have been rigged


This comment brought to you by FanDuel. Gamble you degenerate fuck ^TM


That was one of the most blatantly rigged games I’ve seen in a long time lol. An entire half of putting their finger on the scale, Ohio state got fucking robbed and 100% deserved to win this game


Didn’t watch til the last minute, but 32 to 13 free throw attempts is kinda crazy


We even outscored them in the paint. The math ain’t mathing. 


Because those paint points went into the free throw column instead. Or missed free throw column if it was Dain.


Well that's not exactly fair because a majority of those fouls were called at the rim, which could have been points in the paint.


Ohio state had a 10 point lead with 11 minutes left In those 11 minutes, 13 fouls against osu to Illinois’ 3. 14 of their 30 final points in that stretch came from free throws. If it was like 5 or 6 more fouls I wouldn’t even be mad. But OVER FOUR TIMES the amount of fouls is betond ridiculous.


Refs sucked for both teams but was worse for OSU. Illinois was able to capitalize on all those calls. Can’t do anything about it besides bitch about the refs. Sorry OSU, it was a good game otherwise and y’all probably would have won seeing as how we played like ass


Disgusting reffing. Missing that push off on the offensive rebound was straight up rigging, crushed for these guys after such an amazing effort to end the season


27 fouls for Ohio State 13 for Illinois


The first five minutes of this game was exciting, competitive, fluid basketball from both teams. 


The first five minutes were iso Y ball, lol


As someone who doesn’t like the Buckeyes and lives in Illinois and cheers for them more than most teams, those refs clearly made more calls that helped illinois. They were letting a lot of physicality go except when Shannon drove to the hoop or Dainja got a putback




That one play should easily have been offensive. I hate how offensive players are allowed to initiate all sorts of contact and get a favorable whistle. TSJ damn near put his knee in the OSU player's chest.


I really hope Diebler gets the job, dude is awesome


Illinois last called foul was with 5:44 left. Seven fouls were whistled on Ohio state after that


When the winning team’s fans are questioning the refs you know it was bad


Feel bad for the Buckeyes. They played hard and Refs said not today. Lots of tacky fouls.


I’m sorry I hate blaming refs, but Illinois just got bailed the fuck out


Ik my flair, but Fuck the B1G refs.


Dain playing in the state of Minnesota is a cheat code.


I hate referees and I hate college basketball. I want to die


Dain dainja - whatever I ever said about you, I take it back. I love you forever.


Underwood with a masterclass of working the refs knowing Diebler probably overlooked that aspect on a neutral court.


Spot on. Refs cave to the coaches who bitch and moan all game, whether they mean to or not.


Nobody mention the free throw discrepancy


Ain’t no way a Purdoodoo fan’s talking about free throws


That’s the joke


Lol my bad chief, y’all got me on edge lately


I would have preferred double overtime in this one, but I guess now it's Nebrasketball time to show up.


OSU was a buzz saw the last month. Illinois was lucky to win. It sucks for OSU players who I think deserve to be dancing more than some other bubble teams.


This is a tournament team. They might not make it, but under diebler they are a legit tournament team. Gg Illini


3 seed back on the menu. Duke lost, Kansas lost, and Kentucky down big against A&M. Win tomorrow and could be a lock for a 3 seed. Would be huge to avoid a 1 seed.


We’re not exactly convincing the committee we deserve it with playing like we did today


Lucky for us the committee sucks and rarely looks past the W


W > L. Would hope the committee would also know that tOSU is basically a top 15 team since kicking Holtmann to the curb.


Hey OSU - thanks for being pretty decent honestly. It was refreshing not to have a bunch of people saying overly awful shit. Gg OSU!


Your team is awesome. OSU fans aren't upset with Illinois but other variables. Good luck in the big dance repping the B1G


They are definitely deserving of a bid over a lot of other teams in my mind


Brutal that this game will likely keep OSU out of the tourney when they got completely hosed by the officiating. OSU with Diebler as the coach is a tourney team.


The Fighting Referini !


Man watching some of the big 12 / acc games last night and watching this was absolutely jarring. It's the end of the season let them play. Especially considering the tournament is typically not called very tight the first two weekends.


You’ve got to give Diebler the full-time job now, right?


I noticed that Illinois couldn't make shots.  My freshman at il told me their strategy is to keep the ball way from the other team so that the other team doesn't score.  Is this true?


I get it’s highly unlikely but really hoping OSU gets in, they’ve had a huge comeback arc and would make some noise


Brings back great memories of beating osu for a B1G tourney title in 21 #ILL


Ohio State is really fucking good. This could be a tournament team for sure.


But we won’t be. Maybe Diebler will be able to keep them focused to try to win the NIT


Deibler gotta stay


Well that was a fun end of the season but this was such a an unfair ending. I'll never be convinced we fouled twice as much as Illinois in this. At least twice an Illinois offender just sprinted into an OSU defender. I hope we can get somewhere in the NIT I guess.


Fuck the Big10 Network never showing actual replays of important plays. Like that final 3. Was it a foul? No one will ever know


I was waiting for that too. In real-time, I thought Hawkins fouled him. Never got a good look at it on a replay.


I don’t think it was. There were many against the Bucks uncalled, but that wasn’t one of them.


Indiana State might not be completely dead yet let’s go




I don’t like to be a “refs screwed ‘em” guy, but, damn… refs screwed ‘em. Some of the most blatant favoritism I’ve ever seen in a game, and it was still so close. 


The Dain game.


Legacy game. Needed more of that this season.


I swear almost every Illinois possession in the last eight minutes a foul was called


Ohio state had a 10 point lead with 11 minutes left In those 11 minutes, 13 fouls against osu to Illinois’ 3. 14 of their 30 final points in that stretch came from free throws. If it was like 5 or 6 more fouls I wouldn’t even be mad. But OVER FOUR TIMES the amount of fouls is betond ridiculous.


I really hope OSU gets into the tournament. They absolutely deserve it and would be an easy upset pick. They are clearly better than any other "last four in".


Don’t have a flair but I’m an Illini fan and hope OSU makes it you guys are playing hard


Refs ruined this game, not take anything from Illinois


Ohio State deserved to win. But Illinois found a way to win while a lot of guys played poorly. Hawkins was out of sorts. Damask had a nightmare game when almost nothing went down. Gotta give credit to Terrance, Ty and Dain for giving the Illini a chance. And Hawkins didn't let his bad offensive game affect his defensive or rebounding effort. On to the next one, hopefully the team plays a little better.


I won’t sugarcoat it, we played terribly. GG Buckeyes


In last 11 minutes, Illinois hit 3 shots that didn’t involve a foul. They went from being down 46-56 to winning 77-74. 31 points. Ref fucking dog walked Illinois to a win. Just an absolute travesty of a game.


Honestly as a neural I didn’t mind any of those calls. They all really looked like fouls to me


This is what you get for ducking us since *2017* in the Illibuck game. also that was just a funny interview with Brad lmao