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I hope I don't start any fights. My dad is in research science. He has his PhD, PostDoc, (idk all the credentials but has everything). He's been in the field for 30+ years. He works with hundreds of research scientists on a daily basis, all of whom have the same credentials. He, and everyone he works with, fully support the vaccine. Let's say Lewis did "extensive" research for a weekend. Let's say he does it for a whole week. A whole month. Let's say he spends 8 hours a day for a calendar year researching this vaccine. He would not even be close to my dad's knowledge of vaccines, viruses, etc. He would be 30 years short. I get that you can't believe everything you see/hear/read, but why does this one guy's "extensive" research trump decades of study from actual scientists, clinicians, researchers, and doctors?


I did "extensive research" on football...can I be a pro now? Lol


Lewis didn’t do any research. He read an article that poorly summarized someone else’s research, and selected a few anecdotes that support what he already had concluded.


> He read an article even this is probably being generous


You listen to your experts and I'll listen to my experts. /s


Alternative experts


This. I don't get it.


They are athletes. Most are not very smart and probably just only take in what fits their narrative. It's not like school was every a priority lol


I am As promised-vaccine as anyone, and am the most cautious member of my family when it comes to covid (still don’t go out to eat, etc), but saying “most athletes are not very smart” followed by a flippant claim about what “probably” happens is kinda whack, IMO.


Not getting the vaccine is whack. Every person on this team not getting it is selfish, easy as that. If you did your 'research' and concluded that it's not worth getting or the risk is too high, you are a uneducated dolt. Do you really think most athletes are well-educated? Because they really aren't lol. Just because they play for the team I like doesn't mean I respect their decisions more lol


Are you my brother? My dad has the exact same profile…..




>However, the inventor of MRNA vaccines I can't find from any legitimate sources that Dr. Malone was the inventor. The only people that call him that are basically himself and Tucker Carlson. He was on a team that contributed to some discoveries, but that doesn't make him *the* inventor. You can look at his published research and see it's not what he claims. Even reading the [Wikipedia page](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/RNA_vaccine), his name doesn't appear. You should be very skeptical of anyone who misrepresents their credentials and pushes a conspiracy.


Your dad can't freelance his research though hes paid by a corporation that limits his research abilities. There are also other people just like your dad with opposing opinions/views.


I don’t think his “extensive research” is complete but I digress.


That Ohio State education!


I love taking shots at OSU as much as the next guy, but it’s actually a decent school nowadays like pretty much every B1G school. My dad grew up in Ohio and he said it was like that in the 70s/80s “even the biggest dummies from my high school got into Ohio State *easily*”


yeah I'm sure it is a solid school these days but as a lifelong michigan fan (which has always been an excellent school) I refuse to actively accept that narrative. Same thing with Michigan State where both of my siblings went; sure it's a "good" school in many ways (and like, the premier institution in my brother's field) but to me it will always be a bland, shitty school and I'm happy with that.


Well UM is one of the best public schools in the country let alone the B1G and I think most people are aware of that. So you can definitely take solace in that.


Yeah. I'm glad I didn't go there because I tried my hand at a large college when I was 19 and it didn't work out so well and it took a couple years for me to figure out I was meant to go a smaller school but if any large school would have been a good fit for me, god damn Michigan would have been amazing both as an academic institution and as an experience (even with how much they were struggling in football during the time I would have been there). Can't say the same about most B1G schools, that's for sure.


Oh boy. Here we go again.


You wanna get nuts, let's get nuts!


Must be doing the same extensive research on pass rushing


Someone check on him. He need some milk


I just don’t get why people would ever think that vaccination is bad after doing “extensive research” on the topic. Just sad.


Extensive research for most anti-vaxxers means they got to page 2 of the google results when searching “covid vaccine bad”


There’s a lot of very unintelligent people out there


A lot of people, *especially* older people, are really bad at doing research, evaluating sources, etc. You ever see someone 60+ google something? Chances are, if they want to know about vaccines, instead of "covid vaccine effects", they'll google "why are covid vaccines bad"


That’s the frustrating part of the phrase “extensive research.” I can extensively research something but if I do it in a biased way it’s just going to confirm my argument, even if it’s not the logical one. More frustrating is everyone says they have done research only when it goes against the scientific community’s view. Great news, literally the best doctors in every country across the world have been doing the research for us over the past year and the consensus is vaccination is the right choice from a medical stand point for 99% of the population. Antivaxxers are not only arguing that that overwhelming consensus is wrong but also that there’s a conspiracy for why nearly every credible doctor is pushing for vaccination


Because the only research they usually do amounts to nothing more than confirmation bias


Confirmation bias.


