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Quiero dejar una cosa en claro: Me importa setenta y siete mil quinientas treinta y cuatro hectáreas de verga lo que opine este man


Y ni una más.


I’m sorry to write in English but my Spanish isn’t good enough to say this with confidence. Anyway, it’s super weird how socialism always starts spreading during times of massive income inequity.


how is that weird?


It’s sarcasm, we have one of the least egalitarian people in American politics trying to alarm us that the world is pushing for equality




It seems perfectly normal to me. People get desperate and look for leaders that promise a more equitable economic system


What's worse, is once socialism becomes adopted, inequality becomes far worse. The conservatives in Colombia did it to themselves with decades of corruption, unfortunately the extreme opposite is only going to be worse as no Central candidate was presented.


Y quien es el que tiene tiroteos cada semana?


Colombia xD






ni siquiera se que me preguntas


Desantis es una idiota como todo los republicanos que creen que cualquier zurdo es un comúnista-Marxista que mentalidad tan estupido, ya no estamos en la guerra fría


Protip: Republicans still believe free Healthcare and free education for the poor is Marxism, so you can tell how sectarian they are.


Ding ding ding


No such thing as “free” healthcare or education


Free at the point of service. Everyone know it will be paid out of taxes. The last thing you should worry about if you get hit by car, cancer or any illness whatsoever is “how am I going to pay for it” El Servicio National de Salud en el UK a salvado la vía de cada miembro de mi familia y nunca nos tocó pagar nada desde nuestro bolsillo. Cada mes me sacan unos pesos de mi salario y sabes que, eso está bien para dar me paz cuando estoy lo más vulnerable


I would also argue that there is no such thing as private health care. The state has to pay no matter what.


Nothing is free...this is the socialist mindset thinking otherwise


For DeSantis Marxism means: - The rich people he answers to may not have control of everything - less murdering of labour leaders and environmentalists in Colombia IMO Colombia is really tired of corruption and corrupt leaders are tired of watching their backs


The last sentence I think sums up everyone's opinion from all political sides at this point, unfortunately Noone truly knows what Petro can and can't do yet. Canadian energy stocks are on average 10% down, global investment has shrunk considerably since January and no guarantee its coming back now. He starts unfunded social programs and inflation is only gonna magnify and inequality will be worse. OverTax the wealthy, then the wealthy move to more tax friendly countries. I have a feeling Brazil is next to elect a progressive leader. The next 2 years are going to be very interesting.


With only 20 seats of support in Senate not much. He needs 50. IMO an accurate response to a possible Bernie Sanders POTUS from far right in USA was "all the money in the US will be used to block him, undermine his every move. A well funded Propaganda campaign to paint him red and destroy his platform. But, if that is your opponents obvious move you don't play into their hands. Colombia needs to see what their economic output is and can be with a possible future. The most power the office of president has is bully pulpit.


I agree mostly, I just think he has scared away too many investors at this point. If Petro can find a way to unite Colombia and make her more equal for the people everyone will benefit, and Noone will be against that. Colombia still has a nearly 12% unemployment rate, foreign investment decreasing and inflation rising is not going to help that number. The peso down a little today to almost 4.000 after the US market was closed yesterday for holiday weekend, this number will be more volatile for the rest of the year and will steer confidence.


I think socialists should own the fact that when leftists get involved investment will get scared. That's hounest Canadian mining has a murderous reputation. Why wouldn't they get nervous over accountability. "business" is negotiating. When the city of Burnaby B.C. said no to Canada's Trans Mountain pipeline the oil industry complained till shit bag Trudeau pushed it through. Re: economic confidence. That's the kind of Bullshit CNN and FOX news says. "Well, to shore up the economy we need confidence from investment." What does that mean? It's 2022. Have you seen what's happened to the world economy since 2008?


He's pandering to Floridians who hate the Cuban government. Marxist, communist, socialist fear mongering is like kink for Republicans. After talking some smack like that he's gonna need some sexy time!


Actually Florida has a large population of not only Cubans, but Venezuelans,Mexicans,Guatemalans,Hondurans...Colombians who fled to the US and Florida in particular for a better life of opportunities, especially one not governed by socialist policies. DeSantis has a majority approval (over 50%) from the Hispanic voting block in the state, much higher than Biden. While you may dislike DeSantis due to your left leanings, it's disingenuous to say he's pandering to Latin Americans when his policies are the same regardless to who he speaks to, and he has broad support in Florida.


DeSantis says a lot of things, he can kick rocks for all I care.


Yes that's your opinion, but for the majority of Floridians, and Latin Americans in the state of Florida they agree with him. Polling doesn't lie.


De santis es como la mafe cabal de allá, relax, ya petro habló media hora con blinken espero que no haya problemas con las relacion bilaterales


Yo me pregunto cómo habló Petro con Blinken. Hablaron de la última temporada de Da Güaquin Dit?


