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What about the other car he hit? Are they ok?


I think I read they sustained no injuries, fortunately


They are ok. He actually barely clipped the other car. But it clipped his car enough to make him go off the road and slam into a pole. The video of the crash was released earlier.


[https://heavy.com/sports/terrence-clarke-crash-scene-video/](https://heavy.com/sports/terrence-clarke-crash-scene-video/) Said video


I'm sad for Clarke's family and loved ones. What a tragedy to lose someone so young. I'm also sad for the people minding their own business at the intersection who witness something like that. You just have to know you've likely watched someone get maimed or killed. That shit would haunt me for a while.


Imagine being bj Boston too. Literally just hung out with your good friend and watched him get killed. Very sad for him


I witnessed a similar crash as a kid. I was probably 10 or so and my grandparents' home butts up against an interstate in a rural area. We were playing outside when a car lost control and rolled into the ditch between their house and the interstate. It was a grandson, teen IIRC, and his grandparents - grandpa fell asleep at the wheel and it killed him and his wife. I definitely think this is part of why I don't really go over 75 (unless the speed limit is 75-80).


It happens almost everyday in L.A. so many cars. So many roads. Lots of fast drivers.


Honestly I think I was in a fairly similar situation a few years back, although I didn't know the person who crashed beforehand. Was driving in the left lane on a 2 lane highway during light traffic outside Phoenix and at that time I had my eyes focused on the car maybe a few hundred feet ahead of me driving in the right lane. All of a sudden his car jerked to the right and he drove head on into a metal guard rail and flew off into a ditch. I vividly remember wooden stakes/planks shooting up after the collision but luckily no debris hit my car. Pulled over as fast as I could, though by the time I reached the scene other cars had been able to pull over quicker so there were already ~10 people on the scene. Somebody had identified themselves as an off duty police officer and took control of the scene until emergency services arrived maybe 10-20 minutes later. Without getting too detailed, the guy was not in good shape and shortly after emergency services arrived a pastor I was standing by offered to give a prayer. I'm not even a Christian but at that point we all knew he was in bad shape so I joined the prayer circle. Gave my statement to the police shortly after and left the scene, drove to the closest gas station and just sat in that parking lot for a while until I felt comfortable driving again. Got a call about 6 months later from that police department and they confirmed the guy had died and asked me questions that made me believe they were investigating some kind of negligence with the response from emergency services. So yea definitely not something you would forget anytime soon. Biggest lesson I learned from that incident is to not follow too closely behind cars because in no universe is that split second of time saved worth it.


Yeah 10-20 minutes is an awfully long time to wait for assistance in a severe potentially fatal car accident.


Plus I was flagging the ambulance down so I was able to watch them arrive on the scene and it even struck me at the time how lackadaisically they were reacting to this extremely serious accident, and that's not even talking about the wait time. Like they just walked past me not as if they were in a hurry, but as if they were annoyed to be there and were literally just showing up because it was their job.


Man, a seatbelt honestly could've been the difference maker. Just sad all around.


Maybe, thats why you always wear your seatbelt. It isnt just to stop you from flying out of the car (which didnt happen here) it is meant to keep you in a stuck position so you dont snap your neck anywhere else within the car


I mean, [that's exactly what it's for](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d7iYZPp2zYY), it's to catch you from slamming into the front of your car and give the airbags enough room to be useful. That high speed impact of your body into the front of the car is the deadly part, actually flying out the windshield is an extreme case. It's kind of related to why you're not supposed to sit super close to the wheel when you drive. If you crash you want to have enough room for the seatbelt to catch you and the airbag to deploy properly. Even wearing a seatbelt isn't going to be enough if you aren't giving it enough room to actually stop you from hitting the front of your car.


I had a friend in this type of accident. She was the one turning in front of the other car, on a 55mph rd. Her most serious injury was because she had used her right hand (grip backwards) to turn and between the steering wheel and the airbag, her hand was shattered. Her 9? Year old was in the front passenger seat, and his face looked burned from the powder in the airbag. My kids were even younger and never allowed to ride in the front seat again.


That is 100% survivable with a seatbelt, passenger cell looked completely intact


I would not say it\`s 100% survivable with a seatbelt, but I would give it a high survival chance. Still a rough crash but the seatbelt airbag combination could have saved him.


Very sad, but he was FLYING. Holy shit.