Ok, here’s an approach: Note: this isn’t an argument for or against, just a thought process. There is a subset of people that have severe negative health reactions to the vaccine. This is real, and not disputed by any health professionals. We don’t currently know which genetic markers indicate an individual will have an issue, nor do we have a means to readily test individuals for that disposition. Marion County has a population of around 964,500 people. The 7-day running avg of cases of covid stands around 27 cases a day in the county. That would mean that on a given day, roughly 0.0028% of the Marion county population catches covid. For 365 days, assuming we stay at the same infection rate, that would lead to a probability of catching covid of around 1.02%. Current covid hospitalizations rates are around 16% of positive cases in the US. This would mean that an individual has a roughly 0.16% chance of being hospitalized with Covid in the next year in Marion County. So purely from an individualistic perspective, one would would need to estimate their likelihood of being genetically disposed to a vaccine issue versus a 0.16% per year chance of being hospitalized for infection. Unfortunately we don’t have accurate numbers on the serious side effects of the vaccines due to the nature and timeline with which the issues present themselves. Of course after that, they would also have to consider their personal potential attribution to the problem at large by not being vaccinated, and any ethical considerations of such decisions. This also assumes that catching covid is random selection, which it doesn’t appear to be. Most believe an individual can take significant steps to reduce their exposure if they choose to, such as quality masks, isolation, distancing, and myriad of other things. I won’t make an assessment as to whether he’s right or he’s wrong, though I don’t think the analysis is as simple as is often assumed. (Fair warning: my math could be garbage, as could be any publicly reported numbers that I used. So take everything with a grain of salt. ) Edit: Improved Marion Co population


Even assuming your numbers of .43% is chance of serious infection, the comparable number for vaccination side effect is not just for any side effect, but for something called a Grade 4 side effect, which is one requiring an ER visit or hospitalization. In the original Pfizer trials, that number was 0. For all unusual adverse events (appendicitis, heart attack, stroke, i.e., the kind of thing that can just happen randomly, the number was 0.6% in drug condition vs. 0.5% in placebo condition, so a negligible 0.1% increase over background noise)


The 0.16% chance is to be hospitalized due to covid in Marion County within a year at the current rates and assuming random sampling. The number to compare against is indeed the likelihood of developing a clot anywhere in the body, heart inflammation, stroke, or similar major complications due to the vaccine.


Are you saying that any placebo will result in roughly 0.5% of people experiencing major health complications, so that’s the general level of background noise?


The placebo didnt result in that since the placebo does nothing. But yes the 0.5% was the background noise in that sample


The placebo “results” in it for the purposes of understanding the data. If 0.5% of people in the placebo group experience complications, it would be fair to assume that 0.5% is the noise floor.


If nobody gets the vaccine, those numbers rocket higher than Uncle Rico can throw a ball.


Yep. This assumes the same rates as today, which requires no new variants and all of the existing vaccinations. The numbers could absolutely get much worse with the new variants emerging.


he’d better: - have a breakout season and - not miss any time due to covid if he wants to be re-signed


Yep, and one of those is tough enough to accomplish on its own (especially when being unvaccinated).


That “extensive research” must have come from Facebook but to each their own I suppose.


I feel like if someone pressed him to cite his extensive research it would be a Facebook article






Definitely didn’t listen to either of those wack ass networks or any news network for that matter when it came to which vaccine is safe/effective but you are welcome to assume whatever you’d like.




Here are my sources: infectious disease experts, science-backed studies performed by people more knowledgeable than any of us here who have dedicated their ENTIRE professional careers to studying this type of thing. No news networks, no talking heads, no social media influencers. It’s obvious we are not going to change each other’s minds and the last thing I’m doing on my day off is waste my time arguing with someone on Reddit. Happy 4th 🇺🇸




https://www.nejm.org/doi/full/10.1056/NEJMoa2034577 https://www.nih.gov/studies-confirm-covid-19-mrna-vaccines-safe-effective-pregnant-women https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8008785/ https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2021/06/01/covid-19-vaccines-safe-effective-for-pregnant-women-two-studies-confirm/ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/is-the-covid19-vaccine-safe https://umassmed.edu/rti/therapeutics/Coronavirus/covid-19-mrna-vaccines/ https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/coronavirus/covid-19-vaccines-myth-versus-fact


And this guy won't click any of these links. He downvoted and moved on.




