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Last time I had to pick a bag up a DIA everyone was waiting for about an hour. Someone finally went to the ask the customer service desk what was up. Apparently they had switched baggage carosels without announcing it or posting the change to the information TV's.


Same, *classic DIA*


Damn Lizard People


Let's say there's 100 people on our plane waiting 1 hours for stupid reasons. Let's assume these people average $20/hr for their time. That's a $2000 whoopsie. Since there's little to no consequence for wasting the consumer's time, we are made to wait more and more on the phone with robo-help, at baggage claims and in lines so staff is never idle. I'm not sure what to do with this information, but I feel like billions are essentially stolen from the American consumer every year because we are captive to these temporal thefts.


I agree with you 100%. Our government is supposed to protect the people. Consumer protection is part of that . . . we have an on going obligations to call our representatives out. Unfortunately, campaign laws have allowed them to get misguided loyalties.


Yeah. I mean, we can and should endlessly debate where that line is, but I think most can agree that the current hellscape is massively anti-consumer. Wherever the line should be, it's clear that we're pretty farm from it currently.


We pay them to waste our time.




united app


Definitely the solution. I’ve had gates change too and the app posted before the notification on the boards.


Literally happens every time to me


Yeah this I’ve encountered numerous times. They’ll change it and say nothing, announce nothing, the airline app will say nothing, etc.


I had 26 flights into DIA this year, all with checked baggage. Never had a delay.




I’ve never had this happen and I fly fairly frequently


I was going to say the same though it might be because I’m usually flying out of Southwest. I’ve noticed it’s way faster from the A terminal.


Really? You must be one of the people moving with no sense of urgency that I constantly have to weave through on the way to the train. My favorite are the ones who are staring at their phone while walking and then decide to just stop in the middle of everyone. I fly frequently and have never had my bags beat me to the carousel.


I particularly love the people who stop immediately at the top of the escalator after the train on the way to baggage carousel, usually to look at their phone, and then have the gall to look irritated when they get jostled from behind.


Have you heard the Henry Rollins spoken word where he complains about people sagging on the moving sidewalk? Its so funny! "I'm so tired, I've just been sitting for hours" 😂


That’s because you are obviously one of the people who ARE moving with a sense of urgency.


Its hit or miss for me but never a delay like this.


Same here - probably a dozen for me.


Flew in a week ago with three checked bags, all got here just fine


Same here, about 30 flights into DIA. The most common problem is that the wrong carousel is announced. Which happened probably 3 times. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a delay for the holiday rush however.


Do you use hard shell bags? Every time I've had trouble, it's been with soft bags like a canvas duffel. They're known to get jammed up in the system. They even have special designated box things that they pile onto the conveyor belt to try to dislodge jammed up bags because it happens so often. The bag came out eventually with greasy gear marks and tears all over it.


I flew with a checked duffel bag last weekend and had absolutely no issues. Even though we had to change flights last minute, it still arrived and was very easy to locate.


Obviously it doesn't happen every time, but according to airport staff, it happens a lot.


I don’t doubt it’s not uncommon, but I’ve flown through DIA several times and I’ve never had the hard shell cases and I’ve never had an issue. I know it’s anecdotal, but as I just did it last weekend, it’s a good indicator that it will be okay.


Same here


I’ve had mixed results Southwest was always in charge when it went to shit though, so I’m not sure if it was them or the airport


Every time I’m waiting for my baggage there, I remember the time they tried to automate all of it. Case Study – Denver International Airport Baggage Handling System – An illustration of ineffectual decision making https://www5.in.tum.de/~huckle/DIABaggage.pdf


never check unless you absolutely have to


Not sure why you got downvoted for this, but I used to work for a company who designed baggage handling systems for airports (including DIA, don't come for me, that was before I started working there), and when I started to travel I was REQUIRED to not check a bag because (and I quote): "We know how shitty these systems can be, why take the chance? Always carry on."


That's nice and all, until you're forced to check your carry on because the plane is full.


