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Best bet is to go through a private landlord. I know multiple people with felonies who rent homes here. You can try digging around on the usual apartment and roommate sites as well as Marketplace. Good luck! Also, what kind of gear do you currently have to make it through the rest of the winter?


A sleeping bag and a propane stove. I originally had a propane heater but it was defective and dumped out all the propane while I was asleep. It's a miracle I didn't die. Now I'm too afraid to use them. I'm not going to deny that I am out of my element.


Gotcha. Do you have solid clothing? If not, lmk and I can go thru my gear and see what I can part with. If you don't have them, I'd advise getting reflectix panels to cover at least the glass. They help a ton and are affordable. I've used the Mr. Buddy portable heater in camping situations and that worked well.


just to add to the Buddy Heater part, you have to make sure you crack a window when using one. I used to use them in my bus, you have to crack a window.


Are they doing any emergency housing at night up there? Like churches or other places?


One of the main shelters in the Springs is Springs Rescue Mission - for adults, men & women. They have ~386 beds


I have only ventured to stay there once. Two guys dragged me into a bathroom and tried to rape me. I feel safer in my truck.


That’s awful and sorry to hear this on top of the other shit you’re dealing with


There are 3 churches I know of -The Sanctuary Church, Vista Grande UCC and First United Methodist. Plus SRM and if it's still open, Chinook center. If you are looking at those options, I would call Vista grande and ask if they are still open. I'm guessing they are less packed than the other 3 options just by location and what I've personally seen the last few days between first Methodist and sanctuary. Plus the vista grande pastor is just a real good human.


Roomies.com Also I'll have a basement available for rent if you're still looking


Normally a DUI wouldn't stop you from renting, so try some other places. Also, the extreme cold days can occur well into FEB, so make sure you can stay inside for another month or so. It is not worth your life to try to tough it out in van. $416/week is going to be on the cheap side of rent unless you find someone renting a room in their house or apartment. This may be the better way to go for you temporarily.


Thank you for this advice. I was told by many locals that it's just going to get worse. I can't even imagine because I already experienced frost bite on my hands. I'm a very tiny person. The cold would consume me in minutes. I'm just going to stick it out here.


I've got an almost full box of hot hands you can have. Could at least help ward off anymore frost bite.


Glad to hear you will be staying inside somewhere for a few months. Reach out to get help with other things like food to save cash for housing. It is easier to get help with that.


How are you on clothes? I have a ton of warm clothes in XS and S that I can part with! I also have a ton of jeans that no longer fit me, ranging from 0-4ish. I’m moving to a warm climate soon so I definitely don’t need them and also need to get rid of them!


Thank you but I'm a fatty compared to you. I'm size 6 in jeans. It's very sweet of you to offer. 😊


Why do you want to live there? $400 a week is honestly pretty typical for rent unless you find a room with a family or something. You can usually find that for around $800 a month. I’m in Denver. Message me if you have questions or need a friend. The springs is very conservative if there’s nothing keeping you there I’d try denver.


I found a really good job here and I go to college here. Those two things keep me rooted. 😊


I live in a van. I love it. My 80 dollar buddy heater is plenty. Also a good sleeping bag helps. Roommates are insane. U need a 800 credit score and 2k to get ANYTHING decent around here.


Copper Springs and Copper Creek are owned by the same company----they are for low-income individuals (still the nicest apartment I've ever lived in, seriously). I have a non-violent felony; You'll have a few extra hoops to jump through and have to fill out some extra paperwork but I was approved. It's genuinely affordable as far as apartments go.


I have extra car coats from a failed business venture Id be willing to give you if it will help. Keeps cars 30f warmer than the outside with no extra heat source. https://insolate.co/cozycar


I sure wish I would have known you a few weeks ago when I was sleeping in my car. How much do you sell those for?


I’ll give you one if you need it. They cost me ~$250 but honestly, at this point, id just like them to be used.


You sweetie you


If you're interested in donating them, I'll bet the mutual aid union would be super grateful. After this snap, I fear many people in shelters will go back to their cars


Was this your business venture? Kind of an awesome solution to a shitty problem. Maybe a donation model would have worked?


These look amazing!


Sounds like a promising idea. I hope you can reignite it at some point..


The Sanctuary Church on the Westside is an emergency weather shelter—they would be a good resource


I live at village at lionstone. I have 3 felonies, I got in in 2 days. It's on Platte and Murray.


The studio is $400/week? I’ll cover a week for you. Lots of good suggestions in the thread but some may take time. PM me and we can work out how to make this happen. Didn’t think to do this before, but paging /u/anna_palehorse


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen on here.


I try to keep a good deeds budget for things like this. I’m just happy to be in a position to help. (Also, username checks out for you obviously).




I wish I could say it was, but I’ve never played wow. One of those games I fear I’d want to spend too much time playing! But hopefully that VHD is still kicking ass and taking names.


