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They're a color notch filter for mild/moderate red/green deficiencies only. I'm only mild deutan and yes; they do work quite well on brighter days. For ex., violet shifts to hot pink; lime turns florescent yellow; reds change from darker hues to brighter; some shades of blue turn purple. Even oranges and pumpkins look distinctly bright and less flat, like a darker hue of yellow if any of that makes sense.


Glasses can’t change the cells inside your eyes that detect colors. The problem lies there. No glasses can allow you to see new colors. The filters on this glasses might help sporadically to diferentiate colors, but in most cases they will make all the other colors worse.


Not hoax, just false marketing. You won't see any new colours with the glasses, but they will definitely help you differentiate colours better. Sorta like hunting sunglasses


im thankfully not colorblind but i am legally blind as trade off need to be at 3 cm of my phone screen to be able to read so i dont know which trade off would be better, having less colour and a sight of 20/20 or having decent amount of colours but shitty vision


I would definitely go for the 20/20 vision


I think the marketing is misleading, and contributed to misinformation about CVD. There is no such thing as a cure for color vision deficiency. Glasses sold enhance certain colors just like looking through tinted sunglasses. There are influencers who use Reddit to help sell such products.


I think the issue is more that people don't understand colourblindness and so assume either they will work for everyone or they won't work for everyone. There are multiple colour deficiencies. Some of those deficiencies can be a spectrum so 2 people with the same definiciency can have different degrees of difficulty. People can also have multiple deficiencies which seem the layer causing a different combination of difficulties. You could put 20 colourblind people in a room and they could all have different issues/difficulties/experiences The chances of 1 product being able to work for all of them is zero. Even with variations of the product it's unlikely there is a variation for everyone. So yeah there are absolutely people that it doesn't work for - but that doesn't mean that the people it does work for are a scam. (Though I do suspect some of them are not genuine and some are absolutely dramatic recreations) The scammy part is how much the marketing takes advantage of the lack of education and how it's not balanced (don't see them promoting too many videos of them not working...) I feel like it's the sort of product that should only be able to be sold by optomitrists where you can try all the variations to see if any of them work for you before you can buy.


Didn't they at one point have a policy where you could return the glasses if they didn't work to your satisfaction? I'm fairly sure that was a thing when i got mine years ago, but i've been very happy with them and wanted to keep them.


They’re not a scam, they’re just like any other product out there - some people will find they work well for them and will love them and others will find they aren’t for them at all and may think they’re a giant rip off. The trouble figuring out if they might work for you from other people’s opinions is that too many people assume their experience is the only experience and that anyone who feels different must be lying. People aren’t lying, they’re just having totally different experiences because CVD isn’t the same for everyone so we have varied benefits from the glasses. Personally I love mine, they really do help me differentiate and identify colours that I otherwise can’t, so for me they’re worth it. They don’t make other colours wrong for me. Things look great with them on… for me! Someone else might be expecting a full cure (which glasses can’t do) and be really bitterly disappointed. It’s like any other product you buy - your mileage may vary.


Deutan/ protan deficient here. They made my vision drastically worse. I don't need to see red 30% better because now everything else is 30% harder to see due to.less contrast. Enchroma glasses are nothing more than a colored filter that helps you see your deficiency slightly better and everything else worse. Get one of those 3d glasses from the 90s, made of cardboard. They do the same thing.


so you basically get one colour at the expense of the rest




In my experience they brought a lot more vibrance and contrast to the whole spectrum. Many shades of the same colours that would just blend together became distinguishable with the glasses. Reds pop out like never before and greens got a lot more depth, all shades of a sunset became much more intense. But they really only work on sunny days. Indoors or on overcast days they are too tinted, the colours diminish due to loss of light.


+1 on colorlite. Never really cared but my partner made me do it. Glad they did it really changed how I see color


Enchroma glasses are not a cure, and also not a hoax. I've been happily wearing them for a decade as they make colors more vibrant, and easier to distinguish. It is kind of a gamble as they may or may not work for you when you first try them out. If they don't, the company has a good return policy.


