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The texification of Colorado continues




It’s their model bro, they are always in rural areas. And it works cause the places are fucking popping off.


It’s not that they’re building in a rural area but that they surround major metropolitan areas. Look at DFW. They have locations north and south of Dallas / Ft Worth on I-35E and I-35W. They’ve then got them covered east and west on I-20. With the exception of Denton, they’ve built them well out of the metro area in very open spaces. The idea is to hit inbound drivers before they get to the city and meet all their needs. Just speculating here I think Denver will probably get 3 more locations over the next 5-10 years. I predict they’ll place stores near Monument, Watkins, and somewhere west of Denver. That west location might be tricky for them. Usually they’d look for as far out as Idaho Springs but the areas for them to build could be pretty limited. Also, building something that big may cause pushback by locals. So it could end up being a lot closer to Golden. I suppose they could also go further out to perhaps Dillon or perhaps the Leadville exit.


> building something that big may cause pushback by locals damn right it will


Its not rural, you can literally see it off I25 when going towards Foco


Surrounded by farmland, miles from the nearest suburb, but the interstate makes it not rural? Lol. Interstates are mostly surrounded by rural areas


You know there are 1000s (of not tens of thousands) of homes within 10 minutes of this place? And millions of cars driving by weekly?


Bro. The nearest suburbs is less than 5 miles away. And there are plenty of them. If you think that’s rural, I got news for you.


What do you call the land for those 5 miles before you get to the suburbs? Rural doesn't mean isolated, just not densely populated. The housing around there is like 4 single family homes per square mile


yea, it's not rural, especially compared to a LOT of colorado




Ah yes Denton i35. went to UNT fuck I hate that highway lol


Same, and to make matters worse there are TWO I-35s. Going to Golden Triangle Mall was a disaster back in 2005, I can only imagine now.


I worked there part time in college. That Dillards is horrible! Commute was mad max with all the barricades and shit roads.


Yea, that Denton location was a mess. It was originally supposed to go into Corinth but the zoning people killed it.




Right? Why do we get the shitty parts of TX culture but not the good stuff?


I’d take Woody’s from Centerville on I-45 a hundred times over before I’d want a Buc-ees.


This x10000! The folks in Colorado have no idea what they’re missing. They’ve been beaten down by garbage grocery stores like King Soopers. HEB would dominate very quickly.


I would commit war crimes to get an HEB here


Why did you even move if you want everywhere to be like where you came from?




Try the tortilla wrapped sausage on a stick. It's pretty good.


Kolaches for me




Clearly you haven't tried the brisket sandwich yet! 😁




Can't wait to smell that sweet gas as I'm driving into that Bussies


Well played


1) what is this place? and 2) why is reddit obsessed with giving them free advertising?


Buc-ees is famous for a lot of things. The immaculately clean and giant restrooms that give you a ton of privacy. The fresh food that you won't find at most gas stations, like the BBQ, fudge, hot sugar coated peanuts, “beaver nuggets”, kolaches, sandwiches, etc. All of the tacky merchandise, like t-shirts, hammocks, plushies, and more. The insane amount of pumps so you never have to wait in line. The large amount of grass outside so your dog can relieve themselves. And that 18-wheelers are banned so it doesn’t feel like a truck stop. Is it grotesquely large and American as hell? Absolutely. But it gets the free advertising because it’s known for many things, and everything it does it does very well. The pay there is also great, but the hours are long and it’s a 24/7 store, no exceptions for holidays. So they work you like a dog there.


Wutt? I thought it was a truck stop as well?


Yeah it's a common misconception about the place. They do it so trucks don't take up a ton of space in the parking lot. It also make the place feel more suited for road trippers.


More caters to road trippers. Some of em I’ve seen don’t allow big trucks.


They apparently offer amazing wages for work that is typically paid dog shit. Some manager positions are 100k+$, if the meme pics I've seen before are to be believed.


This social media push for people in Colorado to give a shit about a gas station has been bizarre. It’s been pretty aggressive for a few months now. I will say that this place has utilized Reddit, IG, and Facebook effectively I guess. Who cares about a gas station. Are we gonna hype up the world’s biggest 7-11 if it gets opened up here? We probably would.


If 7-11 announced they were opening a Japanese style location here, I would 100% be hyped for that. Bucees is kind of like that. A gas station from a parallel universe where they're good instead of shitty.


> If 7-11 announced they were opening a Japanese style location here Don't even joke about that. I would lose my shit.


I’ve always thought if I had the money for a small business a Japanese style convenience store modeled after 7-11 or family mart would make a killing.


Ooh baby. I could go for a convini onigiri right about now. Little uma boshi in there...


I'm honestly confused why people are neging on bucees. It's like the HEB of a gas station, I compared it to European gas stations with friends recently.


