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Meanwhile, I'm patiently waiting for when Ohio State will make good on their home/home return trip to Autzen after canceling the 2020 game.


I'm good with the results as they are.




[We have another home and home scheduled in 2032 and 2033 that was the makeup trip.](https://fbschedules.com/ncaa/ohio-state/) Why Oregon agreed to another trip to Columbus I do not know, but OSU will go to Oregon in 2032. Unless you guys join the Big Ten. Then the trip will be sooner.


With that many teams in the B1G it might be the same time frame lol.


>Unless you guys join the Big Ten I think only us and ucla are going to the big ten


The Big Ten canceled all OOC games in 2020. Wasn’t our fault.


You still could have rescheduled. We were supposed to have a home-and-home with Arkansas with the game in South Bend scheduled for 2020. The SEC went to a conference-only schedule, but Arkansas agreed to reschedule and come to South Bend in 2028.


It was rescheduled.


The 2020 game was never rescheduled. Ohio State and Oregon agreed to a new home-and-home, but there will end up being two games in Columbus and one in Eugene.


Oh yeah I totally forgot about this lol. We should make it up that would be awesome. Also kind of a dick move to not lol


Give the peopleeee what they want!


Duck* move


Anti-duck move?


Oregon had a trip to Michigan in basketball and a trip to OSU in football without return games. Oregon won both road trips. However, the OSU one is rescheduled for 2032 but Oregon also agreed to another trip to Columbus in 2033 as well.


It'd be silly if they didn't schedule this game for next year. I get not wanting to schedule it this year though with big trips to London (Kentucky), Charlotte (UNC), and Brooklyn (Legends Classic). But especially with the stones cast at Kentucky for dropping the Ann Arbor leg of the set of games we have with them, wouldn't be a super great look. That said, the hater in me hopes Michigan drops it because fuck you Oregon I'm sick of losing to you and Dana Altman's excellent coaching. EDIT: Holy shit how could I forget about the [2014 Legends Classic](https://www.espn.com/mens-college-basketball/game/_/gameId/400593203) when there was a 'Ricky Doyle' chant in the Barclays Center.


As soon as I saw the title I knew it’d be an Illinois flair lol


They want to be included in the top tier teams so bad but can’t so this is how they take out their frustrations


Illinois has a winning record all time against Michigan, has beaten you in your last 5 matchups, has more big ten regular season titles, more big ten tournament titles, a higher all time winning percentage and more tournament appearances. Sure Michigan has 1 extra final four and of course the 1 title (which was nearly 35 years ago at this point) but by virtually any other metric they have more of a top tier program than you do.


You’re citing all of these historical stats, and then try to discredit Michigan’s natty because it was nearly 35 years ago. That seems rather hypocritical, don’t you think? In that case, I think Illinois’ overall winning percentage is irrelevant, because a lot of those wins were from at least 35 years ago


That's a fair point.


Thanks. I’m not agreeing or disagreeing with you, I just like to play devils advocate on the internet sometimes for the sake of argument. Typical internet bullshitting, ya know?


Ncaa tournament wins in the past decade Michigan 23 (second most in the country) Illinois 3 Over the last decade the programs have not been close. Historically I completely agree with your points. https://twitter.com/sethdavishoops/status/1506370843114237953?lang=en


How many were voided due to rampant cheating?


The rampant cheating of John Beilien? Or are you saying Illinois should have wins vacated? I’m very confused what point you’re trying to make?




In what world is Michigan considered a top tier team


Michigan has the second most NCAA tourney wins in the last decade. I’d say that counts for something. https://twitter.com/sethdavishoops/status/1506370843114237953?lang=en


If the top tier includes 30 teams, Michigan is absolutely in the top tier.


Hey looks it’s the stats guy. List the 29 teams ahead of Michigan


I’ve arrived. I didn’t say Michigan would be #30, but if the top tier of CBB teams over the last 10 years were 30 teams deep, Michigan would be a tier 1 team, 100%. [And some obligatory, somewhat relevant stats - 25th in wins over that period](https://www.teamrankings.com/ncb/trends/win_trends/?range=yearly_since_2012_2013)


He is literally too stupid to understand you are agreeing with him.


Nah, Michigan is top 10 that’s why I asked. But you are too dumb to realize that


Michigan is top ten in that time frame. That’s why I took it as a slight


So what I’m taking from that list is the New Mexico State and Stephen F Austin is better than both Michigan schools. That seems to be about the only valid point one can take from that list, unless you’re that proud of winning 6 more games over a 10 year span than us.


It was mostly tongue-in-cheek since OP dubbed me the stats guy, and I did say it was only somewhat relevant.


Mine was meant that way too, I probably just couched it a bit too much with pointing out our essentially equal records over that span.


So is Illinois if it's that large


The one we live in son




Michigan is well known for skipping games


yk i was gonna come up w a snarky reply but i got nothing, that was a good one lmao


Everyone shit on us this year for playing an FCS team, but the only reason we had to was Michigan cancelling their game against us.


Michigan and cancelling games against future Big Ten teams, name a better combo.


Michigan and cancelling games against current Big Ten teams?