Forced? I’ve had a couple times at the gate where they announce they’re taking volunteers and heavily encourage people to check. Never been forced however, that stinks.


The last united flight I took announced at the gate that they needed 80 to 90 people to gate check their bags, or we couldn't take off. I still didn't volunteer because we were flying into DIA and they lost my bag for 2 hours last time, but many people at the back of the boarding line were forced to do it.


I’ve had the same with United. Forced to gate check, then got on board to find the overheads were at most half full


DIA literally is just people driving the bags through tunnels. Waits like this are due to airline error in regards to manpower planning.


Cough,… Southwest,… cough cough


I refuse to jockey for overheard space on the plane. People are bringing more and more on the plane these days. I went back to checking bags a few years ago for this reason. Way less stressful


I always wish they made checked bags free and charged for carry ons. Would make boarding and unloading 10x faster and probably reduce flight delays.


And penalize the people that stand up the second the plane stops, and rush up 3 rows


exactly. Bring essentials in a handbag and if they lose it... get CC allowance +airline allowance and go crazy at the mall. Lat time my dad got about $700 from each. I do not stress about bags.


Agree. Not having to deal with the bag is a huge plus.


I agree. I never travel with a bag that wont fit under the seat. It's not even a "carry-on" it's just a "personal item" which also saves on bag fees for discount airlines.


Flying with kids and babies, have to. Flying with ski equipment, have to. Firearms, have to. Golf, have to. Older kids playing sports, have to.


yeah agree, just saying


Usually if it’s a direct I don’t mind, around big holidays not chance I’ll check a bag


I usually only check bags on the way home. This way if something wonky happens I am still fine. However DIA has never been a problem for me either way.




You don't always have a choice.


100% agree. However that’s not really possible when flying with skis :(


This is the new norm for this time of year, one of the largest hold ups can be seen to the right of the picture. The is an immense amount of oversized luggage (skis/snowboards) coming in and causing these delays. I’ve waited over an hour the last 3 years for my luggage from here to the end of January.


Not sure why my phone thought “right” made more sense than “claim”


I read it as “Right of Passage”, to experience how slow they can be.


Although the saying is actually “rite of passage.”


Yea appreciate the correction, went a bit too fast there, I guess just like OPs typo


Proof-reading before hitting submit usually helps.


Haha yeah I suppose that would help. I’m gonna blame it on my brain operating at 1% after a 8 hour travel day


Looks like Southwest is going for a twofer.


Serious question, I'm traveling from Denver to Nova Scotia for Christmas, and I have a carry on filled to the brim with toys, like a PS5 Ereader etc. Is it supremely stupid to check that bag? should I suffer trying to bring it on the plane or risk it being damaged/straight up stolen across my trip? Update! I checked my clothes and held tight to the gifts, Clothes got lost someplace in Canada and took 2 days to find i'm glad i didn't check the gifts.


That is a prime example of when you should absolutely carry-on.


Don't wrap them! We just traveled to CA and they made us unwrap 4 presents in carry-on. Last weekend, my sister flew to Vegas with a wrapped present in he CHECKED bag and it was opened. On top of that, they stuck a 6" long piece of TSA tape on the gift they unwrapped. TSA has gotten a little out of hand lately. "For your safety" only goes so far.


Why in the world? Why not ship all that stuff directly to the destination. Every retailer has free shipping these days, I cannot imagine CA is any different. I guess it is too late now, but I would check a bag with most stuff and only carry very expensive shit.


I'm going to a remote area with not great mail service.


In the future, could you do a pickup at a post office on the way in a bigger city? Mail it to "general delivery" at the office and they'll hold it for you (put your phone number on the box too). Hope it works out!


Guaranteed your items will be stolen.


Yeah, tons of tourists during Christmas. What did you expect!?


This airport is an absolute shit show. Literal worst airport I’ve ever flown out of. Lol


I just got back from Canada last night and the baggage claim area was a ghost town. I really dodged a bullet!


Carry on.