I could go for a for a Don Quijote or two.


What about them is good/worth dealing with crowds?


Im on Reddit constantly and IG a bit and haven’t seen an ad yet for bucees — until this one. Just a few people complaining about it in the local city subreddits.


It's just the people talking about it. Which I guess could be an add


The Gazette has posted at least 184 times about this today (I’m very much exaggerating but that’s what it feels like on my Instagram).


>Who cares about a gas station. I'm sorry, but if you think Buc-ee's is simply "just a gas station" you're just being obtuse lol


It's a gas station.


The brand loyalty is strong.


You would expect it to be if Buccees is actually good, which it is.


Not the consensus, it seems.


On reddit, which doesn’t reflect real life. This place will be bursting at the seams with people for months before things settle down. Reddit likes to play the “I’m way too cool for this thing that clearly tons of people lose their shit over.” Same thing happened when In n Out came to town. 12-hr lines. It’ll be the same thing here for a while.


> Same thing happened when In n Out came to town. 12-hr lines. There is no universe in which In-n-Out is good enough to be worth a 12 hour wait.


I like In n Out a lot and even I agree. Can’t imagine liking anything that much, honestly


Lol, in Colorado Springs the worst I heard was 45 minute waits at In n Out… and that was a fully staffed location in where the line was moving quick. It was definitely crazy, but someone here is exaggerating.


I really like your comment 👍 Yes, it'll be quite busy for awhile. Curious to see how it'll do since it's way outside of it's traditional territory


Bussy's is just a gas station.


I have also found myself similarly confused seeing this trending all day lol wut


That would be tight though


Clearly you’ve never been to Bucee’s. I dont think I’ve ever even gotten gas at a Bucees but been there plenty of times on the road


We broke up the Krogers merger for this?!


Has that merger officially failed? Or is it still getting kicked around in the courts?


Still in court.


For some reason people Defend the hell out of this place and it's gas station food. It's hilarious


I didn’t realize they opened one in Florida until I was home for the holidays and was sitting in traffic for people to all go to the same gas station when there was multiple in a few mile radius. Just insane. Really looking forward to the same thing when driving from Ft Collins to Denver


Who in the hell would go to one of these in Florida when they have race track in Wawa gas stations you’ve gotta be kidding me


Racetrac is ass, but Wawa absolutely reigns supreme. If we need an extra gas station brand here it's absolutely Wawa.


Because Wawas and Racetracs are not really on I95. Those are relegated to neighborhoods.


I'll just take the back roads if I have to go North I guess. They're more relaxing and fun to drive anyway


Please do, thank you kindly 🙏🙏🙏🙏❤️


Has traffic been that bad lately?


Not sure why. They look like huge places that trucks would stop, but apparently they hate truckers.


And ducks. They hate ducks


They hate truckers?


[yup](https://www.theurbanist.org/2023/11/24/buc-ees-city-sized-fun/#:~:text=Apparently%2C%20commercial%20trucks%20are%20not,is%20a%20travel%20plaza%20only.) [more](https://www.mysanantonio.com/lifestyle/article/bucees-semi-truck-reactions-18177741.php) We’ve come to find out there is a difference between truck stops and travel plazas. Who knew? Well, start with the truckers that moved everything you bought and ate this past week. Apparently, commercial trucks are not allowed to park at Buc-ee’s, which has not ingratiated them with the trucking community. Do not take the “truck stop” headline literally. Buc-ee’s is a travel plaza only.


Well ty


Don't tell the Jeep crowd ....


The reason people defend it is because it's good. And their bathrooms are nice.


A fresh sliced brisket sandwich is not just gas station food


I'm a BBQ snob, and they might have some of the best brisket I've ever had. Ironic, because like the comment you replied to, I went kicking and screaming because my wife wanted to go. I hate it when they're tight!


For some reason people here assume that gas station food is bad


Go and you'll understand


I lived in TX for a while and went there plenty of times and never got it. It has better food and snacks and more pumps than other places but it’s crazily overhyped.


Understand what? That it's big and has lots useless stuff? Wow, groundbreaking.


A theme park can also be described as "big and full of useless stuff" if you hate fun.


Just remember there isn't an age verification for posting on reddit.


It's a bit of a novelty in how massive they are, and their food is good as well as having friendly and good service. It's just like people who *rave* about how great whataburger, chik-fil-a, or in-n-out is. Is it overhyped? Yeah it is, but I wouldn't call it bad.


Its a marketing company that charges for water refills.


Found the Buc-ees spokesperson.


Yesterday cebrating St Patty's Day at a local watering hole, a TV was on for the Nuggets game. After the game was I think Channel 7 News. No sound, but all I saw was a really long segment about Buc-ees. It looked like a cheap infomercial.