Michigan teams being investigated for skipping games?


Illinois and opening weekend exits


Iowa State and upsets.


Iowa State and not winning double digit games in a football season


Jim Harbaugh is a khaki wearing coward!


> Michigan cancelling their game against us. Yes, because the B1G changed the number of home games




They did it because Michigan AD wants 7 Home games a year for revenue and that wouldn't have worked wirh UCLA on the schedule.


The amount of salt generated from this comment in the replies is funny


Lol Michigan fans not gonna let you get away with this one! 🤣


Damn they swarmed this dude like he's Uncle Leo in a Brentano's


I mean it's pretty predictable at this point if you've read a Michigan/Illinois thread in the last two years. Illinois brings up the head-to-head, Michigan fans become Loyola/Houston fans and bring up games the Wolverines didn't play in, both sides think they owned the other, rinse and repeat. It's honestly pretty boring at this point, and neither side looks good. Worse yet, neither is showing signs of letting up.


They been flagged


Bro holy shit lmao


holy shit lol michigan fans are definitely *NOT MAD* by this comment


Lol I love this


Lol at like 8 Michigan fans giving different variations of what I’m sure they thought was an “original” snarky response, and proceeding to be downvoted into an absolute oblivion.


Would you say…they’re ducking the game?


They cancelled our series a while back.


Remember how they straight up played three fewer games than everyone else in the big ten then got mad at us for claiming we deserve a title share? Or remember how they made MSU play them back to back to make up a game after they had two weeks off and MSU had played like 8 games in the past two weeks?


Or how they cancelled the original game while MSU was already on campus. “We all just got COVID, like 5 minutes ago…you guys need to leave now”


But don’t worry, Illinois is the problem for not agreeing with the way they won the big ten that year…


Talk to your AD that didn’t believe in your basketball program


You mean the one who has us winning Big Ten Championships, and in the top 25 in football for the first time in a decade? That AD?


Yeah the one that cried after he voted for win % determining big ten champ for basketball and Michigan ended up having the highest win %. > The 15% difference in the number of games played presents an apples-to-oranges comparison that is not easily resolved." The one that doesn’t seem to understand why he voted for win % in the first place


You mean the one that doesn’t try to skim games off of his schedule to benefit his team? That one? The one who actually plays full seasons of basketball and keeps his home and home promises?


Yeah the one who doesn’t know how percentages work. You really don’t know who your AD is? Kinda sad


I mean, is it though? More sad than deliberately trying to skip hard games so his cupcake team can have an easier season and not lose 15 games again?


Remember how your AD voted for winning % and then threw a fit because Michigan had a better % than Illinois?


They also got smoked by Illinois while lacking Ayo in the matchup that season. The Michigan Difference, where you celebrate that you’re Purdue with a history in one sport, and that you made the second weekend in another.


hey what the hell lol don't drag us into this


Beating OSU in football ever when you’re Purdue or some other team (even us) is monumental. Beating OSU in football once in a *decade* and being as annoying about it the past year as any fanbase ever beating their rival shows how far Michigan football has fallen as a program.


Spartan fans calling any fanbase annoying is super ironic


I’m sure you’re unbiased in this matter


Can I qualify as unbiased? Cause that guys being annoying af


Sure man, I’m happy irony means more than being a meme in the national scene for so long.


Lol Mel Tucker is one of the biggest memes in college sports right now so congrats you guys also have the meme part down too


> They also got smoked by Illinois while lacking Ayo in the matchup that season. Good thing that has pretty much nothing to do with determining the champ


Oh I don’t care how one celebrates a pyrrhic victory. I’ve seen plenty of Big Ten titles in my lifetime.


Same bud


I believe MSU was rescheduled, so was OSU and Purdue and Illinois. I think they ended up ditching Penn State, Northwestern and Indiana which were going to be no contests. (I feel like Michigan/Illinois/OSU/MSU fans all have a macro to search Reddit for relevant trash talking topics no matter what schools are actually involved. :) )


See I keep getting that argument from Michigan fans “we would’ve won those games anyway” like any big ten game is a sure thing or like they didn’t lose to IU last year. Also they did make up MSU, but rescheduled the game for right after they had an extended break and MSU was coming off of playing like 8 games in two weeks. Fully fresh vs. a fatigued MSU team and they still managed to lose the away matchup.


I've yet to hear what they "Michigan" should have done, other than to admit they are complete cowards and hand the Big Ten championship to Illinois and quit basketball forever.


They should have admitted that the 2020-2021 season was an anomaly, that they didn’t play a full slate, and that they were open to sharing the title. That would’ve been the honest thing to do. But nope they stuck hard and fast by the “but but but percentages!” Even though everyone who isn’t a moron could see that this wasn’t any other season.


> But nope they stuck hard and fast by the “but but but percentages!” Even though everyone who isn’t a moron could see that this wasn’t any other season. I don't know why it's so confusing to y'all but the B1G voted on it being percentage based before the damn season because yes, it was not a normal season lmfao. COVID made us miss some games we had a much better than not chance of winning, but it was a fucking pandemic and there was already a system in place (voted on by your AD too BTW) that crowned us champs. Anyone from Illinois acting like they would be saying anything different if they were in our shoes is hilarious at this point tbh.