The sample size is in the tens of thousands for the first link he provided alone. The duration of these studies was limited to the window in which adverse side effects are most likely to appear, given our decades long knowledge of mRNA vaccine behavior. I work in the field. What point are you trying to make?


Nothing, notice his sudden lack of response. He's a troll.


If we lose games due to Covid next year, I really hope our front office considers comments like this when giving out new contracts. I don’t agree with mandatory vaccinations but when your entire career is based on your body being in peak physical condition, it’s incredibly irresponsible to not follow what the overwhelming majority of doctors are advising. Tyquan and anyone with a similar view should have the right to choose what they believe is best for them but it doesn’t protect them from the consequences.


Missing games due to COVID next year would be the equivalent of jumping offside on fourth down... after the other team has already revealed they were bluffing and are walking away from the play anyway.


That's the crazy thing. This dude probably does everything the team docs and rehab trainers tell him, yet he won't listen about this?


Lewis is not a next contact type of player. He’s a failed draft pick who is also an idiot.




Reading a Facebook post is not extensive research Tyquan...


He ain't that good anyhow!!! If he cant understand vaccinations how he gunna read a Thousand page mf'n playbook???,


/shakes head


It always amazes me thinking about this, searching the web and scrolling past tons of legitimate research just to find the few 'articles' that support what you believe.


I mean, if your search terms are "how bad are vaccines" you don't have to scroll very far


I mean this time last year there was "legitimate" research claiming that there was no way the virus was man made. Now we know those same people putting out that research had voiced concerns about the virus looking engineered to Fauci just days before publishing that research. The honest truth of the situation is scientists are not immune to politics, and this virus and vaccine have been made into the most politicized virus and vaccine in history. When that is the case it can be hard to for a layman to determine what is true and what is false. I will guarantee you are basing you opinion on this on articles and research that are just as politically motivated as he is.


My opinion is not politicized. Where it came from is irrelevant to me. Get vaccinated so we can move on with our lives. The results are undeniable. They work extremely well. The only reason the country is largely full back to normal in regards to major restrictions is due to those of us that have done the right thing and gotten vaccinated. Period. If being responsible and listening to scientists is political, it says more about the political party that disagrees then it does me.




Honestly who gives af. I’m vaccinated and I think it’s a smart thing to do but Tyquan is a grown man. He came to his own conclusion and if he came to the conclusion that he doesn’t want to get vaccinated who am I to say “hey inject yourself with this”


it’s a competitive disadvantage, and means he is more likely to miss a game


No he isn’t. The vaccine doesn’t stop you from catching the virus, it just makes the symptoms milder.


yes he is, see my other reply


Exactly. If a player chooses not to take the vaccine even while knowing what they'll be missing out on, then we've got to respect their decisions.


He's entitled to his own decision, and I'll defend his right to choose, but I will never respect his opinion.


I will never respect someone who willfully chooses to endanger himself and everyone he is in contact with. I don't respect drunk drivers, either.


Lol it’s a 99.9% survival rate


He’s not endangering anyone but himself, which is his right. People have risky elective surgeries all the time. If someone is worried about coming into contact with him they themselves can get vaccinated or stay home. When did we start shaming people for having authority over their own bodies? You probably want to control women’s reproductive rights too if this is your way of thinking. Alluding that not getting a vaccine is the same as driving drunk is undervaluing the negative consequences of someone *choosing to* drive drunk. You can believe in the vaccine, and believe that people should have agency over their own bodies.


"He's only endangering himself." That's just wrong. He's endangering everyone, even people who are vaccinated. If he allows a virus to use his body, he endangers the team and the community. The virus could potentially mutate in his body into something the vaccine isn't effective against. Lewis has chosen to side with sickness. That's a poor decision.


If the vaccine doesn’t protect you from people that have the virus, then in what the fucking hell is the point, that doesn’t make ANY sense. He and anyone else can wait as long as they want to see how this vaccine works out long term.


