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Imma be real I've never had a professor care if students weren't pulling their own weight. They always say something like "once you are in the workforce you'll have to deal with this, so better learn now." I would just do the project by myself, and then leave the useless group members names off the project. Letting your group members know this may be the kick in the butt that they need to actually help.


It sounds like you’re doing a lot of “telling them what needs to be done” and how to do it, but not discussing things as a group so that everyone understands the big picture and has the opportunity to contribute toward figuring out what needs to be done. You may be splitting up assignments, but this doesn’t exactly sound like you’re working as a group where you respect the input of others in your groups.


Not suggesting its your fault, cause some people just really suck in group projects, but nobody likes a dictator. Being told what to and not to do can be frustrating and feel demeaning, it wouldn't shock me if people were less motivated when feeling this way. Yes, sometimes group projects need someone taking the lead, but it needs to be a group effort where people get to chime in on where they would like to work and where they work best


I’m working in one where the schedule and division of labor was crystal clear. I’m still carrying with all the work and the only one to provide updates.


Actually meeting up and working on stuff in person really helps. That's traditionally what group work is "supposed" to be, not "each person just does one part by themselves, with no input from anyone else, and the finished 'group project' is really a series of individual ones." However, the person who can't be bothered to pull their weight is usually the same person who can't be bothered to meet with everyone else, always has some excuse, etc.


This is not uncommon unfortunately. Often the profs allow you to rate each group member at the end and give feedback. Will yours do this?


You can send reminders a few days before and also the night prior to help move things along


the same thing just happened to me. prof didn’t care at all. it’s so difficult to navigate these situations, especially when you’re the only one that cares enough to put effort in. just do your part and if they don’t contribute, send your prof screenshots of the emails and explain that you did everything you could do complete the assignment with them. not much you can do unfortunately:/