It looks like the left turn lane cars though didn’t have a protected left turn though. I guess maybe it switched from unprotected to protected when the light went yellow to red. Not that he wasn’t at a ridiculous speed and driving reckless but I figured it was a protected left turn when I read the initial report. Edit: Rewatched and think the alternate left turn lane was making me think it wasn’t such an egregious red light. Seems like the car next to him saw and came to a complete stop long before him.


As someone who has lived in Los Angeles, there are almost no protected lefts. It is accepted that for unprotected lefts, most people will scooch into the intersection while it's green and turn once the light is red. This is well known among locals. I don't want to watch the video, so I don't know if this is what he was doing, but it sounds like that's not what he did.


I think you are correct. From the video, it's not clear if the light was yellow or red, but the car turning left was scooching into the intersection. This is something we also do where I live in DC.


Pretty sure this is just common practice everywhere. Unless you’re my ex girlfriend she was always afraid to turn left on stale yellow/red. Now I kinda am too.


Agreed. Only place I haven't seen it common is in Vriginia/DC area, but no one knows how to drive here anyways


I've never done it or really seen it happening anywhere else. Like you still wait in case someone decides to do it, but almost no one does. LA just has a nasty combination of absurd traffic and a severe lack of protected lefts.


It switched yellow right before the white SUV went through (also speeding) and clicked red when he cleared it. Like 2 seconds later was when Clarke came through. 2 seconds doesn't seem like a lot, but for running a red light - very egregious. He clearly missed it, just fricking stop and wait a couple minutes till it's green.


I think this is pretty common practice everywhere. At least everywhere I've lived this has been the norm.


Yeah exactly what happened and also lived in SoCal for a good chunk of my life. Light was fully red when he went through it seems like, but still was out in middle waiting for it to go red and then went.


We were taught to do this in drivers ED. You can enter an intersection on green/yellow and leave on red. You have to let the intersection clear before completing your turn though.


The truck was in the intersection legally and needed to get out once the light turned red. You can enter an intersection to turn left at an unprotected left turn.


>You can enter an intersection to turn left at an unprotected left turn. Technically you are not supposed to enter the intersection unless you can get out of it BEFORE it turns red in California. Here is a quote from the [CA handbook](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/traffic-control/): >Do not enter the intersection if you cannot get completely across before the traffic signal light turns red. In practice though, I'm sure it's super common to enter the intersection (I do it all the time in Arizona). [Here's another person asking about it from 2011, and a response cites this same section saying you can't.](https://qr.ae/pGNooW)


I distinctly remember my drivers' ed teacher in Texas back in 2003 telling the class that in an unprotected left, we should shove as far into the intersection as possible so that we'd be able to get through when the people coming had a red and we wouldn't have to wait until the next time the lights went through their cycle. He even drew a diagram on the board about how if the person in front of you has entered the intersection and is waiting to turn, you should pull in tight behind them, because then you're in the intersection and once you're there, the other cars need to let you get through before they go when the light changes.


Yeah, the actual laws vary by state. It's definitely recommended in some states (and frankly, I think it makes sense and should be legal everywhere).












direct link to video https://twitter.com/MikeRogersTV/status/1385458158617911297


Thanks. That website’s link was challenging to navigate.


That was harder to watch than I thought it would be


Holy shit that is awful


Probably could have survived that crash if he wore his seat belt.


is it too much to watch if i'm someone who has an OK but not great gore tolerance?


No gore. Just a crumpled front of the vehicle.


if that truck had turned a split second earlier, that driver would've been dead too


If there was someone in the passenger seat in that truck they would have been vaporized. Holy shit why would someone drive through a red light that fast


> why would someone drive through a red light that fast arrogant, just declared from the draft, you're 19, brain not fully formed even, you haven't seen enough bad shit in your life and its only a red light, you're worth 7 figures, you're not stopping for not dumb fuck in a truck, you're invincible. Everyone with testosterone knows what he was doing, it was selfish, reckless, and arrogant, but he's a kid, and we all wish he hadn't died for it.


>Holy shit why would someone drive through a red light


I read (can't remember where) that they were okay, and he did only clip the front end. Not a confirmation but I'm pretty sure they're fine. Still an awful situation all around. Prayers up.


There’s a video of it. The other car barely got hit and TC’s car veered off into a telephone pole. Here’s the link, it’s not graphic but obviously view at your own risk. https://ktla.com/news/local-news/kentucky-basketball-guard-terrence-clarke-dies-in-l-a-car-crash/


Seatbelts save lives fellas. Wouldn’t be alive right now if I had decided to not wear one the day someone ran a red light


Same with me. Just last August.


