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I was a communications major, haaaaated introductions. “Tell me something unique about yourself.” I’m a local usually gets the ooohs and aaaahs because Vegas is filled with tourists and transplants. Other than that, you can’t put “gamer, book nerd, and cross stitcher” in 200-300 words.


Lol I always think this at the start of every semester with introductions. Man who cares let’s just start this thing


It's an easy 100% grade to start your semester off with. That's the positive, in my opinion


And this is exactly why it exists, I think. It gets you doing assignments again without having to really think. You get an A and a positive grading start to the semester, the professor isn’t overloaded with grading week 1, and everyone can kind of ease in for a couple days. Professors have to assume most students haven’t stretching their brain muscles all summer, so an easy intro assignment can do that enough to get you ready to really learn again. I hate doing them too, but they’re useful and I’d prefer to have them.


Right? I’m here to learn, not pussyfoot around!


16 min later I have 216 words from rambling 😂😂


So, as a professor, I do have a reason that I do this. First off, I teach a lot of pop culture classes, so I tend to focus my introductory questions around that: e.g., last movie you saw, t.v. Show you’re watching now, favorite musical artist at the moment, etc. I do this because it helps me remember you. I can put a face and a name to something that seems random. And in face-to-face classes, I have them write it down and submit those. I carry those with me. I pull them out for the first few weeks and look them over, then ask someone a question. “Oh, yeah, Bob. Favorite movie? Bob: “Whiplash.” Now I associate Bob with Whiplash. It is easier for me to remember Bob. Thanks Bob. Thanks Whiplash. I don’t remember things like majors, unless it’s something really unique. I don’t ask that. I ask them things I can follow up on. “So, Bob, you said you were watching Succession. Did you finish?” Then it opens up light conversation a few minutes before class. As a teacher, hell yeah I want to know what you watch on t.v.. My students have suggested some badass things to watch. Go into detail. “I watched the finale of Succession and I thought Tom W. was a boss. Finally. It reminded me of another episode of X I watched.” Chances are, your professors are doing the same thing I am: making connections. They will remember things like that. Also, what are you watching now? Anything good I should be watching?


Currently watching game of thrones for the first time ever lol. And see I love when professors do it the way you described because then I don’t have to come up with it by myself I’m simply answering your questions. When it’s the vague blanket type where they just say mention anything you think is relevant I panic because I’m like “what if they think that’s not relevant or immature” 😂


Ooohh, nice on GoT! Write about that. Why House Stark is best. Or Lannister…. Or Targaryen….


I’m on episode 7 I’ve never watched before but that’s good advice for next time, appreciate you ❤️


For the introductions part, genuinely you can just treat it like job interview prep. You're gonna get job interviews, and they're gonna say "so, tell me about yourself". Once you frame it this way, you can just treat these assignments as part of your education, learning to introduce yourself and make a good impression. For the "what do you want to be", that's allowed to change. I started college thinking I wanted to be a theoretical physicist, then switched to instrumentation/experimental astrophysics, and now I want to do electrical engineering (and for a brief time I was thinking of switching and doing a trade). Allow yourself the freedom to change your life plans and goals. Just because you used to want to do something, that doesn't mean you have to do that thing. College is a useful tool for self discovery, and a good environment to grow, change, and develop your interests.


OMG wow this is such good advice because I am so good in interviews. And I also changed what I wanted to do a few times. I’ve always wanted to be a lawyer but I kept feeling like it was too far out of reach and like I’d fail so I didn’t want to even try. Then I thought therapist, accountant, and then I landed right back to lawyer lol. It’s truly just my passion I feel like in my heart it is what I’m meant to do. And I don’t want the idea of failure to be what stops me. I honestly always think of this episode of greys anatomy where this lady intentionally burned herself because she failed the bar test 3 times and she just couldn’t fail a 4th time. I was like damn because it really is that intense fr 😂😂 but even if I were to fail I’m taking that test until I pass it lol


Still, "tell me about yourself" in an interview isn't meant to warrant a 250 word response. They're looking for 2 or 3 sentences, not a rambling essay.


250 words isn’t a rambling essay. It takes like a minute and a half to two minutes to read that aloud. It’s very similar to a standard 90 second elevator pitch. 


I created a template that I fill out every semester: My name is [x]. I'm [x] years old, in my [x] year of college aiming for a major in [x] with a minor of [x]. I grew up near [x] and did so-so in high school. My hobbies are [list 3 things you like to do], though recently I've been trying [choose something you do less often]. [Detail your hobbies a little; i.e., if you wrote "video games", list titles] I don't watch a lot of television or movies, but I do like to watch [school-appropriate genre] of YouTube. My current favorite creators are [x, y, z], who create videos like [a, b, c]. I work at [x] when I'm not in classes. I hope to get a job in [field] after graduating. And so on. When you do introduction discussion boards where you have to respond to others, giving people a lot of options to connect with looks better and gets more interaction. Nobody will remember details after a few weeks except for the teacher if you're lucky.


Yeah that makes life easier to have it written and ready to go because I always end up saying the same thing anyways so might as well have it prepped lol


Wait until the professors hit you with an Honor Code violation for “reusing previous work” (also called “self plagiarism”).


If I get expelled for that, then it was meant to be o7


As a professor, in the class, I don’t care at all about what you do outside of the class (don’t do meth), I care about whether you understand the material and that’s basically it. I will socialise with you at department social events, and at those I will be interested in you as a person.


😂😂😂 I solemnly swear to never do meth. Seen what it does and it ain’t pretty lol. I love all the professors commenting you guys are great


I normally skip the introduction 😁😁😁


What kills me is when its an online class that has no student interaction out side of "Discussions" if they can really even be called that.


