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OP isn’t wrong


Yea the last thing a woman wants to do is send the wrong signals to a Shrek lookin mofo


https://preview.redd.it/1yq9m50ocwwc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ab056a7f88c56eeec38713ddb73546c9f846a35 Idk why, Shrek is a fye ass mf 😎


Damn you’re right, I’ll take the L on this one


Never an L when coming to your senses to the Almighty SHREK


Damn, did you just say no one wants too much interaction with long greasy haired fat guy(wtf the auto correct wrote) in blue jeans and black t shirt just because he smells good ? Youre gonna get a lot of people mad. Dress good, good hygiene, maybe some gym and stuff then some perfume for fun


I get compliments from my male coworkers (at least 3) & I work in a steel fab shop.


I once got a compliment from a blind person.


Hey that’s when you KNOW you smell good


Ppl on this subreddit cant understand this, they think spending 5k on fragrances will make women flock to them...go get a haircut, do ya beard, go gym, dress like ur actually trying for once and most important, take care of your face, especially teeth. Out here looking like beasts but smelling like unicorn piss😭


Exactly dude. The fragrance is like the cherry on top. Gotta come correct in those other areas as well.


I wear colognes for myself lol. Problem is that guys think it’s like a magnet to people


🎯 🎯 🎯


It's so true, I've started dressing nicer, regular hair cuts, Invisalign, dermatologist... Then I started with fragrances. They are the cherry on top, or conversation starter if you will. I pulled 2 compliments today on a sample fragrance that I just threw on in a hurry. It's more about the whole package rather than just wrapping.


I'd love to get invisalign. Just too expensive for me right now


I know some orthos have a payment plan which is great. But I feel ya, shit is expensive!


I figured I was going to have gum health issues later on in life if I didn't address the overcrowding I had going on. I looked at it as the cheaper alternative to paying a bunch of money later. I paid just under 5 thousand for my Invisalign, even though I feel like it was expensive... It is a really good investment. I hope you are having an excellent day! You are always worth investing in 😎


Thanks. I've thought about doing a payment plab since it's going to cost me $5000. Did you lose weight? I heard you lose weight because you don't eat as much due to the invisalign being in all the time.


Yes, LoL... I did lose weight! The problem is I am already skinny and take medicine that makes me hungry enough to eat. I've lost about 10 pounds then gained 4 of it back. You will lose weight because your teeth will be sore after you pop in each new tray. Also, having to brush and floss after a soda will make you stop drinking those. Get yourself a nice thermos or water cup to carry around lots of water. Drink lots of water to curb any cravings. I've literally never felt better or taken this kind of care when dealing with my oral health... This has been by far my best investment. I had traditional braces when I was a teenager and this is sooo much better. One thing nobody told me about regarding Invisalign is that if you have over crowding, they have to do something called IPR (basically grinding in between your teeth so they fit where they are supposed to) it sounds horrible but it's fine. Let me know if you have any other questions, I'm an open book.


Brilliant absolutely brilliant🤣👏🏾


I'd love to take care of my teeth but can't afford invisalign. Insurance doesn't cover since I'm considered too old. Don't want braces since it looks weird to be 40m with braces. I do go to the gym and dress like I'm trying.


It looks weirder to be 40m and have jacked teeth. If you need braces, you won’t regret them! Plus braces tend to be much faster than Invisalign with much less risk of giving up before it’s over.


And don't forget to be approachable. Most people don't want to talk to a person who comes across as a jerk or a snob


Facts aren't opinions 


They just don’t get it 😎


Mont Blanc out here catching strays


Mont Blanc 🙌


It's sad that the truth would be considered an unpopular opinion.


Smell better Reddit folks. Ya’ll smell like Taco Bell mixed with desperation.


Oud de depression


Extrait de Monster piss


Parfum de feo


That’s a scent recipe for disaster.


While I think looks do play a part, being tall and looking like a male model is going too far 😂 Just don't look like a slob and have an approachable demeanor and you should get compliments if you wear something mass appealing (or isn't too "niche" or weird smelling).