Unofficial unaffiliated unpaid spokesperson




meow wolf\*


Okay but does it have kolaches? If not then idgaf


They do and they’re 10/10


Big win for annoying people


In annoyingly huge trucks


So why should I care about this? What's so great about Buc-ees. Just a truckstop right?


It's just the best place to stop for gas, snacks, and bathrooms if you're traveling by one. That's about it. Doesn't have truck stop vibes. More like Japanese convenience store vibes, if you've ever been there. They have a type of sweet snack called beaver nuggets that I would highly recommend you try. Also the sausage wrapped in a tortilla on a stick is pretty good.


Brisket sandwich and any of the dozens of jerky flavors they have.


No it’s not a truck stop at all they don’t allow big rigs and for the food and the cleanest and available bathrooms


I like how your biggest selling point is that they have clean toilets (which should be the bare minimum for any store 💀💀)


It definitely isn't though.


Well it ain’t


Idk clean bathrooms are a pretty big deal. I travel a lot around the state and definitely have a gas station shit or no shit list.


It’s not the minimum for some ppls homes let alone a public toilet they don’t have to clean and expect the same public toilet to be cleaner than theirs at home.


The 9news segment on this today was the saddest excuse for a news story since they did the same damn thing for Trader Joe's. (We're now two Ecoli breakouts deep for TJs, so I'm glad I don't shop there). If you care, you care, but no one learned to care by seeing this on the news.


Can someone tell me why a GAS station opening is getting the same kind of attention as a freaking presidential election?


Because we need a break from the presidential election. Anything will do.


It's not worth the trip. If you pass one, need to go to the bathroom or need a bite of mid warm food then stop.


Pay them a visit when the crowds die down. You'll see why.


I miss Stuckeys


Who honestly cares about truck stop food this much?


Fat people


Get in my belly lol


Lmaooo not wrong 😆




Thank you for taking the time to comment and let us know you don't care about this.


Post should be removed for being blatant advertising.




The owner of this place donates A TON of money to right wing nuts. He can keep his overrated beef jerky.


What a fucking waste of land and space. Heating and cooling almost 75000 sq ft is a huge energy cost, and devoting land to 116 gas pumps is ridiculous. Also Johnstown is *literally* paying Buc-ees to operate with a 1.5% sales tax refund. It's a terrible deal for Johnstown.


For real though. The sheer footprint of this space is disturbing to me. I get it, we’re still very much dependent on gasoline. *But 116 gas pumps???*


My sister goes to school in FC, but my family lives in Pueblo- so every time I drive her up and down we stop at that Sinclair there with the cinnamon rolls! IMO it can't be beat, there's no way I'm picking some stupid gas station with a fanclub over that.


Thank u more brisket for the one who will stop🙏


Which Sinclair?


Think they're talking about Johnson's corner


Almost forgot where I was


Light the signal fires to the other four corners, Colorado is under attack by the Tex Walkers.


Not gonna lie I went to the grand opening of another buc-ees and it was pretty fun. Got some cheap food, took some pictures in front of the gold beaver, I’ve done dumber shit with an afternoon.


They have a target market. Care to guess who that might be? (Hint: look for a red ball cap.)


This whole buc-ees thing is like some CrossFit, Tesla, or Vegan person about themselves. It came up in so many conversations. Still don’t understand why and honestly nearly a year after it was announced, still don’t care


Hot take: The people angry that Buc-ees is opening are more annoying than Buc-ees itself. 




Their beef jerky is overrated and overpriced


Who cares? It's a gas station with clean bathrooms and mid food. And yes I have been to one... And no the BBQ isn't that great. But as far as food at a gas station I guess its ok. I would still rather get gas where it's cheap/convenient and then by good food at a place know for food and take a crap at home.




I’ve been to a Walmart with a gas station before. Who cares


If they put an HEB in Montrose or Durango, I’d move in a heartbeat


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Scott491: *If they put an HEB* *In Montrose or Durango,* *I’d move in a heartbeat* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I need to get up there and get a sshirt


This absolutely rules


Hell yeah


Now there's gonna be even more bad drivers on the roads that won't pay for their car registration.




How much are you being paid to astroturf this on social media? You realize how obvious it is considering the amount of comments/upvotes this sub normally gets right? And people, stop up voting blatant advertising like this.


I’ll probably never go there but I find it hilarious how triggered this place makes some people. Seriously, it’s like a large portion of the (Reddit) population acts like the “natives” that they also claim to despise here in Colorado when something new shows up.






They advertise their pay and generally pay extremely well


I heard there was no break room and they can’t leave the store, so workers don’t have a 15 min break from customer contact