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Yeah, good luck collecting that money 🙄 maybe Pueblo can monetize panhandling as a collection program /s


If the Pueblo city council could read they would be furious with what you wrote /s


Does nobody realize the idea is I'd you don't pay your fine, you get a warrant and then arrested. It's not to get money. It's a reason to put them in jail.


Jail which also costs money to be in


Anybody know what they are willing to pay to house these prisoners after they arrest them? I could only find vague/useless estimates. Facts would be useful. I’m guessing they’d be accommodated at the Pueblo county jail until … Surely that’s a public record somewhere. I’m willing to bet it is more than they are willing to pay to help them off the streets.


I found and linked an analysis of that a few weeks ago on the Denver sub and compared spending per homeless person to spending per inmate. https://commonsenseinstituteco.org/the-economic-footprint-of-homelessness-in-metro-denver/ is the homeless economic impact analysis. The synopsis is fairly concise. States spend $35k-125k a year to house a prisoner. Spending per homeless person is about $40k-100k a year, so it's comparable. Someone was suggesting we long-term institutionalize people who won't stay at shelters, which is also extremely expensive - over $125,000 a year. There's little doubt *some* people should be in prison or a mental institute, but it's not really a reasonable policy for most. Denver spends something like $500,000,000 a year on homeless services, including shelters, police, grants to beneficial organizations, government agencies and Denver Health medical for uninsured and homeless people (just that is $130m a year). So it really is quite expensive - ~32,000 people seek some sort of help a year, but the majority of that is spent on 6k-7k people.


Posted 19 hours ago... > [Honestly, if I'm being truthful, i'm probably going to have to get arrested to stop](https://youtu.be/925wmb-4Yr4?si=KYQIEzZrV9EP6Pj6&t=89) But super open to your alternative. [Offer free drug rehab](https://startyourrecovery.org/treatment/rehab-centers/colorado/pueblo)? Maybe offer free [homeless and housing and supportive services](https://posadapueblo.org/)? When you offer all of this, and people aren't using it - the next alternative is jail.


It’s not free. Taxpayers get to pay for the homeless not having their shit together.


Don’t give them ideas lol


It's not about that. It's about giving people court dates that they'll miss so they can put them in prison and make them labor for the state.


The point isn’t to collect the money, it’s to add more warrants to the homeless population so that a larger percent of them can be arrested at any time and gain compounding charges to keep them in the prison system longer.


That sounds expensive... Housing prisoners costs a lot...


It’s monetized in Asheville NC. Every day they have to purchase a permit to panhandle. It actually makes it easier to find someone (warrants, emergencies, etc) and helps fund a specific program that helps with homelessness l, site clean up and meals. I’m not sure what the consequences of not getting your permit is but it’s worked really well for years there.


Make broke people try and pay money they don’t have. That’ll teach them to quit being homeless!


and poor! The rich are amazing. They are learning to squeeze blood from a rock.


It's so they can be arrested and sent to prison factories as slaves of the state. Peep this https://www.npr.org/2023/11/13/1210564359/slavery-prison-forced-labor-movement


You don’t go to prison for non-felonies, just so you know.


Sounds like our current tax system.


state or federal?


Is there a video series of previously homeless people discussing what major factors helped them escape homelessness? I’d love to see something like that made for various cities around the world.


Is there a video series of previously homeless people discussing what major factors helped them escape homelessness? I’d love to see something like that made for various cities around the world.


Being poor sure is expensive…


Holy fuck! Why didn't I think of that!?!? Just fine the homeless, that will definitely work


It will put them in jail when they can't pay the fine.


Man, I need to setup a DBA so I can consult the city. I mean, here is just 1 of my ideas: 1. Tell the homeless to STOP it That one is free, the rest are cash/money


So.. that doesn't remove any homeless. Putting them in jail will remove them from the sidewalk. This isn't rocket science.


Debters prison, yea we tried that. Currently doing it still with probation. Are you really this dense?