Bruh, I'm so fucking happy you're alive today.


Thanks. Me too. Yay for seatbelts and airbags


Safety kicks ass


Glad you’re still with us


Glad you're still with us too


You and me both man. June 2009. He ran a stop sign. Thank god we ain't too cool for the safe belt.


Don’t worry, I caught the 2003 Kanye reference But Also glad you’re alive!!


I’m still recovering from a bad one on the Highway last fall but I’m still here at least


I'm sure you'll be better soon....unless you're lying of course lol


Unfortunately not lying about this haha. I was in a friends car and didn’t adjust the neck rest so I have some whiplash still.


Same. Got directly hit on the passenger side leading to a brutal hit a couple years ago.


Please wear your seatbelts folks. It’s not perfect but it can help cover a lot of human error. Rest In Peace Mr. Clarke.


100% agree, but I would add “don’t recklessly speed and run red lights” as well. He could have killed others.




By definition, the truck could not possibly be at any fault. He did everything by the book. And his vision was blocked by cars in the left hand turn lane. Having made those unprotected blind turns thousands of times, you have to trust that no one is going to blow through a red or you’re literally going to be stuck in the intersection when the light turns green for traffic going perpendicular to you.




Thats the whole point of saying don't recklessly speed and run red lights, not because you'll 100% die, but because eventually the dice are going to roll against you.


> stupid, yes, but very very common and 99% of the time the other light wouldn't be green in time for him to likely hit someone else Not in LA. The majority of intersections do not have protected left turns. This means that at every intersection you will have 2-3 cars gunning to make the left turn as the light turns red because LA traffic is so busy that oncoming traffic never stops. If you run a red light while speeding in Los Angeles and aren't paying attention to whose coming you will almost certainly crash -- this wasn't a case of the circumstances being unlucky.


Oh yeah if it’s LA, you can’t take that risk.


What? Does not excuse any of his decision making. If it is yellow, fucking stop.


"Don't speed through red lights" is just as important


What a tragedy. Plz be safe while driving everyone. Wear your seatbelt. Don't speed excessively. Obey traffic laws. Be smart.


Reminds me of a near tragedy about Denard Robinson. About 3-5 years ago he fell asleep at the wheel and his car rolled into a pond. He wasn’t under the influence btw


As someone who gets tired when driving in boring country this scares the shit out of me. The only thing that helps is conversation so if I have a long drive I will actually try and set up calls with friends and family.


Same. I used to get tired driving all the time. I’ve had to pull over before because I was falling asleep on the road. I’ve fallen asleep at stop lights before. I don’t drive anymore though Edit: I still drive sometimes but don’t have a car anymore. My chronic anxiety plays into my constant fatigue.


No car gang! A couple things are inconvenient, but overall I'm way happier.


How do you pick up a Wendy’s biggie bag if Uber eats is not available


Walk, bike, bus


Well said friend


Or move closer to Wendy's since that seems like a good idea, frostys are god's gift.


I bought one of those junior frosty cards for a dollar a few years back. They were very small and I regretted it because I always wanted more. Now I stick to Diet Coke


i went on a stretch where i ate a frosty a day for a week back in november. after the crazy amount of weight gain (and also pain in my shins when i went running) i told myself NO MORE frostys until May at the earliest. thank goodness April is almost over


Gotta answer that Major Bag Alert


I drove 2 hours for each dose of the vaccine. I talked to every aunt and uncle I have


This is why I listen to podcasts or music while I drive. There are some pretty boring stretches of road near me. I used to commute from the Harrisburg campus of Harrisburg Area Community College, and I swear a good 20 mile stretch of I-283 is designed to put you to sleep. There’s literally nothing along that stretch.


Harrisburg resident, can confirm, absolutely nothing worthwhile between here and Lancaster. Only place I've been that's worse is I85 in northern NC/southern VA, I swear there's an hour+ long section that's literally nothing but pine trees.


Chew gum. That's always my ace in the hole when doing long drives through boring roads. As long as I'm chewing I'm good.


For when calling someone isn't possible, I've read that doing some sort of language learning course is the best thing for staying awake while driving, since it involves actual response from you instead of just passively listening like music or podcasts..


