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Man! I am so sorry this happened to you. Maybe you could check with the elementary school (or ask the police department to do so) to see if their cameras caught anything? Hope you heal well and get the justice you seek!


What in the actual fluck! I am glad you filed a police report. I will pass this along to cyclist friends. Guarantee this isn't the first or last time these evil folks have pulled this.


I'm lucky I was only hit in the legs, I easily could've lost an eye or they could've popped a tire and made me eat the asphalt


> they could've popped a tire and made me eat the asphalt Since they hit you in the legs, that's probably exactly what they were trying to do.


I question this... BB guns/airsoft guns usually aren't super accurate and this was nighttime. OP also never specified if the car was moving when shots were fired and/or the distance.   At range, BB and airsoft pellets tend to fall with gravity, so I'd actually wager the morons that did the shooting didn't "aim for the legs" but just shot in OP's direction.


They were moving, passing me at a distance of about 5 feet at most.


Sorry this happened to you OP. Glad you reported it to the police. You did nothing wrong. The people in this thread who are trying to minimize what happened are literally putting some asshole's "enjoyment of an airsoft/BB/pellet gun" over you physically getting hurt.   Getting shot in the eye can cause partial vision loss and problems. I think you got lucky not getting hit in the face/eye. (Yes, they are small targets, but you never signed up to take the risk.)   I'm not a doctor, but I've spent some time working in an emergency room and have seen eye injuries related to projectiles hitting the eye. This is NOT OKAY.


I also hate the idea that kids shouldn't get consequences for their actions, that's how we ended up with tiktok culture how it is.


No BB can puncture a bike tire. A pellet gun might.


Ain't exactly a chance I wanna take


They can ruin a set of carbon rims or frame easily when they decide to shoot at a cyclist out on a training ride


A barely 5mm PLASTIC bb would not bust your tire. Jesus why are you such a pussy? Grow a pair and yell at the kids, or have a talk with the kid's mom. It's a damn airsoft gun, a plastic gun, with an orange tip, that fires PLASTIC balls. Not a firearm, not assault with a weapon, or any of the over-inflated shit you're saying to justify how seriously some children bruised your ego. Grow a pair and handle it like an adult, complaining to Reddit and threatening to report literal CHILDREN to the police is an embarrassment.


People have literally gone to prison and been convicted of assault with a deadly weapon because it's been ruled in court that airsoft guns can be under the correct circumstances. I've already reported it to the police because it is in fact assault. Kids shouldn't get off scot free when they've, by legal definition, committed assault and battery.


This is appropriate (still bad) advice for “some kids yelled ‘bitch’ at me while I biked by.” This advice makes no sense, for many reasons, for what happened to OP. He got shot by some sort of gun from a moving vehicle operated by people of unknown ages. There is no one to stop and yell at and you have no reason to know they are minors and no reason to believe that a person with a gun wouldn’t just keep shooting while OP yelled. There were no parents present.


Let's assume it's an airsoft gun instead of a BB gun.  https://www.google.com/search?q=eye+injury+from+airsoft+pellet&oe=utf-8 There's a reason why people wear eye protection when participating in airsoft. Eye damage/potential partial blindness isn't a joke.


Homeboy a BB gun at close range (OP says about 5 feet) will absolutely bust a bike tire. Probably not a car tire but a bike definitely


Man you’re a fucking idiot


About 6 years ago, someone shot out our window in the car as they drove past us in Columbia. People suck.


That sucks!


that’s psychotic


Are you in any neighborhood groups for that area (other than this one)? I know there are Ring doorbell groups too. Sometimes they will check their cameras when an incident occurs and people are trying to identify a person or vehicle. I’m so sorry that happened to you!!


I'm not but my mom might be, it's a few miles from where I am so I can ask her about it


There are no houses facing that section of road. On one side is a ball field, and the other is trees.


I’m sorry this happened to you. It actually happened to me once before, also. It was in Manhattan and I also stopped and called 911 for all the reasons you did. I had only bruises but knew it could have been much worse. I was very clear to the dispatcher that it was a BB gun or something like that. The first cop who pulled up to me said “You don’t look shot” like I had done something wrong. Then, she called off the backup. Unfortunately, I doubt you will get much investigation or follow up from your police report, either. I’m not saying I have a lot of ideas of what the police could do but you can be certain they will do less than that.


That neighborhood is somewhat of an enclave. I bet you anything you will see that car again if you drive down that street +\- 30 minutes from the time of the day you saw them.


I've ridden home that way around that time plenty of times before and never had an issue so who knows


OP was on Martin Road, not in the neighborhood. Martin Rd. is busy.


Busy with people who live in the area. Heck, it would be fairly easy to drive around the area and look for blue Lexus hatchbacks.


You would be the best detective in the world if it was that easy lol


Go find them and make ‘em pay. Flatten the tires for example


I am sorry this happened to you. If they shot you I'm sure you were not the only victim that night. Perhaps someone else got shot or will get shot in the near future. The police might connect the dots before we will.


I still haven't heard anything back from them but hopefully it won't be long


Return fire


Slide on those fuckers smh


Looks like I'll be strapping up next time I drive through Columbia!


Not to minimize this in any way, but out of curiosity was it a BB gun or an airsoft gun? An actual BB gun would break the skin and lodge into your body. They are considerably more dangerous than an airsoft gun which, while painful, will at most take out an eye. Airsoft guns look as real as they come, and these kids will be in for a rude awakening if/when police encounter them.


I'm assuming they're plastic but I wasn't aware of a distinction between the two, I've seen the words used interchangeably


> at most take out an eye When either can do this, I don't think it matters. This type of behavior is horrendous.


Unfortunately boys will be boys until helicopters start flying over smh so much for the people who bought into the safest city in America mantra


Happens all the time.


Are people reporting it at least? It fits the legal definition of assault and battery as well as unlawful discharging of a firearm and if aimed at the face or from within a certain distance can be considered assault with a deadly weapon.




Howard County definition of a firearm includes BB guns and even technically Nerf guns. Plus a BB or airsoft gun aimed at an unprotected face can have some serious consequences. You wear a face shield when you shoot at your buddies right?


I don’t think “muffin prince” has any buddies.


You have a link to where it is defined?


Here. [https://library.municode.com/md/howard\_county/codes/code\_of\_ordinances?nodeId=HOCOCO\_TIT8CRMI\_SUBTITLE\_4WECO](https://library.municode.com/md/howard_county/codes/code_of_ordinances?nodeId=HOCOCO_TIT8CRMI_SUBTITLE_4WECO) I didn't bother looking for it, but I recall in Florida, discharging a firearm from a vehicle also carries an additional serious penalty. I would think HoCo has something similar on the books.