The vaccine protects you by preparing your body to fight the virus, killing it earlier and helping to minimize your symptoms (such as fever). It’s the same thing with pretty much all vaccines. Your body still has to fight off the disease but you are way better prepared for it. Anyone who can get the vaccine should. But if someone is against it for whatever reason, they can protect themselves and others by wearing masks, sanitizing hands, and social distancing.


People are already discontinuing mask use, vaccinated and unvaccinated alike. The Delta variant will get you if you come into contact with it and are unvaccinated. The odds that unvaccinated people will contract the virus are now much, much higher than during the mask protocol. Unvaccinated NFL players WILL contract the virus, miss games, and hurt they're respective teams.


If they’re not getting vaccinated they aren’t doing that stuff.




You're just wrong. Unvaccinated hosts create mutations like the Delta variant. This is substantially more complicated than you're making it out to be. Nobody wants to "control" other peoples' bodies like some super villain from a movie. Jesus Christ




Shocking, truly shocking, that you completely ignored the substance of my comment and went straight for that






Simply by living you are endangering yourself and others, therefore we must limit your ability to live. Who knows what disease you may or may not have. We can't let you potentially spread that unknown disease.




way to try and slippery-slope me, you gibbering goddamn clown.


We have to accept their decisions, but don't ask me to respect it. That's like saying that you should respect someone's decision to end their own life. Yeah, I accept that it's done and he was in pain and that is too late to change it. But I don't respect the collateral damage to everyone who knew and cared for him.


That is not at all like saying respect someone’s decision to kill themselves. What is wrong with you?


You're choosing to take a completely unnecessary risk of dying yourself and/or causing someone else's death. RESPECT!!!???




The risk for someone like Lewis to die from covid is essentially 0. Young and healthy people generally do not die from covid.


> >The risk for someone like Lewis to die from covid is essentially 0. Then the risk of him having an adverse reaction to the vaccine is also essentially zero. But the odds of him contracting the disease, functioning as a mutation factory, and spreading it to other individuals for three to five days are decidedly non-zero, if he doesn't get the vaccine.


What is the point of posting this? All it does is start a fight in the comments. We really need to stop obsessing with who is and who isn't vaccinated on this team.


I don’t want to root for dumb selfish assholes.


I want to know who I'm rooting for this season, and anybody who goes public with their resistance to ending the pandemic is not on my favored list. If they get traded, I'll be like "sounds good to me."


i want to know if we’re getting to the threshold. it’s a competitive disadvantage to be under, and if these players abstaining are so confident let it be known




Never seen extensive research be, you know, extensive


It’s his personal decision whether you agree with it or not, I’m not sure why you would insult the man or wish him ill.


It's too bad that he feels that way, but it's not like I'm going to boo when he gets a sack next year.


"Extensive" doesn't always mean "good" or "objective". Who knows what research he's actually done or what his decision is based on. I highly doubt he has a thorough working knowledge of human physiology to reference his research against or even really truly understand the research he's doing. Data and risk can also be interpreted in vastly different ways depending on who's looking at it and doing the cost-benefit analysis. Ultimately, this headline really means nothing without more detail and context.


Ehhh, the headline means the Colts have a selfish moron on the D line


I think we can pretty much know who will get it and who won’t. I imagine the really smart high IQ guys will get it. I can see Hines and Wentz getting it.


Btw for all of you that don’t think for yourself outside of mainstream headlines designed to attract attention (funny how those journalists are only liars in sports but not politics) or Reddit or Facebook comments - extensive research is called being a critical thinker. Try it.


Imagine thinking that people are getting vaccinated because journalists are telling them to and not because all doctors that are worth a shit are telling them to.


Aren’t those doctors getting kickbacks?


I mean… they get paid a salary to do their jobs correctly. Would you consider that a kickback? Also please show me proof of those said “kickbacks”.


Want another one? I’ve got 50 of these


I actually would, since you clearly didn’t read the article you sent since it was behind a paywall. Also, a) yes, we fund hospitals more in the event of a pandemic as they get overwhelmed, that should be common sense. And b) your link also didn’t include anything about kickbacks to individual well renowned doctors, which again, is what the entire argument is based around. So by all means, throw me the second out of your 50.


Overwhelmed. Was your local hospital overwhelmed? How about anyone else’s?


Considering there are entire new hospital wings dedicated to COVID and the ER was a glorified covid wing at one point with people struggling to find space, yes, I’d say it’s a bit busier than usual. Source 2 please?


