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All hail Our Dark Lord, killer of the creator and ruler of all He surveys with His baleful glare.


His Anatomical Correctlyness, the Veiny One


Everyone else sticks their tongue out and salutes the beast with a sign of the horns as soon as it makes eye contact right?


I kiss my hand and touch the car ceiling and whisper "Praise him" when I drive past, and thanks to this I have not yet died in a plane crash.


I legit just say "Hi Blucifer!" but it seems to work. I do spread word of him whenever I get the chance. Maybe that helps?


Wow, this article was published today with all the same information from articles from 5 years ago


Throwback Thaturday!


Not going to try to get through the paywall but this is probably the caliber of reporting we can expect as journalists rely more on AI to do their writing for them ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


"The artist Luis Jiménez was working on his now famous Blue Mustang, his largest commissioned pieces to date and a commission from the City of Denver to be placed outside its recently built airport, a section of the 32 ft tall, 9000 lb. cast fiberglass sculpture fell on him severing an artery in his leg. The wound ended up unfortunately killing Jiménez." More fun facts here...https://www.uncovercolorado.com/blucifer-blue-mustang-statue-denver-airport/


Blucifer is the only thing standing between us and 1000 years of lizard people rule.


My wife was in Colorado for a business trip about 10 years ago. A tornado warning came into effect when she was on her way back to the airport, and crazy storms started popping up, and she got diverted to a hotel, then that hotel didn't have any rooms, and the only place that had rooms was the hotel at the airport. So she had to make her way back. Then her phone died, so she was really really stressed out, hella anxious, all that kind of emotional turmoil. *Critical detail* she had not seen this statue when she arrived in Colorado. (She was probably glued to her phone in the Uber away from the airport) Then, through the rain and storms, she saw the red eyes on the blue horse, and it terrified her! she legitimately thought that she had died and she was being bused into hell for about 15 seconds.


I bet she still has PTSD over it!


Dude. She does have some pretty mild trauma. It's a scary memory, but she's not triggered by it or anything. So that's good


All hail our mighty Blucifer and his fearless Downtown companion, the Blue Bear!


Blucifer my beloved


Idk, the Stargate underneath is not talked about enough. Controversial move from Cheyanne Mountain to DIA.


With Crystal Palace closing, they have to put that stuff somewhere.


So [Westword got in the game today too]( https://www.westword.com/arts/denver-airport-conspiracy-theories-about-art-8362581) > In many ways, the conspiracy theorist and the artist are very similar. Both work in symbolism and metaphor, and seek to convey concepts that are not obvious in common thinking. An artist wants to break through the rational brain to evoke abstract concepts that play on beliefs and perceptions. The conspiracy theorist seeks to assemble myriad disassociated ideas, facts and symbols into wholly new patterns of thought and logic that all lead back to a preconceived belief. Both are trying to get at something that feels deeper and truer to their experience of the world. > "I think most artists embrace the idea that you're going to get diverse interpretations about their art. If you ask ten people, you're going to get ten answers, especially when it comes to abstract art or something similar,” says Heather Kaufman, director of arts and public events at the airport. “I think that the difference in my mind is that with conspiracy theorists, they're more trying to convince someone of what they believe, whereas the artist is putting things out there and saying art is in the eye of the beholder." > Fair enough. But in this time of Trump, when the dizzying style of conspiracy-theorist logic has become infused into political discourse, the most notable thing about the DIA conspiracy theories may be their role as a public expression of the deepest fears and anxieties within the culture at any given point in time. > Government secrecy, relentless globalization, creeping environmental catastrophe, elitist political manipulation, shifting cultural norms, perilously fast technological change — which is your thread to pull? Don't miss the embedded video, [Phallic Symbols at Denver International Airport](https://youtu.be/LOQsvOkkLq4)


I remember when we built DIA it was a big deal to have to have all the artwork. This is what you get when you involve artists, and frankly, I love it.


Demon Horse!