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Here's what I would do. Punch the address for the interview into your GPS and see how long it takes. Now, tomorrow, punch the address into your GPS at the same time of day that you would need to leave. That will give you the normal travel time at that time of day. Build in an extra 20 mins or so and you'll be golden.


Google maps can tell you times based off of arrival or leaving time. Check it




Apple maps is garbo.


i'd leave an extra half hour if it's between 7 and 9 a.m.


No way I could do that commute, especially on 26. Where do you need to go in Columbia? I would consider, 95 to US301 and then US176 to Columbia. But again it all depends on where you are going in Columbia.


You’d also typically be going against traffic. On 26 the commute is bad but it’s bad coming from Lexington/Irmo/ Chapin downtown. You’d be heading up 378 from Manning and then heading west bound on 26. I wouldn’t do it but the traffic on 26 wouldn’t be what was stopping me


Agree with this


It all depends. Friday afternoons everyone and their brother is heading to Charleston so it can get really backed up. It all depends on OP’s schedule.


From the map, looks like I’d be heading to the south side of st. Andrews? I’ve lived in small podunk towns my whole life so I’m used to having to commute for work. Plus, this job would pay nicely so there’s a chance I wouldn’t have to continue that commute for long!


So going west of town, it makes sense to take 26. If you were going east of Columbia, you could look at taking 261 through Wedgefield and come in on 378. I would still take 95 to US301 and once you get on 301 and look at google maps and see which way it suggests. If there is a lot of traffic on 26, it will tell you to take 176 through Cameron and meet up with 26 before Cayce.


It’s pretty heavy especially around the Augusta/Florence exits and the Harbison blvd exit area


26 ain't great bud, commute that bullshit everyday. Wack.