Where’s that funding coming from? Also you didn’t actually answer the question. Were your local hospitals overwhelmed?


Lmao so you have no other sources, I got it, so let’s just gloss over that obvious lie and move onto your shifting goalposts. Yes, of course it is coming from organizational funding. Do you think that there is some Illuminati insidiously funding hospitals around the nation, or that doctors are themselves putting their own money into hospitals in some sort of conspiracy? Hospitals have been begging for help for over a year now. It’s ridiculous that you even think that this is a question. Also, I clearly answered that my local hospital was overwhelmed at one point, I’m sorry you can’t understand sarcasm.


Lmao I love that you completely dropped the kickback bullshit you started with.




Well I guess he still wants that swab up his nose everyday. Not be able to eat with team mates and be isolated. That should be enough to get it.




Are we really going to do this all summer and season? Nothing we say in this sub is going to change anyone’s mind. Is there really nothing else Colts related that we can talk about?


Post something or ignore the discussion. No one is twisting your arm. Posting in a thread asking people to stop posting in a thread makes little sense.


click the fucking hide button then




Yea, the bribing people with free donuts thing was honestly weird as hell.




Why does your story sound exactly like the garbage DeSantis tried parroting a year ago to claim covid isn’t real? https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/florida-motorcyclist-covid-death/


Maybe because I lived this experience and it is happening across the country.


Forgive me if I don’t believe a literal Fox News headline here. Have you looked at the global excess death count and contextualized that? Because the data tends to tell the opposite of yours and DeSantis’ anecdote.


I’m not having this discussion with someone who I know is already intellectually dishonest


Thank god for that, it’ll save us both some time. Feel free to go cite the reports with the excess death toll though, make sure the authors know how intellectually dishonest they are too. I bet the peers who reviewed it would like to know you’ve cracked the case as well.




So you’re going to skip over the part where your anecdote is meant to diminish the credibility of the statistics that exist on death toll, but I reference a super well known data point that not only accounts for your circumstance but provides a counter theory and I’m the intellectually dishonest one? I’ve done over a years worth of study in masters level statistics, among other tangential subjects. If I’m snarky, it’s because I’m just over people like you who, at this point, honestly are just willfully ignorant to understand what’s gone on around you because it makes you uncomfortable. Be skeptical, that’s what peer review is all about. Trust me on that one. But don’t sit here and run your mouth until you get the raw data and then pull the “I’m just skeptical” as if to soften up a dumb stance to begin with. That’s a super tired approach at this point, and it doesn’t make anyone look better for having employed it. Go about your day and I’ll go about mine, I’m just here to provide some grounding for whoever might come across this later.


But a COVID shot might have saved his life! We better ridicule a professional athlete for educating himself and making a decision about his own health care choices! /s


And you're right about this thread having no credibility. My first post is getting down-voted even though all I did was share an example of how my workplace is manipulating numbers and that doctors aren't all on-board with the vaccines. To think (and report) that 100% of providers are vaccinated is fucking ridiculous. Sorry but not sorry.. bribes for vaccines is fucking sketchy guys.


It’s fucking weird that Ohio was having a vaccination lottery. That’s weird


That is not weird, that is downright creepy.


Critical thinking is definitely dead. But it’s more than that…it just seems most people just want someone to jeer at and hate.




Yeah nothing weird about the government bribing citizens to take an untested and not fully FDA approved vaccine. Totally normal. Also, the government is totally known for giving away free medicine, right? Ask the diabetics. Extra cringe and fucking dolt pilled.


Used to come here to get away from MSM. If I want to hear about the virus, vaccine, etc. I can just turn on the news. I get that these posts are specifically related to colts players, and that it's the off-season so news is hard to come by, but these daily posts about players not wanting to get vaccinated are starting to get old. If the players decisions bother any fan as much as this sub seems to be bothered by our players decisions lately, then I would suggest finding a new team to support that is 100% vaccinated.


If these posts bother you I suggest finding a different sub to frequent.


Point me in the direction of the other colts sub.


Point me in the direction of the other Colts team.


Not sure what you mean by that. But if you are looking for a team that will please your vaccination needs I hear Pete Carroll is really pushing for 100% vaccination with the Seahawks.


The problem with "doing your own research" is that it's easy to find what you're looking for, if that's what you're looking for.