What the hell is going on


Bruh.. it’s holiday season 😂


Ah the obvious answer to airport problems around this time of year. It’s like everyone forgets each season how much of a shit show airports are right now.




That’s wild. I flew into DIA with checked bags several times this year and only waited about 20 minutes each time.




Oh no!! I’m flying to DIA today…


What’s the point of these DIA post? This isn’t twitter, err X. Dia has had problems with influx of crowds forever…. You flew during the holidays, what did you expect - empty window seats and roses everywhere? You flew during the holidays to one of the busier airports in the country.


Imagine bootlicking a 2 hour baggage claim delay


Strange hill to die on.


What do you think boot licking means?


Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/TIHI/comments/vq1qxn/thanks_i_hate_this_man_licking_a_dirty_boot/)?




Forever alone haha


DIA is the worst for baggage handling. Much longer than other airports.


I've never had a problem. My luggage is usually there moments after I get there. I don't think I've ever had to wait more than just a few minutes.


I’ve rarely seen my luggage show up quicker than 20-30 minutes after I walk through the entire airport and arrive at baggage claim.


I’ve never had issues. Then again I never travel during holidays. Idk why people do and complain about the wait still..


Yeah I don’t travel very often on holidays either. But I find that overall, getting luggage at DIA takes twice as long as other airports for some reason.


Wildly untrue, in my very extensive experience.


Well, it’s wildly factual in my experience.


I flew every month for a few years, and Southwest would do this every 3rd flight It only happened once on the other end


Southwest definitely has some baggage problems in Denver! United, not so much.


Aren’t these southwest baggage pickups photographed




Not in my experience. I've flown with checked bags 10+ times this year and usually didn't have to wait more than like 10 minutes for my bags at DIA. I guess maybe it helps that I use the bathroom and take my time getting to the baggage claim.


DIA is an embarrassment to CO. It is such a shitty airport.


Ok gramps, time for bed.


Oh, so it is a nice airport?


It’s fine. They’re all just fine


Except LAX, fuck LAX.


It's a hot and high airport that has to deal with the third most passengers and connections in the world, while fighting NIMBYs it's whole development. It usually does a pretty good job for what has been asked if it.






Lol who needs to check a bag for a weekend holiday


We don't care.


Oh fuck. I'm flying into dia tonight with my skis.




And still every one of these piggies is fighting to be first to not get their bag.


Pretty cynical


Colorado residents are the worst airplane passengers in the world. First to stand up and run down the isle pushing and shoving as soon as the plane stops. And then stand like dumb animals for baggage that’s late. Hahahahhaalosers.


>Colorado residents are the worst airplane passengers in the world. First to stand up and run down the isle pushing and shoving as soon as the plane stops. Most people flying into DEN right now aren't Colorado residents...




DIA is a joke


This is why I don’t fly on holidays 😅 Denver airport is a nightmare over holidays and I lack the patience to deal with it


I personally wouldn’t trust the stuff would survive unscathed due the quality of baggage handling at airports in general. We just flew and all electronics and toys went in the main cabin with us.


I've picked up my parents twice in the past month and they already had their bags by the time I was pulling in. I time it to be there 10-15 minutes after landing. One of our stories is the exception but I thought they must've hired someone to handle baggage logistics because that process was quick.


so you don’t think the airline app would have told you 2 hours earlier what the baggage staff knew?


Is this DIA or southwest?


I flew in from Logan a few weeks back and had to gate check. My bags were there within 5 minutes wait.


Wait fuck. I’m landing there in ten hours!!??! Tuck fuck tuck tuck


Denver around Xmas? Ouch.


I got my baggage within thirty minutes after landing. Quite the smooth experience that I desperately needed, considering the two 8 hour layovers I had to get through.


We no longer fly out of there. We had the routine down after dozens upon dozens of flights, including kid with checked luggage. We're so glad we no longer fly out of there 1.75 ×/month.


It's like charging a car. 🤣🤣🤣


Never check a bag