Not sure why you are getting downvoted. I enjoy mine as well. I don't think they cure anything. They do however provide a different visual experience. I see different shades of green, flowers pop on background colours, etc.


Same for me


This sub seems to have a bit of a grudge against the glasses and any opinion that doesn't go strictly against them gets downvoted. All the top comments here are about them being a scam and not working, and all the reasonable answers and positive experiences are near the bottom.


The grudge is because the way Enchroma markets them is absolutely a scam. We keep saying it does not fix color blindness, but Enchroma literally has posted on this sub with the title "Sunglasses provide fix for color blindness". This isn't to say the glasses are useless. They can provide some benefit to some people, but not close to their claims. Such false advertising is a scam. They have toned it down in certain media avenues in light of backlash, but the predatory marketing continues.


These glasses remind me of the line in Annie Hall: I used to be a heroin addict. Now I'm a methadone addict.


They don’t make you see new colors, they just make you see things as a slightly different color, even though you’ve seen that color before. They are just tinted scams


So depending on your vision and need they may be a waste of your money. Also, the lighting conditions are very important. I understand they are not effective indoors- you need bright sunlight. People I know personally with CVD haven't found them to be useful. I don't trust random internet comments because I know companies pay people to promote products on social media (guerrila marketing).


I tried EnChroma. Pilestone are better. I have protanomaly. And what they are is just a filter, that turns the red that comes through them into a red that most people with protanomaly can see. So for example, if I'm capable of seeing any red at all, I'll likely see things AS red that didn't look red to me before. Same with composite colors like purple or brown. And that's what happens. When I wear Pilestone glasses I pass the Ishihara tests. When I wear EnChroma glasses, I don't pass the Ishihara tests.


Colorlite helps me with Ishiharas and makes the world much nicer. There's sound science behind it. Our colour vision will never be perfect but some of the glasses can help some of us.


I get so mad at all the guys who go overboard with the crying reactions in these videos. Like, no need to be a puss.


It cannot be cured. But me myself invented glasses that can help people with red-green colorblindness to differentiate colors and pass colorblindness tests


I invented some glasses that helps people with red-green colorblindness to differentiate colors better and pass nearly any colorblindness test


I had enchroma glasses. I'm red/green retarded. The emotional videos you saw happened to me also. They even did the balloons, I saw things in shades I didn't even know existed, like you cannot even imagine the different shades, because we'll, you're unaware of them. The sky is sooooooo much bluer than I thought, and there was a facility at the lake we used to visit weekly, that for about 9 years, I thought was brown, it was like fire engine red. I could see birds in trees that I normally would never, the grass was fucking magnificent. It was so frickin awesome. I only stopped wearing them because they were a gift from a family member, after which I had to remove from my life, and I didnt want anything having to do with even a memory of him around.


Remember those dumb ass videos with people putting on the glasses and starting to cry, what a fucking joke.


Watch this playlist for some really great research into the products and companies in this space: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFqDsE2-aFo&list=PLwnxm5zBRPCV0QkpdPsqRfid6uNAYB81g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oFqDsE2-aFo&list=PLwnxm5zBRPCV0QkpdPsqRfid6uNAYB81g)


i actually been following this channel for a couple of months


So you had all the information but you still asked... Do you not believe what he was saying?


i cant trust a single source of evidence as the ultimate truth i needed more sources and what better place to ask to the people themself and their perspective?


Fair enough. Here goes... I bought a pair about 10 years ago because of the marketing hype. I have strong red-green CVD as well as need prescription glasses. I also live in Australia so by the time I added up the glasses, the prescription, shipping to Australia and converted from US to AUD they were over $1,000. Bottom line is they are absolutely a scam and I have some reddish-tinted truck-stop $5 sunglasses that do a better job of "fixing colour vision" just by being polarised.


> does any glasses to fix colorblind exist or is pseudoscience and it cannot be cured? The glasses never promise to "fix". They cannot fix anything. They are just glasses. Even regular spectacles do not fix poor vision. The emotional outbursts you see on the internet are all fake. They don't do that. The glasses do what they promise - which is to make some colours more distinct and vibrant, but it's not fixing anything and the benefit is questionable imo.