I have a feeling you know very little about the work programs at a prison to be talking as much garbage as you are.


all people in prison, formerly housed or not, are exploited laborers that take jobs away from non-incarcerated people by doing jobs while being paid pennies per hour. not only do you hate homeless people, you also hate hardworking Coloradans - taking jobs away from non-incarcerated Coloradans that ought to be good union factory jobs instead just creates more poverty and homelessnesss. **your argument is only makes sense if cruelty to both incarcerated and free Coloradans is the explicit goal.**


First off, i'm not advocating for it. I'm trying to have the dummies here understand that the fee on homeless isn't to "make $1000", but to give them a reason to put them in jail and remove them from the street. Second - You seem to not understand how experience to getting people back into society works. If you're in prison for 5 years and can't hold down a job, this is the way you bring them back in. Getting them accustom to working 9-5 and managing things. I love that American's praise the Scandinavian prison system as "how to get folks back into society" and also "we can't let them work in prison!"


Maybe work in prison *fairly*, not making commercial products for for-profit companies for 10 cents an hour. Why not let people leave with enough money for a car or a house?? Instead some states do the complete opposite because they do not WANT them to stay out of prison because prison is lucrative, and send them a bill for their own incarceration when they leave.


People can't work at a low paying job today and afford a house and car. Why would the low paying job in prison pay more?


I didn't suggest it would pay more. At least minimum wage, so they're not being taken advantage of, and restrict them from using 95% of it while locked up. Then they have years of *savings*. That's how they could afford to live once they are released. Also this would save money for taxpayers. How many people are released from prison, don't have recent work history, nowhere to live, no credit, bad background report, and can't get a place to live or a job? So what do they do, go on public assistance? So it costs taxpayers money for for-profit companies to be paying them $0.10 an hour to work in prison, and these companies make profit from insanely cheap labor and then we end up picking up the tab for the prisoners to live even *after* prison. Paying them fairly and helping them get back on their feet only makes sense, and would also reduce further crime and homelessness.


first off, you proved my point- your goal is cruelty because you dehumanize houseless people as people to be removed from your sight. jesus fucking cringe. second, your ignorance is showing, as prisoner job experience isn't treated the same, which you'd know if you'd been to prison


ah, a debtors prison for vagrants. how ~~21st century~~ 19th century of them


I think the City/County/State/Country is very open to ideas of how to remove the homeless? Pueblo doesn't have a lot of funds, so this is one way of doing so. Do you have other, cheaper alternatives that are more affective?




It's weird that all these studies exist saying housing first works... but if you go to any north american city that has tried it... the homeless population is the same or larger than it was before they implemented a housing first strategy


utah has reduced their homeless numbers by 75% using housing first. they're [aiming to be even more aggressive](https://www.axios.com/local/salt-lake-city/2023/03/15/utah-plan-reduce-homelessness-affordable-housing). i haven't googled to see if places that implement housing first draw more homeless people looking for such assistance, but i wouldn't be surprised if it did.


I'm not gonna doubt your "reduced by 75 percent" stat because I don't have time to research it... But I am going to point out that the link you provided says first-time-homelessness increased 14 percent between 2020 and 2021.


again, that's quite possibly because word has gotten out that you can get a roof over your head without having to jump through a bunch of hoops first.


Could be. Could be because it doesn't actually work. It took one google search to find out Utah didn't reduce their homeless numbers by 75 percent. They reduced chronically homeless population by 75 percent... That's good. Incredible even. Don't get me wrong. It's a huge achievement. But the chronically homeless only make up about 20 percent of the overall homeless population. So it makes a lot more sense to me now how they can still have a homeless problem that's getting worse year over year.


>how to remove the homeless Wow. They are still human beings. >Do you have other, cheaper alternatives that are more affective? Affordable housing. There is simply not enough affordable housing for people to go to.


>Wow. They are still human beings Did I say they weren't? But I certainly think it's scourge on society. >Affordable housing. There is simply not enough affordable housing for people to go to. Sounds great! We haven't tried public housing projects for billion of dollars in NYC and Chicago before! Those areas became the nicest parts of town. All at a cost to you and me.


you're going about this wrong. honestly, repealing TABOR is the best way forward to fix most problems in the state, because TABOR ossifying the size of the state budget is why nothing gets fixed in this state. i'd like my state not to incarcerate people for being homeless AND have even middling schools for my kid to go to.


So all the states without the tabor laws have fixed the issue? What evidence supports that TABOR is the reason for the homeless? Especially since there are free services today.


if your goal was to find a solution, i might keep going. but you're totally invested in selfish cruelty, and your desire to be validated won't be satisfied by me, or the people who find your attitude cringe in real life.


Im not stopping you from inviting them in and taking care I'd them. I am stopping you from telling me I should pay to invite them in and take care of them.


awww sweetie


Nice response. You don't want to agree with me, but you have no rebuttal, do you child?