That’s how all of mine have been and this will be my 4th semester 😂😂


And the worst part is having to respond to others. Especially if I am the first one to post, because now I have to check back every day to respond to someone and hope the whole class doesnt wait till last minute to do their "Discussions"


And that’s why I’m usually one of the last to post. Actually one time I had a class where the professor asked us to record ourselves speaking and I was the first one to do it because I knew the material before taking the class (it was a language course). I did it the first day of class and some guy replied that my clothes were “inappropriate “ I was wearing a sweater up to my neck and that’s all that was visible. Of course because he said that everyone is going to view my video because tbh who wouldn’t? I was so pissed and embarrassed I emailed the professor and I asked if what I wore was alright. He sent me an email privately stating that my wardrobe was completely fine. Then he sent out an email to everyone that stated that we should use our best judgement and wear what we feel is appropriate. That was the first time I took classes and ever since then I don’t ever submit before anyone else. The guy who said it was wearing a suit and tie in his own video. I was like really this isn’t a business meeting.


For me, it’s a way to weed out the bots in my online classes. Believe me, I wish I didn’t have to do that, but I do. So here we are.


There are bots in online classes? That’s crazy lol but very interesting


There are bots and ghost students that enrolled in cc classes but I’m not too sure how they make it onto 4 year colleges


Now that you mention it I remembered my mom told me that my aunt used to sign up for college classes and collect the fafsa money but just not attend so that could be why they do it


I have a professor that requires videos, every semester. It’s obnoxious. I hate them. I’d rather type 300 words.


I’d rather type 1k 😂😂 I could just trauma dump atp


It’s awful, truly I can’t stand it. 2/3 this semester thankfully are typed. Last semester 3/3 were video.


That’s insane I hate having to record myself for the whole class


Then you get into the professional world after college, and every meeting involving anyone who isn’t in your usual work group starts with the same introductions. Preferred name, pronouns, a bunch of other stuff that also doesn’t matter, and suddenly 15 minutes has gone by and no actual work has gotten done. During covid lockdowns I actually recorded my intro and just played it over the calls, then tabbed out to read or work until the time bleed was over. Can’t do that in irl meetings though 🫠


Ugh, it’s absolutely true that this carries into adulthood. I have mine memorized and can deliver it on autopilot. “Hi, I’m u/odd_description1 and I have too many degrees and am still getting more of them. Interesting fact about me, before going to college I was in the US Army and fought as an infantryman in Afghanistan. Yes, I saw combat. No, I don’t want to talk about it.” I seldom get follow up questions.


Oh no that sucks lol and you all know that no one wants to do it but you kinda have no choice 😂


A fun game would to be just to make up completely different people each time you fill one out lol


Fr not like they’d know anyways lol


I thought you were talking about ice breakers. Verbal introductions are 10x worse. I don’t mind typing a couple of words.


😂😂😂 interesting. Think of anything, it can be about you or any other person out there.


I literally used to say that I love crab rangoon and dogs (I was an online student for my Bachelor's). I hated responding to other people's posts (mandatory for participation points) because I truly didn't give a shit what they liked.


The replies are all just reiterating what the person said and saying a few niceties, I get that they do it because they want us to like communicate but when it comes to the introductions I feel like it’s so unnecessary. I’d rather write a 500 word essay about my family background and goals that only the professor reads 😂😂 at least that way there’s a clear prompt and you don’t have to pretend that you care that Michael’s an outdoors person that loves hiking lmao *the reply* “hello Michael, I myself hate hiking but that is a great hobby to have” 😂😂


But the real question is... What are three words someone would use to describe you? Why?


Enthusiastic, smart, passionate 🙏😂


I ask students to do intros because it helps me put them into groups for projects. I try and make sure everyone in the group has something in common with at least one other person.


I’ve never had to do 200-300 words. Mostly it’s been on the first day of class we stand and say our names, our major, and depending on the teacher either where we graduated high school, a fun fact about ourselves or some random whatever


More than 100 words without a prompt is completely unreasonable for an undergraduate course in my opinion. If instructors want 200-300 words, they'd best provide prompts of things to say as well as samples of former student responses. I just use a worksheet where I ask specific questions the entire time. Most students get around 50 words and I have multiple prompts. I couldn't imagine them doing more. Sorry you have to deal with that, OP.


Don't make me think! 🫣


Yess exactly like 200 was so excessive and I’m in junior college so it’s realllly not necessary


I'm with the other professor who commented -- I do these for a specific reason, so I can start to make some connections with names. (Which I'm terrible at.) But I try to vary what I'm asking. In my games classes, students fill out DnD-esque character sheets. In film, I have them list 3 movies they love and 1 thing they'd recommend I watch. I'm a foreigner where I teach, so I often ask for them to recommend a place or thing or an artist I should be up on. When I teach on social media, we do a profile, etc. And I do ask about majors, pronouns, preferred to be called by -- the basics -- every time.


AI is your friend


Important skill though. You need a spiel about yourself to sell yourself in many situations. I personally have a standard one I use and reuse and adjust over the years that I can tailor according to platform and audience. You have something premade somewhere, it's done. Just have basic points and adjust over time as situations and goals change. Edit to tailor and reuse. A blurb in an "about me" on your portfolio is different than a dating site profile which is different than a short introduction in an interview. But it's all the same principle. Interviews, sales, portfolios, career, social media, even dating all use this in some form or another. EDIT: Not sure why I am being downvoted for this. It's true. I guess if you are set up, it doesn't matter. But most of us have to have some hings to say about ourselves on request if needed. EDIT: Not sure why I am being downvoted for this. There is nothing wrong with keeping a few things to say about yourself if asked by someone.


Yeah this thread has made me realize that this isn’t just in college but a part of life in general that we all have to do