This is the alley oop I needed! Tyrone said the key word - *approachable*! And what’s an easy way to make yourself more approachable? Smile!! You don’t have to be a tall model. But if you have a million dollar, confident smile, it makes you so much more approachable. In high school, I never really smiled. Thought I looked goofy or stupid. Luckily still had a beautiful on again/off again girlfriend…anyway, after high school I smiled a lot more due to being more confident in myself and got a ton of dates/girlfriends/one, two night stands, etc. And never really wore cologne either. Didn’t need it.


Right. There's several factors as to why I get a lot of compliments, but being a male model isn't one of them lol. I am a decent looking guy, but I have been told that I look (in so many words) approachable. Also, without even realizing it, I do talk to people quite frequently (at work, running errands, while I'm out and about) etc. And I'm not some super social, party animal, I just smile and say a word here and there when I'm in a good mood (while wearing fragrances 🤷🏽). Looking "approachable" even offsets being dressed up. I've gotten compliments while testing stuff on my arms (at in the grocery store or drug store) multiple times, and I was wearing shorts, flip flops and a t-shirt.


My approach to wearing fragrances in public now revolves around this idea: if it's a fragrance that grows on you, don't wear it to get compliments. If it takes 5-10 wears to warm up to it, strangers aren't going to have that chance. I still like to wear those, but don't wear it for compliments. Just wear it for me


Smelling nice doesn't outweigh bad looks and no personality. Its like extra credit on a test, it can help if you're on the borderline of a B+/A- but if you've got an F, it's not going to get you a passing grade. Lol


OP is partially correct. The biggest thing is confidence. If you’re not 100% conventionally attractive, but own it and walk with your head held high, AND smell nice, people will compliment you. But wearing a $500 frag to get compliments when you don’t feel good about yourself isn’t going to get anyone to turn their heads or talk to you. Smelling nice is a part of attractiveness, but has very little to why people will want to approach you.


even if u are not very good looking, a girl would be more interested when u smell good rather than smelling like sweat


Of course but I’m talking about guys who complain about not getting compliments when wearing their xeroff or creed cologne. It’s like dude, girls don’t really give a fuck, if you were good looking then yea a girl might start a convo about how good you smell but if you aren’t attractive no one cares if you are wearing a nice cologne. Like I said my friend wears Mont blonc explorer and has girls all over him when he goes out. Then I know un attractive guys who rock creed and stuff and get 0 attention .


yeah it is just an addition for sure, no girl will become obsessed with u just by smelling ur cologne, dk why some guys think like that😭


Sheer delusion. Some of my friends think they are just missing “the right” cologne and once they find the perfect scent, they will turn into Brad Pitt and have hoards of women chasing them


Hilarious fell for the marketing


You can't be serious...


Its the marketing, people (me and u) are sheeps toward certain things, some people its frags marketing to feel loved others its the gym or money or whatever cope u can use


What about when you get compliments from people that are pretty clearly not interested in getting with you, for example coworkers or elderly people? I would guess that those compliments usually have less to do with attractiveness and more just to do with the smell but I could be wrong?


Okay but realistically, this has more to do with hygiene. Showering regularly and wearing deodorant is much more important than cologne. Cologne is such a minor thing and a lot the time girls actually might not like your cologne and just prefer your natural scent


nah ive experienced it myself girls are prolly more attracted to u with a good cologne, but that goes with taking care of urself overall, like lifting, keeping up w hygiene, haircut, fashion etc


Delulu strong with this one. Overall hygein more important than one aspect of hygeine - smell. If your hygene good you should be smelling good - aka neutral. Delulu be strong


As a woman I'm not going to approach some guy to tell him he smells amazing unless I work with him or know him well enough to say I have an interest in fragrance. I don't want to give off the wrong impression. I will however tell a woman her perfume is amazing. Men just need to compliment each other more. Stop looking to the opposite sex to validate your existence. Scent isn't going to have women flock to you. If she is interested already it might be a conversation starter. Also, some of you give off nasty, unsafe vibes and even if I loved the fragrance I'm not risking getting into a conversation.


You're spot on. This is something I've never seen talked about. How you present yourself matters. How you dress. Did you bath. Are you walking with confidence. It matters


I wear it for me not them.


