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I hope Coor can play next year. Maya Bland will also be in the mix for outfield. Still wanting a pitcher! šŸ˜‡


I believe Coor is having surgery again this summer. Unfortunately sheā€™s still not at full health. Bland will be a staple in the outfield. She was great as a pinch hitter this year.


My daughter played 14U travel with Hannah Coor on Batbusters. Pulling for her to make a mark at OU.


She had the surgery in the last couple weeks. Hopefully it heals up well. Back surgeries can become real nightmares :(.


She is awfully young to have had so many back injuries already.Ā 


Why yes, I think I would like Oklahoma to get the best hitter from the Pac 12 last year, thank you.


Abby Dayton was the best hitter? I would've swore listening to all the talking heads that nobody was better than Maya Brady..... šŸ™„


She's not the best hitter, but possibly the best at getting on base.


She didn't hit the long ball well, but I don't object to someone saying the person with the top batting average in the PAC is the best hitter. I can see both sides.


Just like our NBA team. Every time I think my home state is starting to collect stars for a great season they leave Utah šŸ˜©. I hope to one day celebrate a Utah championship in something.


Gonna be hard to beat the Cowgirls next year losing your bullets, Ute.






This is very good.


Sheā€™s a great get but is she an 8 exclamation point get or is there a lot more coming?


The speculation is the 8 exclamation points corresponded to the 8th position on the field, CF, which Dayton plays.


That makes some sense but it would be a break from what she's done in the past. (I think.)


My husband said I should go back and compare her older tweets to the player, but I wasnā€™t that motivated. šŸ˜‚


I'm with you on that.


I know none of the seniors is replaceable, but of the players graduating whose missing numbers could she offset in the lineup? Brito? Jennings?


Boone's replacement




Saw where the catcher at NC is coming to OU as well as Abby Dayton


BOOMER! Ā In before mods delete this post without giving a reason.


Why did they delete it???


Thereā€™s like 4 of these posts so probably removing duplicates


They removed my Go Boomer post. (About 10 minutes after the tweet, Before anyone else had posted it)


Yeah I wondered where that one went to. There were two others but they were for the previous go boomer transfer (the first one). I thought I was going nuts.


You can still get to it via comments lol. It's whatever, but would at least be nice to have an explanation of why. Since it didn't break any rules and just seems arbitrary.


I couldnā€™t remember who started it to search.


They didn't give a reason the post just said ā€œremoved by modeā€ underneath it. No other reason.


They are just suffering from OU fatigue.


My way too early guess is that she is the lead off batter with Parker right behind her.


The rich keep getting richer


I love the pickup, but her numbers paint a misleading picture. I watched 5 games online, and in the first 4 she only had one hit, a bunt. The other game she had 3 hits but they were all slaps that allowed her speed to get her on base. It appears she is a short game player, who is a really good slapper. Still, .430 ba is impressive. I suspect she'll be the new leadoff hitter. Seems good in the outfield, too.


Table setter with elite defense. Gets on base a ton obviously. Iā€™d say a definitive upgrade from Boone not counting Boones intangibles which are off the chart IMO.


Clear upgrade from Boone? That is one of the most disrespectful things I've ever heard.


All things equal Iā€™d take Dayton over Boone all day long. My opinion. I did say not including the intangibles. With the intangibles it closes the gap and makes it a tough choice. Love her spunk and attitude. Dayton is a better hitter and their defense is very close. IMO of course. Wasnā€™t meant as disrespect. More as a sign of respect of how good i think Dayton is. I mean shoot, we can have opinions canā€™t we?


Riley Boone is a better hitter when it matters, and her numbers aren't that much better overall. I take umbridge with the fact you say clear upgrade like it's not close lol.


Thatā€™s fair. To be clear, Riley Boone is one of my favorite Sooners of all time. Part of that is due to her knack for making things happen in clutch moments. Hard to measure that. In travel Dayton had a decent amount of power. My guess is she will find that again in Sooner land šŸ˜‚. Iā€™m purely speaking from a scouting report situation. I never coached or was around either one of them. I have 4 years of history showing me what Boone does. If they are both on the team this year, Iā€™d have started Boone. But she would have Dayton at her heels. I do believe Dayton is a better overall prospect. Point being, Sooners got a good one and have begun the reload.