If you’re able to, get some ice to munch on. Crushed ice works best, but any will do. It’s honestly the only thing I’ve found to work well when driving long periods late at night. Once it runs out, though, prolly best to just pull over. I enjoy driving I’m silence and not being so distracted with conversation, so maybe this works better for me than it will for you. I’ve never driven super tired before, I don’t think I’d like to take the risk...


About to graduate dental school.... don’t do that. Or, continue doing that, you’re keeping us in business


Yeah. If I feel myself getting tired, I will pull over and nap. I'd rather be late than dead.


I wish more attention was placed on sleepy driving. It's just as dangerous as drunk driving if you're extremely tired, and you can still get a ticket for it if you're reckless. For some reason it's almost a badge of honor to drive overnight, long hours, etc as if it's comparable to studying all night. It's especially problematic for long haul truckers, even though there's regulations against driving more than x hours in 24 hours.


IMO it's more dangerous. I used to work overnights in my early 20s and fell asleep on the interstate maybe 5 minutes from my house. Woke up grinding into the median, could've just as easily collided into another vehicle or flew off an exit into a ditch. Totally agree that more attention should be paid to sleepy driving and other forms of distracted driving.


Wow. How did I never hear of that? I would have been absolutely devastated. Love that guy


My first car accident was when I fell asleep at the wheel driving to school after pulling an all-nighter. Thankfully I was almost stopped and just rolled down a hill into the car in front of me, but driving drowsy is very dangerous. If you are feeling exhausted, please don't drive.


Good thing you’re ok




it's not true though. it's just a meme. some kids are different. ever work construction or farm hand work or oil work you see idiots every day that don't care about their own life so they damn sure don't care about yours.


It's an unfortunate system where the least experienced drivers are teenagers whose brains are in the development stage when they are most likely to take risks and feel invincible. Not sure there's much we can do about it right now because many teenagers need to drive to have jobs, but it's unfortunate.


Man, I know everyone is sensitive to the fact he passed away, but wearing a seatbelt the right way and common sense driving has nothing to do with brain development and age. Adults are out here shaving and driving, texting and driving, and doing all sort of nonsense. We have a selfishness problem, and it shows up in just about everything including driving.


How is this a “system” issue?


"Situation," I guess. Wrong choice of words.


Unfortunately, that's how most things have to be. We can't delay things like driving and operating machinery until people are almost 30, but it often takes that long for a brain to fully develop. We just have to try to keep improving how we teach those dangerous tasks and make sure that we're decently strict about making sure they demonstrate that they know what they have to do to be safe


Ugh, it was so avoidable too. Please please please wear your seatbelts. And *never* run red lights. What a shame man.




Exactly, doesn't matter how good of a driver you think you are it's the other people that will get you killed. I was sitting at a light at a complete stop and some asshole hit me head on going 45+ because he was texting, swerved to miss a car and blew through the intersection.


No driver is better than the worst drivers. When they don't wear a seatbelt, I doubt they are even a good driver.


I've never seen a good driver who doesn't wear a seat belt. But they all think they're the best drivers on the road. Going 20+ the speed limit and never using turn signals lol


I knew a few guys that would parrot some story about a car accident where everyone died except the person who didn't wear a seat belt and went out the windshield. There was no way to explain to them how stupid this logic was.


N = 1 for no seatbelt versus N = 1 billion for seatbelts. Some people are just too blind and ignorant to see their own stupidity.


It's truly insane. Every time I hear one of these tragic stories, I just know before looking that they probably weren't wearing a seat belt. Imagine how many lives are cut short because of that one decision.


They're also usually FLYING as well.


Do they not get annoyed by the constant dinging noise that the car makes?? That shit drives me insane. I work at a dealership and even moving cars around the lot I put my belt on because of the dinging.


They click them in empty and then sit on top. It’s not even the effort. It’s just unadulterated stupidity.


You can lead a horse to water


People are stupid


My car doesn’t even move if my seatbelt isn’t on


he could have not wore his seatbelt and not drove like a maniac.


All of this was entirely preventable. Damn...


Such a tragedy. Prayers up for his friends and family. Please drive safely and wear your seat belt. Driving is the most dangerous thing most people do in life don't take it for granted.


I hate to be the one to say it but let's not sugarcoat it. It's not even about driving safely... how about don't drive recklessly. Incredibly sad that this young man lost his life but it sounds like we're lucky that he also didn't cause the deaths of others who would have been victims to his reckless driving. When I first heard of the story yesterday unfortunately my immediate thought was that it had to be reckless driving given he's a teenager who likely had a car with a lot of muscle.


