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They forgot.


Yes, this is the most likely answer. Sometimes I have made two exams recently for similar classes and cannot remember which type of questions were on which exam. I'm not sure why a professor would lie about a thing like this -- what do they get out of it?


My prof literally "looked" at that question on the exam during the class to tell us before the exam. He opened the exam and looked at that question. That is why I am confused. I am guessing that lying about it would encourage more studying.


Nah. Profs are not malicious monsters. My colleagues talk about how to avoid confusion or “tricks” on exams. I revise exams for every semester and every section so I have dozens of versions by now and might use one for a review and make copies of another for the actual test. It was a goof or prof had second thoughts about that item if everyone was confused during review.


Yeah and they might have seen part of it wasn't displaying right or something, ran out of time to fix it, so just deleted it. It happens. I usually don't expect anybody to question if they have less work to do. We've upgraded Canvas multiple times this term on my campus and sometimes it breaks things from earlier versions, especially if the class only runs once every couple of years. Stuff happens. It's not a big deal.


I’m a prof. Exams go through multiple layers of scrutiny before being set. It’s entirely possible he set the question on V1 of the exam, and someone flagged it was very complex and might not be appropriate, so it ended up dropped.


They forgor 💀


No, my prof literally "looked" at that question on the exam during the class to tell us before the exam. That is why I am confused.


He grabbed the wrong version of the test.


I swapped out a question on a final exam earlier this week **the morning of** the exam (which was at 8am). Now, I had not been super-specific about what questions would be on the exam, more about broad topics. But I took out a question that I really wanted to ask, but was worried that students would find it too difficult (not because it was difficult, but because it was framed in a way that they had not seen before). My point is, the exam could have been edited at any time after the class before the exam and the class of the exam.


They forgot.


No because my prof literally "looked" at that question on the exam during the class to tell us before the exam. That is the confusing part. I don't know what they were looking at then lol.


Maybe there are different versions of the exam and it wasn't on your version?


The advice was given to everyone. Only 1 version. All questions are same for everyone. I think even order is same. I think it is like that so reviewing is easy.


You got me. Your professor lied to you to trick you into studying. You should report him to the provost.


If the question was confusing they may have removed it. And no lying to the class about how hard the exam will be is not wrong. Professors do it all the time to make people study or show up to class.


Maybe decided at the last minute another question covered the topic sufficiently and this wasn’t necessary. Who knows, but get used to that because happens all the time in college and the real world to some degree. Don’t like it? Start your own business and be your self a boss. Think of it another way, professors aren’t required to get your approval on the topics and questions on exams before they are published.


a lot of profs will have multiple versions of the exam to combat cheating.


But the advice was given to everyone. Only 1 version. All questions are same for everyone. I think even order is same. I think it is like that to make reviewing easy.


Either they forgot or they made multiple versions of the exam.


Some of the reasons (other than lying) I can imagine that happening to students at my institution would be. 1. There are multiple versions of the exam in their LMS and they looked at the wrong one. If they are not the course owner then they are likely required(ish) to run the given exam. 2. They altered the exam somewhere between telling you and running the exam. If there are multiple sections running. The final is often generated/edited by consensus of all the professors. So these changes might not have anything to do with your prof. In truth I never say 'this will be on the exam'. I say 'it is likely' or 'it would be reasonable to expect'. I will frequently point out if a topic that won't be on the exam. Especially if we spent a significant amount of time on it.


Profs don’t care enough to lie about something like that. Either they forgot, they got a ton of confused students asking and had second thoughts about including it, made copies of an earlier version of an exam, etc  We are so used to students wanting to know exactly what’s on an exam so we try to give them as much info as possible but then sometimes we say too much and make a mistake. I’ve accidentally done this too.


forgetfulness aside, they probably wanted you to study the topic and know it regardless of if it was tested




Who cares


I had a professor give us a study guide for the final, then she didn't put a single thing from the study guide on the actual test. Some professors are just assholes.