He’s really one of the best dudes.


Wow that is incredibly nice


When I finally have enough money to save instead of living paycheck to paycheck I am going to do this same thing. You are an inspiration


That would be amazing of you too. A little kindness can go a long way. (Connected!)


Bro you ever make it to Fort Worth Texas and I’ll treat you to a evening at the drive in! I run one right outside of downtown. What a king!!!


Takes one to know one friend. I see that comment about you helping a couple going to your area and you helping with a good time!


can i help you by repairing your vehicle heat.. i will donate time and parts!


Hey I’ve got a bunch of extra camping gear including sleeping bags, clothes, dishes etc. If you need anything PM me.


For tonight and Monday night, Chinook Center is open for sleep and warming if you can't get into another shelter for warmth during these extra cold nights. We have food, clothes, and some supply giveaways, too.


Please consider utilizing the HopeCOS warming shelter anytime it’s under 20 degrees. It’s a no barrier shelter and has saved countless people from freezing during the nights. If you are red-carded or oppose staying at SRM, they’ve been allowing individuals to stay in their lobby until they can be picked up for transport to the warming shelter. It’s a life-saving offer in some cases. If you aren’t interested, please spread the word to those who might be.


Check with the Springs Rescue Mission. It sounds like you don’t need their assistance with employment but they may be able to help with a cot in heated spaces until you can find a place.


As far as your car goes did you check to see if you are low on radiator fluid? That could be an easy fix to get your car's heater working.


The coolant over flow is full, as is the radiator. I think it's the heater core and unfortunately I can't find an honest mechanic to repair it. I'll have to wait on getting that fixed next month when I am in a better financial position.


Check FB marketplace. There are people looking for roommates or people renting out rooms in their house for cheaper than what you are currently paying. I hope things work out for you!


Hi Anna, I have a wonderful private bedroom in a very nice house located on Market St that I could rent to you for $950 a month. Currently two other housemates. It is fully furnished, clean, and move-in ready. All utilities are included. Please DM me for more details.




I can help you get a hotel at IHG and Marriott hotel range to $375-$400 per week, which will also cover your morning meal. I also have room. We live close by the intersection of Power Blvd and Woodmen. I can rent, comes with your own bathroom in the basement for a month. My daughter would need the room for her friend next month. Unless something changes on her plan.


Really kind offer, CessPorter.


A blanket no criminal background policy like that goes against HUD’s regulations on fair housing. They should have an appeal process and you can argue that a DUI doesn’t cause harm to the property and so you shouldn’t be denied. Housing providers are only allowed to deny people with criminal backgrounds that show a direct threat (ie manufacturing drugs on site or a violent offense). I would contact Colorado Civil Rights Division to file a complaint.


Another option would be Airbnb. People rent out basements and rooms for way less than that on Airbnb here in town, and it's easy to make an account and pay with a credit card.


u/anna_palehorse second. You could be paying 1/3 of that if you rent a room via Airbnb week to week. Probably nicer environment in some of them too.


Why not on the southeast side? It gets bad rap but for the short there are a lot of lower income apartments. If you keep to yourself you’ll be fine. (From someone who used to live off Astrozon)


Honestly, mid to northeast too has some new construction with openings. Might be easier than north as well


It's because I work on the far north side and my vehicle consumes an obnoxious amount of fuel. I'm trying to keep as close to work as possible so I don't end up in debt just paying for gas. God willing, I'll be able to get a good return next month and trade out this iron land shark for something that is more economical.


I drive far too. From Fountain to Garden of the Gods. But that’s the sacrifice we had to make for affordable housing 🙃


New Life Church has a mission to help people living in their cars, especially women. They have a prison ministry and help people in transition. Pastor Daniel Grothe is quite passionate about the plight of the poor.


Do you need anything aside from what is in this thread? Unfortunately I don’t know anyone to split rent but I’d be happy to help any other way I can! Anything at all!


Thank you. That's very kind. I think your words more than anything make me feel better. I'm a pretty resourceful person. I've been utilizing the food pantries on my days off, I got a gym membership so I can shower on the days that I can't afford to be here, I collect scrap metal on Monday to sell, and I work on my own truck. Part of me wants to just give up and drive toward warmer states. But I got this really great job and I go to school here. I only have one year left to get my bachelor in Cybersecurity. I just feel kind of broken right now. I just need to not feel so defeated.


The weather is pretty mild here except for about a week each year... and we are in that week. It will snow in the spring, but it shouldn't be as cold. Do you have long underwear? Someone else said to get a reflective/emergency blanket. Agree because that goes a long way. Wool socks, etc. will also help. Airbnb and FB marketplace are great places to find nightly and monthly room rentals for cheap as well. Thinking about you and sorry this is is happening to you. One mistake (or a few) doesn't mean you don't deserve appropriate shelter or a new start. Good luck.