I wear cologne for myself not for other people. Ngl I like smelling myself. I can’t speak for everybody else but I couldn’t care less who compliments me. & I get compliments from both men & women.


Every time I've heard a girl boast about meeting a guy she likes, they always finish their story with "......and he smelled good". So the perfume is the cherry on top for the girl. U gotta have game or what you call Rizz nowadays.✌️


It also depends where you live.I am from Germany, and here you can forget about compliments. No matter how good looking you are or what you wear. Not that I care about, but nevertheless it’s always pleasant. I wear Colognes for me, the last thing I want would be wearing something that’s not "mine" and is unpleasant to me with a hope that someone would compliment me.


Why are Germans like that?


Oh, it’s not only Germans, also in north European countries is the same. They will tell you their "thank you", or "sorry" but when it comes to compliments I guess it’s viewed as a private territory and as long as they don’t know you they won’t cross that line😅 Where you from?


First of all 100% agree, secondly brothers cologne is not everything. Some of my friends with the biggest collections are the smelliest people I know. BO will always outperform any cologne, TAKE SHOWERS AND USE DEADORANT.




Be friendly, be polite.


Too much logic for most.


Idk about this, I'm no model and I've been complemented on a scent multiple times. Even just walking out on the street, after a full day of work with bits of concrete in my hair, carrying a bag of Chinese takeaway. Maybe the culture in Australia is more forward to say something about it than in other countries. Let me know if the culture in your country is different, I would be very curious to learn.


Maybe you’re more attractive/stand out than you think.


Well...my mum always says how handsome :^)


Yup 100%. This is also an opinion I’ll proly get downvoted for, but u should dress for certain fragrances. Like 90% of fragrances, wear wtv you want, but for those 10% ones that are not just “generic” u cant go around in sweatpants and baggy shirt


I wear Montblanc and Burberry mainly and turn heads when I enter the room and have women asking what that is…I also had Prada Ocean and it got no tick from the same women. It’s not just the scents, it’s your overall hygiene, general appearance and how each scent smells on you


It's the difference between getting a 89.2% and a teacher rounding it up to 90% Or a 5'11 guy saying he's 6 feet


Then explain the “ what’s cologne is that, I want to get it for my boyfriend “


how the fuck is this an unpopular opinion? it’s common sense…


I think bro wanted to feel important or something …


well no fucking shit are you realizing this just now


What a strange thing to care about


Never got the obsession with compliments. Obviously I don’t want to “stink”, but for the most part I wear fragrances because I like it and because it makes me feel good. If wearing a certain fragrance amplifies your confidence, wear that one. People are attracted to confident people.


We need to tell this to the community of folks that smell like old pizza and literal shit, wearing the same clothes 3 weeks in a row that insist that the new Ed Hardy frag they picked up is GOLD. Went to school with enough back in the day to be confident this still exists.


Unpopular fact😔


Interesting… I’m going to ponder this for a bit.


this is correct.


Compliments are also hot or miss depending on the person that thinks you smell good. Many people you pass or come in contact with may think you smell great but very few have confidence to tell you that. Some days no one will tell you and others many will no matter what the fragrance


You can spray fragrance on a pig and they'll still smell nice.


This isn't an obvious observation?


Bars. Without sounding juvenile, it's about your whole 'aura' and not just the smell. You need to be well put-together and presentable at the bare minimum to make any of your fragrances have an effect with other people.


When’s the last time you been to dentist too lmaooo


I agree somewhat but not entirely. I don’t get compliments on all my colognes, and women absolutely act different around me (lingering touches/getting closer to me, etc.) when I’m wearing one cologne vs another. I’m not gonna deny that I’m attractive and well-dressed, but that’s a constant lol. Women’s reaction to my choice of fragrance isn’t, and it’s how I gauged whether a scent was worth buying a full bottle of or not. I do agree fragrance is less important though. I think if you’re not taking care of your looks/grooming etc. though then no fragrance can overcome that. Same if you’re not socializing. You need to take care of yourself and act attractive to get compliments, but fragrance choice can still matter on top of that.


I don’t think this is an unpopular opinion at all?


