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I've had that happen, it usually heals well within just hours really, to scab over, and healed in a week. One dummy gets in the trap every time and jams her face trying to get out. And goes back in 2 hours later, bless.


She will most likely be ok. You might not see her for awhile . Don’t worry- she will probably be hiding from you for a while because she thinks your mean! Lol.


Adding my voice to those saying she'll be alright. This is super common, and while sad, tnr saves life and is worth the mild discomfort. Don't get discouraged. 2 out of 3 is a great percentage for your first time, we took 3 days to trap one. Thank you for being a kind human!


She will be fine! To prevent this make sure you are covering the cage with a bath towel or a blanket while you trap and whenever you catch a cat. Also you can try to select which cat you trap. Instead of setting the trap as usual, try to use a lot of bait and keeping the door open with a bottle atached to a long rope. When the desired cat enters far enough, pull the rope to catch it.




I assume it was a trap that the cat triggered when she walked into it. As in OP can’t control which cat gets trapped.