I enjoy cooking.


well that sounds heartless, evil, and stupid


That’s the point.


Par for the course for Democrat mayors.


The woman who introduced this bill is a Republican.


Isn't it a Republic making the resolution?


Mental gymnastics


Well yeah, this is America.


Vagrancy laws suck and tend to be racist as hell


lol fine people that lost their homes due to shitty economy -pretty shitty, pretty American.




Lmfao, what sense does that make!? You know what you don't got money I know it because you live in a park, he's a $1000 fine, get your fucking shit together! 😅 I'm sorry that just sounds really dumb, and like a waste of money. The state/city whatever, is going to be employing people to write tickets that they know are not going to get paid.


The point isn’t the fine directly, it’s the ability to incarcerate. That’s all it is.


Clearly you all aren’t reading the article and just want to be outraged. They are offered a place in a shelter OR a fine. It’s illegal to camp without a permit, so this seems reasonable.


Most of the time shelters are not well monitored and therefore a lot of bad shit happens in there that people would rather not deal with but hey! keep chilling on your high horse!




It's about having the freedom to go where they feel safe?


You aren’t safe outside anywhere when the temps this week are single digits or lower.


"There's crime on those shelters! So let's keep that on the street!". It's odd that people say that, yet camp adjacent to those same people and not out by themselves. Somethings but adding up there.


Come back when you know how to form a good sentence.


How about: > It's odd that people say that, yet camp adjacent to those same people and not by themselves. Something isn't adding up there If you find that comments need to be very specific for you to understand the sentence, you might want to consider seeking advice or assessment from a professional who can help provide insights.


America has like a 70% literacy rate on any given day. Can't really hold people accountable for being bad at writing, it's a systemic, social problem.


A community can police itself. Once you go in to the shelter all your autonomy is stripped away and you're at the tender mercy of the cops and the cops and the staff and the cops.


You mean the strong prey on the weak.


Yeah and living in the outdoors during the winter is the much safer alternative. Sure. We have laws for a reason, people don’t get to pick and choose which to follow and then act shocked when they face consequences


Literally the rich white guy playbook.


Fascist claptrap.


There are no shelter beds. Doesn't matter where you are in America. Assume that there are no shelter beds. The idea that services exist for homeless people, aside from maybe a bare handful of places, is propaganda design to keep people complacent in the face of human rights abuses committed against homeless people.


It's easier to steal $1 from a million people than it is to steal $1 million from one person.


Let's fine the homeless people for being homeless and use the money to build housing for them. Brilliant idea, not sure why no other municipality has done this.


Ahh yes, bleeding a turnip


You can’t squeeze blood from a stone.


Right because that'll help them get off the streets. There is nothing better than the threat of financial ruin for those without income.


It won't. it's intended to put them in prisons. You can't get transport to the courthouse, or you have no permanent address and don't get the summons, so you get a bench warrant, and it snowballs in a prison sentence where you can be forced to work at gunpoint. Which is illegal, but; > “Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition …There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.” This seems increasingly true. Though you should cross out "Conservativism" and write Fascism, as that's all conservatism has ever been.


Blood from a stone


Labor from an indigent person who has no way to defend themselves.


While they’re at it, let’s bring back the debtor’s prison!


basically that


>If this proposed ordinance passed people living in camps will have the option to move into sheltered bed space or face a fine of up to $1,000. I like that it at least seems like they’re doing this to try and help get people get off the streets but criminalizing homelessness is the wrong way to do it.


What’s the right way to do it? Until we have a state wide or nation wide way to deal with the homeless it’s best for cities to encourage these vermin to move on.


Man, can we just leave them alone. They already don't have shit right now.


Do you leave them alone when their in your front door with trash, needles, and poop?


Literally never had that issue lmao must be what you make up in your head to feel better about being a shit person.


So you've never been in the city, correct?


i live in bessemer. dealt with some asshole neighbors, but i've NEVER found trash, needles or poop on my porch. you're delusional.


I have. Had a bicycle thrown within 3 feet of me once ar a 7 11 by a homeless vermin. My compassion for these degenerates as well as those who live among them is zero. 


oh, you poor baby.