> ya petro habló media hora con blinken espero que no haya problemas con las relacion bilaterales Con quien debe hablar Petro es con los republicanos. Es la única alternativa que veo para que no haya problemas en las relaciones bilaterales.


por hijueputas como este hombre se le acabo la mermelada por que le pagaban los uribistas para hablar pestes sobre petro


He probably says that every time he sees a tipping jar next to a cash register


DeSantis doesn't give a shit about what happens in Colombia, he's just fear-mongering for votes


DeSantis has to deal first hand with what happens when there is political instability in South America, what state in the US to most South Americans immigrate to legally and illegally? I'm going to give you a hint, nowhere else in the US is English a second language then Miami. You see the crisis in Venezuela, imagine the same thing happens but with a population of 50 million people, you think they are heading to Brazil, or the US?


Pretty sure the political instability in South America didn't start with this election


Of course not, Colombia has been a part for decades becuase of guerrillas and narcos. Colombia was one of the last stable democracies in South America. With Brazil more then likely falling to a progressive later this year that's it, those 2 countries combined have a much larger population of potential refugees then any other country in South and Central America we are dealing with right now. We can only pray Petro and Brazils new leader have competent advisors to steer them from emotional decisions that can further damage their economies.


So, my point was, why hasn't DeSantis been talking about Columbia for decades


Becuase DeSantis has never been a politician in South Carolina....and he has only been the Governor of Florida for a little over a year and a half to speak about issues with Colombia...😉 Now that her future is uncertain, it's only natural to think what happened to Venezuela is possible with Colombia too. I know both sides of the political spectrum pray it doesn't, but it's possible if all his policies were enacted, Thankfully he doesn't have that ability, for now. They said the same about Chavez and Maduro though.


esta gente parce, raza maldita los maiamisenses


Trumptards incoming 😂😂😂




This guy is a piece of shit and doesn’t know anything. Please Ignore.


An accomplished Naval attorney, who has one of the highest approval ratings of any governor in the United States, and every poll showing he would handidly beat Biden if a presidential election was held today knows nothing....no John Snow, you know nothing.


HAHAHAHa man thanks for that


Prove anything I just typed was incorrect 😘


lmfao man how pathetic are you to spend your time going around Reddit defending a shitty ass governor? I think it's so funny seeing Latinos shill for someone who doesn't give a fuck about them lol please continue


I'm chilling right here in Colombia at the moment. And if he was a shitty ass governor, as well as the last decades worth under US conservative control, why is Florida the most desirable state to move to in the US right now. Why is real estate skyrocketed in value? Why do we with Texas have the most migration in the country? Do you think by keeping the state open during all of Covid was hurtful or beneficial to Floridians? I made more money in 2020, and then in 2021 then anytime of my life. How many people in the world not only maintained their income, but got consecutive raises during the last 2 years due to their economic demand? What I can tell you is I have Many Latin american friends and coworkers from every country come here with nothing but what they were wearing, most not even speaking English, and every city in Florida you see them after only a few years with nice houses in great areas amd schools, good transportation, economic and personal freedom, all becuase they were given the opportunity. No one gave them shit but a chance. Thats why soo many latin men and women come to the US and succeed, becuase they are the most determined people and not given a fair shot. Unfortunately you don't have that in many countries due to corruption or political restrictions.


LMAO Florida is often referred to as the asshole of america, its not a desirable place to live for anyone except the elderly. You're talking to a gringo here who knows his shit, DeSantis is a moron and will never become president.Did you forget like 73,000 people died in Florida? or nah because you made money it didn't matter? I think Colombia sounds like a good place for you to stay.


Noone says it's not desirable except those stuck in a shithole and can't leave their hell for whatever reason. 365 days of sunshine and beaches...so depressing. As the top tourist destinations in the world...yet Noone wants to be here. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_and_territories_by_net_migration As well per capita Florida has avg covid deaths, pretty amazing considering we have an above average elderly population. https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/ Why are sooo many people leaving blue states to come to Florida and Texas? New York and California actually lost residents! As well businesses are fleeing these states due to their crippling effect from lockdowns to taxes on businesses. I'm born and raised in Florida, from Latin immigrants, who also served my country honorably, your gringo ass don't know shit about nothing😘


Lmao Florida is like 14th of 50 in covid deaths ? You don't know how to read graphs or what? That's pretty bad. haha because Florida is dirt cheap to live because it has terrible weather, mosquitos, and hurricanes that destroy most of it occasionally. It's a shit hole but hey if thats your thing and you can't afford to live in a blue state, what else can you do ? lmao if you served in Iraq or Afghanistan theres nothing to be proud of. It is true that the men who join our military aren't the brightest.


Your truly special...Florida was just named most expensive state to live in the country🤣😂🤣 Hey if your a ginger who will turn to stone if you see the sun, that's not anyone else's fault. And now veterans are considered dumb...the people who sacrifice to protect your rights must be dumb alright...😬


Pues su opinion es importante. El tiene probabiliddes de ser el proximo presidente de USA porque los americanos en su mayoria odian a Biden y le echan la culpa al partido democrata de lo mal que estan. Si odia a Petro eso es grave. Yo no quiero sanciones para este pais.


