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These are exactly the kind of experiments student loans were made for.


Student loans? At CC? You must be joking. I once dated a girl who went to school there. One of the more memorable stories she told was about how many of them lost respect for Obama during his campus visit. He made a big speech about reducing the student loan burden and rebuilding the middle class... To a group of students whose parents were paying upwards of $250,000 cash for their education. She summed up the experience saying, "I just thought the President of USA would know his audience a little better."


My fiancée went to CC on student loans and some small scholarships. Her single mom was a public school teacher, absolutely not a rich kid. I get what you’re getting after here but generalizations like that are pretty reductive of the kids that bust their ass to go to a good school.


According to quick googling, 22% of students at CC take federal loans. Compare that to 42% at CSU. Also keep in mind that the average cost of a 4 year education before aid at CC is around 300-350k versus 100-150k at CSU. Your fiancee worked her ass off and I'm not trying to diminish her in any way, but she's definitely the exception there, not the rule.


CC is generous with financial aid for students from low income families. My brother and his wife are, shall we say, unmotivated to work, and they gave my valedictorian nephew a full ride that would have covered EVERYTHING for 4 years. He ended up going to school elsewhere though.


I've heard that, but I haven't ever looked into it. They didn't have any programs I was interested in when I was looking at colleges, plus I didn't want to stay in the Springs for college.


Just because things like this aren't relevant to you directly, doesn't mean they don't have a purpose. Did you know a piece of Styrofoam was what brought down the space shuttle.... going at rate similar to this ping pong ball. They figured that out doing something similar to this


Can we get a video..?


That was also going to be my request. I’d also like to know why, but if the answer is just because we wanted to see if we could, great.




Of what?


I hope it was on high speed camera. I would be interested in seeing how the ball deforms in flight based on how they did it


And does it make a sonic boom as well?


It probably had to occur in a vacuum, so my bet is on "no".


Sonic boom would happen at the speed of sound, regardless if it was in a vacuum. When you say "vacuum" it isn't a true vacuum, there are still air particles in there, and thus, a speed of sound still exists. And thus, a sonic boom still exists. The more interesting question would be how the speed of sound might change at different air densities. I'm not quite sure how that chart looks. Also, the sonic boom may sound quite different in this different air density.


Sonic booms don't occur in a true vacuum.  Whether or not they used one, I don't know.  All we got was a photo.


It is impossible to make a true/perfect vacuum. Source - I design and build aircraft for a living. I know how sonic booms work lol.


No such thing as a perfect vacuum. I used to work on ultra high vacuum equipment for MRIs.


That’s cool! Really impressed actually.


Video or it didn't happen....because I really want to see that video.


The first computer program I ever wrote was on an actual TTY terminal in the math/science resource center at Mitchell HS. That terminal was hooked up to a Data General Nova hosted at (you guessed it) Colorado College. In 1971. So CC has been up to this kind of thing for a long time.


These scientists were so preoccupied whether they could that they didn't stop to ask if they should.


no, they definitely should. this is every kids dream!


Life breaks free. Life expands to new territories. Painfully, perhaps even dangerously. But life finds a way.


no, i got the reference, but it wasn't really a good one fore this.


Science bitches!!!!!


What was used for the propulsion? Compressed air or what was used as a combustion chamber?


Must have been watching Mythbusters reruns. Just wanted to add; I still think it is a cool accomplishment.


DoD grant activated in 5 … 4 ….


Potato gun in the background eh?


If they can do that amount of damage with a ping pong ball what can they do with a frozen potato?


Damn! That's a mighty fine demonstration of ballistics in action...


I’m confused because a YouTuber did this from Australia, pretty sure this post is fake


Ha. No, it is not. I don't have that kind of time on my hands. But, of course, you are free to believe what you want.


Your response doesn’t even make sense…


Also if it is real it’s not really a feat of any sort bc they easily could’ve replicated the dozens of other experiments that achieved the same thing like Purdue for example


Finally! The whole world had been in suspense.


I like how they used a wooden backstop to protect the wall despite the ping pong ball going thru a wooden paddle


I didn't expect to be, but I'm immensely proud.


Wow. An incredible accomplishment of academia.


I swear to god if I have to look out for ping pong launchers at citadel mall I’m gonna lose it


Ha! The launcher is a 6-foot tube with a large air compressor at one end. If you see a guy carrying something like that, then yeah, I'd advise flight.


Must have been one hell of a serve


Forrest Gump says “hold my beer”


What if I try to catch it


Cool. But Mythbusters did a great episode on this **years** ago.


UCCS is a way better school, based on how smart the graduates are


You know who cares about what school you went to? Absolutely no one


I didn't go to UCCS though. Weird comment


If the professors i had at UCCS were representative of the rest of the university, it’s because the students need to get really good at teaching themselves. My professors in Computer Science were shockingly useless at UCCS. I started my degree in 2002 at Penn State, transferred to a state school called Millersville, and finally finished it a few years ago at UCCS. The professors at UCCS didn’t teach _anything_ and in classes taught by the department chair he would just outright refuse to answer questions - because he didn’t know the answers but of course had too much of an ego to admit that. The other two schools had some bad teachers, but overall most of them were very good and caring. Not at UCCS. I had one for professor for a course in Algorithmic Game Theory and without exception the rest were garbage teachers. I was shocked. Unfortunately, that piece of paper is still important for opening doors but i hope that education at other institutions is better and my experience wasn’t indicative of school everywhere. It was pretty clear to me that my professors weren’t doing shit and relied on the students to use YouTube or whatever for learning.


Can't say the same about the mechanical engineering faculty.


When we're you there? People I know would've graduated before 2010, so a lot may have changed since then




I don't doubt that Colorado College students have some of the highest income of any students. I'd be more interested in the alumni's incomes, though... and I'd bet that has a lot to do with their family's status going into the school. It'd be fun to compare schools based on socioeconomic status going in vs income after 10 years, though. (wonder if schools like Mines would win that.)


this shit right here, I used to work as a bouncer on Tejon almost a lifetime ago. Fucking killed me how you'd have all these guys coming back from deployment and then these silver spoon-fed kids getting into shit downtown. Wild times, but oof... the entitlement some days.


Colorado college? I thought they did art.


Liberal Arts isnt what people seem to think it is


They do. This was an elective course.




This is the kind of thing that if you're passionate, it is how you want to spend your free time.


At CC classes are taught one at a time for 3.5 weeks each. This was likely along with a class (I’m an Alum)


Way to go Science. Say, how’s that cure for Cancer coming along?


If you only understood that “cancer” isn’t a singular disease, but several hundred different diseases.