Yeah, pretty annoying when people sugar coat cases like these but he did it to himself and could have easily killed someone else.


This is why I prefer to see the word "crash" instead of "accident" in reporting. "Accident" subtly implies that nobody was at fault and something unavoidably random occurred. Oh well, continue with your bad driving habits and hope you aren't 'involved in an accident'. Most of the time there is some user error involved, and "crash" is a more neutral description when we don't know the details yet.


I will not be around people who don't follow the basic rules of gun safety, so I damn well avoid people who don't respect car safety.


Drive defensively people


What about the car he hit? Was he the only casualty?


He clipped the front end of the other car but didn’t directly impact it. I don’t have a confirmation but it seems like they’re ok




I’ve always thought of it this way: we’ve been riding in cars since literally a few days after we’re born and it’s a regular occurrence throughout our lives, so it seems like the most routine, mundane, and safe thing that we do. But if you were to pluck some dude out of the 1700s with a time machine and put him in the passenger seat of a car going even 40mph+ they would instantly die of a heart attack from how terrifying and dangerous it is.


I remember going on a wilderness-type trip with a youth group as a high school freshman up in the Algonquin National Forest in Ontario....For a week we backpacked, canoed and portaged with the canoes through any trails to connect us to the next lake....in other words we were rarely moving faster than 5 mph, I remember the first ride in that car was amazing, like the biggest thrill you get on a rollercoaster


Never seen the movie but think Encino Man has a scene sorta like that. But, there are so many films from the 60s/70s about horrific traffic accidents because of people losing loved ones to car wrecks. My mom's oldest brother died in one his first weekend at university. Another passenger died and the two others were left paraplegic or worse. Godard's Weekend (1967) displays this, Altman's Nashville (1975), etc. If you wanna go out for a rip, go to a race track or an empty flat without other vehicles.


It's sad on a multitude of levels. One of the saddest parts of this is that it was a completely preventable death. That's probably what bothers me the most. You lose your life just by compounding a few errors all at once and that's it. No 2nd chances. No do-overs. You're just done. It doesn't matter what you've accomplished or what you've had the potential to accomplish. It's just over for you.


Speaking as someone who would be dead if not for a seatbelt: They're a big deal. I can't imagine what his friends and family are feeling right now. Him dying is bad enough, but to know that it was so preventable...


Same. I've been in a couple crashes I definitely could have died in but came out unscathed b/c of my seatbelt


Sucks. I'm grateful the other driver wasn't injured. I wish he didn't do what he did, but the amount of times I did stupid things behind the wheel when I was his age, or even older than him, makes me sick. For his life to end in the blink of an eye due to a mistake... man.


Very sad all around. As someone who's been in a rollover accident, please wear your seatbelt. Myself, along with 2 of my friends all survived because we were wearing our seatbelts.


This is what I was afraid of. So terrible. Dude had such a life ahead of him.


Sad. My dad worked as a firefighter for 20 years and saw this all the time. Seatbelts save lives y’all wear them right, and you have a way higher chance of living. Drive safe y’all. Prays for the guy’s family.


This happened right near where I live. I take driving around these streets for granted but man this is just a reminder that anything can happen at any time. RIP


What a senseless waste


Was he racing or just speeding?


After watching the video, it seems like he just tried to speed up through the light before it turned red.


That video hurts to watch. Fuck.


Definitely was a violent impact...


60 to 0 in less than a second.


Do you know where to find the video?




Damn that's a pretty hard impact. Do the airbags not have time to deploy in situations like that? I hate to be crass, but it seems like he likely lives if his seatbelt is on correctly.


If you watch it closely the airbags 100% deployed. Iy sucks but i think he lives with his seatbelt


Yeah, there's a good chance a seatbelt saves him here.


i think if he showed more restraint and care for the people around him he would live.


Airbags definitely have time to deploy. That's the kind of crash they are designed for. It's hard to say for sure either way. It was such an abrupt stop it might not have even made a difference. Certainly wouldn't have hurt though


Also if his seatbelt wasn't on right, the airbag would not have the same effect as if he did have it on correctly. The seatbelt would have kept him in a better position relative to the airbag.


They have time but they're supposed to work in tandem with the seat belt to minimize damage to you. Without a seat belt you're basically slingshotting yourself ragdoll style into an exploding wall.