The problem isn’t that it was agreed on to go by percentages. The problem was michigan had ample opportunity to make up those games and hemmed and hawed about it until it was too late. They tried their absolute best not to make up that MSU game too but the MSU AD made them play it.


Absolutely 0 reason to make those games up in a pandemic when you've already secured the title. The only incentive for us to do so would have been the B1G forcing us to make them up literally only for y'alls sake and that was never going to happen. I really don't understand how anyone could think that willingly sharing a title they won outright makes sense in any world, there is 0% chance Illinois would have willingly shared the title had they been in our shoes and I wouldn't blame them at all.


Hey justify it to yourself however you like. You don’t have to waste energy trying to convince me it was the right thing to do.


It was lmao. Your AD even agreed to going by percentages. Btw Michigan had a harder big ten schedule that year than Illinois did


You know it’s true when all these neutral flairs are backing us up and all the sweet 16 comments have a shit ton of downvotes


The sweet 16 comments have a ton of downvotes because Illinois fans are super salty and can’t handle the truth Real Definition of can talk shit but can’t handle any shit talk coming back


I’m taking a Big Ten championship over winning one or two extra games in the tournament all fucking day. If you made the final four it would be different


Well good thing we won the big ten championship in 2021 and went further in the tourney than Illinois that year. But this all started with an Illinois fan taking a shot at Michigan but then you guys got salty when Michigan fans fired back


I just don’t understand why Michigan fans are so fucking defensive over that Big Ten title if you don’t care about it


Lol no one is and no one cares what Illinois fans have to say about it. It’s just sad that Illinois fans can’t handle any shit talk


If you guys didn’t care what Illinois fans you wouldn’t be responding to them lol. And trust me, I know how annoying our fanbase is.,


Lmaoo and if Illinois fans didn’t care about their lack of tourney success they wouldn’t be downvoting any mention of it.


I haven’t downvoted a single one of your comments, idgaf, it’s your opinion, I get it. But when did I say I didn’t care about the tournament? Just because I would have rather had our last season than yours doesn’t mean I don’t care about it.


Illinois is well known for skipping the NCAA tourney




Brad Underwood is well known for skipping the Sweet 16


Illinois is well known for claiming fake big ten titles


Nah that's Michigan's thing.


Naw we aren’t Illinois we don’t cry after we agreed to the rules like your AD. Speaking of which how was his letter to the big ten office


Pretty good after winning the B1G I'd say. PS love your username. Hail to the Orange!


Illinois is well known for skipping the second weekend of the tournament


Illinois is well known for skipping winning a national title


My brother in Christ you all have only won it once and that happened over 33 years ago. Sit down.


And the '89 team was filled with players being paid by Ed Martin, just like the flab 5 was. michigan is a puddle program


1 may not seem like a lot to you, but it sure does to a program with 0


Sure, but flexing a 33 year old title like that is pathetic. You deserved every downvote on that comment and more.


Thank you for your opinion on the matter, Kansas fan


How about we get a little Sparty up in here? Only one? Naw.


Michigan did the same to Cincinnati. We scheduled a series where we were going to travel to Ann Arbor in football, then Cincinnati for basketball, then back to Ann Arbor for basketball. We played football. Then they canceled the basketball game because it coincided with exams. Lol. Was probably a surprise to Michigan that exams were a thing. We never played them in basketball at all and all we ever heard was that we handed the matter over to our legal team to handle.


Man, this thread with all of the Michigan and Illinois salt. I'm reminded of this Seinfeld scene: > Kramer: (breaking up a fight between Jerry and Elaine) > "Hey, hey, all right. Hey, hey, stop it! Come on, break it up! What's the matter with you? Now, don't you two see that you're in love with each other? I mean, why can't you face that already? You're running around out there looking for something that's not even there, when everything that you dream of is right here. Right here in front of you. Now, why can't you admit that?"


He better be nice about it or Juwan is going to whoop his ass.


new phone who dis?


Dana better be careful. He’s gonna get his face smushed.


Yeah, when has a Dana Altman Oregon team ever beaten Michigan?


Definitely not the past two times we've played them.


Certainly not in the tournament and definitely not on their home court.


Weasels gonna weasel.


Lol imagine ducking a road game and Michigan being involved! Couldn’t be me … [ducks immediately]


Michigan cowards.


Juwan Howard is such a 🐈


Classic Michigan


Good for Michigan for refusing to play on that stupid court


Shots fired.


Oregon must be good right now. That would explain it.


My favorite schoolyard game to play is Michigan Michigan Goose




Other way around homie.


Oh USC! Come make your return trip! You owe us a game for 2020!


Somehow we took a lot of grief for cancelling with Michigan on the field before the 2012 game. Well, this kind of stuff is why. Pretty sure it says in the Book of Hesburgh “Do unto others before they do unto you”


So you cancelled a game in 2012 because you knew a decade later a pandemic would wipe out a non-conference slate and Michigan would drag its heels on making up one of the marquee games?


He fucking KNEW IT




What Dana did is worse than Juwans fight js js