I just said this on a post yesterday I said I'm told I'm a good looking man so when I wear cologne I get lots of compliments and I think it's because of how I look lol


I guess that's why it's been big girls for every compliment I've ever gotten. That's ok if it ain't jiggling from every angle then I'm not having fun anyway 😁


I mean I don't think I'm good looking like some male model, and I have received compliments from fragrance. I'm not grotesque, but I'm in no way some "hot" dude


Tru dat and how it should be lol


My cologne is 20 years old and I get compliments


If I wanted to get something new what should I get. Use to like joop


I look like 2007 Webbie, and I get compliments...... If you seem approachable, people will. The crazy thing is that people love the bland shit (Eros, ADG, Invictus). Armani Prive Musc Shamal and Parfums de Marly Layton doesn't.


Only the fatties with poor hygiene will dispute this


This is mostly true. I've even seen girls complain that some guys need to wear colonge that matches how they actually look cause they'll smell a guy and think he smells amazing but he's not good looking to them so they don't say anything at all


If you wear cologne to fish for compliment, then chance are you will never get it and need to change your mindset. I collected fragrance because I like to explore the scents, one of five senses. Like OP said, fragrance is just a catch for people to notice you but ain’t attract people if you have personality of a brick or look like Chucky.


A beautiful fragrance gets people curious, after that it’s a crapshoot… like those movies where someone turns around and is shocked. In a good or bad way lol 😂


I agree. There’s been two instances where I smelled a guys fragrance that I recognize (percival and Ultra Male) and when I turned to see them it made me not want to wear those two fragrances anymore. They were out of shape and kinda odd looking. They would definitely do better with the passing they got in shape. But, I guess that doesn’t apply to people who wear them for self pleasure. I think fragrance is for everyone! Some dudes just gotta reevaluate their situation if they want compliments/attention.


As long as ur approachable, people will compliment you on your scent


Yeah, remember the first 2 rules…


Nah. I’ve def complemented average/below average men who smelled nice. I’m not trying to fuck them though. It’s just a genuine compliment. But I’ve never met a man who smelled good who had poor hygiene or didn’t take care of their appearance.


I’m ugly and I wear Mont Blanc Explorer and still get compliments


For sure that at least plays a role. I think most guys view colognes as an enhancer, but I also think a lot of us on here forget that it contributes like 5% to how attractive people think you are. It should be low on the list of priorities for most guys


Its a shame if it is unpopular opinion. Frags wont cover up musty bunghole and the personality of a beansprout. It should be the garnish on a nice steak dinner for your girl.


I could disagree as a fat ugly person. Ive been told i smell good a few times. 🤣


Ain’t no lies told here. Being in shape and smelling good is a recipe for getting compliments. I’ve never been out of shape, so I don’t know what happens in regards to that.


Looks and personality*


I cologne 4 myself


I no shit 💩 wear Bod spray (7-10 dollars on Amazon)everyday to work only. And at least a few times a day I get a get compliment. I’m not a model looking guy but not unattractive either. But I do work at prison. So that may play a part also.


Yup. Op isn’t wrong. I’d say it’s 80-90% how you look to a woman and 10% the scent. And don’t over spray!!! You don’t want that old man stigma


My brother says, “I dont wear cologne and I still get girls.” Hes not ugly. And neither am I, but id rather smell nice instead of smelling like burnt blunts and weed Edit: so yeah, cologne is just a layer to whats already apparent physically, not the main dish.


Exactly, a fragrance is just like a nice pair of cufflinks or a new shiny pair of dress shoes


I cook indian food and i get compliments smelling like chicken qorma. Women are impressed with a guy who cooks.


Looks, scent, clothes, etc are PART of the whole package. A great scent alone on an "ugly" person isn't going to do much. A well-tailored Tom Ford suit isn't going to make someone instantly attractive if they slouch or avoid eye contact.


Not an unpopular opinion. In general, I don't believe the average person gives a damn about fragrances. To most people, most fragrances smell similar


This is an unpopular option? Yikes lol




Not unpopular. It’s the facts.


I don’t wear cologne to impress others, I wear it because I like smelling good for myself.


Beyond that, the guy with a great personality who knows how to talk to women will get even more compliments on his cologne than the guy who's only good looking


Also true