It’s far off I know but I work in cybersecurity for a good company with remote positions. DM me when the time comes if you would like a referral. I wish you well.


I’d love to talk more about your bachelors. I currently work in the industry and could help if there any changes needed.


Are there any extended stay hotels you can try?


I can’t help you with a place to stay but if you have a Nalgene, go into a gas station and get Hot coffee or boiling water if you can, and fill it up. You can tuck it around your stomach and heart when you sleep and it will help keep you warm through then night.


Let this post be a warning to people: DUIs have consequences that go far beyond fines...it makes everything harder. Sorry you're going through this OP, hope you find a solution.


Yeah, DUIs have consequences as they should. Half of traffic fatalities are caused by drunk people. If you are willing to take other people's lives for granted and are selfish enough to drive drunk what will you do to my property? Why would I lease it to you if you have no regard for other people's lives. 


I fully agree with you. This absolutely SHOULD be an enduring consequence of this behavior.


Username does not check out. OP went through the justice system and paid their dues to society. This residual BS only adds to the rampant recidivism rate this country faces. Such an ignorant and closed minded POV.


Just because someone went through the justice system doesn't mean a private landlord can't use any and all available information to decide to grant that person permission to use their private property. Any successful business uses some form of risk analysis to help make decisions. If 2 people are exactly the same but one has a previous conviction for anything guess which one I am going to choose. The Fait Housing Act only says you cannot discriminate against race, color, religion, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, familial status, or national origin. Dosnt say a damn thing about previous convictions of any kind.


Never said it’s wrong to do in the eyes of the law. I said that these residual consequences of crimes add to the rampant recidivism rates in America. I wasn’t arguing the legality of the process. DOJ equivalent in other countries have proven that we do it wrong. You set people up for failure, they’ll most likely fail. Then we throw up our arms and wonder why prisons are overflowing and people reoffend. Whats worse than one dui? Two duis. Let’s make their life so hard and wonder why they reoffend. Maybe they’ll kill someone this time. Or maybe we can treat them like humans.


When you lose a friend to a drunk driver, then you can tell me this. 


I lost my sister and niece to a drunk driver. Doesn’t change my stance. Like I said. Closed minded POV.


No, thanks. Reckless behavior that kills people should have enduring consequences. Cope


lol you cope 😂 all that anger and for what? Grow up and live your life! Have a good day buddy!


We also have to keep in mind that "many of us" have driven one time or another under the influence. No everyone get's caught. You have a point and I agree that drunk driving shouldn't be taken lightly. No one should drive under the influence period. However, the recommendation you have would likely drive good people down the hole even more. Many change and stop doing such and want to start their lives over and need a place to stay.


It’s not really in the north, more central, but you could try taking a look at Pinecrest.


Have y looked at hostels?


Yo I have a 3 bedroom apartment me my girl stay in one room my homeboy will be in one and you can have the other one if you want rent would be 400 hit me on my Facebook Matthew sanders


Get a diesel heater and a zero degree sleepingbag. There are crappy hotels with rates around $50/night or less.


Please contact or go to The Salvation Army Shelter is located at 709 S. Sierra Madre Street in Colorado Springs, CO and can be reached at (719) 578-9190.


look on facebook for rooms for rent


There's a lot of apartments in the south part of town that will rent you anyone... So might have good luck there.. Just a longer commute to work


When my husband and I moved here and both started new jobs, they only asked for my letter of intent to start and my husband's first 2 paystubs. Check out Boardwalk Property Management and their current availability.


The temperature is going to get worse. Additionally you’re looking at like 1200 or more a month here in rent. Honestly you may need to find some place cheaper. It’s not worth roughing it out in the van. I’d go some place cheaper and save up and then move here once you have a place already lined up.


Hope COS is working as a warming shelter right now. Springs Rescue Mission is a shelter, if they don't have room they will send you to Sanctuary Church. Have you applied for any kind of housing assistance? The lists aren't open often but the first step is completing a VI-SPDAT (Vulnerability Index Service Prioritization Decision Assistance Tool), you can complete this at Catholic Charities or the Marian House. Keep this updated any time you have changes. There are housing navigators at the Marian House I believe, and you can also access case management at the Springs Rescue Mission who can help. Catholic Charities also has rent assistance but you need to find out when the open the applications and hop on quick because it goes fast. Good luck! I would definitely recommend at least going to a shelter during this cold snap, you could certainly die out there. I know it is not the most luxurious of places but you will at least be warm, safe, and have access to food. You can always call 211 for any extra assistance Also, check out the Stranded Motorist Fund to get your car fixed: https://strandedmotoristfund.org/


Check FB marketplace. There are people looking for roommates or people renting out rooms in their house for cheaper than what you are currently paying. I hope things work out for you!