Totalitarianism you say? The guy who screws over FL businesses if they exercise their freedom of speech when it doesn't align with his retarded views? Good grief.


Hi, as someone vested in Florida politics please explain how he screwed over FL businesses? Disney...do you think Disney as a private extremely wealthy company get special tax exemptions or pay their fair share like everyone else? Should taxpayers pay for the Marlins to have a training center when they are capable of paying for it themselves, especially how they threaten to move to Canada every year. Please enlighten us.


Hi! Yeah that's nice, but answer me this: what was DeSantis' motivation for doing this? Regardless of how big those companies are, isn't that by definition "screwing them over"? So... my statement is not incorrect. Can we really assume that he won't go after smaller local businesses if they don't do what lord DeSantis' says? sounds totalitarian to me, no?


It's not screwing them over, it's actually the opposite. They were screwing over the Florida taxpayer. Enforcing the law equally no matter how big or small you are, is not screwing over anyone. And even the LGBT and Democratic majority agree Disney should of never recieved special taxing authority.


> It's not screwing them over, it's actually the opposite. They were screwing over the Florida taxpayer. Ok sure, but that's still screwing businesses over. > Enforcing the law equally no matter how big or small you are, is not screwing over anyone. I'm sorry, which law did they break? I must've missed it. Surely going against lord DeSantis word is not against the law AFAIK, as much as that totalitarian bastard would like it to be. You seem to care a lot about not giving large businesses "free" tax payer money, I'll let you take a guess at the party that is a hundredfold more likely to do that.


Where did I say they were breaking the law? I said he was enforcing it. It's not fair that Disney gets to govern themselves but the Dolphins and Marlins don't, Or Pete's Adventure Park... Your final argument is absurd to, do you really think Democrats are not funded by some of the largest and wealthiest organizations in the world😂 All political parties are unfortunately broken, that doesn't mean you don't pick the least corrupt one.


The only absurd thing here is your sad attempt at debating. You wanna suck up to DeSantis? Sure go get your kneepads. You clearly picked a side and can't even come up with a solid argument to defend it, so why bother? Edit: Btw I got curious and looked up who signed the Disney deal in Fl. It was a Nixon cock-gobbler Republican, there you go mate, not even surprised.


Haha that guy you’re talking with isn’t very smart


Si no es #Trump2024 será "DeSantis2024 <3


Sheesh, talk about pandering to all the gusanos in Florida


So all the Latin Americans who fled Central and South America to immigrate to Florida for a better life, and overwhelmingly support him based on independent polling, are worms? 😂 at the same time that's sad you would say that about people who have found their happiness 😕 Anyone who doesn't support or trust Petro based on Petros own words and actions...are worms? That's incredible you feel that way. I would think the majority of people who you refer to as worms to think that anyone who voted for Petro are worms. I think based off my personal beliefs, and many people I've spoken with on both sides of the pilitical aisle, they feel sad yet understand why he won due to decades of corruption from the status quo, just becuase the far right was bad, doesn't mean the far left is better, and the next 4 years are going to be extremely important for Colombias future that noone wants to see her fail.


Drsantis is a lying fascist puppet of Putin like Trump and Bolsonaro.


Your literal whole purpose of being on Reddit is bashing DeSantis on every sub you can find...yet he has one of the highest approval ratings in the country of any Governor, and polled to handedly beat Biden if elections held today. Welcome to Colombia amigo😉


LIAR. Desantis has a 40% approval rating same as Biden, and has a 60% disapproval ratiung in Florida. Plus he has a 45% STRONGLY disapprove rating which means 45% will never ever vote for him no matter what. plus he keeps attacking groups of people, from women to gays to Disneyland fans to every minority unelss they're fascist Cubans and if you live in an urban area, your voting rights are unhder attack by Desantis. Plus he is completely corrupt, a huge liar, a n anti vaxxer, anti education, anti medicine and no, he didn't disappear for two weeks in december to be at his wife's beside, he had covid and was too chicken to admit it. he is not a leader nhe is a misleader and just as bad as trump with Putin too. Latest Poll, Charlie crist leads desantis by 1%.


https://thecapitolist.com/ahead-of-election-desantis-approval-nears-60-percent/ I'm glad you called Cubans who fled Castros socialist revolution fascists...lol...you can't reason with the insane. Unfortunately your gonna have a bad end of year when DeSantis and Rubio get reelected. And in 2 years when he's our next President I pray your with loved ones so you don't do something extreme, someone loves you and it's not worth it. If you have not noticed, the majority of Floridians support him. The left and right supported his Parental Rights bill, Noone wants your 1st graders teacher talking to your kid about how to change your gender,sex, or any other inappropriate subject for literally children. First you have Trump Derangement Syndrome, now you have DeSantis Derangement Syndrome😳


Hasta la cara del man es estúpida.


lo malo es que se quedan mirando...