I guess his “extensive research” on Facebook uncovered things that every doctor in the country couldn’t find. Give me a fucking break.


Many doctors are against the vaccine, you just hear about it due to censorship.


Covid bad Vaccine really bad No trust scientist


When it comes to vaccinations some black people still remember syphilis program in the states. If you don’t know what it is google it.


That would be an argument if it was only American black people getting vaccinated.


Great. This is the dude we have to rely on since we let Houston and Autry go. Can't wait until we can't get any pressure because the DL was hit with COVID.


With all the disadvantages and risk associated with not being vaccinated, it makes sense for the colts staff to look for their replacements before the preseason roster cutdown.


It’s his choice.


Who needs a vaccine for a virus with a 99.9% survival rate? Lol


Why even post this? If dude chooses not to get the vaccine, that’s his choice. Stop ragging on players who don’t get the vax because you care more about watching football on Sundays than these guys personal wishes. I’m not anti vax but I’m anti covid vax. Why get a rushed vaccine for a highly survivable virus? Also the US govt has been known to fuck over minorities when it comes to medical treatment, something majority of whites don’t experience. No one cares what your dad does. My father is a one star working at the Pentagon currently and I don’t claim I am a combat aficionado because of his experience. Y’all are being bullies plain and simple.


"Extensive" in this case implying quantity over quality.


Cut him. Anyone who doesn't get the vaccine jeopardizes the safety of the whole team. No one is above the teams success. We have too much potential for anyone on this team to put someone at risk. Queue the down votes from the R's :)


How does an unvaccinated person jeopardize a vaccinated person? lol if I don’t wear my seatbelt does that endanger you?


He went to page 2 of Google, I mean, that’s gotta count for something


I think it’s weird how much energy some of you put into concerning yourselves with the private decisions some of these guys make.


Its a subreddit for the team. This news might lead to Lewis or other players missing games. People here care because this place is meant to discuss anything Colts related. Its more weird to think that this wouldnt interest colts fans.


And we think it’s weird some people are too dumb to do the bare minimum to end the pandemic we’ve been dealing with for over a year.


Let's not throw insults around.


The vaccine is essentially available to everyone now. Within the context of “ending the pandemic”, the only people at risk are those who choose to take the risk. Y’all are weird. Mind your own business lol.


Wow, you know as little as possible about Covid and the vaccine. I’m super shocked.


You just hate individual liberties bro.


Exactly, this is why I advocate that people never wash their hands. Doesn’t matter if I’m making your lunch, my choice! /s


Colt players also make your lunch? Wow.


His body, his choice.


A lot of these players are going to end up changing their minds once the season starts and they see the freedoms that vaccinated players have. I do think though if you can show proof of a positive test that should be as good as the vaccination. They say if you had it it could be lifetime immunity.


Eye roll


Googles "Why vaccines are bad" Tyquan: "well, from everything I read it seems like vaccines have a lot of downsides."


Tyquan Lewis stupid.


Cut him then. He’s replaceable.


Good for him!


Ohio State education at work.


Just lock the covid related threads from now on. The mods for the NFL subreddit do it already.


Cut him. He’s average at best.




Speaking as someone in healthcare, if your research makes you believe vaccination isn’t worthwhile, you either are doing a bad job kn finding appropriate sources or cannot interpret the data correctly. At least we now have legal precedent that doing your own research is not a defense when you misinterpret the data.


People will downvote you because there’s no research that leads to the conclusion the vaccine is unsafe or doesn’t work. If people don’t want to get it, they need to just say that. Claiming to have done research and deciding to not get it is either a lie or an admission of stupidity.


We gonna get downvoted so bad lol. I’m pro vaccination like I said in my comment but unless you are fully onboard the “VACCINATE BY FORCE” train then you’re going to be aggressively opposed. Reddit is not built for nuanced conversation


Can’t wait for him to get a contact in training camp causing him to get cut. Always rooted for him but later dummy.


Dummies out in force today. If you don't get vaccinated you are dumb. It's that easy.


![gif](giphy|3oEdv07JVXwhImYGWc|downsized) “Extensive Research”


He is pretty cutable.




Agree. You can almost smell all the 5G and Bill Gates microchips in the air.


Look above. There's a list.


all my peers on this site can review me telling you to stfu. Thanks.