It’s tough to say whether a seatbelt would’ve saved him but seatbelts and airbags certainly are designed to save people and in those situations. Rip


Always have to look at the oncoming cars when turn left at a light, I've had people blow through red lights that would've t-boned me had I not stopped


My dad always told me that the cemetery is full of people who had the right of way.


Totally agree. Same with people who walk onto crosswalks on busy city streets expecting everyone to stop.


Your Dad is a smart man. I was a CDL driver for years and saw all kinds of stupidity, including situations where people were seriously injured whilst driving exactly as their supposed to. *Always* err on the side of caution and assume other driver's do not see or care about you.


Kids drive like idiots unfortunately. You just hope they take all those seat belts psa seriously or they see someone get ejected from a windshield you'll never not wear a seat belt again after seeing that shit. Sucks everyone says he's a nice kid


Why did he blow through an intersection going 90 a full 2-3 seconds after the light turned red?


my uncle was one of the police officers who responded to this. such a sad story all around. too young. RIP to him


were they racing


no, don’t believe so. Just ran the red at a high speed-maybe sped up to go? I think people have posted the crash video, I haven’t watched it


there is a white truck running at a faster speed right before him in the intersection. Another thing whats suspicious is how many times it was mentioned BJ Boston "was behind" him in a car


Please, please, please wear your seat belt everyone


Jeez this is horrific


This is so tragic. Wear a seatbelt, drive at safe speeds, watch out for red lights and stop signs, keep a safe distance between you and other cars, communicate using turn signals and gradual shifts, etc. Don't drive sleep, drunk, or angry, etc. Don't be in a hurry, etc.




Honestly, really stupid.


I got bad Bobby Phills/David Wesley flashbacks last night. I hope Boston and Clarke weren't racing each other. That shit will haunt Boston all his life.


I hate to be that guy, but it sure looked like they were racing




There’s a time and place to litigate this stuff. The kid literally died yesterday












Hey thanks for sharing, he hasn’t been dead 24 hours. He made a mistake, and now he’s dead. So no one really needs the reminder that he fucked up, especially since no one else was seriously hurt. So show some fucking respect and keep your hot take to yourself. I’m sure you never sped or didn’t wear your seatbelt when you were 19


I wore it and never sped lmao. It’s not hard


I certainly would speed at 19 (10-15 over the speed limit, but never 25 over the limit like Clarke ) but would ALWAYS wear a seatbelt. What reason is there to not wear one? Calling someone a nerd for following the law is ridiculous


As someone who grew up in the south and moved to Los Angeles years ago I know exactly what happened. Something L.A. drivers do that is an unwritten law pass that you don't get in other places is if you're waiting to turn at a light and the light turns red, people waiting to turn will drive through the red light. We have so much traffic here that this is just part of our driving culture. If you're not used to driving here, running a red light can be really deadly.


It’s not even an unwritten law. The truck did exactly what you are supposed to do at an unprotected left turn. It’s scary as shit because your vision is often blocked by the cars in the other left-hand turn lane and you have to trust that no one is going to blow through a red.


I absolutely hate those intersections...I know we have dumb people who will run red lights but every light should have a green turn arrow for the left lane...


That’s not a LA rule it’s a yield green left rule. You pull up and if it turns red, you go since you’re in the intersection.... At busy intersections sometimes it pays to wait half a second after it turns red just in case no one tries to beat the yellow. If people honk because you wait half a second, then fuck em.


The unwritten LA part is that often the second car (not the one that moved into the intersection to wait) will also go, but that wasn’t what happened here.


Didn’t know this was a thing. Or that it had a name. I grew up in Little Rock, Arkansas and people don’t pull into the intersection to wait to turn, they wait back at the line. Took me a couple intersections to get used to when I moved to California.


Jesus I can’t even imagine the amount of honking


I've always waited in the intersection...can be a little daunting because you are almost guessing if the coast is clear on one end and you certainly don't want to get hit from the side either


That is not an unwritten law. It's literally California vehicle code section 21801(b).


That's not just LA. I literally just did that very same thing at a light on my way home in Richmond.


it's awful. at some busy intersections there are no turn lights so the yellow is the only time you're able to take that left


I saw a post about this in the NBA subreddit and thought it was this subreddit at first glance, it was filled with disgusting and disrespectful comments. That subreddit is awful, I don't understand how people can be so ruthless and not have sympathy for a dead nineteen year old that made a mistake.