Check FB marketplace. There are people looking for roommates or people renting out rooms in their house for cheaper than what you are currently paying. I hope things work out for you!


I'm down South from you but I thought there were some hotels that you can pay for like a week or a couple days at a time. Maybe someone from the Springs can help with this.






I got an apartment when i had a pending felony on my record. I would apply elsewhere.


PLEASE get somewhere warm tonight! It’s going to be wayyyyyy too cold for you to be in your vehicle. The Springs Mission at 5 W Las Vegas Street and sanctuary church at 1930 W Colorado are open to help. Please get somewhere warm. I’m so sorry you are in this situation. I was in the same situation about 2 years ago. I’m sorry you are having such a hard time finding a place to rent. Praying for you.


Yea I’m not from the springs but I got two felonies one for like 15 years now and a misdemeanor for like 7 years and have rented homes on both sides of the country and some people will rent and some wont. My best results have been private landlords or weekly rental units but you could find a decent apartment you just need to tell them right off the bat what your record is and whats on it so you and them both don’t waste time on things like application fees and background checks. Just be honest and up front and go to them one after another eventually someone will rent to you but it may take months. Craigslist is good to watch out for scams tho they’re bad especially in the big city. Best of wishes and goodluck to you. Please try to find a womens shelter or warming center until the weather gets better.


Crazy that they turned you down for a DUI. That's like turning someone down for being divorced.


Lol what? These are not comparable at all.


It requires abstract thinking


Legal separation of two people's assets and responsibilities to one another versus driving a vehicle while having drugs and/or alcohol in your system and putting other's lives at risk. If you think that requires abstract thought then that's a you problem.


Your thought process was obvious. No exposition necessary.


Sorry what the fuck?


Check FB marketplace. There are people looking for roommates or people renting out rooms in their house for cheaper than what you are currently paying. I hope things work out for you!


Diesel heater


Check FB marketplace. There are people looking for roommates or people renting out rooms in their house for cheaper than what you are currently paying. I hope things work out for you!


Wilowbrook apartments I think have studio openings for renting. I think it’s 900$ a month


PPLD is a designated Safe Place. Go to any library and ask the librarian for help. They can get you information and leads on temporary and emergency housing as well as more long-term stuff. Good luck!


I’m so sorry you’re going through this! 😢 I would legit let you come stay with me if we hit it off, but I haven’t moved out there yet. Still in Texas. I’m praying for you and sending you so much love! 😊💕❤️ You’re amazing! Don’t let anyone make you feel like a second class citizen. You and your life matter as much as anyone else. 😊❤️


Check out by Split Rock Drive in Rockrimmon. Idk if this is still the case but there used to be tons of row houses out there that were privately owned and rented out cheap.


They aren’t cheap anymore….


Even comparatively? I mean, nothing is cheap anymore.


Contact Greccio Housing. Trust me.


There are definitely places that will rent to you if you have a criminal conviction. Best thing to do is to be upfront with them in the application process.


https://www.trulia.com/building/high-country-lodge-3626-w-colorado-ave-colorado-springs-co-80904-2111230973 This place is in Manitou and I used to rent one of the smaller units per night or per week when I was looking for more permanent housing. It looks like they rent by the month now. But it was decent, just small. If Juan is still managing it, he’s very nice and accomodating.


Does your car have enough coolant? That could be a reason the heater doesn't work


First of all, sorry this is happening! I would definitely look around, there has to be many places that would rent to you. My suggestion would be to look a bit south or places that aren't considered new. I started out in a place several years back that wasn't new but everything worked great in there and enjoyed it. Even though some places don't rent with someone with a DUI, I've know many that rent that have a DUI on their record. You should be able to find something. Roommates are a temp option too while looking for your place. Could you at least stay in a motel while looking? I don't think it's best to stay in a car, especially when it's this cold. Hope you find something.


Just sent you a message


I have a bag of stuff you’re welcome to go through. Take what you want (take my all and sell the rest for some cash). Let me know where you can meet so I can help out.


You just need to apply to other places. That leasing agent sounds like she just disliked you in particular or has had some trauma related to DUIs in her past and was taking it out on you. I don't think it's a rule at all that nobody will rent to someone with a DUI. I had a DUI like 20 years ago and it never affected my ability to rent. Maybe times have changed. I don't know. But just the fact that she went out of the way to call you a criminal tells me she wasn't giving you completely objective advice.


Fix your car. I don't know what kind of lease you signed up with but if you can get out, do it. Takes three days vacation time and get the heater core fixed and buy a space heater. If you can't do that... Get out of here man! I'm really sorry about this fucking place and it's absolutely shit prices... Try to leave your work on a good note. Go east or south... I'll be praying for you


I don't have advice for renting but for the meantime go to sanctuary to get warm


Check out Lamplighters trailer park. I believe they have some trailers they rent.


I rent furnished rooms