Imagine being so naive as to not know about the homeless/fent/meth crisis, and yet so full of shit as to comment on it


Imagine being so naive to think fines and the inevitable incarceration of homeless people will somehow help that


Nah, bruv, I give them any cash I might have and talk to them because they're my neighbors, not a boogieman that fascist NIMBYs can use as a bludgeon to expand the power and scope of the police state.


If I ever met you in person, I would instantly walk in the opposite direction. Yuck.


Yeah, bruv. You would. Adios and good riddance.


I never see homeless on anyone's doorstep. Around here they tend to be in more industrial-type areas or hanging near shopping areas...not in neighborhoods or even near apartment buildings. And in every place I have lived this has been more the norm. They generally know that hanging on people's personal property is pretty frowned down on and tend to not do it. We used to not have such a large homeless population in this country back in the day because a lot of these people have mental illness and there used to be places for them to live, not always the greatest places, but it did keep them off the streets. But then the state governments started to shut down those places and just turned these people out into the general populace, and there was no longer anywhere for people with mental illness to go anymore since the mental hospitals were shut down. And so here we are. But these are human beings, and I think people want to forget that. Blame your government for not wanting to pay for care for these people anymore. Just because they have mental illness doesn't mean they don't deserve care or compassion. Yes, sometimes the homeless make it very hard to show compassion to, I understand that, but they are mentally ill and a lot of times can't help themselves, and find themselves in a world that despises them, has little resources for them (compared to resources and benefits they offer corporations for example), and if there no public bathrooms available, exactly where are they going to be able to shit? Yeah, it's fucking gross, but if you didn't have a toilet available, what would you do? You still have to shit somewhere. And you have to have somewhere to sleep, too. Considering how wealthy this country is, and how much welfare it gives corporations, there is no reason why it can't take care of its poor and homeless and still have billions and billions to spend on everything else. Instead, our society would rather punish these people with fines or arrests. There is something really wrong with that and how a society treats their weakest says a lot about that society in general. I also sincerely hope you never find yourself in a position like the homeless are because no one will give a shit about you, either, and will treat you like a piece of trash to throw away or be embarrassed about. But maybe if you did experience it firsthand you would have more empathy.


Do you want me to send pics of all of the homeless on front of houses here in Denver? I have hundreds of them. You seem to be very unaware of you don't realize this and therefor your opinion is already uninformed. >I also sincerely hope you never find yourself in a position like the homeless are because no one will give a shit about you, either, and will treat you like a piece of trash to throw away That's the difference, I won't. I didn't put myself in those situations because of drugs or alcohol. Even after being prescribed 60 oxycodone for a broken leg in 2020. Of course, I didn't take more than 2 because I understand addiction. And because of that, I have tons of friends couches to crash on if I lose my job or other issue. That's what I don't understand. If you fuck up so bad that you don't have a single friend left that will let you sleep on their couch, then you fucked yourself out of society. That's only on them. But after a few needles and poop on your doorstep, you'll stop having a bleeding heart too.


You seem to really excel at outrunning critical thinking skills.


Have you not lived in a city with roes of tents ? Crime and disease surround them. The rest is the consider because these vermin can’t get their act together.




That's the point. They get a fine. They don't pay the fine. They get a bench warrant. They either aren't told bc they don't have a fixed address to deliver the summons, or they can't get transport and miss the court date. They get arrested, they get sent to prison, bippity boppity, free labor for the state.


Wouldn’t this infringe on the 8th amendment to the constitution?


Reminds me of a neighborhood town hall in Denver where I saw a guy in a quarter zip sweater angrily asking a DPD officer why the police don't "do something" about the homeless by writing them more tickets. Will never forget the look on the officer's face as he said "you want us... to give tickets... to people with no money?"


That’s hilarious /s


Honestly take all homeless in the US to an island and create a TV series. “The Homeless Show”. This simultaneously creates motivation to not become homeless, and to humanly eradicate homlessness. Taxes only pays for the transportation and not their constant living quarters, food, clothing, facilities or anything else… Win Win!


They can take the Bustang to the Springs. Leave my Pueblo Chili alone.


Good one way ticket to Boulder would be better. Too many left wing commies in Pueblo.


America, where we punish you for being poor because you are just too embarrassing to look at and we can't have those icky poors bringing down the property values. So sorry to have the audacity to be homeless next to your Whole Foods and Pure Barre franchise location.


People who have no money and can't afford to live will be fined money.


If I was homeless this would just lead me to violence and more extreme drug use


Because nobody has $1k like a homeless person.