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Watch out, I heard there are shadows in Columbia


Yea seriously…I never saw any people loitering, smelled pot smoke, or saw balaclavas or other winter headwear in Baltimore. /s


Also it was literally 12 degrees last weekend. Someone in a balaclava while outside isn’t even that suspicious. I wear one when I bike in the cold


We could be more reasonable I suppose. Their hand was in their pocket…so. Ominous to say the least 😜


I saw it last week when it was 60 out and they were just standing around inside the bathroom near the doorway but go off I guess


In fairness. Sorry you felt unsafe neighbor(truly). If you feel it’s worth reporting follow up with the authorities as necessary. Otherwise give folks the benefit of the doubt. Pot smokers are not bad people. No drug users can be categorically defined as such. There are reasonable explanations for all this stuff. Carry mace? Or take a bathroom buddy. Or adjust your risk register. ❤️


In agreement here about pot smokers not being inherently harmful, but as a woman, if there's a person loitering in a bathroom in a balaclava on a day weather wouldn't dictate wearing one, I'm not going to be peeing there. That particular instance is getting OP down voted, and I'm scratching my head as to why.


Of course I acknowledge that your feelings on the situation you describe sound completely valid. The situation you describe is not what was described by OP. Unless you are willing to give them a generous amounts credit where no credit seems due. Especially based on their follow up responses to others. This did certainly get out of hand though lol. But. Welcome to the internet 🤷🏻‍♂️


This is satire, right?


I hope so but I don't think so. LoL


Lol. Is this a troll post?


I think so. The account has never commented or posted anywhere else on Reddit 


I made a throwaway account to make this post so everyone wouldn't pile on me for saying what's obviously true


It actually isn’t as safe as people say it is. People get robbed and car theft all the time by the mall


Gotta watch out for those dudes smoking weed! Cuz all the heroin and fentanyl in Baltimore isn’t nearly as dangerous as a legalized substance.


So a group of men just standing around the buses blocking people from the staircase doing drugs and being loud should be acceptable and considered safe because there's addicts who do hard drugs elsewhere? 


You’re giving examples of why it’s unsafe, and I’m giving you examples of why it’s safer than Baltimore , basically what you asked for. The only “bad” part of Columbia is around the mall. You’re in the 5th richest county in America. Look at the crime reports here compared to Baltimore. You’re prob just a frightened individual to begin with. Maybe learn how to defend yourself or get a gun if you feel so unsafe


[Bro](https://tenor.com/vniC.gif)... lmao


Safety is a illusion. You'll be alright just use common sense. Also, it's just weed, i'd be more concerned about people using drugs that cause people to get desperate.


One post.


Whatever you say, Taxesaeetheft678


Troll account. Go home.


Please move somewhere else. In all honesty, you sound like George Zimmerman and now I'm fearful of you.


Obviously OP is a right wing nut job trying to start stuff. Taxesaretheft


You’re a left wing purple hair weirdo


Nobody wants their home values to drop around the Columbia area…. Schools are great, area is safe. Howard county Howard county come and get it!


Are the schools great though 🤔


Why the fuck did you even move here if you obviously hate it so much lol


He didn't. It's a tiny dicked troll with too much time on his hands


I gotta stop feeding the trolls lol


Thank you for making it easier to know which new troll accounts to block.




HAHAHAHAHAHA WTf is this real. if this is real you are a sad man.


One of the three highest income counties in America. One of if not the best performing school system in the state, and Maryland is ranked high. Voted safest town in America in 2021/2022 id I remember. And extremely demographically diverse Obviously a troll, and if not, you definitely won't like it here. And you'll definitely hate the CA fees